Capitan, 1st officer and warrant officer, rest girls are crew
No, no, as I said before, the girls can't be common sailors. They must be at the head of the ship. Anyway, besides the captain (Sukkhon), the first mate and warrant officer, we need at least a pilot and a ship's surgeon.
So we have enough roles for Jasmine, Michelle and Zoe. No need to demean them to do vile things.
In fact, we are missing one person...
I know ! There were no surgeon on board.
Yoon secretly studied medicine, despite the opposition of her ignoble father who only want her to be a good spouse he could "sell" to conclude some alliance. Because we know all she's a caring person, and she want to help those who suffer.
During the attack of the ship, many crews of Sukkhon were wounded. And even if she was now the prisoner of the terrible pirate Sukkhon (who is the equal of the terrible pirate Robert

), listening only to her heart, she began to care for the poor injured.
Surprised by this mark of empathy, and noticing that Yoon is an expert in treating the injured, Sukkhon decided to take her on board as the ship's surgeon.

And If any other girls decide to come aboard (we need at least the shy but hot girls Amy & Maggie

), we will surely be able to find them suitable positions.