I am sorry this is gonna kinda sound like a TED Talk on D/s please skip on ahead if you are not interested. Ill spare the rest by not doing a quote by quote breakdown, instead addressing one specific aspect, but it seems like we are on a similar page, accepting that everyone who is into D/s has their own unique experience, so im speaking form mine.
I had to laugh when I see you reference Gor with similar... "respect"

to my own. People who know me well in the dominant role think its fun to tease me with those books when they are feeling cheeky, because they know how much I dislike them. If you have not read Houseplants of Gor, its a pretty dead on brutal satire of the series.
When I reference lifestyler I am indeed meaning Zoe seems more like a 24/7 dominant who will always be "on" when Yoon is involved, with a firm hand on the wheel so to speak. Where Jasmine feels like a "scener" who takes charge in the bedroom and in certain situations and the rest of the time she's gonna be more girlfriend/wife material. I feel the two can co-exist quite nicely.
Zoe being younger matters not one bit. She has vastly more confidence and drive than Yoon does at this point, shes a perfect fit for Yoon as well.
Not that Zoe cant also fill those roles or that she will be some cold bitch to Yoon, many people think being D means you are an abusive person at worst or a cold hearted person who doesn't love their partner(s) at best, there for the kink of it. Personally there isn't much I wouldn't do for my S partners. Zoe clearly shows tenderness and care for Yoon, shes just frustrated because to her its obvious where Yoon belongs.
24/7 is still living your normal life, doing stuff as partners, there is just a dynamic of one being in charge and one not. A lot of the time Its not unlike a traditional couple dynamic of bygone eras. It's not always what you see on TV or in "documentaries" that focus on the kink aspect of it, showing the S in scandalous clothing (especially when Femdomme F/m dynamic is involved) rather than just two people in a relationship with a bit of a more defined role dynamic. Becuase not all D/s couples are into kinky BDSM, or roleplay etc. I am just as likely to be cuddled up chatting about the day. watching a movie with my subby partners or gaming as anything else.
A not so secret secret of proper D/s is that the S has all the power where as the D has the control and that is how it works when both want the same goal. The D cant do her thing if the S doesnt allow it (unhealthy abusive relationships aside) and the S wants the D to do her thing so she gives up her control. both get what they want and need. I see that in Yoon and Zoe. Zoe cant be Yoon's dominant partner if Yoon doesnt let her, but Yoon also strongly desires to have (at least at this point) someone guiding her, she is constantly internally begging for guidance on what she should do. Zoe, Jasmine and Sukkhon has so far been providing that in their own unique ways.