You seemed to imply that she sleeps with anyone at the drop of a hat. And as you wrote that she surrenders herself. Which I understood that she becomes a mindless plaything subjected to the whims of others. Essentially just a doll.
And that kind of games there are already too many and I'd hate if free pass would become just another one.
Thank you for clarification.
Though you assume incorrectly that I would consider sex with several partners at once as something dirty. Quite the contrary. Though in movies I'd rather watch a guy with several girls than the other way around.

As long as it was her choice and she was not forced or blackmailed into it. And further I'd prefer her to be with women.

I'd go even so far and say she could have her harem of girls.

I agree that the devs seem to be doing a good job so far. I haven't played the latest update yet.
There's her upbringing and cultural background. Which is very far from what you want to see. So far she may never get there. I think it's good we get a different kind of protagonist. And my wish of her forming a happy "family" with Jasmine and Michelle might remain just a wish.