
Forum Fanatic
Jun 9, 2017
You have something to shame? :LOL:
Don't bother, it's just lazy person, who dont want to look on previous page or use search.
of course i have something to shame? I didn't played the Alice-Only route at all...i have 32 perv points xD i had the threesome with leah xD i lied all along(i still love Alice) ç_ç

My favs are:
1- Alice
2- Mel(mostly bc she is funny and crazy)
3- That Black Sabbath Poster from Jojo(Coolest Stand ever!)
4- Karina(cute lil'sister who tries to be acknowledged by you in a "Please MC notice me ç_ç")
5- Leah(i don't like her style but i always disliked punk-style and bimbos)

and i would hate if there will be an harem-ending


Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
Alice is best girl, tough call between Leah and Melody for #2. It was Leah, but this last update gave Melody more depth outside of being a nympho so I think she has a tiny edge

Gonna say

1- Alice, basically perfect.
2A- Melody, a crazy nympho who's gonna be poppin' out babies in about 9 months (maybe)
2B- Leah, a sweet bitch, who is totally gonna murder MC when he bangs Karina.
3- Hailey, a foreshadowing of Melody in 10-20 years
4- Karina, she might actually be crazier than Melody when she gets going


Active Member
May 26, 2017
and i would hate if there will be an harem-ending
Come on, let MC have happy ending. It would be quite sad to choose someone, cause in the end you will lose your friend. There is no such things as "let stay friends", there is always a loss. Alice is great, and i know if there will be only one-girl endings i would stay with her, but it would be quite heartbreaking to lose Melody. And you would lose her, no matter what. So no, let me believe in fairy tail with a happy ending for everyone.
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Engaged Member
Jul 28, 2017
Come on, let MC have happy ending. It would be quite sad to choose someone, cause in the end you will lose your friend. There is no such things as "let stay friends", there is always a loss. Alice is great, and i know if there will be only one-girl endings i would stay with her, but it would be quite heartbreaking to lose Melody. And you would lose her, no matter what. So no, let me believe in fairy tail for with a happy ending for everyone.
They all seems pretty happy with sharing MC, so I too hope for a haremish ending or at least something like the holiday episode with Karina. Choosing a girl but still fooling around with the rest.
I don't think choosing one will necessarily break the friendship with the ones you didn't chose, their relationship is way past the point of that.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 9, 2017
I don't think choosing one will necessarily break the friendship with the ones you didn't chose, their relationship is way past the point of that.
Come on, let MC have happy ending. It would be quite sad to choose someone, cause in the end you will lose your friend. There is no such things as "let stay friends", there is always a loss. Alice is great, and i know if there will be only one-girl endings i would stay with her, but it would be quite heartbreaking to lose Melody. And you would lose her, no matter what. So no, let me believe in fairy tail with a happy ending for everyone.
WINTEX you talk like people doesn't/can't feel envy/jeolousy at's a realistic modern-lore game, the harem-endings are good for fantasy-games, like Harem or Harem Collector or Long Live the Princess. There are games with set up in modern-age with harems like The Company, Taffy Tales, Summertimes Saga, Man of the house...but they are based on the idea of harem or have sex with tons of girls/boys/whomever. but Freeloading Family doesn't seem that kind of the other games there are tons of girls, here we barely have six: Alice, Leah, Melody, Karina, Hailey and Susan(for like 5 minutes, thank god). Okay may be a realistic harem, like that Arabic-families with 6 wives(i don't even know if that kind of thing is still legal even there, sorry if someone may be offendend but i don't really know much about that kind of culture, feel free to hate me btw) but doesn't seem like that some point one of those incredible girls will ask you to choose one of them, and they'll deal with it...
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Jun 20, 2018
Come on, let MC have happy ending. It would be quite sad to choose someone, cause in the end you will lose your friend. There is no such things as "let stay friends", there is always a loss. Alice is great, and i know if there will be only one-girl endings i would stay with her, but it would be quite heartbreaking to lose Melody. And you would lose her, no matter what. So no, let me believe in fairy tail with a happy ending for everyone.
WINTEX you talk like people doesn't/can't feel envy/jeolousy at's a realistic modern-lore game, the harem-endings are good for fantasy-games, like Harem or Harem Collector or Long Live the Princess. There are games with set up in modern-age with harems like The Company, Taffy Tales, Summertimes Saga, Man of the house...but they are based on the idea of harem or have sex with tons of girls/boys/whomever. but Freeloading Family doesn't seem that kind of the other games there are tons of girls, here we barely have six: Alice, Leah, Melody, Karina, Hailey and Susan(for like 5 minutes, thank god). Okay may be a realistic harem, like that Arabic-families with 6 wives(i don't even know if that kind of thing is still legal even there, sorry if someone may be offendend but i don't really know much about that kind of culture, feel free to hate me btw) but doesn't seem like that some point one of those incredible girls will ask you to choose one of them, and they'll deal with it...
How about multiple ending?you can choose anyone to end up with or you can choose harem?this way we can satisfy everyone


Engaged Member
Jul 28, 2017
How about multiple ending?you can choose anyone to end up with or you can choose harem?this way we can satisfy everyone
It doesn't even have to be a harem in a relationship level. Just like the current, every girl knows you are technically "dating" Alice but they hook up with you either way. Or they don't even need to put a label to it, as long as they are all happy living together and spending time with each other, who cares who is "the girlfriend".


Active Member
May 26, 2017
WINTEX you talk like people doesn't/can't feel envy/jeolousy at's a realistic modern-lore game, the harem-endings are good for fantasy-games, like Harem or Harem Collector or Long Live the Princess. There are games with set up in modern-age with harems like The Company, Taffy Tales, Summertimes Saga, Man of the house...but they are based on the idea of harem or have sex with tons of girls/boys/whomever. but Freeloading Family doesn't seem that kind of the other games there are tons of girls, here we barely have six: Alice, Leah, Melody, Karina, Hailey and Susan(for like 5 minutes, thank god). Okay may be a realistic harem, like that Arabic-families with 6 wives(i don't even know if that kind of thing is still legal even there, sorry if someone may be offendend but i don't really know much about that kind of culture, feel free to hate me btw) but doesn't seem like that some point one of those incredible girls will ask you to choose one of them, and they'll deal with it...
I know that there are not going to be happy ending, its just unrealistic. Thats why i keep asking V.A.Laurie to make Melody a little less straight. Cause the idea of Melody\Alice and MC do the thing like it was with Leah, it is the easiest way not to lose her. And to create 2 family, one lesbian one and second mc\desired girls is the only possible way to have harem. Well, you can also include Aunt here, if she'd be telling everyone that she sorrow her dead husband so she dont want to marry another time. It would also have some logic behind it. I'm not telling to have "Harem" family. I'm telling to keep all girls. I know it not possible< but hey< why not at least to try. The problem is "straighness" of Melody and Karina.
And yes, it is still problem to marry desired one, cause u can make 1 normal and 1 "cover" lesbian family if you marry Alice in the end. Just not possible cause only Leah and Alice are Bi. So we need one more, and I really want to exclude Leah, she's so so.
But yes, if you try hard enought u can make "harem" ending logical and possible. You will still lose one girl though. Melody or Karina. And we dont really need realistic ending here, in 0.99 V.A.Laurie can say that MC bought a lot of Bitcoins and became millionare, so the harem life is possible to him. I'd still love it, i have enough realism in real life. Quite shitty one. So nope, dont need that in game as well.
That is also the reason that i dont really like DrPinkCake and his Acting Lessons, and probably Being a DIK in the future. Its full of fucking realism.
And if its gonna be like i'm suggesting, MC have family with desired girl, marry her and have kids. Lesbian family have a family and have kids from MC, its quite normal for lesbian family to have kids nowadays. They can even marry. Aunt is telling everyone that she sorrow for her husband, so not gonna marry anyone anymore, still have kids from MC and telling everyone she wanted kid so she went to sperm bank, name that kid after her dead husband and no one have any questions. Karina or Melody leave for theyre own hapiness, it depends which one MC choose to marry. Still lots of "ifs" but its a start. It would be so much better if it was possible to minimize girls to 3, but here is a problem. Melody. I want a fucking ending with her and Alice. And that is a problem.
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Bahamut Zero

Engaged Member
Apr 27, 2017
here my Italian translation of Freeloading Family version 0.18.
As much as possible I have tried to eliminate the grammatical inaccuracies deriving from the translation of Google Translate.

Here the link:

1) To install just unzip the FRE018Ita.rar file in the game's "game" directory. Answer Yes to any overwrite request.
2) If you have the version of the game that has the * .rpy files in the "game" folder, the translation works ONLY if the * .rpy files show ALL DELETED. In practice they should only postpone the * .rpyc translation files.
1) At the first start an error may occur. Just close and restart the game.


qui la mia traduzione in italiano di Freeloading Family versione 0.18.
Per quanto possibile ho cercato di eliminare le inesattezze grammaticali derivanti dalla traduzione di Google Translate.

1) Per installare basta scompattare il file FRE018Ita.rar all'interno della directory "game" del gioco. Rispondere Si alla eventuale richiesta di sovrascrittura.
2) Se disponete della versione del gioco che nella cartella "game" ha i file *.rpy, la traduzione funziona SOLO se i file *.rpy vengono CANCELLATI TUTTI. In pratica devono rimandere solo i file *.rpyc della traduzione.
1) Al primo avvio puo' presentarsi un errore. Basta chiudere e riavviare il gioco.
Hi first of all... thank you for the italian translation.
Just one question, the italian translation work also with the incest patch?


Dec 3, 2017
How about multiple ending?you can choose anyone to end up with or you can choose harem?this way we can satisfy everyone
I would love this. However, I also tend to be a total man ho in every game and am ok with it biting me in the ass because that's how it goes. I'll accept my judgement with no regerts.
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3.90 star(s) 184 Votes