VN - Ren'Py - FreshWomen [S2 Ep.3 Complete] [OppaiMan]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    All form, no substance.

    ⠀⠀This VN is another example of how you can sell shit with fancy presentation and general public will just consume it and be grateful.
    ⠀⠀MC is unlikable Le awkward "goofball", who's so bland, uninteresting and uncharismatic that he might as well be a lizard from Mars pretending to be human.
    ⠀⠀Other characters aren't any better: sex-dolls in both mind and body with surface-level personalities and no reasonable motivations. Oh and obligatory silly goose "best friend" (whom you've literally just met), that serves no purpose other than comedic relief (not that everything else is not a circus).
    ⠀⠀Dialogue is as generic as possible, generic for someone who's permanently online on xitter, I mean.
    ⠀⠀Story is something that would come out of a machine learning model with an input of following keywords: father, son, lost, amnesia, college, sex. In essence it's just a big sequence of excuses to engage in sex scenes.
    ⠀⠀Yeah, sex scenes are good alright. Other than uncanny feeling of looking at two soulless husks of humans humping each other.

    I did give their other game a 3/5 but at least it was short and not nearly as cringe, this on the other hand gets a 2 at most: 2 for visuals, 0 for everything else.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Even ChatGPT could write a better dialogue and story but at least it has really pretty renders.

    I have dropped this game before, and 3 years later I say let's retry again maybe my brain has rotten enough for this story... well it didn't.

    This game needs just a dialogue re-write from start to finish, what is the point of being struck by lightning beside wasting your time, it has no meaning to the story, you could have removed that part and nothing would have changed.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Renders are okay, the writing is terrible, the story is crap. The worst thing is this game just lacks soul. The characters are like blocks of wood. It's disappointing this thing has gained so much traction. It is a sad reflection on the tastes of many AVN fans. There are so many good games out there and this filthy piece of distended rectum has made millions. What a fucking joke.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I think the story and characters are great and the graphics are excellent, keep it up. The girls are gorgeous and very nice. Maybe including some simple minigames would be nice. Please, don't let the minigames consist of following a maze with the cursor lol
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of [S2 Ep.3 Complete]

    GAME with many very well done sex scenes with audio of the protagonists and with an interesting story about your Father who disappears and you meet him again after a while although he no longer seems the same.
    Oh yes, and you have been struck by lightning.

    As its name indicates, the protagonist tries to shoot everything that moves. Although it is quite ''porn'' for people who are looking for that, it is great.

    Both the animations and the audio of the girls talking get you into the sexual scenes and it's great!


    • Excellent Renders with high quality
    • Very hot sexual scenes, one of the best I've ever seen
    • There is audio in the game that tells you the story from beginning to end
    • Quite interesting story about your father and you
    • The decisions you make mark the sexual scenes


    • Most of the sexual scenes are forced and all the girls want to sleep with you

    RATING :

    Content: ⭐⭐⭐
    Sound: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Renders: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
    Characters: ⭐⭐⭐
    Animations: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Final conclusion: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ BEST PORN GAME HIGHLY RECOMMENDED if you are looking for a game with the best sexual animations
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Fresh Women Season 1 is one of many Being a DIK-inspired games. The art is decent, and the characters are cute. The story is generic but okay. It’s not a bad game, but not great either, just "good".
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Jace Me

    INCREDIBLY Great use of A.I. Technology for the Animations, Voice-Acting, Character and Enviromental Modeling and Rendering. I THOROGHLY Enjoyed all of those beautiful renderings and Voice-overs and the story was good but I think not so necessary and could have been a bit less pressing.

    There is the MC who is an Idiot and Dev you put him Overly Comical poses that do not belong in an Adult Video Novel. Some of the faces he makes are idiotic. I also didn't like the way the MC would just do things without Player input because he is an IDIOT which cause me to only give

    I would encourage to the Dev to increase the Player's Agency for choices and overall control of the MC

    3.5 / 5 Stars. (Lewd Scenes are very well Animated Probably the best I have seen and has Great Sexual Female Voice-Overs)
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is a fun romp but don't expect anything more of it. The ladies are sexy, the build-up is teasing and flirty, the sexy times are hot, and the humor is quite passable. The game is quite well done at this level, never leaving you bored. It strikes the right balance between the sexy times, the flirty times, and the platonic times, such that the relationships feel real, you never feel cock-blocked, and the MC feels like he's occupying a real world.

    What you should not expect from this game is consistency. The game continually sets things up and then reverses them, for no apparent reason. First you're living in an apartment with a hot landlady (a real one), now you're living above a bar. First your best friend was pretending to be Russian, now he's just speaking English like everyone else. First you were working in a store for your mother's old friend, we haven't seen the store in a few episodes now. First Alyssa was working in a cafe, now she's running a gym / dance studio. First your father was in prison, then he wasn't in prison, then he's back in prison, then he's out of prison again.

    It feels like we have different writers or a single writer constantly exhausting their initial premises and wanting to retcon everything repeatedly. It's a little disorienting even as a player, because it's hard to keep up with the premise of the game any more, where the MC is "at" whenever a new update comes out, what the dev's intentions are.

    But it's a fun, silly, sexy romp, smoothly executed. The hot landlady scenario turned into an affair with the handyman scenario turned into a hot milf divorcee scenario, and if you can keep up with all of that, enjoy the fapping.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my favorite game of all time, not only for the sex scenes, the beauty girl, and the story, but even more for the voice acting and sound effects, which really got me into it.

    However, it seems like the storytelling is getting less and slow these days I feel, and feels like more focus on the sex scene lately. I can't argue with that, it's an adult game after all, but I would have liked to see more story, more ambiguity between the characters and more sparks.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Story is a bit of a mess at times and it feels like its more about sex then story which gets boring in the long run and it dosent help that its mostly for people with big tit fetish since proberly 90% has huge tits, i wish they would learn to make a better diversity in builds so there would be something for everyone but nope.

    How this gets so high rating i just dont get, you dont even have choices with all the LIs game forces them on you like Lily, i picked every single worng choices with her and end up fucking her? i mean what the fuck? i just hate mindless fuckfest games where choices are 100% ignored.
    It also results in not being able to play a faithfull route which is a big deal to me atleast.

    There is also forced dream sex scene, even when clicking 0 interrest in a girl MC still day dream about her which really makes no sense, but its mostly annoying to be forced to watch huge tits when you hate that kink/fetish and it really ruins the vibe when playing.
    It also does a ton of zoom-in on big tits which is also a bit annoying when you couldent care less about them and funny enough they never do that with a smaller tit girl which is a million times more hot in my eyes, so yeah its clear what type of player dev is aiming for.

    Also never understod what devs think they get out of forcing stuff on players, wouldent it make more sense to add a very simple option to say dream about "name" so players that hate the girl can say no thanks...

    MC is a lacking a backbone and feels more submissive then anything else, i did like that he dident constantly thinks about tits like so many other games but hes still, but in this hes a bit to brainless and it makes 0 sense anyone would really want to fuck him, yet all girls are more then happy to trow them selfs at him.

    Relationships dosent really feel like relationships since it dosent really advance past from just being sexdolls.

    Girls are pretty nice looking (faces) but like i said before diversity is really poor, theres like 2 smaller tit sized girls and everyone else big or huge.

    Voiceover is a bit meh and not really needed, at times they feel emotionless.

    Renders are great and i love that you can get it in 4k but im just not here only to look at pretty renders i need story to be worth reading and follow my choices instend of ignoring them.

    Animations are a bit over average and proberly the best part of the game, but it cant hold a game on its own.

    Music is pretty good.

    Mostly choices are ok and you can turn down girls but ALOT of choices means fuck all, like your asked to join the book club multiple times and no matter what you pick you will join the club....makes ya wonder why ask in the first place.....and it has an ugly bimbo forced sex scene in the very first episode and its not even needed for story so makes ya wonder if dev had a brain fart making that and again all worng choices with her changes nothing.

    Was close to giving it 2 stars but i do thnk it deserves a lttle more since girls does look very good face wise not builds and it does have alot of animated scenes, its just to bad everything else isent better.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    A reverse of what most visual novels focus on. Most visual novels focus on the story, characters, and character development while this VN focuses on the lewd scenes above all else.

    FreshWomen is a porn game first with the story and character development being secondary.

    • Excellent renders and visuals
    • Excellent character models overall
    • Excellent animations - some of the very best on this site
    • Excellent and unique camera angles
    • Excellent and hot sex scenes overall with lots of animation
    • Plentiful lewd content / sex scenes
    • Good sound effects

    • Average story
    • Average writing
    • Average music
    • Plot holes and things that don't make sense (mostly involving the MC's father)

    • Few animations in the first three episodes of Season 1
    • Cartoon sized breasts on Susan and others
    • Most girls are too thick in the hips and asses (and sometimes thighs)
    • MC is a spineless, clueless loser through most of the game. He doesn't even know how to drive while being a college student or even change a car tire. The author can't blame all this on his partial memory loss as he has no problem doing other things such as playing the piano from memory.
    • Sex scenes aren't earned! The MC is thrown into lewd scenes with little to no buildup or foreplay! Sex is given freely to a very average guy with most of the LIs looking like supermodels.
    • Poor character development
    • Poor relationship progression. What are all these LIs to the MC? He treats them all the same like good friends with no romantic attachment whatsoever.
    • All LIs in the game are instant best friends with the MC and give him sex for no reason (not earned in any way). The MC has more game than 90s Brad Pitt.
    • No romance in the game, just porn sex

    The lewd/sex scenes are some of the best you'll find on F95Zone, at least as far as having excellent animations, excellent renders, multiple sex positions, and multiple unique camera angles. The lewd scenes are longer and more involved than most other VNs on this site. As far as the lewd content goes, the game is one of the very best!

    The problem is how the MC gets to the sex scenes. In most visual novels the MC builds a relationship with the LIs and slowly romances them. Almost none of that occurs in this game. The sex scenes aren't earned and it cheapens the entire experience! I'm all for fantasy but you need to have one foot in reality also. Both feet are in fantasy which makes the game difficult to swallow (for me at least). All these supermodel type girls happily fucking the MC whenever he wants is a bit much when he is a broke, very average guy.

    There is no romance going on in FreshWomen, just porn sex.

    I play these games for the story and the lewd content, placing equal weight on both. Because the lewd content is so good I've giving the author the benefit of the doubt and rating the game 4 stars. However, this game could have easily been one of the very best games on this site if the lewd scenes were earned and somewhat believable. Character development is severely lacking and there is almost no relationship progression with any of the LIs.

    Some makeout scenes, romance, and tenderness would make the game so much better! The MC never identifies any of the LIs as his girlfriend, love, or sweetheart. They are just friends and sex objects for his pleasure. There is the occasional hug and the occasional peck on the lips but it never feels like romance (more like a simple greeting or goodbye). The MC does hold Julia's hand once which is the only scene that felt like romance to me.

    The worst scene was when the MC was locked in a room with Sue and them having vaginal sex immediately with no buildup or anything. Sue didn't even like the MC and barely knew him. Why have a story if it's all going to be porn logic?

    Still I greatly enjoyed the sex scenes as they were brilliantly done and far better than most on this site.

    My favorite character model in the game is Carolyn (father's nurse). I love her super sexy and realistic body with her heart shaped beautiful ass. Other characters have prettier faces but her body is to die for IMO.

    I recommend the game as long as you can swallow the huge "average spineless guy fucking lots of supermodels with zero effort" fantasy.

    OppaiMan - An awesome scene would be a forced sex scene with Donna. Donna could be pursuing the MC and catch him doing something illegal when his father shows up. His father could be with two inmates he helped escape from prison. The two inmates are evil and force Donna to blow, deepthroat, and fuck the MC in every position imaginable for hours at knife point. It could even be a scene with Donna running into the MC in a bad part of town and the thugs owing the MC's father a favor and having fun by forcing Donna to do all sorts of sex acts with the MC while they film it with the MC's phone for later blackmail use if necessary. This would be a super hot and unique scene! Make it be the longest sex scene in the game with the MC coating Donna in cum over and over again, destroying all of her holes while she is helpless to do anything about it. This would be a super hot revenge scenario!
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I wanted to like this game, but ultimately was turned off by the thin plot and characterization (which is ironic, in a genre dominated by truly awful plots and non-existent characterization). I think the problem is that the story falls into the uncanny valley of narrative. It _looks_ like there is a plot and characters and choices, but they just don't seem to resolve properly when inspected closely.

    I wanted to like it because the renders are great, tons of attention to environmental detail, lingering h scenes with carefully crafted models, a range of interesting poses and expressions, decent animations that help create engagement with a specific character or action. A lot of the dialog is voiced (by a fairly emotive ai, I think), which is also pretty novel. And as I said, the plot and characters _seem_ interesting at first, like they are being set up for something.

    Then I started seeing that all the character models use basically the same doll-like bodies with different faces. Then I realized that all the character personalities share the same naive, doll-like affection for the philandering mc, despite having slightly different color palettes (which is actually a nice way to help distinguish them) and quirks. Then I realized that there is no way that all these ridiculously hot doll-body characters that lounge around in complicated erotic lingerie would ever be interested in the gormless mc, much less willing to immediately fuck him, become faithful to him, and then overlook the fact that he's literally fucking every other person in town that we've met. Then I realized that the plot from the first 'season' was simply abandoned. WTF happened with his dad and Sam and the other players?

    And then the second season is suddenly Animal House, where mean-old Dean Wormer has put the underground sex club where the mc now works? on double-secret-probation because of an unrealistic? expectation that students not be actively sex trafficking in the school library (which is literally a scene). And there is a Russian bear that lives at the sex club and the couple of girls that apparently run the place routinely double-team newbies and call it "The Test", but only the mc has passed it by not getting off until after he got both of them off which no one has ever done so they gave him a job as their accountant? And the mc is really good at dance dance revolution, which makes him really good at modern dance too? Idk, but it was an important plot point for seducing two of the li's, I think.

    Then my suspension of disbelief just crumbled entirely. It's kind of like tugging on an annoying thread and suddenly the whole sweater fall to pieces, leaving you with a tangle of yarn and a fading memory that it may have once been sweater-shaped.

    It's pretty, written coherently, and passes an initial inspection; but it overstays its welcome and ultimately suffers significantly from authorial self-indulgence and tonal shifts. Also, providing occasional choices to either engage in or skip a hookup scene (why?) is not the same as creating an interactive story.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    cooper noel

    Top teir game! the Girls look amazing and each are super fun to interact with and unique. Looking forward to more of this game and future game from the dev and his team!!! Girls are super hot and i hope that there will be some 3-some/herem content
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I'm sorry guys, I just cannot recommend this to anyone. Just like the other title by the same dev - this game excels in renders, model posing, camera angles and in general the beauty of each individual render/shot.

    In EVERYTHING ELSE - this game tanks, drops, spirals down, crashes and burns.

    As a set of pretty 4k sexy wallpapers - great stuff. Fucking amazing.
    As an adult visual FUCKING NOVEL - no. Just no.

    - MC is a spineless worm
    - the story is basically nonexistent - cliches, several hooks without a setup and that's it
    - LI are just porcelain dolls - just one question towards their motivation, their actions and they fucking shatter.
    - dialogues are written by a 2-year-old on a wet tissue paper - bland, shallow, substandard;
    - and on top of everything - a voiceover and SFX were added. why?

    0.125 outta 10.
    a big ol' nothing-pie. Pretty on the outside, and a shallow, empty and extremely disappointing experience on the inside.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Would rate this a 2.5 star, rounding up to 3. Story is effectively finished and yet it continues to go around in circles.

    The graphics are good. The writing is not good, but the developer does make an effort to give each character a unique voice. Starts off as a slice of life game that then gets sucked into a ridiculous plot that really doesn't make any sense.

    Not the worst game to kill an hour or two with if you are bored, but wouldn't go out of my way to play it
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Fresh Women has nice visuals and character designs that are unfortunately let down by a mediocre story and corny setups to force sex scenes into each episode.

    MC heads down to a new town to study in order to investigate the whereabouts of his missing father. This mystery is mostly dormant as what we get instead is a typical college slice of life and porn game story where MC goes around banging various chicks.

    Halfway through there is a drastic turn in the direction of the story which is abrupt and makes no sense - like an actor walking from one porn set to another to continue shooting a totally different story.

    Generally, the story is made to revolve around random sex scenes rather than the other way round.

    Game Mechanic
    There are choices that sort of determines the sex scenes you will see though most of it follows a linear narrative. Just turn on in in game hints if you want to experience everything in a single run.

    Background / Character Renders
    As expected of such games, the backgrounds are basically standard fare that do their job but don't stand out.

    I believe the characters are made with Daz3D, but well polished and designed for both MC and the gals. It's in fact a bit of a shame that such models are wasted on a flimsy story.

    Character Development
    MC passively reacts to whatever happens to the point you feel like watching as a third party rather than relating to him. That he tolerates being verbally abused and jerked around does not gel with the introduction of a guy determined to investigate his missing father despite suffering from amnesia either.

    All the female characters exist for sex only. My main beef is you don't get the sense that the relationship between MC and a LI is going deeper and deeper as the story progresses. It's the classical hot chicks jumping in to have sex with MC all the time.

    Interactions remain at surface banality throughout as if all of them are merely acquaintances with common interests. The dialogue is bland without character and does not evolve in line with the story and intimacy.

    Sex Scenes
    As a game where everything revolves around lewds, at least the developer has gotten this area right. There are plenty of scenes and all of them are evenly paced out because each episode is sort of pescribed with a standard number of scenes.

    The scenes are decently animated with accompanied sound effects though some of them are short and lack dialogue. Many a times there is no build up and foreplay before fucking as is typical of porn scenes.

    BGM and Sound Effects
    BGMs and sound effects are standard fare and do their job well. One unique aspect is every character except the MC features complete voice overs which is quite rare in English adult games.

    Fresh Women is a game that is built around sex, the story is poorly stitched together and the lewd scene pacing is so consistent that you can even roughly anticipate when the next one will be coming after playing a while.

    The character models and animations are good but wasted on a poorly executed story with minimal character development.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Review made for season 2.ep3part2

    • High-quality renders,models,animations
    • A lot of LIs
    • Consistently good camera angles
    • In-game walkthrough option
    • Voice over
    • Story - it'is not about something serious,mostly fuckfiest
    • All LIs feel like fuckdolls and are shallow
    • Facial expressions always seem plastic and unrealistic
    • Girls are either too thick or too athletic
    • Sex scenes also feel plastic
    • Unlikeable MC

    Overall: 6/10. If you want to read a simple story and fuck sexdolls without using your brain, this is the game for you.Score mostly based on graphic quality
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Renders are very good and sexy. Ends there.
    Why is the MC such a spineless pussy? If this is a VN you should at least have a likeable and relatable MC. Like most of the women have more balls than this guy has. He breaks down and starts bitching like a girl does wheras the girls are like "wtf is your problem???". Not to mention he gets outright disrespected and just takes it.

    This MC should be written into a femdom only story with lots of pegging and not a game like this that apparently is hetero? Plus the story is so clowny just because of the mc, I'd imagine you could find better stories watching a hallmark movie.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    still at the beginning of the game, so far everything very good - MC should have a relationship with Clerk (blue jacket) - a little chubby never hurts - plus maybe a grandmother with wide hips and a big ass? is a contrast to the model types - like the salt in the chicken soup otherwise: keep it up - keep your fingers crossed - will stay tuned......
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The graphics are stunning, immersing you in a beautifully crafted world that feels alive and vibrant. The gameplay is smooth and engaging, with a perfect balance of challenge and reward that keeps you hooked for hours.