Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
You cannot creep on your family or social media for the love of whatever you hold dear.
potentially creeping on some social media posts
You are supposed to go and see and react to social media.
That is the whole point of it, no?
And keeping away from your family for fear of ”creeping on them” is just meeeh ...


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2021
You cannot creep on your family or social media for the love of whatever you hold dear.

You are supposed to go and see and react to social media.
That is the whole point of it, no?
And keeping away from your family for fear of ”creeping on them” is just meeeh ...
In the context of the game, the MC is browsing for social media posts explicitly to jerk himself off to. One of those options is his younger sister, so 'creeping' (as in, 'being creepy') seemed a rather apropos descriptor.

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Forum Fanatic
Nov 1, 2017
Employee of the month
What do people think and choose for Mason? I couldn't bring myself to say yes to BJ offer. I am okay if he is bisexual, I really don't care of MC's sexuality since I make the choices, but he talks like he only likes women and do that kind of stuff out of necessity. If so, I wouldn't like to take advantage of him, in his vulnurable situation. So any thoughts?
This entire game, to a certain extent, is thematically linked to taking advantage of people in vulnerable situations. So the question you need to ask yourself is how comfortable you are in exploiting someone else's desperation and how far you are willing to go in the pursuit of your own gratification. It seems that you found a line you were not willing to cross. Either because the gratification was an insufficient reward or it was not something that squared with your conscience. However, we must also be aware that Mason may have feelings and desires that they have not yet shared with us for reasons of their own. It may be that someone who is undergoing a transition can not only be vulnerable to exploitation but also suffer from limited romantic prospects and opportunities for authentic affection. Things that all people need. So when we are talking about friends in need, we may not only be talking about financial support. On balance, I think that the relationship with Mason is largely going to be what you choose to make of it.

Your Mommy

Jun 27, 2021
Oh man those Mason choices really throw you through a philosophical conundrum.
I want to get people's thoughts on this situation and see how each person views this.

I'll spoiler this all so only read this if you've completed the Mason scene:

So the encounter with Mason ends one of 3 ways:

You accept the bj and gender Mason how they prefer, as a Him. You get to cuddle and Mason falls asleep on you.

Nope, I would just see that as the MC dangling a carrot that can be removed (yep intended)

Once they're broken, the aftercare cements the relationship, gives them something to worry about losing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2022
After multiple playthroughs, here's my takeaway:
Being a "nice guy" gets you little to no pussy and more often than not, you'll ended up being used while being a "bad guy" gets you all of the bitches.
Just like in real life. 10/10 for realism and would definitely recommend
Haha, I know you're joking to some extent, but, from the perspective of the game's code, you can be a bit naughty and still be loved and seen as a "nice guy" by the women. For example:
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Obviously, not all the LIs would react the same way about those same things, which is nice, each character has a different meter basically. Gabby is another example where you can afford to be forward and "creepy" from a real world perspective, but yet again, from perspective of game, Gabby is into it and ends up with strong feelings for you.

I can't speak for Neon's plans obviously, but from the game's code, lots of things you wouldn't do in RL because they're creepy and weird will get you far in this game and seemingly without any consequences. Best thing to do is either look at a good walkthrough or play around with options and see where they take you, because if you get a sexless route, you're probably missing something... if you don't do things just right with Ashe on an attempted romance path, you won't get the sex, or at least not the "great" sex where she cums and swallows etc. I guess it ultimately won't matter since Neon said he's going to give the wholesome gentlebois some scenes, they just need to be patient. But, if you want to be a mostly good guy who still gets all the sex scenes, you just need to allow yourself to be a little forward and dominant; definitely don't need to be a skeevy findom or an evil rapist to get them. :LOL:

Oh man those Mason choices really throw you through a philosophical conundrum.
I want to get people's thoughts on this situation and see how each person views this.

I'll spoiler this all so only read this if you've completed the Mason scene:

So the encounter with Mason ends one of 3 ways:
You reject the bj and just help Mason, no strings just to be a good dude to Mason.
You accept the bj and gender Mason how they prefer, as a Him. You get to cuddle and Mason falls asleep on you.
You accept the bj and gender Mason biologically, as a Her. You cuddle Mason and leave, leaving Mason possibly upset (I would assume?).

So, if you accept the bj, and gender Mason how they want (to be a good dude) would you consider the MC BI?
IF you accept the BJ, and gender Mason as a girl (because you only prefer women or are just an asshole) does it make it a hetro act even if Mason identifies otherwise? (or are you just an asshole.)

Spoiler: You are probably just an asshole for misgendering someone. xD

Although it does bring up a good question for the Dev:
NeonGhosts I know characters will change based on how you treat them. Does misgendering Mason lead to a bad end for Mason (telling you to fuck off or possibly darker end aka suicide) or can you get them to reconsider their gender choice (and are you going to hell if you do that? xD)
Personally, my opinion is that secondary sex characteristics are the best determinant for sexuality. So, seeing as how Mason hasn't transitioned, I feel like any regular old straight guy could be into her, just visually I mean, regardless of how she identifies.

However, if you choose to respect his preferred pronouns and can still get off... does that say anything about the player's sexuality? I'm not sure... my gut still says 'no', because, again, secondary sex characteristics. If you can use his pronoun and still pop a boner, I feel like for most guys, it's less about getting off to "another guy" and more about the juxtaposition of a girl you're attracted to contradictorily referring to herself as a guy, it's like a shock value thing I feel like. OR, it's just something they can ignore that doesn't affect their orgasm. Some guys are just more chill and go with the flow, not too worried about whether they'd be seen as gay or not, harder to shock etc.

On the other hand, if you like trans-men POST-transition, i.e. with facial hair, more masculine face, body, and voice, etc., I feel like you're lying to yourself if you still consider yourself vanilla straight... I think you'd HAVE to be bisexual to be into that.

And if you're like me, a bit in-between, i.e. I don't like post-transition men, but I DO like certain femboys and traps, genderbend play, pre-transition trans-men who look more androgynous, I like the idea of referring to Mason as a guy as I rail him, etc., I mean I think I could fairly say that I'm at least pseudo/partially bisexual.

And btw, yes, I realize all the pronouns I've been using are all over the place, and that was intentional but also really kind of unavoidable given my point lol.

What do people think and choose for Mason? I couldn't bring myself to say yes to BJ offer. I am okay if he is bisexual, I really don't care of MC's sexuality since I make the choices, but he talks like he only likes women and do that kind of stuff out of necessity. If so, I wouldn't like to take advantage of him, in his vulnurable situation. So any thoughts?
I can't quite tell if you're looking for advice or discussion? If looking for advice, just do what feels right to you :) It'll turn out ok in the game :)

If looking for discussion, I haven't played the update yet (fuck me if it isn't hard controlling myself right now though :LOL:), but based on my understanding and what Neon's said:
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Sep 3, 2020

Alright, here's what happened, to the best of my memory. I had the original variable labeled as 'bri_fear' at the start of Chapter Four: Part One, but then it was 'brifear' when actually applied to a path in the script. This meant that some people could have 'brifear = True' but there was no 'brifear = False' control variable for people who never did anything to frighten Brittani. Which meant that, when it came up later for the babysitter convo, it resulted in errors either way.

And unfortunately I didn't catch it until someone pointed it out with the newest update in the Beta. So, for the next release I changed them all to 'brifear' so at least someone starting a new game wouldn't get the same error. It should resolve if you load a save from the end of Chapter Three, just prior to the scene where we see Alex installing MC's hot tub while he's gaming with Nicki. As that's the first place the new variable is located. If not, you can start a new game -- but it's not really necessary.

As people who follow the thread know, once the next installment comes out I intend to redo Chapter One entirely, clean up any cascade effects, revamp all the variables, and release it. All the babysitter stuff won't matter until Chapter Five, which will come after the Chapter One reboot that forces everyone to start a new game anyways. So -- don't sweat it, it's not a big deal.

Thanks to everyone that's played, supported, or said a kind word! I love release days. :D

Alright, quick lightning round because I have a cold and I'm not feeling terribly well:

Oh thanks, I went ahead and fixed those!

Thank you! Simple words of encouragement and support genuinely mean a lot.

Thanks so much for the comprehensive review!

To speak to the continuity errors, you're right, that topless cheerleader photo does need to change. I'll add that to my big whiteboard full of little things to fix. On the goth photo though, Brittani does actually allow you to keep one of those, because she thinks it makes her look 'tough.' Still, I'll look at cleaning that scene-to-scene transition up a bit.

I wouldn't say that.. This update was originally going to end with MC taking Gabby and Madison to get Ryan out of jail. Gabby lovers will likely get a bit of catharsis when that finally happens.

Always a chance.. Bonnie's not a main love interest or anything, but I have a one-off scene in mind for her if you're on one of Ashe's paths.

Sometimes being a good guy means being a little patient. Next update shows there might be some unexpected consequences to always being an asshole.

Interesting conundrum, isn't it? :D Personally, I follow a few folks on OnlyFans that use male pronouns, look kind of boyish, but were born girls and still have all their anatomy intact, and I don't think it makes me gay or bi. But hey, it's all a spectrum, and I just like what I like. No need to put a label on it!

I generally hope to avoid bad ends for any of the love interests, even on their bad paths. No spoilers or anything, but I'd rather see their stories end with them having survived MC and grown from it, rather than crumble. As for Mason's gender in particular.. I'm still figuring that out, honestly! Mason's based on a combination of two people I know in real life, but I also took some inspiration from a few trans dudes I know (or know of) online. One in particular went from using fem pronouns, to non-binary, to masculine, and back to non-binary.

Thanks so much! That's very kind.

I'm glad people have generally had such positive responses to Mason. Warms my heart!

And yeah, Nicki just keeps being more and more fun to write and render. And Maya + anyone just seems to bring out a fun dimension to their character. :D

I actually had a plan for one love interest to act as MC's bodyguard (and it wasn't Alex, she of the many muscles), and later scrapped it. Like MC tells Nicki, he's not famous, he's more like a 'regional figure of interest.' But, that could change after he goes on the news to talk about the charity.. >_>

I haven't made any changes to the script, so it's possible whoever packaged it for Android messed something up? As for Cassie's introduction, stay tuned. I know I've been saying that for a hot minute, but..

I imagine her as being a second-generation Mexican-American, likely from California or Texas. To be honest, I stole the "cucuy" thing from a Spanish-speaking girl I knew years ago who'd always say it. I checked the internet to verify it was a thing, but did t really research further. :oops:

Ayyyyy, another UFC fan! That's also why MC's photographer buddy's last name is Nogueira. :D

Thanks so much for the thorough, thoughtful review! I will say.. There are some mean girls incoming. So, stay tuned and maybe even good MC will have the option for a little Chaotic Good retribution.
I'm playing the update and something doesn't make sense

during the photo shoot Brittany said she was not comfortable with topless pictures of herself so I deleted it but

later on when I'm looking at the pictures of Brittany I took there are topless pictures of her

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where did those pictures of Brittany even come from I didn't take any more pictures of her

I called a car for her and I sent her home


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2017
I think the game would be a bit more realistic if you added an extra 0 to what the MC earned. 28 mil is an insane amount of money for an average person, but I don't think it's all that impressive for a wealthy philanthropist that lives the lifestyle the MC does. It'd prob also make more sense if the game showed the MC making more profitable financial decisions.

Most of the women in this game would drop the MC crazy fast if he went down bad again. :HideThePain:


Dec 17, 2019
Man, Nicki is so boring and she seems as if shes supposed to be the main love interest but every other woman is so much better.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Mar 20, 2019
I'm playing the update and something doesn't make sense

during the photo shoot Brittany said she was not comfortable with topless pictures of herself so I deleted it but

later on when I'm looking at the pictures of Brittany I took there are topless pictures of her
I responded to this a little up-thread, but for the goth photos Brittani says she'd be okay with MC keeping one, because she liked how she looked in it. MC also tells Nicki that he doesn't really need to use all the photos. Safe to assume he'd use one with some coverage for Brittani's entry in his little calendar project, and some of those were just MC playing with photoshop, and seeing what he could do.

But, when I redo Chapter One, I'll go back and add a variable for that scene so MC is viewing mostly non-nude photos of Britt, so it feels a little less exploitative on her good path.

Just brought back a memory.

Did you see that interview Chael Sonnen did when he talked about the Nogueira brothers feeding carrots to a bus?
Never had before, but I just looked it up and found a compilation of him telling it four times across the years, and it remains so consistent that I'm inclined to believe it's true, or Chael's an even better bullshitter than I suspected.


Nov 3, 2017
What the fuss with Nicki ? you need to be mindless to want to get rid of her... she is maybe the most well writed character, & yes that make her maybe too human in the eyes of some.
Personally i don't like her, the only good thing with her is the possibility to enslave her, but she is very well designed & wouldn't change/delete her... she is perfect the way she is.
Same go for the MC & the possibillity offered by the Dev to go full parangon/Devil or mix all together with a very large panel of persona looking like a fuking rainbow...

Good luck to the Dev & keep your view straight, so far your doing great since the 0.1 (outside the impregation/pregnancy cruelly missing ;p)

[Edit] I would like a in-game walkthrough as detailed as the PDF but i'm aware it's a not a easy task, i don't remember the name but it was a game where you play a physical therapist hired to help a girl after her accident with a father being fanatic religious with a heavy detailled WT, or like Power That Be ... not the usual Green basic WT... but a man can dream
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  • Heart
Reactions: NeonGhosts
Oct 10, 2022
I can't quite tell if you're looking for advice or discussion? If looking for advice, just do what feels right to you :) It'll turn out ok in the game :)

If looking for discussion, I haven't played the update yet (fuck me if it isn't hard controlling myself right now though :LOL:), but based on my understanding and what Neon's said:
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Looking for discussion or more like opinions about it. It was an interesting event and character was too real and also an innocent soul.
Employee of the month
This entire game, to a certain extent, is thematically linked to taking advantage of people in vulnerable situations. So the question you need to ask yourself is how comfortable you are in exploiting someone else's desperation and how far you are willing to go in the pursuit of your own gratification. It seems that you found a line you were not willing to cross. Either because the gratification was an insufficient reward or it was not something that squared with your conscience. However, we must also be aware that Mason may have feelings and desires that they have not yet shared with us for reasons of their own. It may be that someone who is undergoing a transition can not only be vulnerable to exploitation but also suffer from limited romantic prospects and opportunities for authentic affection. Things that all people need. So when we are talking about friends in need, we may not only be talking about financial support. On balance, I think that the relationship with Mason is largely going to be what you choose to make of it.
Oh interesting point. Are we exploting his emotions rather than financial position? Also, you are right it is very hard line to pass for me. I cannot bring myself to exploit or doing anything harmful to innocent people/creature. I can go all dark on Nikki or Ashe or many others, I can be very vengeful towards people like Jamie or Brent but when comes to people like Mason or Gabbie I cannot stand when they lose their smile.

Mason seemed pretty ok with it, even kind of into it. I mean, they wouldn't have asked to cuddle after the BJ if they hated doing it and your guts.
Same As you I initially refused the BJ since it was fucked up, but after seeing how it played out I thought it was the better option.
I tried non degrading route after I've read a few comments and he is kinda look like into it but it could be very well he wanted repay and exploting such a situation is not okay for me. Well, looks like we will need a few more updates.

I politely declined his offer and just helped him, because I could and it was the right thing to do.

I'm a boring CIS-hetero white dude, and I'm attracted to ladies who identify as ladies. I've never liked gender-bender content in anime, as I can't reconcile my attraction to someone who isn't a 'matched set'. Don't get me wrong, THAT'S PERFECTLY FINE! I like to think of myself as an ally of the LGBTQ+ community, so I don't expect or demand that people conform their gender identities to my own personal myopic preferences. Because they're just that, my preferences. I don't need to be personally attracted to someone to treat them like another human being, worthy of love and respect.
That is definitely right mindset to be honest. You don't have to be part of it, to be supportive to something. For Mason, I don't really care whether a male or female, also don't really care MC's choices but I do care about whether or not he is attracted to men. If not, kinda evil to let him give BJ. I start to feel like we are getting a perfect storyline for him.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2018
This was a pretty nice update. Mason was really adorable and is starting to become one of my favorite characters with his really sad story. He kind of reminded me of Rickety Cricket from It's Always Sunny with his talk about Blowjobs though. I hope I can save him since he is cute as hell.

Carolina is also pretty amazing as well I can't wait till Guy can go out on a date with her. I kind of wish I didn't play this update though, since it just made me even more impatient for the Ashe date.

The ArcKnight

Nylon enthusiast, Harem enjoyer.
May 19, 2018
For Mason, I don't really care whether a male or female, also don't really care MC's choices but I do care about whether or not he is attracted to men. If not, kinda evil to let him give BJ. I start to feel like we are getting a perfect storyline for him.
That's actually a really good point.
I mean actions alone I would say Mason is probably attracted to the MC at least a little but during the conversation He mentions he was kicked out for fooling around with another girl.....

Also, the answer Mason gives as to where they are from is different on the different paths.
Is this Mason lying to the MC on one path or does Mason's backstory change if you go a particular route?

For me and the Mason decision, I was kinda meh about referring to Mason as a good boy, I played all 3 options just to see what would happen though. I feel like the "Agreeing to bj and keep gender as he and cuddling after" is probably the best path because Mason is SUPER adorable and even falls asleep on you and wants to be "a good boy for Daddy."
Now, to me this mirror's Gabby's path a bit and I'm all for it.

Only problem is I still have the hang up of not wanting to have sex with someone who sees themselves as a boy.
I agree with others that Mason looked super hot in the wig and kinda want to see her with long hair now but I also like the vibrant red hair and the undercut on a girl so.... I guess I'm just into Mason's model even if I struggle with the ethical implications of such.

Idk, its kinda weird. I think my cannon path is going to be accepting the bj and respecting pronouns.
Unless you can convince Mason to switch pronouns later on and still have a romantic relationship with them.
The kid is absolutely precious and I couldn't stand to be a dick to them long term.

Also can we please get Mason to the hospital? Like poor kid started stuttering after a beating. Let's get them to a doctor and see what we can do for the poor little waif.
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