Just for a quick state-of-things update: I passed 1500 renders for FiN today, making it the biggest chapter by a rather Large Marge-in. I've rendered the ending scenes (save for one small path) and now I need to circle back do a little stuff here and there. I've moved my target for the $15 release to next week. Gonna try to make Wednesday, but may push it to Friday the 15th.
I appreciate that people aren't happy with how long it's taken. Neither am I!

This one's been a killer, and I really boned myself by deviating from my planned content outline, because I didn't think the update would feel big enough, with what I had. Well, I solved that problem and created a new one.
In the future I'm going to try focusing on smaller, tighter updates with an A-plot and a B-plot, without so many little side-quests pinging around the background. And of course, the mini-sode content. Speaking of which, I'll be unlocking the Halloween mini-sode for everyone, next week.
My plan is to shunt some mini-sodes into a main menu, while some will just be between chapters. The ones like Slave to Desire, which takes place in the past, can be put in a menu without much problem. But, the trouble comes when I want to reference things from the main game, in the mini-sode. Like, in Brent's, he referenced the MC/Guy by name. It gets tricky to do that, if it's not pulling data from an existing save file. Or I can just break immersion and say, "Hey, type your name again.." which I don't like.
So, for stuff like that, they sort of have to remain within the main game. But, I may put a "generic" version of the same content into a mini-sode menu, just for the sake of having them all in the same spot.
I definitely plan on getting it out before that, buuuuut the best laid plans, and so on and so forth. The plan with the Carolina date, as it stands now, is to make it a mini-sode. I think that'll work a little better, and give me the space to really focus in entirely on the date, and the babysitter arrangements. The basic timeline I have drawn right now is Chapter 1 remake, Chapter 11 (mostly Gabby and Viola content), Brittani's Audition mini-sode (with guest-star Ashe), Carolina's date mini-sode, Chapter 12.
Speaking of mini-sodes: The idea I recently floated to my subscribers, which they seemed to like, was that I'd basically make certain story-central mini-sodes available in two formats.
- If you're on Carolina's love/friendship path and asked her out on a date, it would basically just be a mini-chapter between chapters. I'd set it up at the end of one, and then it'd be available in the next.
- If you're not then I'd release it as a stand-alone where the player might need to enter a few variables like their name, general disposition towards Carolina, past actions towards her, etc.
This way, I don't spend a month working on a mini-sode, and then only a certain percentage of the players have access to it. Nor do I need to conjure an entire separate branch for an event that will be optional. That's one area where I keep fucking myself.
In the most recent update, Mason makes up a big part of it. Buuut, some people don't like Mason, and didn't want to engage with his story. So, I'd originally written it so that MC just sort of.. Went home and watched TV. But, that felt like a cop-out, so I created an alternate path that basically sees MC kicking around town and visiting different people. I had to rewrite and re-work some stuff, add a bunch of renders, blah blah blah.. The fact is, it probably would've been smarter to just make that whole shopping event a between-chapters mini-sode, and focused on some of the core plot developments, like everything going on with Nicki, Brent, and Gabby's family.