Reading some of the complaints about the size of the cast, I think they just aren't accustomed to this dev's vision compared to others. The LCD of this site is basically a VN with no actual, actual story, only really mediocre erotic content thrown together hentai-magic-dick-style to fill your time; and because of that, the character writing is usually unbearably shallow, probably even quite boring for the author to write, so much so that they have to print out new LIs constantly because that's the only real hook their 'story' has, or it's the only one they know how to use, or maybe want to use because it's the easiest path by far as opposed to the author dying from boredom and frustration trying to give underwritten characters something to do besides fuck.

Either that, or head into heavy trope territory without any interesting twist on it, but either way, it's not fun to play usually and probably not very fun to develop, and they're pretty forgettable. That's actually probably why a lot of those get abandoned, other than RL issues or the dev just not having the work ethic necessary for VN development.
This game's the complete opposite of that, I mean it's apples to oranges. It's bold compared to a typical VN because it has a heavy focus on story and character writing, a decent-sized cast (pre-planned, btw), each with multiple routes, and all of this
without sacrificing writing quality. It's intentionally very complex, of course it's going to take much longer than those other VNs to get through story and character content. Forgetting who's who, what's going on, feeling like you haven't seen a LI for too long, well that's a side effect of the scale of this game and the reality of the input of time relative to the output of quality. When the game is finished, those issues, some of which I consider illusory tbh, will disappear. If you consider this kind of a VN a failure from the start, then there are tons of other games on this website for you in the meantime.
Because despite all the 'problems' with the dev's vision people keep complaining about, the game continues to chug along relatively smoothly with well-paced and properly fleshed out stories and characters that are actually fun and interesting to discuss. No major setbacks thus far to panic over. There are delays.. but delays are literally the rule, not the exception, for any worthwhile endeavor. Just sit back and relax and watch and wait, let the dev cook. If the game crashes and burns like all the rest, then fine you get to watch us all eat crow or w/e. But in the meantime, I don't get why people can't just appreciate something unique and different on this site for what it is and hopefully watch it pass the finish line, instead of bombing it with negative predictions.