NeonGhosts, it's that time of the year again; the much anticipated update's come, and I've got my lipstick ready to french kiss your pucker. You treat your hoes right, though, so I don't really mind
But seriously... damn bro, damn. This update's huge, and it's sooooo good. I only played the dark route so far, it's kinda my first-sour-then-sweet ritual in your game; it was definitely a trip lol. Now I'm really looking forward to seeing what you've cooked up in the romance route again which has become my natural environment by this point.

There's so much to do, and so much to miss, that it's honestly overwhelming, but like in a good way. This update did a really good job of making the player feel quite free to just do whatever the fuck they feel like in the big, open city without becoming a shitbox, I mean sandbox. Dark route made me feel like a bear that wandered into civilization
For anyone concerned, it's not like there's a bajillion scenes or girls to miss, I mean every choice leads to something, and there's a good handful of choices, but it doesn't get out of control; instead, there's a bajillion variations to every scene that are all derived from other decisions. It's always impressive to cross compare one or two events in separate playthroughs and see just how much each choice from earlier in the game can diverge from each other.
I think I'm also starting to understand where you're going with all of these minor character additions that seem to be coming out of no where. For one, it gives a 'beaten' path, a little off-road action for those who maybe weren't piqued by a given particular LI and her story for whatever reason. But, more importantly, it makes the world feel a lot bigger. Just as the multiple moral decisions can multiply each other's effect simply by the alternatives existing, I think the same is true with what you decide to do and where you decide to go. Feels nice that
instead of my MC burying his cock in some rando he met in a park, he can be helping Nicki take care of some kids. But I'm guessing even the secondary characters will be tied in to the main story somehow, albeit in a more limited background form, or maybe even can be helped in some way. So on top of all that, it will give a chance to glimpse at more perspectives and context on what all's going on in our city.
I guess my only critique, aside from what appears to me to be a few minor render image oversights, is that I happen to know who the main LIs are. I can see a fresh player going in totally blind getting under-attached to main LIs and over-attached to minor side characters, and then being perhaps disappointed when their favorite side doesn't get the main girl treatment they thought she would in future updates. Think that's also what's made some people concerned over all the new "LIs" getting introduced; they don't realize it's just a side character for some fun distraction that may or may not show up again in limited capacity. Assuming that's still the plan.
But anyways, I think it's awesome, and now I'm really starting to get BoB vibes; glad you're a fan because I loved what that game was doing, really had a living breathing world kinda feel to it.
That's all I got at this point, but I look forward to saying more later when I inevitably play again!
Oh yeah, and I found Tessa...

everyone adores Viola, so most will miss it I think, but lord.. I think I'm turning into Joshy lmao.. I want her to JOI my MC and insult him while he's going, really make him beg and plead for that poon.. and I'm not even into sub stuff really. She feels like the only character so far that is completely and utterly uninterested in our protagonist and anything about him. Pepper was close, but you find out it's just an exterior she puts up to protect herself, which is of course great. Probably hate each other's guts, but I bet they'd make quite the tag team chewing on Guy's ego and spitting it back out!
Also, also, what are the odds that you stick two of my favorite LIs, Gabby & Cassie, in the same building. Someone catch me, I could faint :S