Hi everyone! I just made an account so I could join this thread and share my thoughts and feelings about this game.
Here's the TL;DR: I fucking love this game.
The funny thing is that I've never been that into futas. I've known about this game for months, but I never played it until last week. I ignored it because it seemed really focused on a fetish that I'm indifferent to.
Then I stumbled upon it again last week while I was looking for a new VN to play. I rolled my eyes and thought "oh, this again." But before I could close the tab, one of the the thumbnails caught my eye. The dildo darts CG from the pub. I may not have a futa fetish, but I have a major femdom fetish, and that CG hit me just right.
So I played the game. I've been playing it for almost a week now. It is now my favorite porn game.
Because even though futas and futadom are advertised as the primary fetish content, I think this is actually the best femdom/malesub game ever made. Please don't bicker with me about the distinction between futas and females. I've read the thread. I know the arguments. But to me, Mallory is a girl with a dick, not a guy with tits. She uses she/her pronouns. She is feminine in every way except the dick. Same goes for every other futa in the game.
(Except for Draga.)
And I'm in love with this game because the unique worldbuilding creates a setting where women (i.e. futas) can dominate men such diverse and profound and interesting ways. I've been fantasizing about being dominated by women for a long time, and I've seen shitloads of porn on the subject. I thought I'd seen it all, but this game opened my mind to new possibilities. It has meaningfully expanded the scope of my fantasies, and that doesn't happen everyday.
And not only did it expand the horizons of my femdom/malesub fetish, it's opened me up to some new things as well. Thanks to Mirabel, I'm realizing for the first time how hot facesitting is. And yeah...I have a taste for futas now. In a way, this game has fucking bound me. It had its way with me, and now its hot cum is melting my brain while I babble euphorically.
[I really didn't intend to write something this long. I just can't help gushing. Two more paragraphs, then I'm done.]
1. I'd just like to lend my voice to the multitudes who have already made this point: Mallory is best girl, no contest. Even before her story really took off, her bible study/prayer/date events were my favorite content in the game so far. The prayer bench and the prayer forms, and the way she justifies it with her theology, shit drives me nuts. (In a good way.)
2. I'd now like to squander all my good will and acceptance by praising My Futa Valentine.

I get why a lot of people don't like it. Cuckolding's a fucked up kink. It's pure emotional masochism. If you don't get off on that kind of pain, cuck stories can be depressing, disappointing, infuriating, or even disgusting. But speaking as someone who DOES have a cuckold/NTR kink, I personally think this story was fucking perfect. Beautifully executed. It pushed so many of my buttons. I feel truly blessed to have such a professional product catering to this controversial fetish. It's well written, beautifully illustrated, and just a good polished little VN. And it's a great use of the setting. And whether you like the story or not, you have to admire the courage of a dev team that would release a cuckold story to a fandom that isn't explicitly devoted to that particular kink. That took balls.