I think that would be really interesting as well, especially to see young Renée art. I think she should have 1 good ending where there's a true romance. Any more would sort of ruin the terrifying legitimately dangerous personality that she has been shown to have.
That being said from what we've been shown and how she spoke about twoholes before he cheated it seems that she wanted to give an earnest try at love with a male and jumped straight into the stereotypical imperial futa upbringing she had when her relationship turned out to be less than ideal. In my opinion there should be a way to get a proper loving seen as at least an intellectual equal relationship with her some way. I fully expect several other "pseudo" good endings where the MC ends up as some form of happy slave/house male right up to varying degrees of proper bad endings from her personal toilet to becoming three-holes like she promised and I wouldn't have it any other way, but one properly heartwarming happily ever after still makes sense to me with Renée, It just shouldn't be easy to get.