RPGM - Completed - Futanari Swordsman and Girl from the Demon World [v1.3] [K & G Doujin]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Squishy ladies enjoyer

    Good game.
    + Most scenes are animated and looks not only sexy but funny too.
    + Design and artstyle is unique. Girls are plump with big bewbs, but not look like 100% bimbos.
    + Not a small variation of enemies: ugly bastard, bestiality, monsters.
    + Decent dynamic gameplay.
    + Plot is anime like, not only just porn, which is nice (comedy, drama, plot twist).
    + If u want more straight to sex, buttle fuck content - this game for you.

    - A lot of canceled content.
    - There is only 3.5 main areas that are quite small, they could be bigger since most of the gameplay is in them.
    - Aside from just slaying enemies and completing the plot, there is nothing else to do.

    Completed plot twice. Considering that other games from this dev is a lot more smaller and simpler in all means - Futanari Swordsman is well made. There is some annoying parts, like last boss, but at least game provides cheese (like secret OP sword in main heroine house).
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome Futa game, gameplay kinda scary at first but the quality of the animation is good i wish there were more content

    There is not that much good rpgm game with futa even less animated and even less with that style

    Make me think of Amazon (Natsu...) quality drawing even if Amazon is slighlty better
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Had my eye on this one for a while, waiting for a translation. Unfortunately it wasn't really worth my patience...

    • There's big, curvy futas in the game and overall big curvy girls as well
    • The story is decent, with a plot and a good twist at the end
    • Gallery is included
    • Around 1-2 hours to complete

    • Gameplay sucks
    • Most scenes are from combat and not many scenes are outside of combat
    • While the story is decent, it gets rushed and lots of things that should get covered are skipped
    • A lot of art you can't access unless you go into the gallery (scrapped from the game)
    • There is a tedious grind


    This game definitely lost a lot of steam in development and was rushed. A tragedy really as it looked promising and had potential. Skip this one.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    As someone who really enjoys this particular niche (i.e. violation on contact with escalating animations), monsters with futas, and dubious consent, this game really should have been a slam dunk for me.

    Unfortunately, it falls short of its potential pretty hard, which I really hate to say. This author's first game is one of my favorites, at least in concept. For whatever reason, it seems like they've been kind of phoning in their last few titles. There's a lot of reused animations from their previous works, and the girls themselves share a lot of animations here.

    If they would just tone down the extreme proportions, and focus on crafting a narrative experience that gives you some kind of corruption, they'd have a Dlsite top 10, ezpz.

    Instead, they spend much of the game making you wish they would have just cooked for a bit longer. It feels like they're scared to put in too much work, maybe because they wouldn't make enough money back to justify it, because they're being lazy, or because they just don't know what they don't know.

    Either way, if you like the previews, I recommend trying the game out, at least. The animations are still worth checking out, imo. The downside is that this game is kind of a massive pain in the ass in many places, and it will likely leave you wishing it had more effort/resources put into it.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The only redeeming factor to this game is the art style and scenes. The gameplay had potential which can be seen at the beginning but become frustrating and tedious with the introduction of the second area and its new enemies. Even though the only redeeming factor is the art style and scenes it does feel like there is not enough and lacks variety. Most of the scenes come from the combat, it would of been nice if there was scenes outside of combat between the characters. There is other things that could be addressed but for the most part this is what stands out.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Really confused about the bad feedback about this game.
    Sure, its combat may be a bit clunky with the enemies being a bit too difficult at times with their spam, but you can always take a strong weapon from your room to beat them easily with.

    The reason I'm giving this an excellent rating are the animations, as well as the very interesting battle mechanic, where there is a chance for you to get sexually assaulted.

    Me personally, I'd rather have the developer add an additional mechanic where you can win encounters by personally sexually assaulting your enemies, but I believe this was mainly an experimental game for them to check their boundaries.
    I would deeply recommend the developer to keep the current system they have tailored, and keep on adding and perfecting it until they reach the final vision.

    The animations are great, the story is also good, the combat is a bit difficult, and the game is fun for what it is.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    What an unfortunate game, It looks good from the beginning but shows it's flaws all through out the game.

    Combat - The combat is simple, you just press the action key to attack and move around to avoid enemies, unfortunately, the combat is bit of a mess and attacking and evading becomes quickly a problem through out the game.

    Story - Another disappointment, it starts out fine, but, quickly it shows that the game was supposed to be longer, so they tried to make the story work by speed running the important points of the story just to end up with a mediocre story and an extremely unsatisfactory ending.

    Art - The game looks really good and it has some really nice animations, unfortunately the game is really short (around 2 hours) and about 50% (or more) of the games art was scrapped from story and was put only in the gallery, which you can access after having beat the game.

    Final thoughts - This game could have been amazing, instead we get a really short game, with a disappointing ending, buggy combat, and lots of scrapped art. I didn't hate playing it, if it have had a better ending I would have just thought of the game a being a bit shorter then what I would have liked, but, seeing the ending plus the scrapped art, it just bums me out.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This game Is really good for however long it lasts, sadly Its apparent a lot of content was cut, and you can see some of it when you finish the game, had it been polished, and finished It would be a 5/5 for sure, but as of now Its a very difficult HGame, with good art, and a lot of bugs that will soft lock you, so make sure to save often. Some of these boss fights are really frustrating, with no healthbar either so you have no idea how its going. I hope to see more games by these people, and I would recommend this game to be honest, just know what you are getting in to.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is suffering. I regularly play grindy, balls-hard Korean slop, and this is worse. So much worse. Spare yourself the trouble and just don't bother, I promise you it isn't worth it.

    Or if you want a similar quality experience, feed your dick into a blender set to a "low" speed setting while listening to Linkin Park.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This game had the marking of greatness in it. But unfortunately its kind of unfinished. It's feels short and the ending is unsatisfactory. And there's good reason for it because post-game you finally unlock the gallery, and you discover it is filled with tons of cut content.

    It essentially all but confirms that game is actually only a half finished product. Which is such an utter tragedy. The fully finished version of the game with all the planned/cut content included could've been amazing.

    As it currently stands I don't know if I can really recommend it. It's just not satisfying.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is... weird. Not necessarily bad-weird, but its strange nonetheless. Usually, at least from my personal experience, Japanese games don't tend to be buggy messes, but this one sure is. Not enough to be frustrating, nothing game breaking, but I feel almost nothing in this game functions the way it was truly intended. The combat system is half-baked and hardly functions, and the story has decent beats but abysmal pacing, and there is a system for tracking lewd experience that does absolutely nothing. I think the most telling part of all this is the gallery room, of all places, as there is an area dedicated to scrapped ideas almost as big as the rest of the gallery. So I can only imagine this game was rushed out in a half-finished state just to be over and done with a project that wasn't coming together and moving on, leaving what would have otherwise been a really good game if it received the time it needed and about 4 times the length. As it stands now, its a mess that is only slightly worth playing, and its for the really high quality (in a relative sense) animation work.