Others - Completed - Futaring [v3.39] [MOFULAND]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    v3.39 Review

    I didn't expect to get so addicted to the gameplay when I came for the lewds.
    I spent a good day or so save scumming whenever I accidentally missed a flag or capture opportunity, which while frustrating just goes to show how good it was to get me to do that.

    The combat, passives, skills, and equipment systems are well done and fun to build.
    The dialogue and plot is interesting and easy to follow despite a few translation issues.
    The art is really high quality and the scenes are hot.

    If there was one thing I could change about the game, it would be the amount of sexual interactions with your captured characters. For example the mc and their captures could've stayed at an Inn or something similar, to allow a system where you could perform intimate acts with them repeatedly etc.
    The current system only gives you 1-2 non-repeatable lewd scenes for each character which was disappointing.
    But hey the gameplay was good enough to make me go til the end without thinking too much about it.
    At some point I did edit my game though to get items/skills easier (I usually do that with all my games). Even without it though the game is not very grindy, usually you don't have to farm an area twice before progressing the quests.

    Anyway I had a lot of fun with this one, giving 5/5!
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I wanted to like it. i really do. but like all grind games they just get repetitive.

    like, give me a reason to deploy only 1 or 2 or 3 units instead of all 6. now that's a challenge. but nope, gotta do the traditional way of doing things.

    no I'm not talking of how the total exp is divided amongst that participated. that sounds good on paper but in reality that only leaves others underleveled and therefore can't really use them.

    I wanted to try other parties and mixups and mix match them according to whatever stage. never got to use the werewolf even though in theory it might be good in certain matchups. and I hate that a lot.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the better Games with futa content in it. I've played this a long while ago (when it was completed) and even though it doesn't have replayability it's one of those games where you can look fondly of bar some h-scenes (I Don't like the second and third waiter scene that involves sodomy).
    Sexually libertine battle sex of futa where you can be naked around town is my cup of jam. It makes me befuddled why there isn't more like it and that type has died down lately. The Art is appealing, the character progression in her magic ability and physical endowment is a big turn on, it's a good reward system for grinding enemies. I can't really put any fault towards it. I played it before 2022, so when I saw Surovikin he reminded me of the bald guy in this game for some odd reason (I'll leave his name as a passing reference off the cuff, don't want politics ok).
    I remember I had trouble deliberating if I wanted a circumcised penis or not in the game, the art on both are really good so I think for the early part of the game I stuck to the foreskin and the more horny I got the more I preferred the circumcized.
    The only thing that I could think of that could've made this game perfect is if I played as Miku, but I know that's too selfish and wouldn't make any sense to the plot, the mechanics and style of the art direction is too good to not fantasize of if this became new standard of Eroge RPG and making your own. The mechanics of capturing the enemy to make it your plaything made the combat desirable and worth paying attention to, It don't particularly like killing and murder very much, I like a fantasy setting where we can settle our differences through Sex. This game hits those spots so well, it's a shame there isn't more futa protag battlesex games and it seems that the rate at which these types of games come out have died out over more normal tastes.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Johanna Jane

    The premise of this game is pretty interesting. You must accumulate enough gold to free your sister from prison. How do you accumulate gold? By using your magical futa dick to fuck monsters and inseminate them with cum until they bow to your will and allow you to collect bounties.

    The initial scene introducing all of this is pretty incredible and naughty. What is the actual gameplay like after that initial scene? A very basic, repetitive, and boring tactical RPG in which you attempt to whittle down the HP of enemies until your main character can successfully use the Seal skill on them. Using Seal involves the main character getting nude, pointing at the monster, and magical glowy effects.

    The introduction to the game made it clear the main character's cum is what seduces the monsters, but there were no hentai sex animations in any of the battles I played. After several battles I just got bored.

    Also, this game is not fully translated, I had to install a patch to be able to see the text properly, and I accidentally clicked wrong buttons several times that ruined progress. I still don't understand many of the settings in the options menu because they are in Japanese.

    I know some people will be interested in what this game has to offer, and there are many adult games here that are far, far, far, far worse.

    4 out of 5.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Best games. It is possible to change the size of body parts and it affects the hentai scenes.
    Pokemon capture mode is great, with a little strategy everything is easy to pass all the levels.
    Unfortunately, there has been not a complete English version, but the game is still great.
    I used GG translate, so the paragraph may not be very good, I'm very sorry.

  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Version played: V3.39

    Definitely a very good and fun game to play, but there are some issues I had which makes me unable to give it as much praise as others already have.

    I have to mention a lot about the gameplay here because it's definitely the biggest draw this game has, and I had a lot of fun going through each level of the Main Story.


    The game plays out very much like Fire Emblem does, which means you enter into a grid based level with up to 6 units, and taking turns moving across the level and attacking enemies with skills to either escape a level, defeat all enemies or kill a boss.

    You'll likely end up more invested in the gameplay the porn, just because there's a lot to explore with the variety of skills, and how you can capture units in the field using Lana's seal skill, and those units can then be brought into future levels.

    Positioning is very important with how every enemy has their own mobility and range of skills, meaning you can take tons of damage or even lose a unit in a single turn if the enemies see an opportunity. It gets pretty brutal especially in the Hard levels.

    I really liked the wide variety of different skills and characters available which was great to try and figure out what to bring for each level. Some units (like Lana or Ily) have unique skills not present on any other character and different stats + passives are done well here.

    Units you get usually have different ranges of stats and skills for a particular use or role in the team. Nono for example focus on physical attacks and usually being the target of enemies while others such as Lilim have powerful ranged magic attacks but can be easily killed if positioned wrong. These are just basic examples but with different attack, magic, defence, evasion and mobility values there is a lot going on here.

    You also have equipment and items you can put on each unit which can increase stats or activate utility during levels like restoring SP for skills or restoring health. These add another layer of complexity into how you manage your preparation into levels and some equipment can be massive improvements to your units (mobility boots in particular are almost essential with how much they increase your effectiveness)


    The most unique aspect about the gameplay is probably the Seal mechanic. By using Lanas seal skill, you have a chance (based on their missing health) to capture an enemy which adds them to your roster. They can then be used and levelled or released for experience to one of your other units.

    While most units can reappear in different stages or by replaying existing ones, some are exclusive to the "Story" mode of the level which can't be replayed. This means if you accidentally kill a unique unit in Story mode, they will become impossible to obtain for the rest of the playthrough.

    This can be frustrating if you aren't aware of it beforehand or aren't using the very detailed guide available for this game (which I reccomend viewing anyway because it's really helpful), just because some levels are significantly more diffiuclt without the right units or knowing beforehand what kind of danger is present. That can be part of the challenge for some, but just be aware that you can easily screw yourself over in this game.

    There are other pitfalls throughout the story mode too, like in one level (3-3) there is a Beserker unit that if you kill then it makes one character vanish and become unobtainable as a unit, or in 5-4 if you fail to capture a specific weak enemy then you can be locked out of some endings and lose out on a powerful skill for Lana. I opted to save after every story mission which is fairly frequently but it helped me avoid losing much progress when these kinda mistakes happened, and I definitely accidentally killed one or two units I shouldn't have.

    Despite this though the Seal mechanic does work well as it gives you a different goal in encounters than just killing everything you see, and instead try and bring enemies to low health while avoiding them killing your units before Lana can get to them and seal them (Nono who you get early on is particularly good for this as he has a skill that doesn't kill enemies)


    There are a fuckton of different units to use, and I have to give credit to the designs here because they all look really good, especially most of the main characters and some of the unique units. Big fan of the artstyle, and I also really like how terrifying the "Lemur" antagonist is. It's a pretty wild design compared to everyone else.

    Level design is also done well in the levels I remember. Early on it's rather simple but eventually you find dark mazes that you need torches (or a skill) to brighten up, or bridges and doors that you need to open first before moving on.

    Usually terrain will be designed around the enemies they inhabit, so you may find units with large ranged placed on cliffs or over gaps which make them hard to reach (which can be bypassed with things such as flying units, another element of bringing different units) with harder to kill units being close by.

    While the main story isn't particularly hard especially if you are replaying levels and capturing units, you will still be required to think about what units to bring and sometimes be forced to withdraw to try a different setup (this happens most when a level is shrouded in darkness, navigating without light is really difficult)


    The Hard Levels are very interesting, as they all take the same existing level and mess with the enemies and your unit placement to create new challenges. One of the first levels, 1-1, has 4 slimes with 30 defence making any non-magic attacks useless (at least for a long time). You are also put on a turn limit and can't allow any of your friendly units to die, but doing so rewards you with unique items that usually can't be obtained elsewhere

    The best rewards are usually unique costumes, which change the look of some of your units and characters. My favorite is the reward for beating 4-1 hard, but thats just because I'm a big fan of "Metal Apple Dog" who was a big carry for a lot of my playthrough. Each hard level does its job of changing the mechanics in some way to make the level difficult and most of the time you'll be forced to come back later with upgraded units.

    Levels I enjoyed the most were usually the ones with interesting layouts and mechanics like the one where all skills are locked to 1 range. However some of them just end up being "these enemies have 50 attack, don't get one shot" which I wasn't a huge fan of since it means one bad unit placement forces you to restart the entire challenge.


    While most of the gameplay is good, there is a minigame available in the Waitress side job which tbh you should just ignore this besides maybe the 3rd difficulty with cheats for the costume. It's just Simon Says but its not that fun and the harder difficulties are pretty absurd and you might as well use the built in cheat because it's not worth the effort.

    (Holding "Alt + Z" while playing the waitress minigame prevents you from failing it, and I'd highly reccomend using it)

    I also encountered a few bugs during my playthrough. At a few points pressing the ESC key during the game would make it so I couldn't select any units, so I would be forced to restart the game. Sometimes selecting units and trying to move them can be a bit janky as well.

    Theres also one issue where trying to enter the Arena will cause the receptionist to tell you to wait, and then proceeds to fuck off and never come back. I believe there is a fix for this issue in the thread but I just didn't go to the arena at all.


    The Story is pretty good, at least up until the end of the Main Story (from level 1-1 to 6-6). Lana, the main girl, is forced to get money after her sister is imprisoned and needs to raise 10 million gold, which she tries to do through capturing an evil witch Robecca.

    But of course the game is called Futaring so she gets given a ring by one of her old maids Ily and that ring turns her into a futa. This power gives her the ability to capture monsters and thus you basically go through the game fucking every single monster you see.

    Without going into detail, I think it does have a good mix of characters and I liked Lana a lot but there was missed opportunity for some of your units to have more impact on the story. As far as I could tell, whatever you bring into a level has no effect on the dialogue, which was a shame. While you can "interact" with your units on the main screen, I would have liked more direct interaction between Lana and some of the characters.

    Also there is an after story and an after-after story, however at the time of playing it was MTL translated and very incomprohensible so it's a big distraction if you decide to play past that. Hopefully later on it gets some form of edited translation for the V2 and V3 content.


    For the CGs, I think they are good quality but they do end up feeling very similar. In a large chunk of the available scenes, it ends up just being "Lana fucks X thing" and some of the scenes that deviate from this just weren't that appealing. The waitress CGs for example just felt very out of place and didn't make much sense to me, while there are also 2 different Scat scenes (both of which are skippable) which I had to avoid. While I don't think the Cgs themselves are bad, it needed a bit more variety imo.

    I do respect that all of the Cgs can be gained by either clearing the story, using the seal skill on specific enemies or giving items to your units. I think its good when a game weaves CGs into the natural gameplay and doesn't force you to intentionally lose to get them.

    As a side note, you won't find many men in the porn here. With a title like Futaring I would hope that was obvious but worth mentioning anyway that I can only recall 3 different scenes involving any purely male characters and 2 of them were the waitress ones which I didn't like.


    There is also the "Sealed Magic" mechanic where sealing enemies will give you points towards being able to modify how Lana looks, mainly improving how big her breasts and penis are.

    While the concept is very cool with how these can change how the CGs look to reflect her body state, it does end up lacking as most cgs don't take into account your full investment and you might not even notice with how they are positioned sometimes. It's still good for viewing Lana in the menu screen and during combat, but the idea was pretty ambitious and probably way too much work to try and change every CG for tons of different body proportions.


    Overall though this is a pretty fun and engaging game so if you are interested at all in the game then I'd say it's worth playing. If I was to rate this game purely on gameplay then it would be five stars. There is no time counter for how long you played, but I estimated my playthrough to be around 18 hours based on my save time.

    I used the guide for most of my playthrough and I think it definitely improved the experience for me so I do reccomend checking it out if you play, it's linked under "Info about the state of translation" on the main page.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has very strong gameplay, mediocre porn-delivery, and game-breaking problems that cause me to recommend against playing it. The grid-based combat is tactical, the point system for skills is simple and effective, and the ability to weaken & capture enemy units elevates the game with fun challenges and interesting choices. Unfortunately it is practically guaranteed that unless you spoil the game for yourself by reading the forums closely, you will make a seemingly inconsequential decision that will lock you out of the game, and force a restart.

    By far the gameplay is this game's biggest draw. No single mechanic is something I haven't seen before, but they manage to come together to make something greater than the sum of their parts. Being able to recruit monsters Pokemon-style (weaken, but don't kill) is inspired, and the game gives you many options to make it work: Your first party member has a skill that is guaranteed to leave the enemy with at least 1 HP, meaning you'll always have the option to recruit the enemies you want; your character will counter-attack enemies by default, but you can turn it off if you're worried that your counter-attack may kill that special monster you'd rather recruit. It's meaningful that the game doesn't just give you interesting choices, but that it supports those choices. I had fun recruiting monsters, leveling them, tweaking them to fit my team, then going with them into combat.

    My biggest problem by far comes from the incomprehensible decision to lock the player out of the story if they don't jump through some arbitrary hoops, and then not tell them until a few chapters later. This is incredibly cruel and indifferent to the players' time, and is the major reason the game fails to get my recommendation. At a certain point you will fail to do something seemingly inconsequential, and several chapters later will no longer be able to progress in the story missions. You will only discover this because you will get a part in a level that is literally impossible, then frustratingly check the forums and realize your "mistake". This suggests players will either need to have some kind of strategy guide open while playing, or be punished with having to replay the full game (something the game definitely is not designed for). This is not a mistake on the player but on the creator, and is all the more strange because it feels like the creators understood this when designing other parts of the game: There are many times when a player is rewarded with a new party member or some other content, but never punished with being locked out of the game like this.

    The erotic content comes in the form of one-off scenes between the main character and various NPCs, the majority of which occuring when the main character "recruits" them mid-battle. The lack of variety in the scenes themselves leaves something to be desired, which is one of the major reasons I don't think erotic content is one of the game's strengths. The scenes are usually pretty fun though, and only drop in quality in the second act when translation quality plummets, going from "mostly fine with the occasional gaff" to "incomprehensible and immersion-breaking". This also severely negatively impacts the story, and happens right around the same time as the (likely) forced restart.

    All-in-all, the game features individual mechanics that I've seen before, but put together in a great and interesting way that adds up to more than the sum of its parts. It's a shame it sharply trends downward in the second act with immersion-breakingly poor translation, then comes to a full stop by demanding you start all over with nothing to compensate you for your time. If you decide to play it, I recommend saving in new slots often, use the forum frequently, and try not to be too frustrated when you have to go back and replay.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Mofu is by far one of the best eroge devs out there, the art and gameplay are great and this is easily my favorite eroge I ever played.

    Not only the art is incredible, the gameplay is not just some lazy rpg maker-esque thing made in 10 minutes, it works like fire emblem, but without the whole "if the character dies you lose him forever thing" (even though you can have different endings if you end up killing some key characters, which happened to me I ended up killing a main plot character by mistake and saved it over, so I had to start it all again, not a problem since the game is that good).

    Unlike most of the western games here with just "hey, I just met you, let's fuck" this eroge also has an amazing story and I believe the scenes shown should be as important as the situation that made them happen, so it's really good to have a dev that cares about writing the game coherently.

    I feel like only 5 stars isn't enough, but I guess I'll have to stay with that. This is a game that I feel it deserves to be bought just to help the dev (which is exactly what I did).

    Mofu is the best dev here, make sure to follow him and his works.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I just needed to give my rating to this game. This is, by far, my favorite futa game ever. Is probably the game that attends most of what I'm looking.

    I love Mofu's art style. It's probably the best part of this game. It's colorful, bright and cute, not to mention it's one of his older arts that got me hooked into futa to begin with. So I can only be grateful.

    The game is very well made and programmed, it surprises me actually. It's a type of gameplay I didn't find anywhere else but here, so it's very unique. The balance is very good too, it's not a cake walk so you have to grind and have good positioning if you want to win. Even the grinding system is different so you have to put some time into perfecting it.

    And if you want a quick fap, you have it. You can replay the scenes over and over, you can change body size (which is something very difficult to find anywhere) like dick size, tits size, balls size etc.

    So, for any futa fans, this game is a MUST play. It's easily my top 1.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v3.39

    A great game with a lot of content. beautiful artstyle, interesting and fun combat, good progression and a great amount of sexual content.
    If there is one problem that obstructed me from enjoying the game is the machine translation, its rough as all hell.

    Great game, could be greater with better translation.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games that I've played from this site, the art is out of this world gorgeous, combat is fun, and has a pretty good story.

    one of the only issues that I found with it was that text extends off the text box, but you can easily read any offscreen text by going into the message log
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.
    Unfortunately the translations for the v2 content aren't great and the v3 translations are kinda terrible. But those aren't faults of the game since they're fan translations.

    There's one super wierd scat scene that I think the game could do without, and in V3.40 one of the characters is postioned slightly too low in the character outfit customisation screen so you can't see their dick properly. But those two gripes aside, the game is quite fun.

    The story is interersting, and the art is gorgeous
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game with well over 30 hours of content. Great scenes and with incredible gameplay variety. No unit is bad per se, you can give almost any skill you want to the captured units and even make them OP thanks to the infusion system; though of course the main human characters are more balanced and reliable.
    There are 60+ costumes to unlock as well, and many of them are interactable in the main screen (The harpy triplets' costumes for example).
    The hard mode stages are challenging but fun, as the rewards make it worth it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Story - Very well written I was immersed in the game wanting to learn more, but words are so space apart like someone trying to learn English.

    Animation - Decent, Some art work is just pictures and some is animated. I kind of wish they just animated every capture, that would have made this game much more entertaining to watch

    Gameplay - There is some grinding but that is not a problem since the game is so interesting to play. There is so much to do that you wont even notice. I like it a lot because it feels like a Pokémon game to where it make you want to catch them all and convert everyone to your side.

    Controls - Point and Click, Just think of this game like chess. You have to think 5 steps in head to beat the enemy.

    H-Scenes - 10/10 Nice art to look at

    Overall - A game worth playing if your into Futas and your looking for a lot of good gameplay & visual content ;)
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    The good: Art is great. The amount of body customization is awesome, too. Gameplay is up my alley. The scenes are hot.

    The bad: You, the main heroine, get a dick and magic powers due to a special ring. Which should make you special. But every other non-monster character is a futa as well, for no reason, without any rings.
    It would be ok, if not for the fact that the only scenes with non-monster characters include nothing but dick frottage. You have vaginas, you even have asses for god's sake, use them! Nah, better rub our dicks together as if that is in any way hot.
    Also no one recognizes any changes to your body.

  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Confusing, only half-translated and I have no idea what to do next. Doesn't matter really, this clunky-ass turn based combat shit is tedious as fuck and the CG rewards are very few and far in between.

    Cool concept but too much game, not enough porn. This could have worked if the gameplay was something I would have enjoyed playing even without lewds, but that is absolutely not the case here. Grindy, unintuitive, unrewarding and unnecessarily complicated are words I would use to describe this game. Avoid unless you can read japanese and can figure out what's going on.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    By far the best H game i ever played if you are looking for a game to have some fun and challenging you are in the right place but if you just want to fap this is not the game for you there are so many collectables and Lvl ups in this game
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing rpg with a futa m.c. The gameplay is pretty great with a cool leveling system and body customization :). The battles are challenging and packed with tough enemies. The art is great with wonderful scenes (excluding strip and hostess). Best h-game I've played.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I really love this game. It has fun gameplay and some nice body customization options for the Futa-MC. Most old scenes even change with new changes to the body, which is amazing. I really hope there will be some sort of sequel.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    a sub par plot but lovable characters. futaring is a great tactical role-playing game with beautiful art work. you can approach maps with many and unique strategies as you capture and slay monsters. your main character is versatile with a customizable skills set and in game body slider which you gain points to increase as you play through the game.