Alright I've finally finished it took me quite a bit longer than expected because I got tired of playing this game multiple times through this playthrough. I have structured this review into multiple sections for ease of reading Summary, Platforming, Visual Novel, Hentai Game, Conclusion. If you are not interested in what I have to say on some sections it's perfectly ok to skip over it toward a section you are more interested in.
Summary of Game 2/5 Version 1.04
Future Fragments (I will be abbreviating this to FF for short) is among one of the first hentai games I ever played nearly a decade ago, I've followed it's development on and off for the entire cycle so it pains me give it a 2, I wanted to give it a 3 but the game has so many issues FF is a hentai game which mid development forgot it was a hentai game and decided it wanted to be a platformer, then forgot it wanted to be a platformer and decided it wanted to be a visual novel instead.
I personally love platformers and hentai games and while I don't love visual novels, I prefer light novels personally, this type of game is exactly up my alley, so I decided to do this review I couldn't just play this game once I had to playthrough it twice to truly experience everything this game had to offer for options, endings, choices. My first run of the game I picked whatever options felt natural to me (I will be referring to this first run as my Optimism run because that and kindness were always my highest ideals) I did everything Vie asked me to in this run and I had bad rep with Faye. My second run of the game was my Pessimism run (affectionally referred to as my "sonic" run due to getting BOTH the speed boost powerups immediately) I attempted to always pick negative options and avoid picking anything I did in my first run, in this run I avoided all fragments, gold databanks, and attempted to piss Vie off as much as possible while also being a good friend to Faye.
Platforming/Gameplay: 5/10
As a platformer I think FF is very mid, to be fair I am a bit of a GAMER, but this game is about 2 hours of platforming stretched out into a 10 hour playthrough due to dialogue and writing. Much of the platforming in the first and 2nd levels is genuinely miserable, not because its hard but because its very dull. I remember the first puzzle I did in the Fire level for the first fragment could be solved by flipping the very first switch you see on and then doing the puzzle.
As you progress through the levels the game gives you new abilities namely the fire dash, ice projectile, and electric launch. The fire dash is your extremely bog standard dash ability you've seen in every platformer ever. The electric jump instead of a double jump you get an ability which launches you straight up, personally I hated this ability because it was used in tedious and annoying ways where the game for no reason would make you use it to climb up a ledge and if you had no mana that means you had to wait for it to charge enough to use it (few seconds but still annoying). The ice projectile though was the most unique and saving grace of gameplay mechanics, you could use it to freeze enemies and projectiles and then platform off them, genuinely a cool and fun idea it was easily my most used ability.
The Electric level (3rd level) however is extremely well made and it clearly has the most development time sunk into it mixing the gravity switches with ice projectile mechanic to create unique jumping puzzles was really fun, there were lots of really cool ideas and mechanics that frankly the rest of the game feels rushed in comparison to electric level (I'll get into more reasons why later).
Also throughout this game are numerous powerups you can collect, this is a pretty fun and cool idea however the problem is many of them are utterly OP broken.
The boss fights in this game are... a sad joke in my Optimism run I had to force myself to fail on bosses once each time so I could get the H-Scene and move on. My favorite boss fights were the celodst emperor boss (2nd level) and WREN (stage 5 boss) really well designed and a ton of fun. The other bosses however... most of them could be beaten by standing still and spamming shoot button I had to ban myself from using 4 leaf clover and comb in my Pessimism run because it simply made the boss fights a literal joke, for example in the stage 4 plant boss out of curiosity I decided to never move once the entire fight other than to remove his healing flowers all I did was spam shoot and let him hit me as much as he wanted, I killed the boss within 30 seconds and I still had 75% of my HP. He really needs more mechanics than 2 attacks which give you 5+ seconds to dodge. The WREN fight can be made almost trivial by equiping Mind Reading Implant because the boss is almost totally incapable of damaging you (just have to swap out of it after his 1st phase is over).
Speaking of swapping powerups, this game has a lot of QoL locked behind powerups such as the ability to shoot diagonally (fighting flying enemies without it is painful) however this system of having to swap power ups is so tedious I never bothered to use more than a handful of powerups which is a real shame. IMO the dev should create a quick swap function which allows you to set up different powerup loadouts you can swap between without having to open menu there were many times I wanted to swap to Bishop, Kiwi, Daffodil, Dildo, and other super situational powerups but it was too tedious for me to swap to them so I didn't. Powerup loadouts would make this game more fun to speedrun and would help with the engagement of various situational powerups.
Final Boss:
Finally lets talk about the game ending. After beating WREN you reach a stealth section of game where Talia is naked and unable to use any abilities or shoot, however this isn't a stealth section but instead an elden ring no hit speedrun where if you get hit once or lightly brush into an enemy you have to restart the section. This was the most awful segment of the game by a mile and one of the worst stealth sections of any game I have ever played stuck at one part for 30+ minutes.
A reminder, I beat WREN with no powerups on my 3rd try, this was significantly harder. And then when I finally beat this room and went into the next which had a Vie pixel art hentai scene an enemy who's sole purpose I can only imagine to be fuck with the player sniped me from across the map from the right side and I had to redo this section again.
Then after you finally have beaten the stealth section the final boss of the game is a QTE. Words can't describe my disappointment.
"Visual Novel" Sections 3/10:
I think the best way to start this section is to ask me a simple question "If you had to divide the game up, what percent of the game is gameplay, hentai, and visual novel writing?" my answer would be this game is 20% platforming, 10% hentai, and 70% visual novel writing. When discussing the writing sections there's 4 sections to divide it inbetween - The databanks, the NPC's, the story, and the personality system.
This is the bulk of all written words in this game, I had to force myself to read all of these because I wanted to truly immerse myself in the world and the story. And let me just say... this system isn't unsalvageable. There were several times I actually found myself enjoying reading the databanks such as in the first level there is a databank about a guy talking about how he doesn't remember anything and how he lost 10 years of memory, then later in the room you read about how a rebel soldier stayed behind to fight off WORM, then after that you read a debriefing from a WORM soldier who watched the single rebel wipe out nearly 50 people before the WORM soldier begs for the interviewer to take mercy and help his fellow squad mate who was a tier 2 soldier meaning he lost 10 years of his memory due to dying in this fight. That was some good story telling, another really good one enhanced by the voice acting is the level 4 databank about the guy named Handjob the voice acting made this one 3X funnier and I had to listen to it twice.
However for every genuinely good databank, there are 2-3 bad ones that serve no purpose for existing other than to bloat the story. I'd say at least 1/3rd if not half the databanks in this game are just random diaries about bullshit I would imagine you could get a similar experience by walking to your nearest library, going to the 7th shelf, and picking a random book from the shelf and flipping to page 47 before reading only that single page and nothing else, that is what the databank system is. 2 Examples I wrote down is the databank about the history of vampire who was sucking blood then stopped and disappeared (never relevant again), or the databank about the 3d printed figurines. The dev should really pay someone to be his editor and chop away some of the pure bloat infecting this game. "Just skip the dialogue/databanks who cares" I personally hate this line of reasoning because there is some good writing hidden here and by having all these crappy bad databanks that serve no purpose you are conditioning the player to skip or skim read the story you've spent time and money creating, lessening and cheapening the experience of your game.
The NPC's:
In every level of the game in nearly every room are NPC's you can talk to. These NPC's interactions will "supposedly" change based on your ideals and your options will also change and can sometimes increase or decrease your ideals for personality system they can also change based on the order of NPC's you talk to. Sounds cool however there's a major problem: you the player have absolutely no clue what triggers the NPC's I did 2 polar opposite playthroughs Optimism + Kindness vs Pessimism + Justice and for about 75%+ of the NPC's I talked to I noticed very little to no change, when there was some dialogue changed it would rarely change the outcome of the conversation or give me access to new options.
The other problem was many NPC's changed based on the order you talked to them, I'm mixed how I feel on this system (it was cool that it changed) but I personally found it annoying. If you decided to go through the level p1,p2,p3 etc... sometimes there would be NPC's on p1 who's dialogue would require you to have gone through p4 first to talk to a certain NPC, then talk to the p1 NPC and if you do it out of order you are locked out from talking to this NPC again and have to save scum if you want to change that. Worse even, you can be hardlocked into missing lewd scenes if you walk down a certain path first or talk to NPC's in a certain order an example of this is if you have positive rep with Faye she will step in to prevent you from having sex with the dying grunt hiding fragment in first level, or if you have generally positive ideals the grunt will just hand you the fragment.
My final issue with NPC's is how meaningless they are this game has extreme bloat in this regard too as many NPC's in both my 2 wildly different ideal runs often had nothing useful to say that related to the story, no options for interacting with them, they would talk and that would be it. Another issue I had is how this game gives you the illusion of choice when in reality your choices mean next to nothing, for example in the Fire level you have the choice to overclock the fans in a later room, and then you can choose to warn the scientist or not but none of these choices actually do anything to affect your gameplay other than mildly affect your ideals as Vie steps in to fix the fans immediately after you've made your choice regardless of if you overclock them or not. There are very few choices in this game that actually affect your gameplay (besides a few very minor inconveniences Faye will do if she's pissed at you).
One good thing however about the NPC system is how comprehensive it is if you think doing a certain action will change an NPC's reaction, it likely will which is really cool and there are some neat easter eggs. For example in the Fire level there is an NPC below a lake of lava which you lower the lava to reach her, however if you run down into the lava and reach her before you die she will have different dialogue. HW did a great job in this regard.
The Personality System:
This is the most poorly designed system in the entire game and I have a seething hatred for this system for many reasons. Engaging with this system in any meaningful way punishes the player and it seems despite the amount of work the dev put into it the intended way to interact with this system is to forget it exists. On my first Optimist playthrough I didn't really worry about it that much just picking the options that felt natural to me, however on my second playthrough for the Pessimist when I was trying to specifically go for Pessimist options is when this system became MISERABLE. Many times I would talk to an NPC, pick an option only to discover that option boosted Kindness or Optimism, and because there is no reliable way to change any of your ideals I would then proceed to reload the game which meant I had to run through the entire path AGAIN, talking to all the NPC's again, redoing puzzles again, before I could reach the NPC to pick a new option... only to discover all 4 of the options increase Optimism or Kindness. But you as the player have absolutely no way of knowing this or which ones increase what.
HW if you are reading this I am on my hands and knees begging you to add to every dialogue choice ideal changes (+Kindness, -Pessimism).
However I'm not done yet, you thought that was my only problem with personality system? Well too bad because it gets even worse. The most criminally indefensible thing in my eyes about this system is despite years being spent working on it and how this system supposedly enables different dialogue options with NPC's with some NPC's saying new things, different cutscenes and it changing what ending you get etc... but you know what doesn't change? ANY OF THE HENTAI SCENES. How the fuck do you implement a personality system with a lewdness trait in a hentai game but fail to implement the system in the most obvious way. All of the scenes are written as if the main character is a mega slut who loves getting fucked which is disappointing, but doubly so considering there is literally a "lewdness" trait that could of easily been a corruption mechanic to change this dialogue.
The Story:
I don't really have much to say on the story in general I found it to be pretty good quality and I typically enjoyed it more often than not and this would of been a redeeming quality if it wasn't for the fact that there are several continuity issues, missing dialogue, parts not even voiced or written yet. This really killed my enjoyment of the story.
The character writing I'm undecided on, very frequently while talking to NPC's Talia would mirror my thoughts which were usually "what the fuck are you talking about" or "can you hurry up" or some variation of that I can't decide if it's good writing that I think the same thing the main character is thinking, or if it's bad writing because it's commenting on how half the time I am talking to NPC's it feel's like I've checked myself into an insane asylum who's patients are going off random tangents about bullshit I have genuinely no knowledge of that aren't even important to the story.
Can someone also tell me what the deal is with all the highlighted text in this game? Highlighted words are suppose to draw your attention to important details however HW seems to think every other word in this game is an important detail that needs to be highlighted, there have been numerous studies which have shown how excessive highlighting can hamper the process of making connections and drawing inferences. HW really needs to pay an editor to go through his shit and fix it because the sheer number of highlighted text is out of control.
FF The Hentai Game 3/10:
Now for the segment everyone has been waiting for I chose to do this one last because all the issues mentioned in the other segment negatively affect the hentai gameplay here as well. But man oh man I have never seen a hentai game grasp defeat from the jaws of victory quite like this one. This game had absolutely everything going for it, an insanely talented pixel artist, good variety of porn genres, lots of CG/pixel art, NPC events, map events etc... so what happened? Let's go through each individual issue together so I can paint you a picture.
Pixel Art:
This game commits one of the sins of H-Games which is having gameplay be at conflict with the hentai, when Talia is stunned enemies can grapple her however while she is grappled she takes damage, the player can choose to break her free nearly instantly or you can sit there and let her take damage, personally I think this is bad design in hentai games but even worse is if you choose to break the grapple before the scene is finish you get -1 sexuality changing your ideals slightly which is a pain in the ass if you are trying to go for high lewd run.
Just about all hentai CG is defeat CG which is another sin of H-Game design but whatever not a big deal.
When this game released it released without a gallery, in the full year since release as of 1.04 the gallery is STILL incomplete and missing many scenes. How do you release a hentai game without a gallery???
NPC events:
NPC's with a pink ! above their head indicate they have a sex scene, however there is absolutely no way to tell what triggers the scene. Is Justice your main ideal? Too bad this scene is only activated if Kindness is your highest ideal. Did you miss an NPC in an earlier path/module? Sucks to be you. Were you nice to Faye? Get cock blocked idiot. Because the game does not tell you what triggers these scenes often times you will come across these NPC's only for them to reject you and you have no idea what you could of done differently, worse none of them are in the gallery yet. Genuinely awful design.
Worse yet about the NPC events however I believe some of them to still be bugged. Early into one of my 2 playthroughs I ran into a pink ! NPC, picked an option and got no sex scene but later in same path I fucked up one of my choices at a later NPC so I reloaded my save when I talked to the pink ! NPC and picked the exact same options as I did earlier it gave me a new option to see the scene, to the best of my knowledge I made the exact same choices as my earlier run so I have no idea what triggered the scene this time.
Map Events:
These are my favorite and I wish there were more however very noticeably (as someone who's played all the trials over the last 10 years) this game has missing map events such as the fragment in level 4 which is laying on the ground, or the fragment in level 2 that Faye mentions.
If all of this wasn't bad enough, the distribution of scenes is pretty poorly done as well with levels 2,4,5 having very very few map events/lewd NPC's if you're the type of person to go see all of the enemy defeat scenes right when you reach a new level it will potentially be 1-2 hours before you see another scene (The 4th and 5th levels only have a 2 non defeat CG events in them). And the scenes you do get are extremely short. Once again I reiterate from earlier, this game is 20% platforming, 10% hentai, 70% reading.
If the game had a fully implemented gallery I'd be willing to bump this up to a 4 or a 5/10 but as it stands the hentai in this game is extremely sparse, mostly defeat scenes with occasional NPC events you can accidently miss because 1 hour ago you were nice to an NPC and the NPC refuses to have sex with you because you're too kind.
This is why when I say FF is a hentai game which mid development forgot it was a hentai game and decided it wanted to be a platformer, then forgot it wanted to be a platformer and decided it wanted to be a visual novel instead. None of the systems play nice together the NPC's and choice system fails to affect your platforming gameplay in any meaningful way, the sheer volume of dialogue and words result in gameplay segments and the porn feeling more like "filler" inbetween walls of text about random crap. The platforming does very little to nothing to interact with the hentai often being at contradiction to eachother as enjoying the porn means you will lose HP and likely have to restart the path and redo all the puzzles again. The hentai segments do not take advantage of any of the dialogue systems and often those systems frustrate your ability to see the hentai segments as you can be locked out of scenes with no idea why it happened or what to do differently.
If this game was nothing other than the Electric level I would probably rate it a 7.5 or 8/10 as that level of the game is the best balanced with healthy number of porn scenes, great gameplay, and the story/dialogue is pretty good too. If you are interested in this game I would personally trying the Fire level demo out and understanding that other than the electric level, the game does not improve.
If you are someone who has read this review and disagrees with me thinking this game is a 5/5 perfect game you should consider buying the game despite my thoughts on the dev and their incompetency I can admire their commitment toward creating something new rather than more of the same copy paste RPGM, Renpy visual novel slop, and its important to support games like this if you want to see more similar to it.
Summary of Game 2/5 Version 1.04
Future Fragments (I will be abbreviating this to FF for short) is among one of the first hentai games I ever played nearly a decade ago, I've followed it's development on and off for the entire cycle so it pains me give it a 2, I wanted to give it a 3 but the game has so many issues FF is a hentai game which mid development forgot it was a hentai game and decided it wanted to be a platformer, then forgot it wanted to be a platformer and decided it wanted to be a visual novel instead.
I personally love platformers and hentai games and while I don't love visual novels, I prefer light novels personally, this type of game is exactly up my alley, so I decided to do this review I couldn't just play this game once I had to playthrough it twice to truly experience everything this game had to offer for options, endings, choices. My first run of the game I picked whatever options felt natural to me (I will be referring to this first run as my Optimism run because that and kindness were always my highest ideals) I did everything Vie asked me to in this run and I had bad rep with Faye. My second run of the game was my Pessimism run (affectionally referred to as my "sonic" run due to getting BOTH the speed boost powerups immediately) I attempted to always pick negative options and avoid picking anything I did in my first run, in this run I avoided all fragments, gold databanks, and attempted to piss Vie off as much as possible while also being a good friend to Faye.
Platforming/Gameplay: 5/10
As a platformer I think FF is very mid, to be fair I am a bit of a GAMER, but this game is about 2 hours of platforming stretched out into a 10 hour playthrough due to dialogue and writing. Much of the platforming in the first and 2nd levels is genuinely miserable, not because its hard but because its very dull. I remember the first puzzle I did in the Fire level for the first fragment could be solved by flipping the very first switch you see on and then doing the puzzle.
As you progress through the levels the game gives you new abilities namely the fire dash, ice projectile, and electric launch. The fire dash is your extremely bog standard dash ability you've seen in every platformer ever. The electric jump instead of a double jump you get an ability which launches you straight up, personally I hated this ability because it was used in tedious and annoying ways where the game for no reason would make you use it to climb up a ledge and if you had no mana that means you had to wait for it to charge enough to use it (few seconds but still annoying). The ice projectile though was the most unique and saving grace of gameplay mechanics, you could use it to freeze enemies and projectiles and then platform off them, genuinely a cool and fun idea it was easily my most used ability.
The Electric level (3rd level) however is extremely well made and it clearly has the most development time sunk into it mixing the gravity switches with ice projectile mechanic to create unique jumping puzzles was really fun, there were lots of really cool ideas and mechanics that frankly the rest of the game feels rushed in comparison to electric level (I'll get into more reasons why later).
Also throughout this game are numerous powerups you can collect, this is a pretty fun and cool idea however the problem is many of them are utterly OP broken.
The boss fights in this game are... a sad joke in my Optimism run I had to force myself to fail on bosses once each time so I could get the H-Scene and move on. My favorite boss fights were the celodst emperor boss (2nd level) and WREN (stage 5 boss) really well designed and a ton of fun. The other bosses however... most of them could be beaten by standing still and spamming shoot button I had to ban myself from using 4 leaf clover and comb in my Pessimism run because it simply made the boss fights a literal joke, for example in the stage 4 plant boss out of curiosity I decided to never move once the entire fight other than to remove his healing flowers all I did was spam shoot and let him hit me as much as he wanted, I killed the boss within 30 seconds and I still had 75% of my HP. He really needs more mechanics than 2 attacks which give you 5+ seconds to dodge. The WREN fight can be made almost trivial by equiping Mind Reading Implant because the boss is almost totally incapable of damaging you (just have to swap out of it after his 1st phase is over).
Speaking of swapping powerups, this game has a lot of QoL locked behind powerups such as the ability to shoot diagonally (fighting flying enemies without it is painful) however this system of having to swap power ups is so tedious I never bothered to use more than a handful of powerups which is a real shame. IMO the dev should create a quick swap function which allows you to set up different powerup loadouts you can swap between without having to open menu there were many times I wanted to swap to Bishop, Kiwi, Daffodil, Dildo, and other super situational powerups but it was too tedious for me to swap to them so I didn't. Powerup loadouts would make this game more fun to speedrun and would help with the engagement of various situational powerups.
Final Boss:
Finally lets talk about the game ending. After beating WREN you reach a stealth section of game where Talia is naked and unable to use any abilities or shoot, however this isn't a stealth section but instead an elden ring no hit speedrun where if you get hit once or lightly brush into an enemy you have to restart the section. This was the most awful segment of the game by a mile and one of the worst stealth sections of any game I have ever played stuck at one part for 30+ minutes.
A reminder, I beat WREN with no powerups on my 3rd try, this was significantly harder. And then when I finally beat this room and went into the next which had a Vie pixel art hentai scene an enemy who's sole purpose I can only imagine to be fuck with the player sniped me from across the map from the right side and I had to redo this section again.
Then after you finally have beaten the stealth section the final boss of the game is a QTE. Words can't describe my disappointment.
"Visual Novel" Sections 3/10:
I think the best way to start this section is to ask me a simple question "If you had to divide the game up, what percent of the game is gameplay, hentai, and visual novel writing?" my answer would be this game is 20% platforming, 10% hentai, and 70% visual novel writing. When discussing the writing sections there's 4 sections to divide it inbetween - The databanks, the NPC's, the story, and the personality system.
This is the bulk of all written words in this game, I had to force myself to read all of these because I wanted to truly immerse myself in the world and the story. And let me just say... this system isn't unsalvageable. There were several times I actually found myself enjoying reading the databanks such as in the first level there is a databank about a guy talking about how he doesn't remember anything and how he lost 10 years of memory, then later in the room you read about how a rebel soldier stayed behind to fight off WORM, then after that you read a debriefing from a WORM soldier who watched the single rebel wipe out nearly 50 people before the WORM soldier begs for the interviewer to take mercy and help his fellow squad mate who was a tier 2 soldier meaning he lost 10 years of his memory due to dying in this fight. That was some good story telling, another really good one enhanced by the voice acting is the level 4 databank about the guy named Handjob the voice acting made this one 3X funnier and I had to listen to it twice.
However for every genuinely good databank, there are 2-3 bad ones that serve no purpose for existing other than to bloat the story. I'd say at least 1/3rd if not half the databanks in this game are just random diaries about bullshit I would imagine you could get a similar experience by walking to your nearest library, going to the 7th shelf, and picking a random book from the shelf and flipping to page 47 before reading only that single page and nothing else, that is what the databank system is. 2 Examples I wrote down is the databank about the history of vampire who was sucking blood then stopped and disappeared (never relevant again), or the databank about the 3d printed figurines. The dev should really pay someone to be his editor and chop away some of the pure bloat infecting this game. "Just skip the dialogue/databanks who cares" I personally hate this line of reasoning because there is some good writing hidden here and by having all these crappy bad databanks that serve no purpose you are conditioning the player to skip or skim read the story you've spent time and money creating, lessening and cheapening the experience of your game.
The NPC's:
In every level of the game in nearly every room are NPC's you can talk to. These NPC's interactions will "supposedly" change based on your ideals and your options will also change and can sometimes increase or decrease your ideals for personality system they can also change based on the order of NPC's you talk to. Sounds cool however there's a major problem: you the player have absolutely no clue what triggers the NPC's I did 2 polar opposite playthroughs Optimism + Kindness vs Pessimism + Justice and for about 75%+ of the NPC's I talked to I noticed very little to no change, when there was some dialogue changed it would rarely change the outcome of the conversation or give me access to new options.
The other problem was many NPC's changed based on the order you talked to them, I'm mixed how I feel on this system (it was cool that it changed) but I personally found it annoying. If you decided to go through the level p1,p2,p3 etc... sometimes there would be NPC's on p1 who's dialogue would require you to have gone through p4 first to talk to a certain NPC, then talk to the p1 NPC and if you do it out of order you are locked out from talking to this NPC again and have to save scum if you want to change that. Worse even, you can be hardlocked into missing lewd scenes if you walk down a certain path first or talk to NPC's in a certain order an example of this is if you have positive rep with Faye she will step in to prevent you from having sex with the dying grunt hiding fragment in first level, or if you have generally positive ideals the grunt will just hand you the fragment.
My final issue with NPC's is how meaningless they are this game has extreme bloat in this regard too as many NPC's in both my 2 wildly different ideal runs often had nothing useful to say that related to the story, no options for interacting with them, they would talk and that would be it. Another issue I had is how this game gives you the illusion of choice when in reality your choices mean next to nothing, for example in the Fire level you have the choice to overclock the fans in a later room, and then you can choose to warn the scientist or not but none of these choices actually do anything to affect your gameplay other than mildly affect your ideals as Vie steps in to fix the fans immediately after you've made your choice regardless of if you overclock them or not. There are very few choices in this game that actually affect your gameplay (besides a few very minor inconveniences Faye will do if she's pissed at you).
One good thing however about the NPC system is how comprehensive it is if you think doing a certain action will change an NPC's reaction, it likely will which is really cool and there are some neat easter eggs. For example in the Fire level there is an NPC below a lake of lava which you lower the lava to reach her, however if you run down into the lava and reach her before you die she will have different dialogue. HW did a great job in this regard.
The Personality System:
This is the most poorly designed system in the entire game and I have a seething hatred for this system for many reasons. Engaging with this system in any meaningful way punishes the player and it seems despite the amount of work the dev put into it the intended way to interact with this system is to forget it exists. On my first Optimist playthrough I didn't really worry about it that much just picking the options that felt natural to me, however on my second playthrough for the Pessimist when I was trying to specifically go for Pessimist options is when this system became MISERABLE. Many times I would talk to an NPC, pick an option only to discover that option boosted Kindness or Optimism, and because there is no reliable way to change any of your ideals I would then proceed to reload the game which meant I had to run through the entire path AGAIN, talking to all the NPC's again, redoing puzzles again, before I could reach the NPC to pick a new option... only to discover all 4 of the options increase Optimism or Kindness. But you as the player have absolutely no way of knowing this or which ones increase what.
HW if you are reading this I am on my hands and knees begging you to add to every dialogue choice ideal changes (+Kindness, -Pessimism).
However I'm not done yet, you thought that was my only problem with personality system? Well too bad because it gets even worse. The most criminally indefensible thing in my eyes about this system is despite years being spent working on it and how this system supposedly enables different dialogue options with NPC's with some NPC's saying new things, different cutscenes and it changing what ending you get etc... but you know what doesn't change? ANY OF THE HENTAI SCENES. How the fuck do you implement a personality system with a lewdness trait in a hentai game but fail to implement the system in the most obvious way. All of the scenes are written as if the main character is a mega slut who loves getting fucked which is disappointing, but doubly so considering there is literally a "lewdness" trait that could of easily been a corruption mechanic to change this dialogue.
The Story:
I don't really have much to say on the story in general I found it to be pretty good quality and I typically enjoyed it more often than not and this would of been a redeeming quality if it wasn't for the fact that there are several continuity issues, missing dialogue, parts not even voiced or written yet. This really killed my enjoyment of the story.
The character writing I'm undecided on, very frequently while talking to NPC's Talia would mirror my thoughts which were usually "what the fuck are you talking about" or "can you hurry up" or some variation of that I can't decide if it's good writing that I think the same thing the main character is thinking, or if it's bad writing because it's commenting on how half the time I am talking to NPC's it feel's like I've checked myself into an insane asylum who's patients are going off random tangents about bullshit I have genuinely no knowledge of that aren't even important to the story.
Can someone also tell me what the deal is with all the highlighted text in this game? Highlighted words are suppose to draw your attention to important details however HW seems to think every other word in this game is an important detail that needs to be highlighted, there have been numerous studies which have shown how excessive highlighting can hamper the process of making connections and drawing inferences. HW really needs to pay an editor to go through his shit and fix it because the sheer number of highlighted text is out of control.
FF The Hentai Game 3/10:
Now for the segment everyone has been waiting for I chose to do this one last because all the issues mentioned in the other segment negatively affect the hentai gameplay here as well. But man oh man I have never seen a hentai game grasp defeat from the jaws of victory quite like this one. This game had absolutely everything going for it, an insanely talented pixel artist, good variety of porn genres, lots of CG/pixel art, NPC events, map events etc... so what happened? Let's go through each individual issue together so I can paint you a picture.
Pixel Art:
This game commits one of the sins of H-Games which is having gameplay be at conflict with the hentai, when Talia is stunned enemies can grapple her however while she is grappled she takes damage, the player can choose to break her free nearly instantly or you can sit there and let her take damage, personally I think this is bad design in hentai games but even worse is if you choose to break the grapple before the scene is finish you get -1 sexuality changing your ideals slightly which is a pain in the ass if you are trying to go for high lewd run.
Just about all hentai CG is defeat CG which is another sin of H-Game design but whatever not a big deal.
When this game released it released without a gallery, in the full year since release as of 1.04 the gallery is STILL incomplete and missing many scenes. How do you release a hentai game without a gallery???
NPC events:
NPC's with a pink ! above their head indicate they have a sex scene, however there is absolutely no way to tell what triggers the scene. Is Justice your main ideal? Too bad this scene is only activated if Kindness is your highest ideal. Did you miss an NPC in an earlier path/module? Sucks to be you. Were you nice to Faye? Get cock blocked idiot. Because the game does not tell you what triggers these scenes often times you will come across these NPC's only for them to reject you and you have no idea what you could of done differently, worse none of them are in the gallery yet. Genuinely awful design.
Worse yet about the NPC events however I believe some of them to still be bugged. Early into one of my 2 playthroughs I ran into a pink ! NPC, picked an option and got no sex scene but later in same path I fucked up one of my choices at a later NPC so I reloaded my save when I talked to the pink ! NPC and picked the exact same options as I did earlier it gave me a new option to see the scene, to the best of my knowledge I made the exact same choices as my earlier run so I have no idea what triggered the scene this time.
Map Events:
These are my favorite and I wish there were more however very noticeably (as someone who's played all the trials over the last 10 years) this game has missing map events such as the fragment in level 4 which is laying on the ground, or the fragment in level 2 that Faye mentions.
If all of this wasn't bad enough, the distribution of scenes is pretty poorly done as well with levels 2,4,5 having very very few map events/lewd NPC's if you're the type of person to go see all of the enemy defeat scenes right when you reach a new level it will potentially be 1-2 hours before you see another scene (The 4th and 5th levels only have a 2 non defeat CG events in them). And the scenes you do get are extremely short. Once again I reiterate from earlier, this game is 20% platforming, 10% hentai, 70% reading.
If the game had a fully implemented gallery I'd be willing to bump this up to a 4 or a 5/10 but as it stands the hentai in this game is extremely sparse, mostly defeat scenes with occasional NPC events you can accidently miss because 1 hour ago you were nice to an NPC and the NPC refuses to have sex with you because you're too kind.
This is why when I say FF is a hentai game which mid development forgot it was a hentai game and decided it wanted to be a platformer, then forgot it wanted to be a platformer and decided it wanted to be a visual novel instead. None of the systems play nice together the NPC's and choice system fails to affect your platforming gameplay in any meaningful way, the sheer volume of dialogue and words result in gameplay segments and the porn feeling more like "filler" inbetween walls of text about random crap. The platforming does very little to nothing to interact with the hentai often being at contradiction to eachother as enjoying the porn means you will lose HP and likely have to restart the path and redo all the puzzles again. The hentai segments do not take advantage of any of the dialogue systems and often those systems frustrate your ability to see the hentai segments as you can be locked out of scenes with no idea why it happened or what to do differently.
If this game was nothing other than the Electric level I would probably rate it a 7.5 or 8/10 as that level of the game is the best balanced with healthy number of porn scenes, great gameplay, and the story/dialogue is pretty good too. If you are interested in this game I would personally trying the Fire level demo out and understanding that other than the electric level, the game does not improve.
If you are someone who has read this review and disagrees with me thinking this game is a 5/5 perfect game you should consider buying the game despite my thoughts on the dev and their incompetency I can admire their commitment toward creating something new rather than more of the same copy paste RPGM, Renpy visual novel slop, and its important to support games like this if you want to see more similar to it.