I can test this later. I run Windows 10 and Linux Nobara. (I can always test other flavors) I think the difficulty with running this in VR on Linux will come from two things: 1 the use of UnityPlayer.dll since there's a special way you have to handle .dll plugins in Linux. 2. It's a game based on Unity. This used to be flawless and every Unity game would run flawless on Linux for me but as of 2024 it's been the opposite where Unity Games wont run for me now. Don't know why but I need to get to the bottom of it.
Let me know if you figure it out. I run into the error at the bottom when trying to launch. I've tried GE and Experimental.
Funny enough, I also get a similar error in proton logs for steam titles too. Honestly. The VR issues are the only thing keeping me from completely removing windows. lol And I have d3dcompiler_47, dxvk, vcrun2019, dotnet40, mf, ucrtbase2019 and winhttp
Popup error
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Assertion Failed! Program: C:\vrclient\bin\vrclient_x64.dll File: ./scr-vrclient/vrcompositor_manual.c Line: 1483
Expression: !status
Proton log
err:steam:initialize_vr_data Could not get compositor, error 105.
Without MF I was dieing on this error in proton too. So it's clearly needed.
err:msvcrt:_wassert (L"!status",L"../src-vrclient/vrcompositor_manual.c",1287)