Unity - Gamer Struggles [v0.1.6.4 ] [The Cumbusters]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good side scroller nsfw game, I am not into furries but this game changed that, loved the combat, animations and CG's, interesting bosses as well. Would love to try the full game when it comes out, highly recommended, give it a try and support the dev any way you can.
    I am off to try some more games, will keep a watch on this one.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The art is gorgeous, I really love it, BUT FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY the gameplay is bad.

    A porn game shouldn't make me wanna yeet my self and my PC out of a window and in front of a driving bus.

    And honestly it wouldn't be as bad if it was more forgiving, for example the cave part why not give us players more checkpoints so we don't have to do everything over and over again
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    v0.1.6.4. The art and the personality are nice. The gameplay is terrible.

    The camera is too zoomed in. The camera moves up as soon as you jump, rather than waiting for you to land. You have to fight the camera. It makes sense to walk off some ledges instead of jumping off just so that the camera doesn't prevent you from seeing what you're trying to land on. Of course, the player's collision is a 2D capsule, instead of the standard rectangle, so you fall off ledges sooner than you'd expect, and get pushed away from the ledge a bit.

    While momentum exists, you reach top speed almost instantly. There's no difference between a held jump button and a tapped jump button. After dashing, there's no way to maintain the dash momentum. This means there's basically no skill expression in the entirety of the platforming. It's entirely about how late you jump and when you hit dash. That's why another reviewer complained about "perfect jumps", despite the jumps not being very demanding. The only method the game has for making a jump challenging is to make it "perfect". Even exploration isn't rewarded. Any resemblance to a choice in traversal amounts to an immediate dead end with either some dialogue or once even an invisible wall.

    Combat is similar. Attacking locks you into an animation. You have no influence over your movement until the animation is over. You can't cancel the animation early by jumping or dashing. You can't attack while mid-air. There's no buffering on dashes or attacking, so when you want to mix them together it results in a lot of dropped inputs. And it turns out this is really important because every enemy is fought with nearly exactly the same strategy. You only have one combo, three attacks that ends in a kick that knocks the enemy back. Every enemy has an easily reactable attack, and gets interrupted by being attacked. So, the way you play every single fight is to combo the enemy, then dash to get invincible frames and close the distance, repeat.

    That is, if it wasn't more effective to just jump over the enemies head or dash through them and ignore them. None of the enemies are effective at all at stopping you from running past them (except for the boss fight that locks the escape). The enemies drop souls when you kill them, and you can spend those on upgrades, but it feels mostly superfluous. Combat isn't a challenge so why spend upgrades on it. Four dashes is plenty, so you don't need stamina.

    I don't expect these things to change. It seems like the dev is focused on creating more content, rather than first creating systems that demand content to be explored.

    I liked that the volume started out not maxed out. I was annoyed that clicking didn't advance text in the intro cutscene but instantly skipped it (I'd rather require hold to skip and do nothing on tap). Having keybinding options is nice, because I hate the default wasd option.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    i don't really like furries and stuff like this, but yeah, this game is awesome. animations - there are not many of them, but they are kinda nice
    gameplay - platformer, can't say more about, jump, beat weird ass pedo(?) rapist wolfs, crosc and lesbibunnies
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Porn may be good, but to see it you have to get there first, and there is a shit ton of perfect jumps you have to make while dodging all kinds of projectiles, I personally hate this type of shit. Porn games should not be way too hard.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Played version

    1. Character control movement and jumping feels great
    2. Turning on a controller after the game was already running picked it up immediately

    1. Starts fullscreen ultrawide, but none of the UI elements are configured to support ultrawide properly. Had to change resolution to 16:9
    2. Changing resolution from ultrawide to 16:9 caused all the UI elements to stop responding to the mouse. Had to restart
    3. The intro cinematic has text saying “Tap to skip”. “Tap” is the incorrect word to use on non-mobile platforms. Also, it’s unclear whether tapping would skip the entire cinematic or just speed up the text being displayed character-by-character
    4. No way to access the options menu in game, there’s only Continue and Main Menu in the pause screen
    5. Character standing on a ledge can glide off the ledge
    6. Progressing the story by talking to the Fry Man, then dying and reloading a checkpoint, still has that story progressed. It’s convenient but probably a bug. Maybe not - gaining experience then dying lets you keep that experience
    7. No in-air attack
    8. Bunny enemy has a defeat CG but it’s inaccessible in the gallery
    9. Controller can't be used in the menus
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on this place, amazing art and animations, rating: 9.5/10

    Sex scenes: 10/10, would get you rock hard.

    Gameplay: 8/10, annoying level design, sometimes the controls don't respond correctly on the mobile ver.

    Art Style: 10/10amazing, it's not just sexy but cool af
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's really funny. The main character is a horny-as-fuck yet naive and inexperienced gooner taking on a world full of furry creatures that want to fuck her. Deepthroating cum because she can't afford some french fries to sate her hunger.

    I'm not into very furry stuff, but the MC is so cute here that it doesn't even matter (close enough as one might say). Looking forward to new content.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game, started off well and ended well, nothing to really complain about unless saying the boss is a bit easy but I understand this is more of a porn game than just a regular game, liking this game so far, keep up the good work!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is currently unfinished but Ive got a feel of the game, and unless things change radically, which Im not expecting it to, then here's my own take of this so far.

    Premise is thus: you play as Chiro, gamer girl with no life, no friends, with her devices glued to her hands. Her father, understandably, decides to teach her the values of life by kicking her out the house and demands she brings back a boyfriend, presumably because getting a boy attached to her is seemingly gonna fix the other problems she has.

    Gameplay is a side scroller where you get from point A to point B without being fucked. Yes, literally the H scenes bar one requires you to lose and get fucked. So right from the start we have the first problem: you need to lose to get the H scenes.

    Problem number two. Losing is practically impossible unless your hands are made of fluff or you've fallen off your chair. I mean for fuck sake you can avoid every enemy here by dashing through them no problem. With only but one boss fight thats about as shallow as wading pool, of which can be beaten simply by dash-punching until it all ends.

    Problem number three. The default keyboard control sucks, and for some reason you can only ever rebind some keys, not all of them. So you go WASD for walking, and Z to attack, spacebar to jump, and X to dash. So to use both hands requires this awkward style where one hand overlaps the other. I cannot for the life of me understand why the movement keys arent just the directional keys on the right side of the keyboard. Or are we actually contriving this so the right hand can be firmly gripping on our sausage as we play this?

    H scenes are respectably for what they are. Its not impossible to admire the artwork. But Ive gotten zero hardons, probably because theres zero emotional connection nor any sense of accomplishment.


    So, the game's not very good, the H scenes arent getting me hard, and the controls can go fuck itself. And yet, I have to believe that it is entirely possible for this game to redeem itself, because the story is fine, the characters are fine, all it needs is just some polishing.

    I would like there to be more interactions with NPCs, so Chiro's slide to degeneracy is an actual choice that progresses the story, since we have to assume that being fucked by the enemies are non-canon, as it is a clear and obvious game over.

    Other than that, just change the fucking default controls for gods sake. We used to play megaman using directional controls for movement, Z to attack, X to jump and C to dash. No ones gonna be jerking off while playing this, so there's no need to free up one hand, I can promise you that.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Looks like something 2 people can whip up in a couple of days-a week tbh. Don't get me wrong, the art's still nice and all, and the gameplay is ok, even though its something everyone's seen a thousand times over. Give me a script for the platforming side, which are abundant on any platform nowadays, compile the thing for me, and i'll give you this kind of art, or better in three days time or less pretty easily, so to finish the whole thing i guess it'd take a month or three at worst... As a hobby project i'd do for free that is, if people PAY me for it i'd whip up something better in a month.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The vibe this game has is so great. The art is great and the music is just really fun to listen too. Gameplay is nothing much at the moment but there is a lot of potential here (also if you could somehow include the original longer cutscenes in the gallery or something that would be amazing).
  13. 3.00 star(s)



    Lacking conveniences of both beat-em-ups and platformers :
    • Button prompts show only default keys, becoming misleading once rebound
    • There's no text speed up- only skip(for scenes),, with slow text speed, it becomes an issue.
    • There's no "down" function to duck or look at either a fall is bottomless or just a lower area, both would be great for dodging and checking ahead.
    • Attacking locks you in the animation, what good is a dodge if you can't use it?
    other than than subjective opinions on the writing style, seems like a generic platformer.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The art has potential. More frames need to be added to the animations to make them smoother. The bear scene is the hottest one of the 4 (5) available at this time.

    The platforming is super easy. Remap your keybinds. The game will not show these remappings.

    Very short at the current time. I would give this a solid 6 months before playing tbh.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    furry or non furry. u will love this game for reals. gameplay is resposive, occational updates pixel and animated and cg seggs are sick try this game. these guys are patreon worthy. please support them i am too broke D:
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    every once in a while i run into a game like this that is clearly the result of some kind of identity crisis.

    Gamer Struggles is, in fact, a video game, technically speaking. it has mechanics -- floaty movement, hitstun that lasts a little too long, stamina management that doesn't matter -- but none of that is really relevant to you or the devs. this is a scene viewer with platforming elements.

    as a scene viewer, it's betting the house on the art. for what it's worth, that art is pretty good! it's painterly and vibrant, and clearly made with a passion that you just don't see enough from most other Western games on this site. it double-dips, too, with both pixel-art animation and high-res painted CGs. that's ambitious, but you won't catch me complaining about more porn in my porn.

    that said, if this is a scene viewer, i don't understand what the point of the aforementioned mechanics are. to be clear: why is this a video game?

    the game part of this game feels completely at odds with the rest of the project. sure, the writing is terrible, but at least you can skip through that. you can't skip through the one-dimensional levels or the afterthought that is combat, so why are they there at all? yes, the game is obviously unfinished, but it has shown next to zero intent to make those mechanics better. the platforming has been this bad for a while, people.

    the cynic in me wants to say that the "game" exists to pad out the wait time between updates and squeeze more money out of the poor saps who are paying monthly to play this, but i think it's more accurate to call this an ambitious project by an underqualified developer and an overqualified artist. the whole shebang probably should have just been an animated comic.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game, nice art, gameplay took me a bit to get used to. Got frustrated dodging those bushes that shoot, cant wait to see more.

    Maybe some customization options would be fun, and i always appreciate the mobile versions ! Keep it up.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great artstyle and the vn is very cumbrained! While the art is great and the novel parts are good the game is still quite short with little to no gameplay. If this game is still being continually updated i would love to see it.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    O O O H.... HELL YEAH¡¡¡ I love so much that kind of Art style on some Characthers or NPC specially on the MC that has that vibe of no splepings with glasses messy hair and THICC i loved that, Still yhis game its too early to rewiev BUT IT HAS lot of potentiall But like a LOT, I hope it gets more content and specially more animations, the gameplay its fun but it need and option to change controls. And thats it the idea pretty good the history its kinda inexistent but it can be better in the future. 9/10
    (Very sorry for my bad english in this one i can't express myself good in english xd)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Not a furry, but after playing this game - maybe I am. The gameplay is alright, perfect for a porn game - pretty easy and engaging enough. Art is toptier, if only "regular" porn games had art half as good as this. Oh well, guess I will have to be a furry now.