Um, shouldn't "booger eating" be added to the tags in the OP? Lol (I know, it was the ol' mortician's sleight-of-hand trick). Funny, actually had me chuckling in the first couple of minutes.
Well, this is a game that has a great deal of potential. Yeah, it's kind of spin on the tired old cliche (to a certain extent), but you have the added bonus of an iconic horror movie classic location/theme (thank God it wasn't "The Shining"). Lol This game really does have quite a lot going for it.
The story, with its twist, is at least something different. The writing and story telling are pretty solid. Each passenger definitely has something that makes them unique and interesting. People may whinge on about the "50 min. car ride", but it's done in such a way that it almost feels immersive- you get a sense of how stuffy and claustrophobic the situation is as they're driving on down the road. It's also a way to get much needed character introductions, flashbacks/backstory, and exposition out of the way. We know almost everything we need to know about them now, so that when the next update comes out- it's done, we can get right into the meat and potatoes of the game. I think this was a wise decision. It was much better than a random orgy at a truck stop and you have no idea who any of these people are or why you should care. Well done.
The art is actually pretty fantastic- really have to give the Dev credit for not only making his models not looking like every other one out there currently, but they look real- they have real character and he also does a really good job of conveying emotion with their eyes, faces, mouths that syncs up well with the dialogue (for static images). The environments and BGs look equally as good and it's rather ambitious trying to recreate such a memorable location, but judging from the demo shots, (at the end of the game) the Dev is on the right track. The "house" at the top of the hill, looks bloody fantastic. However, one caveat- I don't know how parody or fair-use works, but it may have to be "tweaked", so not to look like an exact replica- the name of the game could already get lawyers to start sniffin' around. Just be careful.
The women -1-ish, are rendered incredibly well- and each, in their own way, are really attractive. A lot of work went into making each one stand out with their attitudes, personalities, attire, etc.,. It will not be hard to tell any of these characters apart- they have their own weight and spirit about them.
- Norma- is the perfect matriarchal-figure that wrangles the family together. Her model is done really well- you can tell she was pretty when she was younger and has aged really well. She's no supermodel, she has some wrinkles and lines on her face. She's probably having a harder time fighting gravity than she did when she was younger, but she still carries herself well and the those "flaws" only add to her realism and believability as a character. It's also going to be interesting to see her "break" from the quasi-puritanical ways that she has and has established for the rest of the family. He did say "church".
- Rose- looks like she's going to be the Alpha and main foil that the MC is going to have to overcome at some point. It will be interesting to find out what her deal is exactly and why she has such vitriol for the MC. Hate? Jealousy? Love? Who knows. Her model is really attractive as well.
- Alex- is the sissy/trap/trans character (sorry, I'm not good with these distinctions) and is going through the process of going "from a rooster to a hen" and it looks like this could be an interesting side-story as well. While this isn't typically my sort of thing- I'm reluctant to avoid that part of the story, because it seems like the writing is designed to keep all the characters in focus and I'd hate to miss out on the complete story- especially if it continues to be told as well as it is. The model for Alex is handsome- you can still see the semi-masculine qualities, they're softer and more subdued and she makes for a decent looking girl.
- Grace- ah, Grace. Sweet Grace. This one has an eerily specific place in my heart. I don't know how the Dev managed to do it, but she looks exactly (EXACTLY) like someone I knew growing up- the likeness is uncanny. AND much like the Grace in this story- the girl that I knew was considered "special", (not needed her own bus or a drool-cup special) due to her lack of confidence, awkwardness, dorkiness/geekiness, naivete, quiet nature, sweetness,...whatever it was- she had, and the Dev captured it. In just that short car ride- he encapsulated her essence beautifully. Suffice it to say, she is adorable and I'll not hear a man say 'nythin' a'gin her.
I am curious if the Dev plans of delving into the supernatural side of things with this game. Where there's murders- there's ghosts...and ghosts mean hauntings, possessions, mysterious happenings, seances- it would be fun to explore that side of things.
It could be an interesting distraction...
There's only 3 things with this game, that I felt I needed to mention/critique.
- The art and graphics are done really well, BUT that one lane road near the beginning of the story bugged the Hell outta me. What about oncoming traffic? I realize there are roads like this, but they're usually around mountains- I didn't see any of those in the BG.

- I don't know what filter was used or if they were drawn from scratch, but the images when the game opened were gorgeous (the houses, the accident, and the mother in the hospital bed). It reminded me of Van Gogh's "Starry Night" in a way and if you know the story behind that painting- it really fits with the theme of this game, making it that much more prescient.
- If you refuse to keep the the sissy/trap/trans door open- why does he immediately resort to calling Alex a "freak"(I clicked both options, because the Good Lord gave us "rollback")? He just finished saying earlier how loving and supportive everyone had been with his decision AND he's been with this family for how long? Aren't they his "family", I don't know- this just kinda broke the narrative up for me a bit. He just seemed to turn on him completely because he didn't play a "handy" prank on him, er sorry- her.
All in all, I like this story and where it could be potentially going. As many others have said, hopefully we'll get plentiful and multiple updates...because I, for one, wouldn't mind making a reservation.
...scat (not sure how DAZ Iray render will show this shit yet)...
Pun...intended? Lol