Unity - Completed - Girldivers [EA v1.0.0] [Sweet Cakes Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game does not have lot of content however it has great gameplay and sexiest content ever. Quality over quantity.

    Basically you have main character and fighting with bugs.It's rougelike i believe idk you shoot and move and if bugs gets too close you lose hp. Gameplay is a bit repititive. Upgrade your weapons and things and do missions. But it is great i had fun it did not bothered me much.

    What could be implemented even it is finished
    I wish new costumes also had torn phase.
    Also armor had diffrent affects also visual maybe
    clothes should be less skimpy for other characters and progression to get them skimpy

    final thoughts
    this game is better than most other porn games it actually deserves 4.5ish but I'll give 5 because it deserves more. Loved this game definetely recommending it
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    A Vex on a Hex

    Short : I recommend this game, it can get grindy but the gameplay is really quite fun, it does not have as many scenes as i would hope but its fun to play and that's all that matters i think.

    Long : The gameplay loop is quite similar to helldivers or more similarly to something like warframe, you go from planet to planet completing different tasks while killing stuff, then you go home buy better things and continue capturing planets but in 2D

    The girls are really well drawn especially the secret one and the scenes are cool to watch but i think the gameplay will draw you in more than the scenes themselfs,

    I don't have a lot of negatives but here's some :
    The character appearance does not change based on what armor you equip, you have separate vanity slots, and i understand that, its just more of a wish of mine because i like customizing characters

    A Bunch of weapons and abilities do not feel worth buying at all, you'd think yeah more expensive late game weapons are better because of stats, but no, some weapons i got fairly early carried me through 100% the game, armor does work on that basis though since its pure stats. The extra life ability is pretty meaningless since you have already a bunch of lives.

    Overall the game is really fun to play because of its gameplay loop, the girls are beautiful , outfits are great, scenes are a nice bonus, i really think the SFW parts of the game carry it. 8.5/10
    if i could give 4.5 stars i would but between 4 and 5 i think 5 fits better
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is fine.
    The biggest pro point is fun gameplay and cool pixel graphics.
    Scenes on the other side aren't very sexy. Only few are actually animated.
    Another annoying point is the movement speed. Sprintig is like "normal speed" while walking is way too slow.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Heck yeah a helldivers clone. Actually did pretty well to mimic the core controls and gameplay although with obvious engine limits it gets a little samey but still good fun.

    In further updates to this i would like to see some additions/upgrades to the gadgets/kit that can be bought or acquired through XP that perhaps lower cool down times, increase ammo or maybe even some new airstrike or a drone helper.

    The adult art is really good. I would have liked to see more poses or costumes but this doesnt detract from the efforts already in place for animations and such.

    Great work. ill be watching this creator.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v1.0.0 Early Access

    It's cutesy helldivers, which given the nature of the original game I feel it was a weird stylistic choice in a way. I get it's trying to be lewd, but I'd rather it have emulated that sort of badass killing machine vibe and gritty never-ending war setting while ALSO being lewd. The game is fine as something a bit different but it didn't capture me enough to want to run through all the missions.

    It emulates the Helldivers gameplay pretty well actually. The gameplay part of this is a top-down shoot em up where you move around a map completing objectives and subsequently being rewarded money and unlocks. It has stratagems, different weapons and armor, and you progress across a galactic map of planets. As you move through it you'll occasionally get rewarded with some lewd scenes as well, which are 90% static CGs.

    I think the lewd part of this is my gripe. The game features nicely animated character busts and only two animated lewd scenes. With such nice animations I'm disappointed the game didn't include more of them. The static CGs are.. alright? But paired with how scenes feel more just thrown an irrelevant to any narrative, they're all just pretty forgettable. When I seen how many planets you have to run through to get all of them, I just decided it wasn't worth the time and stopped playing there.

    Cool in concept, didn't quite land in execution for me.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Just a neat little game.
    Its less a porn game and more a game with porn.

    You move slowly through the levels while doing 2 sometimes 3 objectives. Between missions you can buy new gear and maybe watch a new CG. There is only 2 proper animations and one of them is playing at the level score screen.

    Serviceable game you can sink an hour into.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    0.7.1 review
    sad, that this is another one of those "mediocre but with a catch (wink wink)" type of games.
    I mean it was fun enough for a playthrough but I'm glad I played this for free.
    There are the idle animations in battle and the victory screen that's pretty hot. That's about it.
    Pretty shady to sell this tho, luring with a false premise and not delivering it. Could've been on newgrounds a few years back.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    As of 0.7.1 C2 the game is nothing too great, it's borderline mediocre.

    The artstyle and animations are good but the gameplay quickly becomes tediously repetitive.
    There only exist 4 objectives in total so far in the stages I played until I got bored and dropped the game.
    Collect the sheep. Defend the base(it comes in three "re-skins" of protect the flag/extractor/missile). Destroy the eggs/nest/electric doodad. And destroy a set number of enemies in the underground.

    The rewards the game gives you are rather underwhelming,a series of weapons that are for the most part completely useless in comparison to your starting weapons ,and clothes that have no other impact than "tweek" your characters stats a tiny bit but not actual appearance and the XP so far doesn't seem to do anything of note.

    The game just fails to be entraining for more than 10-20 minutes(40 if you include the annoying slow loading times you have to sit through when going to and from missions) and the few sex images/animations you get in between are just not a good enough incentive for people to keep playing.

    All in all this game is a congregate of decent but rather poorly implemented ideas.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This game tried to the little engine that could, but in the end it was just a shitty engine.

    The game has a ton of personality and it starts out strong with some decent-ish humour and a good tone. But the art is.. just bad. I usually give some leeway with handmade art like this, but it unfortunately was done poorly by someone who frankly just isn't good at art.

    There's different objectives per level, what appears at first to be a cool equipment system, and there is a semblance of strategy, but in the end the game play loop just fails to connect. It's a shame because the concepts are all there and are great, they just couldn't bring them to fruition. I paid for it on steam as it looked like it had potential but ultimately I refunded this one. I would give it a 2 but I'll raise it to 3 because it was a good effort.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a good idea but the execution needs work.

    The game isn't that crisp to play and the weapons are uninteresting. Nothing really pops out as a pdf space marine weapon most are modern in look and feel. We don't have the staples from helldivers you could have copied like the breaker, sickle, or constitution. And the original weapons are pretty mediocre. Stratagams have similar issues. Enemies are generic but the objectives do have a good variety with wafiu queens and funny segments. If the Enemies were better I would have a bit more fun but they are mostly bullet hell missile creatures.

    The plot is also playing into a more unserious comedic tone which is a look. It plays into a more joke like nature and focuses a lot on bimbo nonsense. I personally dislike it but I do understand that's a bimbo bias. Just not a good enough story or good enough humor for me to get past it for what its worth. It's almost too ridiculous at points with art of a lady eating a brick as an example.

    The porn is disconnected from gameplay making it feel rather cheap. The animations are definitely well made but the design is poor. The porn is almost slapdashed around. Better than some games just giving you CGs but not much better. Cheap porn games have the hallmark of buying artists and not really having a good idea as to how to use the art. Which is what leads to that sort-a feel. The cgs play into the story but not much of a story is really being told anyway. It's too wishy washy for me to really care about these one note bois. So the cgs don't feel special. The short missions don't help in this case. The endings only have one slide and it gets repetitive quite fast. The Chicken heath bar is pretty common. For good reason it's good that it's here gives you a good reference for shenanigans. But yes the only real connection is that chicken health bar so the story is the only real thing carrying the weight of the scenes. And like I said the story is weak so the scenes feel cheap. In terms of general design integrating gameplay is by far the harder option. So a lot of folks go with story instead. It's why a lot of these things are pseudo visual novels. And also why the question of why make an actual porn game to begin with starts to crop up. They went with gameplay, shirked the story, shirked the gameplay, it's a bit of a mess.

    Anyway Single player helldivers is an interesting idea. To add porn to that would be an interesting design challenge. But they kinda need to make a fun single player helldivers first and also figure out how porn would even fit into that equation to begin with. It feels like they dived in balls deep with no lube, no condom, and no greater plan. And kinda ended up with a more traditional cheap porn game. With no real reason to exist other than as a joke. The comedic tone does not help with that, that's how you become a clown. Even with this sorta scathing perspective I will give this 2 stars as going with the harder route is fundamentally commendable.

    I did not enjoy.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    A medicore 2D run and gun game, they need to add some serious improvements to the gameplay to make it worth playing.

    The H-content is quite small for the full planned game, 3 animations and the rest is just CG-s, this game should prove to be a waste of time, time will tell.

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot, when you win a level you get a reward of... some male military commander raping you? And this is a "victory"? Really really dumb.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Although the demo is only a few planets long, there's a base of a surprisingly solid game here. My only real complaint is the lack of a dodge roll ability to more quickly relocate (there is a sprint function, but it doesn't feel sufficient for getting out of jams). The apparent lack of an ability to heal short of just respawning is also somewhat annoying.

    Get some skin options like different suits/leotards, helmets, and all that jazz, and I think you got a real winner here.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    For a demo it looks very promising so far. The art is great and the gameplay feels very well done. More types of enemies would be great and maybe some diver on diver action as well as some kind of outfit changing which looks to be planned but not yet implemented.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    The gameplay is like vampire survivors, you walk like a sack of potatoes, you shoot and you reload really slow. There is an idle animation of your character of which you get to see their damaged clothes every time u get hit, basically 4 times you are naked.

    The story is your classic helldivers porn parody nothing too deep to read into, the game feels like it was made in 4 months, if you are a widescreen enjoyer, do not download this game, classic unity devs release games with fixed resolution that bleeds outside the screens bounds. Obviously there is no option to change the resolution BUT THANK FUCK they have a volume slide, because windows 10/11 did not provide that feature.

    The h-scenes are a-ok, and the only thing to look forward to here, in terms of gameplay and fuctionality it is extremely low filled with the most irrelevant of options like "streamer mode", thank god they prioritize fuctions.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    no complaints at all, great animations, great game, just not enough content yet for me to give it a 5 star, though another bonus is sony doesn't have control over it, i look forward to seeing what is added in the future.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    El Presidente

    Final version: It's a short but well packed experience. I'm a little sad there was no so much variety and even if it's a parody of helldivers it still have a own story to tell. The movement was adjusted. It's quite sad that the last boss was an unique experience, it would have been nice to have other miniboss like her. overall the arts are nice, the gameplay is solid, i got fun, i stay firm on what I've said.

    Demo: This is the best helldivers porn parody game ever made, and I'm glad that helldivers got so famose to get his own porn.
    The game loop is what you expect, but it's a top down shooter like enter the gungeon or binding of Isaac. You select a mission, you deploy in a point, shootdown everything you meet, complete all objectives, wait for extract, extract. Like helldivers you can equip stratagems but unlike it you don't need to complete the minigame, you need to complete the minigame only when you die and it's easy to do so.
    The only negative are the slow movement of the protagonist and the slow reloading.

    In the porn side, all pixel arts are good, you unlock events and animation when you complete missions. There are no bugs-human porn interaction if not with free bullets and the only defeat cutscene is you getting punished by high command, like super earth intended.
    So waiting for the C1 permit and the official release i say 10 liberty out of ten, I'll spread manage democracy again.