
Active Member
Oct 30, 2020
I made a save editor in Visual Basic (yes the funny bad coding language)
It's pretty simple right now, But essentially the only save editing implemented for now is inventory editing. (will be expanded later)
This is the first version, There will probably be bugs. If there are any please let me know and I'll try to fix them.
Please backup your save file before modifying them with this tool, I did my best to make sure any save corruption does not happen, but better safe than sorry.

Can change the color of clothing to any color using a simple color picker or directly editing the value.
Can give yourself any item ID / Change the item id of an existing item (remember to update other values accordingly)
Can change item durability to any value
Can make weapon damage to any value
+ more i probably forgot lol


Attached to the bottom of this post.
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Source Code:

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Active Member
Feb 12, 2020
DenseFool F95 flagged U as a Virus LMFAO. X3
Also most of everything editable can be done in text editor if I know what codes 2 since their self explanatory 2 begin with. :3


Active Member
Oct 30, 2020
Also most of everything editable can be done in text editor if I know what codes 2 since their self explanatory 2 begin with. :3
I know, this is mainly for easily changing color with a color picker, and getting a simple gui to do edits, for those who are not used to working with json.

I do plan to expand this further than just inventory editing though.

Next update will probably have a dropdown with all possible items, i already have the item list implemented for the friendly item names in the "information" tab
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Active Member
Feb 12, 2020
Yeah I saw lmfao, I added a VirusTotal to the post, 1/67 (ofc its microsoft flagging it), Not sure why its unhappy lol, maybe because interacting with json?
Flagging it because it uses injector 2 rewrite codes? ?w?
IDK, I always shove a disclaimer 4 those say "DL n Use at Ur own RISK". X3


Active Member
Oct 30, 2020
Flagging it because it uses injector 2 rewrite codes? ?w?
IDK, I always shove a disclaimer 4 those say "DL n Use at Ur own RISK". X3
It's not really an injector, it's just using a common json parser, Similar to editing it with a text editor lol
I'll probably attach source code in a bit
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New Member
Mar 22, 2022
Pretty good game i play from andoid andddddd...... it's bad,dont know if it's the game but I know for sure that the controlls isn't very easy to use on phone and pretty much everything on the display is covered by the buttons,if you can make it so that we can peronalize the commands on andoid it can be very good. Also the lv up menu its not very pratical as i can see somethimes it overlap with the game and I cant click nothing aside from leaving also the durability of the clothes are pretty weak(this is also because i cant play and dont know how to play but put aside this).


Active Member
Jun 15, 2017
DenseFool -- the sites virus tagging probably just doesnt like the VB programing period. Nothing to do with what you did specifically.
As for editing. like I said.. the game does seem to know what stats certain items should have - like changing food ID's .. it re-jiggers the food stats after load - Clothes/equip seem to keep.

For example..
heres a flower crown that iv enhanced:

    "IsEmptyData": false,
    "ItemID": 20,
    "ItemNumber": 1,
    "UseTime": 0,
    "Enhanced": false,
    "Durability": 9985,
    "MaxDurability": 9999,
    "CustomColor": {
        "r": 1.0,
        "g": 1.0,
        "b": 1.0,
        "a": 1.0
    "Weight": 0.010000001639127732,
    "EquipWeight": 0.0010000007459893823,
    "WeightCapacity": 50.0,
    "MaxHealth": 0.0,
    "MaxStamina": 0.0,
    "AttackDamage": 10.0,
    "Defense": 10.0,
    "DefenseEfficient": 0.0,
    "CriticalRate": 0.15000000596046449,
    "CriticalEffect": 0.15000000596046449,
    "CriticalResistance": 0.0,
    "PunctureResistance": 10.0,
    "KnockBackResistance": 10.0,
    "KnockDownResistance": 0.0,
    "FaintingResistance": 0.0,
    "HealthRecover": 0.800000011920929,
    "StaminaRecover": 0.800000011920929,
    "WalkSpeed": 0.0,
    "RunSpeed": 0.0,
    "CrawlSpeed": 0.0,
    "JumpForce": 0.0,
    "AttackSpeed": 0.15000000596046449,
    "LightAttackCost": 0.0,
    "HeavyAttackCost": 0.0,
    "SpecialAttackCost": 0.0,
    "DefenseCost": 0.0,
    "RunStaminaCost": 0.0,
    "JumpStaminaCost": 0.0,
    "DodgeStaminaCost": 0.0,
    "Strength": 0.0,
    "Endurance": 0.0,
    "Nimble": 0.0,
    "Intelligent": 0.0,
    "Willpower": 0.0,
    "Charm": 0.0,
    "MaxDesire": 0.0,
    "MaxHorny": 0.0,
    "SexualEffect": 0.0,
    "SexualResistance": 0.0,
    "SpeechInfluence": 0.0,
    "GrowthValue": 0,
    "MaxGrowthValue": 0,
    "WaterValue": 0,
    "MaxWaterValue": 0,
    "WaterConsumeSpeed": 0,
    "ItemValue": 0.0
So - just for notes for people:
ItemNumber: is the stack size. If you go over, the game will take it, but then separating things becomes interesting, when it comes to things that dont normally stack or dont stack as high as you set it. Not sure what happens if you try and stack clothes, but for materials and such, it works fine.
UseTime: is for things like Oil, Salt, the Metal Bar form. .that have a SPECIFIC number of uses.... so when editing those.. i dont see 9999 as a problem ;)

Durability/MaxDurability: What it says on the tin - Set what you want, Game seems to just take it when it set for clothing/weapons, tools, etc.

Weight/EquipWeight: - you can lower the items weigh for gear and it seems to keep it - you can really lower the take when equipped for those things so it doesnt take a chunk out of your carry weight.. unless you just mod the next part

WeightCapacity: - also what it says on the tin - Add numbers here to increase how much weight you can carry. Sadly you cant carry additional stacks yet .. not sure if that will even change, but at least you can handle heavier loads this way.

MaxHealth/MaxStamina: Positive numbers to increase your cap

AttackDamage/Defense: again Positive numbers to add as bonus
--not sure what DefenseEfficient is supposed to do though..dont think iv seen anything with it set.

CriticalRate/CriticalEffect/CriticalResistance: Crit hit rate, crit damage bonus, crit resist.. probably to lower or mitigate when you get crit hit, but i have not seen it set to anything other than 0 yet.

PunctureResistance/KnockBackResistance/KnockDownResistance/FaintingResistance: - postive numbers - believe these all work, Iv seen some gear with puncture and knockback resist i think.
Dont think iv seen KDresist or FaintResist yet though - but I think they work - Course.. half the fun of the game is letting it happen (heheh) - where as flat out damage and knockbacks are annoying.

HealthRecover/StaminaRecover: Believe these intended to be percentages.. so.. 0.0 to 1.0 - could be wrong, but iv been using things ranging from 0.01 to 0.8 on various gear - seems to be fine.

WalkSpeed/RunSpeed/CrawlSpeed - does what it says - although... TOO fast and when you do get hit sometimes it shoots you all the way across the room.. thats been an unintended interesting and humorous side effect.

JumpForce: probably jump height.. not that its terrible in the game at the moment.. have not touched it.

AttackSpeed: like the Recovers - I think intended to be between 0.0 and 1.0 - so.. 0.15 has been fine and not too crazy.

LightAttackCost/HeavyAttackCost/SpecialAttackCost: Positive is a penalty, negaitive is a bonus - so.. using -1.0 is good. Takes less to do the thing - Special i dont think is actually used yet though.
Same goes for the rest of the "Costs"

"Stats" (Strength/Endurance/etc): Believe these would just be flat out stat boosting. Course I edit the char file directly, been playing with all stats at 9 myself.. not too crazy, can still "loose". But not as grindy/punishing.

MaxDesire/MaxHorny: Im thining these are for increasing the caps, before, you have effect modifiers, but I dont recall seeing anything yet that touches these, so leave 0 for now.

Same goes for SexualEffect/Sexual Resistance, but these are stats shown in the stat screen, and i think there was some gear that modified them.. its either that or the willpower stat alone - helps or hinders your struggling/etc. Have not touched it.

SpeechInfluence: there are items with this stat - no idea what it is supposed to do though.

Growth/Water stats: probably for when seeds are really a thing. There are apple seeds in the drawers to the left of the bedroom door on the 2nd level of the home, probably for some easy quick food at the start - have not touched those much. Once seeds and i suspect farming are in the game in the future this may be worth looking into.

ItemValue - "monetary value" i suspect.. not like you can sell anything yet, or will ever be able to.

Now edited items dont always seem to take effect right away.. sometimes you need to eat something or unequip/re-equip for the game to update the char stats.

Also 0.1.0 has a bug where you can load into the game, and the time progression and your status effects, and food/water rates are all messed up for a bit, until you add/loose certain status effects - this is being worked on for 0.1.0b according to the dev on discord.


Active Member
Oct 30, 2020
DenseFool -- the sites virus tagging probably just doesnt like the VB programing period. Nothing to do with what you did specifically.
As for editing. like I said.. the game does seem to know what stats certain items should have - like changing food ID's .. it re-jiggers the food stats after load - Clothes/equip seem to keep.

For example..
heres a flower crown that iv enhanced:

    "IsEmptyData": false,
    "ItemID": 20,
    "ItemNumber": 1,
    "UseTime": 0,
    "Enhanced": false,
    "Durability": 9985,
    "MaxDurability": 9999,
    "CustomColor": {
        "r": 1.0,
        "g": 1.0,
        "b": 1.0,
        "a": 1.0
    "Weight": 0.010000001639127732,
    "EquipWeight": 0.0010000007459893823,
    "WeightCapacity": 50.0,
    "MaxHealth": 0.0,
    "MaxStamina": 0.0,
    "AttackDamage": 10.0,
    "Defense": 10.0,
    "DefenseEfficient": 0.0,
    "CriticalRate": 0.15000000596046449,
    "CriticalEffect": 0.15000000596046449,
    "CriticalResistance": 0.0,
    "PunctureResistance": 10.0,
    "KnockBackResistance": 10.0,
    "KnockDownResistance": 0.0,
    "FaintingResistance": 0.0,
    "HealthRecover": 0.800000011920929,
    "StaminaRecover": 0.800000011920929,
    "WalkSpeed": 0.0,
    "RunSpeed": 0.0,
    "CrawlSpeed": 0.0,
    "JumpForce": 0.0,
    "AttackSpeed": 0.15000000596046449,
    "LightAttackCost": 0.0,
    "HeavyAttackCost": 0.0,
    "SpecialAttackCost": 0.0,
    "DefenseCost": 0.0,
    "RunStaminaCost": 0.0,
    "JumpStaminaCost": 0.0,
    "DodgeStaminaCost": 0.0,
    "Strength": 0.0,
    "Endurance": 0.0,
    "Nimble": 0.0,
    "Intelligent": 0.0,
    "Willpower": 0.0,
    "Charm": 0.0,
    "MaxDesire": 0.0,
    "MaxHorny": 0.0,
    "SexualEffect": 0.0,
    "SexualResistance": 0.0,
    "SpeechInfluence": 0.0,
    "GrowthValue": 0,
    "MaxGrowthValue": 0,
    "WaterValue": 0,
    "MaxWaterValue": 0,
    "WaterConsumeSpeed": 0,
    "ItemValue": 0.0
So - just for notes for people:
ItemNumber: is the stack size. If you go over, the game will take it, but then separating things becomes interesting, when it comes to things that dont normally stack or dont stack as high as you set it. Not sure what happens if you try and stack clothes, but for materials and such, it works fine.
UseTime: is for things like Oil, Salt, the Metal Bar form. .that have a SPECIFIC number of uses.... so when editing those.. i dont see 9999 as a problem ;)

Durability/MaxDurability: What it says on the tin - Set what you want, Game seems to just take it when it set for clothing/weapons, tools, etc.

Weight/EquipWeight: - you can lower the items weigh for gear and it seems to keep it - you can really lower the take when equipped for those things so it doesnt take a chunk out of your carry weight.. unless you just mod the next part

WeightCapacity: - also what it says on the tin - Add numbers here to increase how much weight you can carry. Sadly you cant carry additional stacks yet .. not sure if that will even change, but at least you can handle heavier loads this way.

MaxHealth/MaxStamina: Positive numbers to increase your cap

AttackDamage/Defense: again Positive numbers to add as bonus
--not sure what DefenseEfficient is supposed to do though..dont think iv seen anything with it set.

CriticalRate/CriticalEffect/CriticalResistance: Crit hit rate, crit damage bonus, crit resist.. probably to lower or mitigate when you get crit hit, but i have not seen it set to anything other than 0 yet.

PunctureResistance/KnockBackResistance/KnockDownResistance/FaintingResistance: - postive numbers - believe these all work, Iv seen some gear with puncture and knockback resist i think.
Dont think iv seen KDresist or FaintResist yet though - but I think they work - Course.. half the fun of the game is letting it happen (heheh) - where as flat out damage and knockbacks are annoying.

HealthRecover/StaminaRecover: Believe these intended to be percentages.. so.. 0.0 to 1.0 - could be wrong, but iv been using things ranging from 0.01 to 0.8 on various gear - seems to be fine.

WalkSpeed/RunSpeed/CrawlSpeed - does what it says - although... TOO fast and when you do get hit sometimes it shoots you all the way across the room.. thats been an unintended interesting and humorous side effect.

JumpForce: probably jump height.. not that its terrible in the game at the moment.. have not touched it.

AttackSpeed: like the Recovers - I think intended to be between 0.0 and 1.0 - so.. 0.15 has been fine and not too crazy.

LightAttackCost/HeavyAttackCost/SpecialAttackCost: Positive is a penalty, negaitive is a bonus - so.. using -1.0 is good. Takes less to do the thing - Special i dont think is actually used yet though.
Same goes for the rest of the "Costs"

"Stats" (Strength/Endurance/etc): Believe these would just be flat out stat boosting. Course I edit the char file directly, been playing with all stats at 9 myself.. not too crazy, can still "loose". But not as grindy/punishing.

MaxDesire/MaxHorny: Im thining these are for increasing the caps, before, you have effect modifiers, but I dont recall seeing anything yet that touches these, so leave 0 for now.

Same goes for SexualEffect/Sexual Resistance, but these are stats shown in the stat screen, and i think there was some gear that modified them.. its either that or the willpower stat alone - helps or hinders your struggling/etc. Have not touched it.

SpeechInfluence: there are items with this stat - no idea what it is supposed to do though.

Growth/Water stats: probably for when seeds are really a thing. There are apple seeds in the drawers to the left of the bedroom door on the 2nd level of the home, probably for some easy quick food at the start - have not touched those much. Once seeds and i suspect farming are in the game in the future this may be worth looking into.

ItemValue - "monetary value" i suspect.. not like you can sell anything yet, or will ever be able to.

Now edited items dont always seem to take effect right away.. sometimes you need to eat something or unequip/re-equip for the game to update the char stats.

Also 0.1.0 has a bug where you can load into the game, and the time progression and your status effects, and food/water rates are all messed up for a bit, until you add/loose certain status effects - this is being worked on for 0.1.0b according to the dev on discord.
Great writeup, I was going to decompile the games mono DLL to see if I could get insight on to these values, so this saves a lot of time, Thank you for this
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Jun 16, 2021
For a 0.1.0 Version of the game, its showing great promise. Im not a furry fan but its hot enough and has actually a decent gameplay(It needs work on the melee a bit) By the way its missing the Pregnant Tag. Yes it does have pregnancy. During heat cycles(Yeah and you can customize it) sometimes the female character can ''ovulate'' and if that happen you will get a notification of it and if something jizz inside the char the more jizz it has the bigger chance of getting fertilized. Also we have cum inflation and pregnancy all toggeable in the other options in the game during world and character creation.
THe UI needs a little work its too rugged, But I know I know Its still in alpha. It shows having a Talent tree that Im mildly interested in how it turns out. Hope we see Talents linked to sex part specially the pregnancy(Having offspring of slimes, wolf dogs,goat men to help you fight or do stuff for you that can be balanced with talents that give you: For an example, you unlock a Perk called motherhood that enables you to have 1 offspring) and you need to take care of this giving it food and stuff.
ALso I saw insects being mentioned in the park area.... THIS AROUSES my curiosity a lot.
Anyways, Success for the Dev,This catches my eye. After all I love pregnacy and parasitism SUPER HOT


New Member
Nov 13, 2020
I really like the art style of the game and this shows a lot of promise.

There were two bugs I noticed, both of them pertaining to the wolf enemy. Firstly, it seems to only move in reverse, and secondly, when it has sex with you, it seems to remove any male genitalia from you during the scene.


Active Member
Feb 12, 2020
And another bug report 4 U 2 post on Discord. X3
In the forest far back 2 the big cave there is a HUGE @$$ feline dog, but its size and rape moves are all Kinky I guess (as it raped meh without warning)!? X3

1735883074492.png . X3
Oct 1, 2023
Does anyone know if the dildo you get as a gift in the park can be used? I see assets for a dildo masturbation scene but I don't think it can actually be triggered.

So - just for notes for people:
DefenseEfficient is present on some items like the wooden spear and butter knife. It's used when defending (C) against attacks - the damage amount is multiplied by (1-DefenseEfficient) before passing through the rest of the formula. Though the rest of the formula is, uhh, complicated.
amount *= Mathf.Max(1f - PlayerStat.DefenseEfficient, 0f);
num2 =
         ? Mathf.Max((amount / CriticalRatio + (amount - amount / CriticalRatio) * (1f - PlayerStat.CriticalResistance)) *
                         (1f - Mathf.Log(Mathf.Max(PlayerStat.Defense, Mathf.Min(1.5f, PlayerStat.Defense * 1.5f + 1f)), 2f) * 0.1f),
         : (IsPunctureHit
                ? Mathf.Max(amount * (1f - PlayerStat.PunctureResistance), 1f)
                : ((!IsTrueDamage)
                       ? Mathf.Max(
                             amount * (1f - Mathf.Log(Mathf.Max(PlayerStat.Defense, Mathf.Min(1.5f, PlayerStat.Defense * 1.5f + 1f)), 2f) *
                       : amount)));
So basically, DefenseEfficient plainly reduces damage (having a total of 1 DefenseEfficient makes you immortal), whereas increasing Defense translates to increasing damage resistance by a nonlinear formula.

The HealthRecover/StaminaRecover are not percentages I think; they are just recoveries per unit of time, so can be as large as needed. AttackSpeed is a divisor on the animation time, so it can be arbitrarily high, but if the player's attack speed ever drops to 0 you might have a problem.

SpeechInfluence is used for nothing. Presumably it'll be used when talkable NPCs are added.

Growth/Water stats: probably for when seeds are really a thing. There are apple seeds in the drawers to the left of the bedroom door on the 2nd level of the home, probably for some easy quick food at the start - have not touched those much. Once seeds and i suspect farming are in the game in the future this may be worth looking into.
The seeds already work, actually. You can put them into the pots standing on that same drawer and they quickly grow into apples.
(oh, or do you mean they aren't an important mechanic yet? then sure, I don't think you can get any other seeds)
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Active Member
Jun 15, 2017
Yea - pretty much dismissed most of those stats as either too complicated to really worry, or futureproofing. And yea, ditto on the seeds thing. Hopefully we'll get the bug fix version soon, and it has a few tiny QoL features added to it as well.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2019
For me, I hope the skill trees get both gameplay related stuff and lewd stuff too, gimme some HP regen nodes and womb capacity nodes man.
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Omega Redd

Oct 24, 2021
Is that possible to edit something to increase HP regen and lower the amount of liquid gained from someinteractions with locals?
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