3.20 star(s) 10 Votes


Engaged Member
Mar 30, 2022
this seems interesting this has peaked my interest and the theme seems right up my alley will give it a shot :coffee: (y) :cool: and renders dont seem half bad either


Jul 18, 2017
i just started (havent even played yet) and can already see a lot of typos but i can look past that. i kno english isn't every1s first language and any1 who can speak more then 1 is doing better then me lol.

can some1 tell me what roll to give this person to make her family(or stepfamily)? "Binah" is my "Landladiesstep-sister"?
well normally "Landlady" turns into mom, but my mom's stepsister isn't anything to me. are they trying to say my "Landlady" is my stepmom and she is my stepmom's sister? making her my step-aunt? or do i just keep her as nothing to me?
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Professional Lurker
Aug 24, 2020
Does the MC thinks he's Edgar Davids or something? Dude's playing a football game with shades on :KEK: :KEK: :KEK:

1702249914939.png download.jpg


Going For Goal Dev
Game Developer
May 3, 2022
Can anyone tell me what he was watching on the TV before the physical?
They are just random renders I made for tv scenes. I'm going to do stuff with it later for other tv scenes. A mini story within a story I suppose


Mar 3, 2020
i just started (havent even played yet) and can already see a lot of typos but i can look past that. i kno english isn't every1s first language and any1 who can speak more then 1 is doing better then me lol.

can some1 tell me what roll to give this person to make her family(or stepfamily)? "Binah" is my "Landladiesstep-sister"?
well normally "Landlady" turns into mom, but my mom's stepsister isn't anything to me. are they trying to say my "Landlady" is my stepmom and she is my stepmom's sister? making her my step-aunt? or do i just keep her as nothing to me?
turn her into your aunt
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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2021
ok ty me and my aunt "had a fling" and every1 in the family was ok with it? not the first game to do something like that but it dont normally start that way.
I'm not a fan of the game, but play farther and you find out more about it. No one else knew about their relationship, and the MC and the aunt ended that relationship already before the start of the game... But they had sex one last time, and that one got her pregnant. She didn't tell anyone but the MC that her baby was his.


Nov 19, 2018
Ok.....I got to ask.... wtf is up with Yoda walking into the building???? Either that or I really need sleep and that was a midget in a costume....


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2016
comparing real life with fiction is quite idiotic mate. you know jack shit of what has happened in my life and to even go there just to "chastise" me is the lowest of the low. next time think twice before you asssume you know about someone's life because they dont want shit in their entertainment. I wonder if you would say the same shit to someone who was actually raped and tries to avoid content that touches certain nerves.
damn the stupidity of your comment made my blood boil.
I don't know your backstory and don't need to know it. Nothing you said refutes my point. You came in to bash a game because it had story elements you didn't like for whaterver reason. I called that shallow in so many words, 'mate'. It's not low, it's pointing out that your opinion doesn't really matter, just move on and the time you spent to bash the game and for me to read it, was a waste on both our parts. Just ignore the thread and move on. To take the time to bash someone's game because they had the audacirty to not postr rainbows and fluffy bunny stores is the lowest of the low.

If someone WAS raped then I would express sympathy for them and do what I can to help, but the fact remains IT HAPPENED and I wouldn't shy awayt form them as a person, or throw up my hands and ignore them or their history because of something that happened to them that they had no control over. You see where I am going right? YOU threw up your hands and bashed the game because it had a story you didn't like, so it's only logical to think that you would easily do the same to someone IRL, no giant leap of logic is needed there for that.

You don't need to post in a thread if it has content that touches a nerve, just IGNORE IT AND MOVE ON. That was the entire nature of my post. It's not like people who do play this game and follow the story 'like' what may have been a tragic backstory, well I guess some degenerates might like that, but people play it because it add's depth to the story to see if the dev can actually write interesting or realistic character reactions to that part of the story. If you want to be a timid nature person and yell and scream and protest (which is what you did) because someone writes bad thit happened to their characters, then do us a favor and just yell IRL, you're basically wanting to censor a story because it might 'trigger' someone and that's just an idea so stupid it makes my blood boil, to use your own words. Life is tough wear a helmet.

Beast Within

Active Member
Nov 9, 2017
doubling down I see. cool. lets see.

If someone WAS raped then I would express sympathy for them and do what I can to help, but the fact remains IT HAPPENED and I wouldn't shy awayt form them as a person, or throw up my hands and ignore them or their history because of something that happened to them that they had no control over. You see where I am going right? YOU threw up your hands and bashed the game because it had a story you didn't like, so it's only logical to think that you would easily do the same to someone IRL, no giant leap of logic is needed there for that.

again you asume what I would or would not do, because I dont like something in a game.
No I dont see where you are going with it. oh, wait. nowhere. you just doubled down on assuming you know me and my character on how I would deal in a real life situation. I guess you the psycology expert know me better than I know myself.
all because of what I like or not in a fictional setting. I dont like married lis either but according to your logic, maybe I should, because, you know. Ozygator LOGIC

but let me ask you this since you seem so "knowledgable". have you ever dated a rape victim? do you know how it is to walk on eggsells around them? do you know how it is to wait for a year just to hold hands because they cant stand another persons touch? but what am I saying. ofcourse you know.you can assume and since you can do that it must be right.

"YOU threw up your hands and bashed the game because it had a story you didn't like, so it's only logical to think that you would easily do the same to someone IRL"

this.. this right there..my god what amm I reading. really? that is your "logical" thought ? So if I play rape/humiliation/sharing/swinging/brothel managment/incest/harem/whoring out women and pretty much every kink in the book, it must "L O G I C A L L Y" mean-according to you- that I must do that in real life too?I mean, it could sound "logical" in your brain so ofcourse it mmust be the case. Do YOU see where I am going?

I don't know your backstory and don't need to know it. Nothing you said refutes my point. You came in to bash a game because it had story elements you didn't like for whaterver reason. I called that shallow in so many words, 'mate'. It's not low, it's pointing out that your opinion doesn't really matter, just move on and the time you spent to bash the game and for me to read it, was a waste on both our parts. Just ignore the thread and move on. To take the time to bash someone's game because they had the audacirty to not postr rainbows and fluffy bunny stores is the lowest of the low.

what point? the one you made about what I would do in real life based on what I like or not like in a video game? there was no point there. just a straight up personal attack based on what you DONT know. passive aggresive much?

I am free to critisize whatever I want. I am free to praise whatever I want. this is a public forum. If you actually read my post instead of desiding to whiteknight and assume you know shit, then you would have seen that bar the specific part, I actually said the game looks interesting. but yeah fuck that shit, I must be on drugs because the great Ozygator can make the "logical" leaps to know about enyone on this planet from his comfortable office chair.

You don't need to post in a thread if it has content that touches a nerve, just IGNORE IT AND MOVE ON. That was the entire nature of my post. It's not like people who do play this game and follow the story 'like' what may have been a tragic backstory, well I guess some degenerates might like that, but people play it because it add's depth to the story to see if the dev can actually write interesting or realistic character reactions to that part of the story. , you're basically wanting to censor a story because it might 'trigger' someone and that's just an idea so stupid it makes my blood boil, to use your own words. Life is tough wear a helmet.

this is a place where everyone can share their opinions. you can like them, you can hate them. but you can not forbid them to speak just because it tingles your "progressive" tastes.

"If you want to be a timid nature person and yell and scream and protest (which is what you did) because someone writes bad thit happened to their characters, then do us a favor and just yell IRL"

You didnt even read what I posted. wher was the yells? where was the screams? where were all this crap you spaek of? oh I know. IN YOUR HEAD!
For reference, I will put my message here again, so tthe rest of the players see exactly what swims in your brain.

looks interesting not gonna lie, but the whole 4 walls of comments about the possible/propable/whatever gangfucked real mother backstory who is also a li makes me put this on hold untill the dust settles and it is revealed that that shit never actually happened nor anything as shitty as that *couphs prostitute/porn star/stripper/ex and current bilesbian*couphs*. I dont care if it was in the past , in dreams or is never shown tbh.

"you're basically wanting to censor a story because it might 'trigger' someone and that's just an idea so stupid it makes my blood boil"

yeah, no. not even close. again. ALL IN YOUR HEAD!

you will not tell me what I can or can not do. I dont give a shit if you like it or not. thats how freedom of speach works. freedomm is tough. wear a helmet.

at this point from what you have writen so far I can "logically" think you are an idiot who knows absolutely nothing about real life and thinks that they can judge people while comfortably sitting on their fat ass. keyboard warriors like you aint worth my time.

get a life. and meet the ignore button.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2019
Is this a sequel to another game cause in the begining it says mc landlady sister(aunt) is pregnant with mc baby.


Going For Goal Dev
Game Developer
May 3, 2022
Is this a sequel to another game cause in the begining it says mc landlady sister(aunt) is pregnant with mc baby.
Nope, though It will feature a flashback at some point. Kind of like the two of them talking about it or something while you watch it happening.
3.20 star(s) 10 Votes