VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Grown-Up Titans: The Game [v1.12 TEST] [GFC Studio]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Cool animations, cool theme, but HOLY SHIT there is WAY too much bullshit game mechanics to justify calling this a VN. Not everything is intuitive, like it took me AGES to realize I had to sell sperm for money and was running in circles forever, and you have to sell sperm something like 20 times to progress at one point, and you can only do it twice a day, so I have to run to my box to reset the day, run back, sell sperm, sell sperm, run back to box, sleep, run back.... you get the picture.

    Almost every sexy scene is gated behind this sort of fetch quest nonsense, is utterly unintuitive, and there are no hints or anything of the sort. Constantly resetting the day to get the proper time, or doing a million runs of the town to hope you FINALLY get a randomized drop of a quest item, or eventually guessing you need to check the trash for a microchip (?), etc.

    This game needs 95% less bullshit mechanics designed to pump playtime at the expense of fun or ability to maintain a fap, a optional "hint" system that tells players wtf they need to do and where to go, and 100% more sexy animations. Honestly 2 stars might be slightly generous, but I do really like the art style, so I will stick with that for the time being.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    version 1.7 26/06/2022
    bed in MC room didnt work for sleeping i had to go to cartoon box to sleep far away from main source of making money making it very tedious grind but beds are unnecessary just use time button above to sleep imo
    games were tough but i used cheat engine to slow time so whatever
    animation is not the best out there but pretty good
    i didnt like writting at all, incoherrent swearing is not my thing (unless i have reason but not in normal conversation),and what follows is that MC is kind of a dick
    i didnt even met 4th girl before ejecting from this game skipped everything to make it faster and skip text but then grinding money stopped me from progressing
    didnt saw raven at all but she can be somewhere further in the story so i get it my fault and its my fault for sucking at cleaning and spanking game i get it
    just not my piece of cake
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game so far especially because of the setting, the art style is also appealing as well compared to a lot of games on here. Excited to see what more is to come and how this game progresses. Also love the simple design of mini games, adds a good change of pace for a visual novel, and too many developer seem to overcomplicate mini games all to often or make them a chore to play, but the ones in this so far are pretty good.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I believe 4 stars is a fair score. +1 for potential, art, characters and premise. -1 for errors. I hope the devs hire a proofreader and fixes bugs fast. otherwise people may lose interest. Overall, worth a play.
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Lord Zed

    The art and scenes are great. Very high quality sprites with well done and animated scenes. The art style is as accurate to the show as you could hope for it to be.

    The story and writing is average and they really need to hire someone that speaks English to edit the dialogue.

    The gameplay and stability is abysmal. This is the most unstable ren'py game I've ever played and in version 0.4 you have to rollback half the time you try and save. Despite the small amount of characters to talk to and area to explore it can be confusing at times what you need to do to progress. And there is even at least one point in the game where you can soft-lock yourself and be unable to progress without reloading.

    With some bugfixes, revisions to progression, and a solid edit by someone with a better grasp of the English language this would be a solid 5/5. But it's not there yet in its current state.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game just needs a walkthrough

    First thought this was "live" not CG based on the preview pic. Renders are beautiful, even without the sex. Just the fact that this is here is worthy of 5 stars.
    The quality is not 100% consistent through every file, but that is to be expected, based on subject matter and the very nature of the beast.
    The female models are in good (natural) proportion, well detailed, and just "realistic enough.
    When you add the sheer variety of content, you can't go wrong.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    By the time I am typing this it is version 0.1a and I really hope my opinion changes in the future. Read the conclusion if you don't want to read the review.

    Story: Before I played this I know much about the DC universe that consist of teen titans and considering the description mentioning Ravens mother instead of the person I really hope being a significant present, Raven not been seen yet I'm slightly disappointed but optimistic. I digressed, The story consist of a character whom you named whatever you want and somehow wish to kill Trigon who is Ravens father in lore but the prologue shy away from this due to side tracking on stupid activity's and gridding to the point where I stopped listening at times but tried and honestly I tried keeping track on what is happening but honestly the story is a bore, Try better I beg of thee. (3/5)

    Gameplay: Using the Ren'Py software as a foundation of this game is a good choice however having a normal point and click adventure is the norm but I expected a visual novel as the preview presented which is common sense motive hence the scenario but instead I have to drag my cursor and click on items that are present in my FOV but sometimes hidden due to the moving animation *cough* ROPE *cough*, Though all jokes aside the gameplay is shit, no sugar coating I've played 2 minigames and struggled, one of them due to the randomisation fucking up which stressed me out yet the second is an extreme bore as well played space invaders before so it isn't exactly new and expressive let alone the music playing on the mini-game is a poor choice considering the transition from the ship to it can be startling. Speaking of music how come settings isn't present at the main menu but is when you try to save in-game, such a incontinence but never the less we get used to it. the last thing I wish to point out is how petty the currency is, 10 coins for sperm but a broom, A stick with straws on it cost 400 coins. what kind of drugs are you on and where can I get some because if you do quick and easy math, you get 20 coins in 1 day so in all you have to go back and forth 20 times to get a fucking BROOM. I tried and I'm sorry to whom reads this but I can't honestly for the good of sperm banks think of a good point for this fucking mess. (2/5)

    Scenes: Now something positive, the animation during the smut is superb to the point I'm surprised it was animated in the first place, the CG on the characters are well done and unique in its own appeal though nothing alike to the teen titans animated show, it does bring a bit of vanilla to the table. I've led to believe that they spent more time on the CG scenes then actual gameplay but who am I to complain. I'm just a pirate pillaging on those who share. (4/5)

    Conclusion: Please read this if you cannot be arsed to read the red review. Story is vague gameplay is shit and I honestly cannot believe I wasted 2 hours playing this fucking mess, however the upside is the CG is amazing in its own right. Should you play this game? it matters not to me but I express greatly how disappointed I am. potential it has but in this layout it is lost.

    On an off note I am excited for the next animated DC movie, the creators ship Damian and Raven so I'm up for the fanfics being born because of it. I wish all of you sexy motherfuckers the best at this time and wish you a good Christmas. Stay safe and lots of love.