VN - Ren'Py - Gynocracy [v0.9.2] [Brecleas]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I like it a lot! Good Storyline so far. It's sexy, exciting and doesn't have too many logical holes. So it's easy to follow the story. The renders are very nicely done. I hope there will be a few more good cuckold scenes. Also, some hard toilet scenes would be nice.
    Likes: ZairusV
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Could not put it better than Conyboy. Game does look nice, but you are railroaded and not really given a lot of freedom. While I try not to criticize any fetishes, the content blockers don't really work so you end up with scenes I at least wanted to skip (especially the NTR stuff) And the Stat system seems flawed if you end up in mostly the same place anyway. While I had high hopes, ultimately left frustrated.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    • Great Premise: The idea of a female-dominated society rife with political intrigue sets high expectations and offers potential for nuanced storytelling.
    • Attractive Visuals: The character models and renders are high-quality, which might appeal to fans of aesthetic design.

      1. Contradictory and Illogical Themes
      The game undermines its central concept at every turn. A society based on female supremacy should empower its characters, yet male humiliation through feminization and misgendering feels like an awkward relic of outdated tropes. How does dressing a man as a woman and using female pronouns humiliate him in a society that supposedly reveres femininity?

      Worse, the introduction of a female slave, who is treated far more cruelly than any male character, directly contradicts the game’s supposed ideology. This inconsistency is jarring and makes the worldbuilding feel half-baked and incoherent.

      2. Terrible Writing for Key Characters
      The writing consistently falls short, particularly for the main female love interest.
      • The MC’s wife, supposedly the emotional anchor of the story, is written as naive and frustratingly oblivious, making it impossible to connect with her character.
      • The other women in the game are often shallow caricatures, existing more as vehicles for kinks than as believable, engaging characters.
    • Meanwhile, the MC himself is insufferable. He alternates between bumbling fool and rage-inducing idiot, making irrational decisions that should have dire consequences but are instead handwaved away. It’s impossible to empathize with him or see him as anything but a placeholder for poorly written scenes.

      3. Forced Narratives and Lack of Choices
      Calling this a game is generous; it’s essentially a kinetic novel with minimal interaction. Players are railroaded into predetermined actions that feel frustrating and often nonsensical.
      • Want to stay loyal to your wife? Too bad—the game forces you to cheat, even when it’s clear this will only escalate your problems.
      • Hoping to resist the revolution? The story still shoves you into joining it later, regardless of your initial stance.
    • This lack of agency removes any sense of immersion or connection with the story. Major decisions are made for you, leaving you to merely click through and watch the train wreck unfold.

    This game is a classic example of wasted potential. The premise is intriguing, but the execution is shallow and riddled with contradictions. Instead of delivering a nuanced exploration of femdom dynamics, the game resorts to tired tropes, incoherent worldbuilding, and a relentless lack of player agency.

    For fans of the genre, there are far better alternatives (Karlsson’s Gambit is frequently mentioned as a superior option). While this game might scratch an itch for those looking for visual appeal or specific kinks, it’s unlikely to satisfy anyone seeking a well-crafted or immersive experience.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I wanted to like this, and overall, you'd think this would be a really good game, but the writing for the MC's love interest is just abysmal. It's clear they didn't know how to do it well in a somewhat complicated story. They wanted to write her as naive and impressionable and basically corruption fodder, but it's just so bad and ridiculously immersion breaking.

    Maybe it's just me, but you'll likely be frustrated more than aroused playing this game just due to how dumb and naive the main female character is that you'll have to interact with constantly juxtaposed next to the smart MC who has a good handle on everything happening, making her look like a complete dumbass. This is really a story about her getting corrupted and you're just a regular everyman with common sense going through hell (And I'm into these kinks, but they are a lot less fun with Kalie involved)

    Frequently finding myself wishing I could tell her off just to not have to interact with her anymore and get dommed by any of the other better females in the game. I got to about Chapter 9 hoping it would get better and uninstalled.

    A shame because there was a lot of potential here.

    The typical interaction,
    Him: "Honey, I'm having a rough time here, really feel like just giving up."
    Her: "But you cheated on me! And I think you were enjoying yourself watching me get [redacted] but I can't tell because you were bound and caged and screaming for everyone to stop, but..."

    And she is supposed to be the not corrupted, reasonable, scientist.

    I'm kinky as hell but this game just takes me all the way out of it. Let me go live with Barbie and tell this moron to follow her heart.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Brecleas game is really good, story building and everything looking forward for next update it really got potential. Also by stalking you a little bit from your profiles i think this is your first femdom game. You are already my one of the fav creators
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games of the femdom genre at this point. It has basically everything you need for an exciting play time.
    It has a very intriguing plot. Conspiracies, kidnappings, betrayals, corruption etc. So you not only desire to watch the next lewd scene, but also you want to know what will happen with our protagonist and with the island itself.
    The lewd scenes are made very well. It's obvious that the author pays a lot of attention to details. The quality of the picture is very good. There are also fetishes for every taste. And the developer plans to add new ones every update.
    In general, a very decent game. 10 out of 10.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    submissive -Ben83

    great femdom game i really enjoyed playing this, what i did not enjoy was barbies BBC event that really made my blood boil i did not want to see that, sorry just not into to a girl sucking and getting fucked by black cocks.

    she can have her bbc fun off screen not infront of me. I thought that scene was pointless within the story, at 1st i kinda liked barbie she is blonde blue eyes goddess my dream girl and the blackmail scene was awesome so i really enjoyed that.

    I was hoping we would get a one on one femdom scene with her not that stuff at all. I hope we get some more femdom with barbie just not BBC (n)

    We get a choice to avoif one bbc scene through either the husbands dream or the wifes. i cant remember too be honest but it was avoidable but this choice was not.

    Since barbie likes to tie up her men up to the bed and have sex with them I wouldnt of minded if she tied me up to the bed and teased me in chastity and made me lick her cunt and arse until she was satified now that would of been a hot scene to have a good wank over.

    instead we got what we got at the end dissapointing :poop:(n)

    That was the only downside i hated about this game but there are alot of scenes that i do love in this game

    Iove the mc being in bondage/gagged and made to worship the women they are fucking beautiful i love bondage:). I love the scene where Kalie tied the mc to the bed and teased him for abit then went to sleep and left him tied up alnite that was a hot scene :love: :),

    I hope we get to see more bed/bondage with eitther the wifu or the other women so i retract my statement and give this a good solid 4* rating.

    Thanks for reading
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This game isn't up my alley in terms of interests, but I was intrigued by the premise and it seemed similar to a much better game, Karlsson's Gambit, I figured I would give it a shot.


    The idea and setting are perfect, it's like a femdom Tropico and I think it had a lot of potential and that's the reason it is at 3 stars.

    There are some choices for kinks and the like, like cum eating, cucking and bi stuff.


    The MC isn't appealing to look at, he acts like a total moron when he is first put in the situation, in a hostile nation at gunpoint and he repeatedly does things that should get him killed or maimed without the consent of my choices.

    Lack of Choices: This game does not give you choices. I wanted to do right by my wife in this game and the game constantly forces you to cheat on her instead of just taking the punishment, creating bigger problems for the MC. It is in poor taste for a VN to constantly force major decisions for the PC. Like you join the revolution on a whim after rejecting the revolution in the first place? I would have joined in the first place but the MC is such a little weenie and grouch I could not STAND him. This isn't a placeholder for me, this is some fucking asshole who probably deserves this treatment.

    All in all, this game is 2.5/5 stars because it does not do anything that Karlsson's Gambit does better, it does not let you play the way you want to play and is extremely frustrating to play. However, it does a well enough job of scratching that itch if you are looking for games in that category, and the models and women are attractive. Play this game if enjoy pure femdom with very little choice in the matter, because there really is not any wiggle room in that category.

    My final suggestion is to play Karlsson's Gambit or if you already have, make a new save. I hope the author reads these reviews because I think you did a great job with the premise and the game is good to look at, it's just extremely frustrating to play as a VN.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing job my friend, I'm so excited! You just climbed on the top-level femdom genre creators in my eyes, definitively.
    I don't know if it sounds exaggeration, its all subjective ofc, but i think you made a high jump from the very very good with great potential to the almost perfect with this update(0.6.2), in every level i believe. The scenes, the dialogs in scenes, the plot course, it's so good, the unexpected turns, the even bigger now suspense about the future, the unique but very realistic style of your stunning models/renders, the strong thriller atmosphere witch adding a lot on the player experience, I don't know, so fucking well balanced, directed, presented, paced etc. etc. etc.

    I strongly rate it as a gem of the genre, deserves support, I'm so impatient for the future parts.
    God bless you my friend and Thank you so much for what you give us!
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    From the description and tags this should have been right up my alley but it turned out to be another disappointment.

    Way too many characters. No actual choices or gameplay. I really don't get the point of these "games" or visual novels where you have no say in what happens.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Strobe Adverse

    Femdom isn't exactly my thing, but the writing in this game is so good it keeps me interested the entire way... although it is a little too extreme for me personally, I'm guessing it's perfect for its target audience so I didn't lower my rating because of that.

    My only real complaint is that all of the "decisions" seem somewhat meaningless and the MC is basically along for the ride. Other than that this is an impressive game created by a dev that is obviously very talented.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a very good femdom game, with a good story and a protagonist, who have to forced into femdom. And the Characters in the game are somewhat different. i am eagerly awaits the next Chapters. I like it.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    It looked promising in the beginning to become a good femdom game. Unfortunately it didn't live up to that expectations in my opinion.

    So far the unavoidable sissy character in this one was the low point for me so far. So your society is based on female supremacy and you humiliate a male by dressing him as a woman and giving him female pronouns? To me that sounds quite contradictory.
    A good amount of the females interacting with the main character, with some exceptions, also seem to have an aversion of sexually pleasured themselves and seem way more interested in the MC's genitals. Not really a good setup for femdom scenes imho.
    Also not a fan of the newly introduced slave girl. Wonder how this fits to their ideology? They literally treat a woman way, way worse, than any other western nation would. On top of that she is punished for having sexual interactions with the MC, something a couple of women on that island (including the president herself) did too, without the consent of the wife. So far this gynocracy really sucks. Even for a good amount of women and someone like me, who is into female domination.

    Okay, you might argue all the female empowerment talk was just BS by this dictatorship to justify their power grab. Still that again makes for a poor setup for a femdom story line. I would argue it probably is a better story line for a game where you subvert femdom.

    Besides that there is also a serious lack of choices. For the most parts I would label this a kinetic novel. You are practically forced into any activity, which for me personally also means being turned off more than being turned on.^^

    Nevertheless there is an audience for this content and when your tastes fits the taste of the developer here, you probably will enjoy it enough.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Good world setup for femdom game. Amazing story to follow it up and really pulls you in.
    Great looking girls and renders, hot scenes, very different looking girls from each other which is nice.
    A lot of kinks and fetishes already in game, which is good.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well done. The intro is really good and the the premise is interesting too. I didn't use the skip button once, which is rare for me. The visuals good, but not spectacular. Hoping for more updates soon!
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Good femdom game overall with hot women and a very interesting and hot premise. Sadly it's still a bit short, and the erotic scenes are also shorter than I'd like, but there are still some really great scenes in there. Especially the softer femdom scene with MC and his wife in Chapter 4 was a highlight for me.

    My biggest problem with the game so far is how dumb the MC and his wife are. MC gets raped but decides not to tell his wife about even though he's trying really hard to convince her this society is evil, meanwhile the wife is apparently too dumb to realise how evil they really are despite things like shock collars....

    It makes some scenes really frustrating to read especially because there aren't many choices you can make either so there's a real disconnect between the MC and the player. That's certainly something that could be improved.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    If you like extreme femdom, then this could be for you.
    I think the lack of choices is a problem. It feels like you don't really have much of an effect.
    Ex: It would have been cool that if you had some choices where if you choose correctly then you can convince your wife that there's something fucked up going on. Like, have a choice where you can tell her early on that the red haired girl forced you to eat her out and put you in a cage. She might not believe it at first, but would have more reason to believe it is true near the (current) end.

    I do wish there was more room for less extreme femdom options. I don't really find being put into a cage to be hot, or chastity, but I do like various of the other pieces.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like this game. I believe most people who are into femdom would enjoy this. I like the characters I like the story I like the visuals. One thing I don't like is the fact that you don't have many choices, which is the most important thing for me, they don't even have to change much about the story just add some more minor dialogue choices. Being able to make choices is why I'm playing a game instead of reading a comic after all, but as I said other than that this is a charming game that is still in relatively early development and has great potential.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. I am waiting for the next part. Story is fantastic. Renders are beautiful. I really love this game. living in a Gynocracy is a beautiful idea. I am sure author will include more characters in next parts. Girls in this game a beautiful .
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Its not often i play porn games without skipping, and this is one of them. Writing, pacing and plot is all on point so far. Not much meaningful choices so far, but plot suggests there would be major twists.