For some reason the game runs ok on Win8.1 laptop (bad specs and slow), but hangs system on Win10.
It runs on both, but (on my better PC) when it runs the game and I click on it with mouse (to enter the game), then there's black screen and... nothing. Ctrl+Alt+Del doesn't work. Alt+Tab as well. Had to literally hard reset my PC.
Edit: Reason was not entirely generated config files (in C:\Users/App Data). That is programming issue.
So I went to config files to switch off fullscreen, just to learn that the config file WAS EMPTY inside. During the first run, they should get generated, but that task failed. There were only 2 files anyway, but should be much more.
Will try the walkaround: I copied my config (the ones from AppData) files from Laptop and tried to paste them on PC.
It worked, but the number of genereated files was much bigger (on PC it generated two, on laptop it gave more than 10). Switching off Fullscreen doesn't work or I did it wrong.
But hey, it turns out that game works now. You can also edit options by clicking "P" and selecting Options.
Using older save made a mess with invisible choices (unclickable), but deleting SaveGame folder did the trick.