Unity - Completed - HACHINA ~Ghost Story~ [v1.12] [hakkaku]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    there is alot of really good cgs and it is a really pretty fun combat loop and the story is good and also progression is pretty ok but everythnign else good except progession ok bye bye guysdfssfdsddss
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Innocent Chloe

    Not sure how I missed this title, maybe the previews or other reviews put me off at the time. But whatever the case I came across this game randomly on F95 and opted to give it a go this time around and I am certainly glad I did!

    Quite the hidden gem!

    This is a great game for people who love female protagonist sidescrollers that is centred around combat and combat sex

    There is a wide variety of fetishes here from light BDSM, yuri, parasites and tentacles/slugs etc... as well as demons in human form all of the h-content in the game is focused on the rape fetish though you can kind of submit/accept it making it consensual in a way but I would still mostly consider it all rape

    The bulk of the h-content is experienced in the combat stages. Enemies have grapple attacks that if you don't escape on time turns into rape animations. Each enemy has one grapple attack but there are about 26 different enemies so 26 combat h-animations. And then you also have 11 event related h-scenes so a total of 37 animations which is quite solid for a game of this type

    The combat itself is actually surprisingly smooth and I found myself enjoying the combat as much as I enjoyed the h-content

    The story is pretty run of the mill and hard to follow due to translation issues

    The entire gallery also unlocks if you finish the game

    One thing I did especially appreciate is that game over events such as boss defeats and whatnot reset you back to the checkpoint before the boss so you can safely see the defeat event and then go back and defeat the boss

    All in all a very fun sidescroller that I fully enjoyed. Not good enough to replay but definitely worth playing at least once if those fetishes are up your alley
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    2/5 and not recommend. both in gameplay and story.

    story: it's.... whatever. trust me its whatever. the worldbuild is nice, that it is set in 1600s 1700s but other than that, nothing much is going on. just aesthetics and environment. this could be set in a futuristic setting and it will be the same. author never really "did anything" to the setting.

    gameplay: let me put it this way: her attacks are horrible. its just one-two attack ad infinitum. the added (upgrade) attacks mean nothing either. one is the slash up, but you're very vulnerable after the uppercut move. same with the smash down. bad aoe and also opens you to a lot of vulnerabilities.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    very good graphics and smooth animation for gameplay... but H-content is bad. it's extremely easy to get away from enemies. so to kill everything is a boring grind and if you dont purpusefully let your heroine get abused then you won't see any H-scenes. and there is no benefit to let her get abused aside from watching the H-scene.

    it's just very bad game design. so as a porn game it's poor. even though everything else is very nice. although a bit too simple gameplay which makes it boring.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    A modest project game from Hakkaku, featuring quality h content involving hypno/noncon/defeat/bdsm/monster. It's his second platformer project, the first being Hasumi, which is similar but in a futuristic/alien setting rather than Japanese like this one.

    Unfortunately, Hachina is very flawed by lacking world/game design. The focus really is mostly on the h content, which there isn't a huge amount of, but for the game's length, a good amount. It's a step up in quality but down in volume compared to Hasumi, but more than other short games generally.

    I give him a lot of credit blogging development progress. Their games seem like passion projects, not ero game money farming. I think it should be seen in a positive light even if it's not very much of a true game compared to other 2dcg platformers.

    I recommend Future Fragments and Repure Aria 2 as examples of great platformers with similar defeat content (different fetishes and art styles)..
    which are vaguely similar in h content but very big worlds with real game design that I wish this game could've had more of.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is not without flaws, but there is nothing critical. Excellent gameplay, finally at least a little complicated sex resistance, quite a variety of mechanics. It's just a good game that I've been through from start to finish.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    From the same devs as, and similar in style to, Mermaiden; if you liked that game you'll probably like this one. Decent scene variety and interesting erotic status effects. The full potential of the insect and ghost fetish content didn't quite live up to what might've been, but considering budget restrictions I can't really complain.
    The Unity auto-translator is annoying but I managed to follow the plot easily enough.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    You would think this is a masterpiece, but the lazy level design, repetitive enemies who only annoy you, broken translations, mostly boring H-scenes, and an absurdly tedious final boss shows me that this game is not worth it, at all. There's far better platformers out here, skip this one please.

    Oh and, dear god, the fucking loading screens give you 5 frames per second at the start of each area. It's absurd.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Toaster Moogle

    A little short, but the gameplay is responsive and fun where the h-content doesn't directly result in lengthy still images with text or hard game overs forcing you to load from saves. Story is actually kind of interesting but you can choose to ignore/skip most of it.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Not as good as Hasumi honestly, but still really good. I love these styles of game where there is platforming, combat, combat H scenes where you get debuffs etc. and gradually grow more corrupted but have a chance to get away. Something about guiding my MC and trying to keep her safe while she gets defiled and weakened is amazing. I love picturing myself as her and wondering how she feels or what she is going through.

    I want to write this review mainly in the hopes the dev sees it and takes a few key points away. But also for any users curious about playing it. There will be spoilers about some content. This will be some "dream list," I am a programmer and I know how much work this shit takes so I realize getting everything you want isn't possible but I'm throwing it out there anyway.

    Potential Players:
    Consider grabbing the "diffuclty mod" I edited my save to be Very Hard difficulty right off the bat because I found escaping sex too easy, thus I'd never get any debuffs. I want to earn those debuffs by losing not on purpose. And the difficulty mod will make it so each time you get captured you get less able to resist. Eventually you have no choice and fight as you might your enemies will bring you to orgasm.

    1) More debuffs next time, or add more to them:
    I feel like these were minor annoyances at best. There is a hint of something really special with the Oni Mother Bug where suddenly old enemies have a new interaction. I don't know that it did anything in this regard in the code, but I at least roleplayed that my MC had a harder time resisting the suckling bugs after obtaining this debuff. Giving in to their suckling and nurturing them against her will. I wish this was explored more. That each debuff had more stages to them or developed/worsened over time. And that other debuffs worked more like this.
    The parasitic mizuchi was great but only having one element to it made it get old really quick for eg.
    I wish there were a few more debuffs in general too.

    2) More animation variety: I wished each scene had more variety. I liked that some enemies had different animations if there were multiple of them, but I wish there was a "randomness" to it as well. Sometimes an enemy does this, sometimes they do that etc. Perhaps you only get a debuff if they put it in a certain spot for eg.

    3) More MC H stats and internal dialog: This one is a niche of mine as I like to know what the MC is going through or feeling. Some games have an H stats page where you get internal views, development levels, perhaps thought bubbles about the state they are in. I'd love to see this with the varius debuffs (think a cross section of her womb with the mizuchi wriggling around inside it and her body portrait being hot and flushed when inflicted, omg so hot).

    4) More outfits: I didn't really get the clothes mechanic in this game, it really only affects one enemy, and otherwise is visual. I wish there were a way to equip different pieces of clothing at least for visual effect if not any gameplay reason. I love outfits and hachina would look so pretty in different outfits.

    5) More enemies:
    I feel like the amount was okay, but toward the end of the game I wished there were just a few more to discover. The learning about them and what their debuffs are was a great feature. I just wish it had a bit more gameplay relevance. Like only by defeating them and gaining full knowledge can you learn to cure their debuffs. Maybe if there was more animation variety and more to the debuffs the amount of enemies wouldn't matter as much? Not sure.

    6) Setting and character: Were great! Wanted to give praise for how pretty Hachina is, and how wonderful the fantasy feudal setting was.

    I want more, more more more. More of this game, or at least this style of game, but definitely more of this setting and character. Hachina is so pretty and sweet!

    PS. I love that she had smaller breasts, I'm a small tits person and it isn't as common. Debuffs that made tits bigger or larger would be cool to cater to both crowds.
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    Magister Masquerade

    Really mixed about this one. I like a lot of things about the game, from the main character to the typical premise of the story, and especially love the setting.

    Unfortunately, that's where most of the positives end. The actual gameplay is pretty uninspired and simplistic, which isn't surprising for an ero game, but still, you're not going to be playing this just to play it as a game.

    But the ero content isn't much better. What's there is decent and explores a few unique/fringe/whatever you want to call takes on fetishes much like the prior game with a general emphasis on corruption and bondage. However, the variety really suffers and each animation feels as if the creator simply gave up on them halfway through, really leaving you scratching your head. And it's not just one or two; pretty much every animation feels like you're missing half of it.

    Coupled with the fact that the game is fairly short and doesn't even include many animations, it almost feels as if this game was the first game and the prior game the one where the author build upon everything from the first.

    As it stands, it's kind of a baffling downgrade which sucks as I prefer the fantasy setting far more to the sci-fi one.

    Still worth a quick play through, maybe you'll find a few scenes that tickle your fancy, and the game does look good + the story and setting are interesting, but in my opinion, HACHINA flounders as both a game and source of ero content.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I've played all three of this dev's games. Hasumi was probably my favorite of the bunch but there was only two reasons this game didn't overtake it:

    1) Length. Overall this game is much shorter than their other works. This is not a bad thing in and of itself, short games can be good. I just would have liked to see more of this game as I beat it in under 4 hours while The Deep Sea Sisters easily took 5-7 and the prequil to that game took many more.

    2) Status effects. The status effects in this game seemed less impactful than their other games on the default difficulty. I would very much have liked to see the status effects either be more impactful or for there to be more status effects. Preferably both, if I'm completely honest.

    The game is a solid platformer that I enjoyed playing, with quality NSFW content that doesn't need a game over screen to access. As always, I'm looking forward to whatever this dev's next project is. Just hoping there's more to it than this one.
    Likes: v0.0v
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    game is squandered potential just like the previous game by this author, mediocre sex scenes, too few sex scenes, the scenes that are shown are low quality and you can basically see nothing. just being held up by being a mind control game.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a good platformer, not a good sex game and its really low quality (visually).
    I think it should need a couple of additions in the freeplay, something that will make the game more fun to explore)
    Likes: v0.0v
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    The gameplay and combat is good enough to be fun. Has plenty of enemy variety all of which can force themselves on the main character, with multiple animations. The enemy and boss designs are interesting.
    The bug and insect mechanic is implemented very well and works with the game setting.

    Overall an enjoyable game. Also I'd recommend playing on HARD to enjoy the game to its fullest.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is smooth and responsive, super underrated feature imo. There's a bunch of interesting enemy ideas, and the community made decensor goes a long way to making the h-scenes more engaging. Overall a very enjoyable game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a great game, reminds me a lot of Night of revenge and Eris dysnomia but with different fetishes, this one focuses more on hypnosis and mind control, the animations are amazing and there's some hidden H events that trigger when you are under certain states and interact with some NPCs/boss fights.

    game is somewhat short and easy...maybe a bit too easy but I don't really mind it considering I play for the animations not really for the gameplay.

    Give it a try if you like hypnosis/mind control. 10/10
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 1.1
    I found the premise and the larger cast appealing, but it felt really rushed. Characters were introduced and their backgrounds revealed almost back to back. Gameplay wise identical to Mission Mermaiden except even easier due to the high availability of healing and mana through the crafting system which you never need to touch except in scripted sequences. The fast travel system and lack of use for currency made the game extra short as well. From the map and dialogue you get the impression you're on a journey throughout warring states era Japan curing illness, but you just go from one bug filled forest to another with dirt farmer "villages" of 2-3 huts in between and you only cure people in a handful of scripted sequences. Midway you find signs to an oni village which I was looking forward to but...
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    Onmyoji/exorcists are esoteric and don't do anything for me either. The grab scenes aren't particularly compelling and don't have the impact or niche fetishes of something like Fallen Angel by Toffi or some of the more dramatic mind control/domination scenes in Undercrust or even the bad ends in Mission Mermaiden. The distinction between bugs, yokai, and gods isn't intuitive which makes the already short plot even easier to overlook. I'm guessing the translation "bugs" is the issue. If the term was "parasite" or "mushi" it might be clearer what the themes are. I like that the different debuffs had unique mechanics they affected instead of all just increasing arousal with specific enemy types, but most didn't have any visual effect which is half the appeal. Also the game assets are fairly low resolution. Some of Hachina's sprites have bad aliasing and seams.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent game with greats H-animations, people calling them mid just haven't played a lot of H-games at all, simple fact. This one is a really nice improvement from Mission Mermaiden and if anyone has a hypnosis kink, it's just a win.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4771842

    Genre: 2D hack 'n' slash
    Game length: 3 hours.
    Difficulty: Easy (customizable)
    Adult content: 37 animated adult scenes, quality is okay, not bad and not good. Moaning is annoying...
    Evaluation: A fine time killer.

    The H part is obviously not the strongest aspect of this game, but the setting, story, few endings and responsive simplistic arcade battle system may steal a few hours of your time, if you don't know where you want to waste it.