
Jan 11, 2019
I think I just screwed up. I was running 'load game' instead of 'new game', and that loaded save must've been preserved from an old build since I didn't have the vending machine or minotaur smith either lol
The loaded saves keep the seed from an old game. Ive done it now that i saved on the last WIP floor and then just load from there, as a floor reset loads a new seed
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May 21, 2020
I'm not posting the download link for the latest version, but here's the changelog:

Version 0.3 Early Access 4
Just now
This months build will be the final early access for version 0.3. With a public release planned for sometime after the early access for version 0.4 is uploaded.
The game is now fully playable using a gamepad. Gamepads can mimic mouse input using the left analogue stick. And if the dpad is pressed it changes to keyboard input mode.
There's no way to change the button layout yet, but the default button layout can be found at the bottom of this post.
The new trap rooms aren't too different from the old one with the hidden spikes. But the trap elements are clearly visible at least. The more complicated trap rooms are still being worked on.
Wands can now be recharged using the new battery item. Batteries can be purchased at the vending machine on neutral floors.
Also wands can now only spawn once throughout an entire run.

The new incubus/succubus enemies will perform a ranged attack at an enemy in their vision. If an enemy gets too close they will try to cower behind an ally, and if they have no allies nearby they will charm one of the players allies. Finally if they have no other option they will perform a melee attack.
The new enemies definitely made the game more challenging again. There can only be a maximum of 2 of them on the lava, spooky and frozen floors. And they shouldn't spawn near each other. They will guest visit the lava and spooky floors for now, and the plan is to replace them with caster enemies that fit the floors themes better at a later date.
I felt kinda bad for fixing the broken ally recruitment from the previous builds, people seemed to have fun stress testing the ai. So I replaced the npcs in the hidden debug room with a new console tile that can spawn any npc into any faction.
Preview for the february build will be up on the 1st.
As always thank you all so much for your support.

Full list of changes below.
New stuff:
  • The pigman trader has been added to neutral floors with his own cinematic, he gives more bits for items after friendly events.
  • New incubus/succubus caster type enemy has been added to the lava, spooky and ice floors with a unique cinematic for each.
  • The game now has full gamepad support.
  • The minimap can now be clicked on to travel.
  • New aphrodisiac and flamethrower themed trapped chest rooms.
  • A new battery item has been added that recharges wands when used. They can be purchased from the vending machine tile.
  • A new saint statue has been added that grants the player calories based on lewd meter value.
  • A new special abilities menu has been added, it is accessed by pressing left or right in the inventory.
  • Added an option to the settings menu to swap mouse buttons.
  • Added the option to select glasses independant of outfit (thanks to MyahTG for the reminder).
  • Allies can now be instructed to wait at their current location until told to follow.
  • Added exposed variants to the alpine bikini.
  • Nothing has changed in the room that doesn't exist on the first floor.
  • The main character is now named "Chloe Glands" under the hood. Though the name is never visible to the player.
  • Wands can now only spawn once in the entire dungeon.
  • The game over cinematic can now be skipped (thanks to Melody for the reminder).
  • When viewed through the memory menu, game over cutscenes no longer shows the game over text and will wait for input before continuing.
  • Blessed/cursed tomes now affect allies/enemies respectively.
  • Damage from weapons with shock enchant now bounce like the shock wand.
  • Any form of ice damage now has a 10% chance to freeze a target already affected by frost. Wet targets will still freeze 100% of the time.
  • There is now a warning message that pops up when starting hardcore mode from the main menu.
  • Saint statues no longer spawn randomly. They are now a feature reserved for neutral floors.
  • Cun'thulu statue now grants the player a spell to summon a tentacle ally.
  • Detection tomes now reveal mimics on the minimap.
  • Tome descriptions should now be more... descriptive.
  • The old trap room with the near invisible spikes has been removed.
  • Unobfuscated rings no longer reveal enchant level (thanks to Aargh for the bug report).
  • Kraken is now immune to displacement effects, and will despawn when the head loses sight of all enemies (thanks to Aargh for the bug report).
  • Fixed cursed healing tome not hurting the reader.
  • The minimap will no longer be cut off when loading saves after a game over (thanks to MyahTG for the bug report).
  • Fixed an issue causing stairs leading up to not be placed correctly (thanks to Protowolf for the bug report).
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs with the tile selector that got introduced with mouse support.
  • Fixed missing sound effects when mouse interacts with menus.
  • Allies no longer retain temporary effects when resurrected.
  • Fixed bad normals on exposed goth thong.
  • Fixed an issue causing the window mode setting option to do nothing.

Gamepad Keyboard mode:
  • Dpad: Move character / Navigate UI.
  • Bottom face button: Inspect/Interact / UI select.
  • Right face button: Skip turn / UI back.
  • Left face button: Inventory.
  • Top face button: Auto explore.
  • Start: Pause menu.
  • Select: Toggle minimap.
  • Left bumper: Auto path stairs down.
  • Right bumper: Auto path stairs up.
Gamepad Mouse mode:
  • Left stick: Move mouse.
  • Bottom face button: Left click.
  • Right face button: Right click.
Gamepad camera:
  • Right stick: Rotate camera.
  • Triggers: Zoom.
Cinematic camera:
  • Right stick press: Enter flycam mode.
  • Left+right stick: Move.
  • Left/Right bumper: Pan up/down.
  • Dpad up/down: Zoom in/zoom out.
  • Triggers: Roll.


Jan 11, 2019

And heres the mediafire aswell, which was broken, making a new one
Last edited:
Dec 5, 2023
It's more about downloading multiple files at the same time, normally only the compacted file is hosted to avoid that. The gofile above worked for me.
Thanks that worked!

Does anyone know how the new shrines of C'unt ulu work?
I can't seem to get the ally tentacle to spawn :/


New Member
Jun 9, 2021
Thanks that worked!

Does anyone know how the new shrines of C'unt ulu work?
I can't seem to get the ally tentacle to spawn :/
For the summon tentacle ability go to your inventory and use your left or right arrowkeys (or whatever you have your movement bound to) and it should switch you to the abilities tab.
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Dec 5, 2023
For the summon tentacle ability go to your inventory and use your left or right arrowkeys (or whatever you have your movement bound to) and it should switch you to the abilities tab.
Cool! Thank you!
I never realised I could change the pages on that section...
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