VN - Others - Completed - Hardcoded [v1.03 Itch] [Fortunae Virgo]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 Game. Ignore the haters

    This game is simply put, fantastic. The pixel art is fantastic, with a lot of attention to detail. You get short animations for sex scenes and sometimes a picture after the event. But this is only the cherry on top of the cake, which is the writing. This shit could be a book, all on it's own. This game is like VA11-HALL-A but with porno.

    Unfortunately some dumbasses think the LGBTQ+ themes are way too heavy. Ignore them. It is nowhere near invasive, and skipping through dialogue is easy.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I cannot put into words how much I am enamored with this game. The art is beautifully rendered, the music is sublime and the whole atmosphere is something out of this world. The worldbuilding and lore, the characters, it really is something too special to put in characters.

    So much content for such a small file game, so many animations, art and text for something that's still in such early format, it's quite incredible!

    ALTHOUGH - Even though I would give this a five stars on a pure technical and artistical level, personally, I don't think I would be playing it through it all or following up on this game. If you're part of the LGBTQA+ community or even simply an ally, a lot of this games content can hit kind of close to home a bit too much. I was constantly at odds between enjoying myself or thinking about the text, the story, the characters and what it meant, and it felt a bit like a whiplash in terms of how the game is laid out, personally. It's like, you got your hands down your pants, ready for some adult fun with a girl and we are treated to a dialogue about how the character utterly and truly feels out of place and perhaps at times as a fraud because they're not even sure if they themselves are doing this for attention, for love or for lust only. Of course, the game takes mostly a wholesome route, with said girl acknowledging your fears and trying to dissuade them, but after something like that... it's hard to not feel, not very lustful. Full disclosure, even if this game is centered mostly around trans women using trans humanism as a lens for that, as a cis lesbian, a lot of the dialogue, story and characters still resonated very very much to me.

    So in reality, I'm torn. It feels like it would be an amazing LGBTQA+ VN without the porn in it, and it would feel better as a pure porn debauchery mini-game game without the heavy emphasis on realistic, relatable characters and storylines - but it's not like either is bad! They're both really good. I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you're an emotional sap like me who just wants to masturbate, this is perhaps not the best game for that - but if you do enjoy great stories and are less emotional, this game will be a masterpiece for you, for me, it's still a masterpiece, just not for me.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3391009

    everything about this game is great, i really can't find anything to complain about. the art's great. the animations are amazing. the story is wholesome and interesting, dealing with some genuine gender identity issues. A+
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, to begin with, this game is a masterpiece. Expect some real shit there.

    The scenario is really immersive. The ambient is pure pleasure to the ears. I love the way we can interact with the environment. I feel like a part of this story. And the graphisms are rad, sexual scenes and animations just blow up everything. **wink wink**

    I didn't try this game before, and I can't live without it anymore. My review may seem pretty short, but there's no drawbacks to point out.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Look, it's good. It's really good. It's the only game where the sex happens with "in-game pixel art graphics" that actually has a convincing enough art. The animations are awesome, too. Navigating through the city is fun, the sceneries are extremely well-made, and the story isn't for everyone but I thought it was pretty interesting and different from the usual. Whoever is making this game really knows what they're doing, the only gripe I have is that updates are few and far in between, and, well, if you're here for the art, they don't add much of it.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This might have to be the most objective review here-
    I'll come right out and say it; I don't resonate with the politics in the game(centrist filth here) I'm not attracted to futa/trans content. As a matter of fact I only peeped this game because sjw content tends to fail and I wanted to get a few memes out of it.

    Holy shit I was wrong. Even if the games content isn't for me, I have to admit: OBJECTIVELY there's good qualities to this game.
    I have to appreciate the beautiful pixel world worth screen saving and smooth animations this game has. The story and characters are interesting enough to read even through all the virtue signaling.
    YES its there and in your face. The good thing is that's the only problem in this game.

    This game has quality, and the dev has talent but not enough praise. Even if this game isn't meant for someone like me, I've gotta respect the craft. Try it out!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Art, atmosphere, world building and sex scenes are all excellent. But people should realize this is a dating sim that doesn’t shy away from a little social commentary here and there about abuse, pollution and discrimination. Nothing extreme nor is it a constant during the entire game and you can skip most if you want. But if you’re offended by the main character being referred to more as “trans” than futa, having her deal with past trauma and having an actual personality instead of just blank hornyness, you might wanna find another game. There’s also several secret sex scene and different story outcomes you can find to keep things interesting. Overall great game and highly recommended
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Art and animation is amazing. If you don't get triggered by the simple fact that some people experience oppression, you'll enjoy it lol.

    Do note that there is a lotta chicks with dicks, but they're still chicks so there's that. Ignore the cafe minigame at all costs tho if u hate gay shit.

    In terms of the writing and character, honestly, I kinda ignored the main girls. Most of them aren't my type and the writing's cliche. But I mean that goes for every game but like two on this site, but at least it's better than most. I spent most of my time so far exploring the random sexy encounters, cause ironically those random side characters are hotter than the main ones imo. But that's because they're typical, and clearly the game is trying to represent different types of women than what's typical and that's commendable.

    Overall it's a solid 4/5 with a lot of fun stuff to do and it has a style that stands out. Only reason I rated it a 5/5 is because of the snowflakes.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Finally got around to playing the game and I have to say it was quite pleasant, the art is very nice, I'm a fan of the story(even though it's pretty short) but all the "side quests" are pretty good, fan of the PC and how they send you erotic pics some times, costume changing, random events in the city and apartment customization, game looks like a very long ways to go in terms of being a complete game, lacks so many animated and drawn scenes and a lot of the drawn ones your character is lacking their hair etc, I don't know much about the dev but guessing it's a 1 man team though they are getting a nice amount of Patreon subs so I'm surprised after 2+ years many scenes are just text.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I've thoroughly enjoyed this one, but be aware that it's decidedly not for everybody. If you aren't really into trans girls (aesthetically in this game they're mostly shemales) then give it a pass, because the main character is one and so are half the NPC's.
    That said, I'll list the stuff i personally find impressive:
    • high quality pixel art with excellent animations
    • no shortage of h-scenes, many of which are available without much grind
    • tons of fuckable characters
    • lots of customization options
    • well-developed characters with solid plot lines
    • fleshed-out cyberpunk setting with reasonable amount of lore
    A lot of people complain about how "preachy" this game can get about Trans topics. To be fair, I can totally see where they're coming from, it is prevalent.
    That being said, when it's brought up, it invariably contributes to the setting. Cyberpunk is, at its core, a genre about transhumanism - what technology means to the human experience. Bladerunner, Ghost in the Shell, Akira, Altered Carbon, they've all got this hallmark.
    Now, I'm not saying that Hardcoded is quite on that level of storytelling, but the inspiration is clear.
    When trans topics come up in HC, they usually focus on the main character, who's a gynoid sexbot. So the conversation is less "I'm a girl trapped in a man's body" and more "I'm an artificial creation with free will, now what does 'being human' mean to me?"
    And of course, if you don't give a shit about that stuff and just want to see a robot chick get railed, there's plenty of that and no real penalty to skipping the dialogue. So do what you want.

    5 stars, one of the most thought-out games on this site, with great art to boot.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I don´t think anything negative comes to mind in relation to this game, the art is amazing cyberpunnk and pixelart, it doesn't get more immersive than that for me, the universe is beatifull and well crafted the semi-postapocaliptyc with cyberpunk merge very well, the characters are really well done in special the MC and Decima, at least good enough for me, the animation is quite good the toys animation are the best ones I dare to say. Even though the sex scenes are not common the story and the setting are good enough to keep you going.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games, great scenes, characters, art, and writing. Those complaining about the social messages are likely just over sensitive, while the themes and ideas are heavy handed at points they are still often valid and realistic.
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    Icarus Media

    A pixel based porn game set in a kind of future city full of androids and cats with one eye and other assorted imaginary concepts. Which provides the perfect introduction into this review.

    As has been previously mentioned by Demons Crust there is an almost pathetic level of victimhood here, to the point that the main character feels victimised and oppressed despite never really being attacked and part of a group that accepts her for who she is, AND HAVING THE POWER TO CHANGE THE CIRCUMSTANCES! If there is one thing I cannot stand, in games or in real life its victims! Whah Whah its the government, it's because of him, it's because of her, it's because sorry shut up and change yourself or your circumstances.

    Whilst the pixels and animations are great and the setting as well, it falls so far because of it's obvious attempt to shove a socio-political message., there is a similiar game on here where you play as 'Drumpf' the president and that was savaged for the same reason.

    Look at reviews of some (not all) supporters and you have, and I quote 'play if you are comfortable with your sexuality' and 'would recommend to anyone who isn't a total piece of shit'. I'll let you form your own opinion on that. My opinion it's agree with me or you are an oppressive horrible monster, my feelings should trump your opinion. Aww crap...I said it comes.

    Aside from the political victimhood bullshit it would be a good game. Not gonna try and change the dev, he,she, it, zhe, shum, fee fi fo fum I smell the blood of a CIS man has the right and freedom to be and develop as they like. My opinion is here but you might wanna make your own mind up. Would I recommend? No. But feel free to check it our and make your own decision. I like to let people form their own opinions...

    It's a shame because the dev does have a talent here for pixel porn and an imaginative setting and characters, it would be a great game to lose yourself in imaginatively. There is a wide variety of different characters and places you can go and the sex scenes are quite well done. But up to you.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played, and I dont even have to feel guilty to say that even though it could be considered a sex game. Theres actual story, morals, and choices, and while really hot, it actually addresses identity and sexuality in a very real way. Would reccomend to anyone who isn't a total piece of shit.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I came here to jerk off, so why have I ended up sifting through two hours of malicious and misandry-laced text wall after text wall with boring ass characters who's only positive contribution is 'gee at least we're not in the PAST where WOMEN had VAGINAS and had loving relationships with MEN'

    From as an objective standpoint as I can give, being a man (sorry!!!?), there's next to no sex and a whole lotta text that doesn't say much, when a sex scene does pop up for half a second it's over before you know it and the characters are back to bitching blah blah blah. When the sex scenes start, they often involve kinks that the characters have (obviously), but due to the political nature and radical feminism that every protagonist displays you get this hilarious scenario of seeing a dick go into a person with only a dick and an ass (a man/trap), yet the characters don't like men. I wasn't going for comedy though so one star.

    God damn you have to be a real douche of a dev to get my gay ass who usually loves futa content to stop jerking off and see how disrespectful this is to straight, traditional dudes. I worry about the relationship the dev had with his/her father and i'm sorry that you A) Really think that lowly of us and B) Think that you can use PORN as a moral and suitable medium to sell your ideology. (Porn destroys relationships and devalues sex, it's a drug, hurr durr)
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    great overworld art, okay animations, well-edited but cheesy writing, and branching VN paths which are each laser-focused on a specific fetish.

    the protagonist being a robot leads to some interesting BDSM stuff where you get hacked, taken apart, and put back together, which is neat from an artistic yet horny perspective. all of these different fetishes kinda clash, though, and i think the game suffers for it. making something intended to be enjoyed by a wide range of different fetishists just ends up pleasing nobody. it's an impossible task.

    also: good lord, i hate Beryl. "wuhh im sad because i don't have a real womb and i cant have children guhhhuhuhuh" get that terf shit out of my face and go adopt a kid, you weepy ho.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Really well made, its a one of a kind game. Retro graphics, i dare say 64 bits, a bit of futa on male and lots of interestings stories make this game a gem. Simple gameplay. its a game where you decides the options. I like it very much.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    People who complain about an "agenda" are literally more sensitive than the MC of this game. She complains a little bit in the first few chapters and the rest are just porn and adventures. Also: millionaires can be depressed.

    Play if you're comfortable with your sexuality.
  19. 1.00 star(s)

    Detective Cancer

    The art is nice, the sex scenes are okay, but I can't get past the totally hamfisted horrible agenda. The main character escapes persecution immediately at the start of the game but she can't find a single moment in time where she's not complaining about how horrible her life is as a trans robot despite not only having a group of friends that totally accepts her immediately but also the option to, at any time, change her body into the ideal shape she wants by way of one of her new friends who's a genius and could do it easily.
    At no point in the game is there a choice that lets you do this, in fact if I recall correctly she declines the offer because she wants to keep the penis, I guess, but then goes on to complain regardless about not being accepted. I hate to keep repeating this but once more, she's in a group of several women, some trans and some not, that immediately accept her into their group, give her a living space for free, then go on to do everything in their power to help her feel accepted. At no point is an NPC seen attacking the main character, yet despite this she never stops talking about how oppressed she is or how dysphoric she feels.
    I don't understand why this is a thing but I hate it. This game spends every other sentence transmitting the LGBT's extremest ideals through complaining, and randomly and inexplicably attacking cis-gender people during the elongated dream sequences that are just text walls. Again, for a third time, the character is IMMEDIATELY perfectly safe, she refuses the option to finish her transition, and yet continues to complain as much as possible because she WANTS to. Even the big bad vague corporation causing world-wide corruption isn't affecting her because she's a cyborg so she's not even in danger from them really.
    This game is a mess, and as good as the art and scenes might be, it feels like an attack on just about anyone and everyone that isn't trans or LGBT+ but even that is questionable given some of the speeches the character gives. Play at your own risk.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Especially if you're into its main genre which is women with penises.

    It would be even better if developer focuses on more exploration and random events instead of typical events you can play. I would also love to see more places to visit getting unlocked while you play. Because world and the atmosphere is pretty good.