I have completed the updated yesterday and would like to share my review here.
Edit 1st: typo revised in orange
I shared same opinion with some above on magic/superpowers/scific being introduced to the plot. I was worrying the reality atmosphere built up nicely will be gone.
But, not until I completed the update. the way the drug introduced is not too far from the ground. It can be more refined to become more of a real deal. I will get to that later.
The real concern of many, including myself, is that MC aggressive behaviour will be blamed solely by external causes. He is unique dick across many games by being a real domestic abuser. It will be a let down if the effect of drug is being too significant and used as his excuse.
Don't get me wrong, I actually most enjoyed by the passionate first encounter and backstories
in flashback. MC can still show his love however being an asshole time by time. The antinomy is main interest out there.
There are 3
opinions hoping Dev. to consider,
1. the rendering at the memories are back to early stage quality. I am sad because the writing here is by far the best. I am not complaining. We know Dev. have to spent extra time on data recusion and have to sacrifice LOQ to catchup, In A Laptop. Maybe Dev. consider using some Cloud Computer/Cloud Rendering Services ? I am not an expert on the aspect though.
2. The effect of drug as I mentioned should better be worded more genentic. Terms like "reduced, slightly, almost, assumed" is appreciated; terms likes "feel no pain, absolute" should be avoided. Effect like "control, charge, eliminate" shall be minimized, Dev. may need to developed on how Lena is manipulated to drug all of them, instead of simply ordered. There are real dose can weaken wills but
in a way less so deterministic.
Sasha identity and he research shall better not being too
grand , otherwise a too grand setting may be too hard to be controled with the storyline.
3. Biggest among all. Please consider to review MC first confrontation with Sasha. MC should not "dont know" if asked by anyone permission to fuck his family. Holding back doesnt match with the char development.

HE SHOUlD BE BETTER YELLING "I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN IF U DO SO" AS CAPITALIZING AS I DO. Just please consider to review the just dont kill me part of line.
In short, the story is having a twist. Hopefully the setting can be kept lower to the ground. Please kept MC characteristic consistent. Maybe developed more on events that show even without intervention, his still have hidden desire on Emily, like the one in flashback.