Q Who

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
Bug Report maybe? I downloaded this latest version. I can only move in 3 directions, not up with directional control. both game and menu.


Hentai Game Artist
Game Developer
Nov 3, 2017
Just wanted to say I love the game but it was a little offputting when they switched from anime Casanunda (protagonist) to original art one. The expressions don't pop as much. I suspect it'll be less jarring whent he rest of the world catches up to the new art style for all characters.
I've gotten feedback on this a few times...

I do anime faces but I tend to avoid more "symbolic" expressions cause i don't think it suits my work. But I'm concerned the low resolution loses a lot of the detail and subtlety I add. I may go back and make some of the expressions i did more exaggerated to help them stand out more...

The final face set is only about 10% of the size i make draw/paint them at. I've been trying to get better at dealing with that problem, starting with making some newer character eyes a bit larger than i have before. I think moshing is cool with it for now because these could be used for the next game which can have a higher resolution.

Thanks for the feedback though! Just know I do understand this issue, and I aim to improve in this area where possible.

EDIT: As an example here's one of the hero's faces at 100% size screen capped from Photoshop.



Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2017
any save games for the new version? i really... REALLY despise backtracking.
There isn't a word strong enough to describe how much i hate repetition.


Aug 6, 2016
Playing the newest upload (which is probably the problem) and the Eastfort Adventure Guild is blocked off, saying it is part of Kellos. I haven't been able to access any of the eastfort quests. Any workaround, or is this save screwed?


Life's pretty Straight without twisties
Nov 16, 2016
Really Now i Call Bullshit If the Dev doesn't want this here than the same must go for hypnopícs-collective forum ALl so The Dev Cannot do anything about it If a Patreon Pledges posts a link in here for the game ITs well with in the patreon right after all THe DEv making money from plagues So who cares BEsides it requires pledges to get updates Matter of FAct SInce the artist is on here MAybe he/she CAn Tell Us if The Dev don't want the game on here I highly doubt it though since Publicity will DO the Dev good

Just my 2 cents

all so here is a copy/past that thirder proves my point

So I was somewhat dismayed (though not particularly surprised) to note that earlier this week someone had leaked one of the $5+ backer test releases of HC and made it publically available. So, I have a few things to say about that, if you would please bear with me.

First of all, I know this happens. The reason why Harem Collector isn’t angling for an eventual retail release is because I have no power to fight the piratical hordes of the internet. Nobody does, so I figure, why stress about it?

However, I do use early access as an incentive for people to back Harem Collector’s development. But all that it is is early access. If you really don’t want to spend money on Harem Collector, that’s fine- I don’t pretend to know either your opinion of HC’s value or your financial situation- just be patient and you’ll get free access with no ads on badkittygames.net.

Another facet of this situation, is that the version that was leaked was a test version that, due to a coding issue, crashes for many users partway through the new content. Well, if you downloaded the leaked copy, I’d love to help you but I can’t. Now, if you were a backer, you would have received the fixed, crash-free version of the game about half an hour ago (BTW, here’s a if you’re interested). But, hey, so it goes.

Finally, I’m not usually very open about what our money gets spent on, but due to my living situation, I only need the Patreon to bring in about $900 USD for me to comfortably get by. Almost every penny in excess of that gets spent on game assets- mostly sex scene art and face sets, but not insignificant portions also go to sprite assets and coding assets. So if you want to get more sexy hentai art in the game… well, you get the picture.

Just some food for thought. Have a great Valentine’s Day!


Jun 28, 2017
I don't like this game because two reasons:
1) If you don't know what to do: BUGS, can destroy all the progress ( case: RESEARCH MATERIAL quest / If you don't have to do, or you go by yourself, mayba can affect the lately quest to unlock some character. ) GUIDE BY THE WAY:

2) Sex "POOR" animated. Just take another game pics ( maybe some a short animation can be good ).
> I know... I know, all the games are worked with some 3dgame (ILLUSION*cofhatethattypeofgames* - or something loli3dgame). But if the dev want money for a poor game... well, ill continue another job like "SummertimeSaga" (THAT's a good work) /iknow:RENPLY, but you can do better in RPGmaker ... >Like << a good work! but i hate pixel art haha, but still a complete work.

That's my simple opinion -respect (no salt pls)-


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
I'm not a dev on Harem Collector, but he should perhaps consider spell checker. And also get his shift button looked at.
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Oct 23, 2017
i hate to be this person but the developer does not want this up here
This is a pirate community, most of us sold our morals to buy more booze and hookers.

If it helps you feel better, I'm a patron of Strive for Power entirely because of this forum: I'd never heard of it before, but I love resource management games and it's actually a very solid one beneath the sex. I'm not going to pretend to have numbers, but even being relatively new to the site, I've seen tons of people mention that they found a game here, liked it, and now help fund the creator's Patreon. This is money that never would have been available otherwise, and I'd guess it mostly balances out the lost revenue from would-be patrons who skip out thanks to piracy.

There's a bunch of devs here - the post immediately prior is from one, even - and this community not only provides publicity, but also feedback on new content and ideas for future additions. It's really not a bad deal, overall.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
In defense of No Moshing, the Harem team also publicly request that people only upload legal versions. No one listens, but it's a long running request. Plus, we've never had a test build leak before. That's a bit different then a normal patron only version leaking.


New Member
Game Developer
Jun 1, 2017
Really Now i Call Bullshit If the Dev doesn't want this here than the same must go for hypnopícs-collective forum ALl so The Dev Cannot do anything about it If a Patreon Pledges posts a link in here for the game ITs well with in the patreon right after all THe DEv making money from plagues So who cares BEsides it requires pledges to get updates Matter of FAct SInce the artist is on here MAybe he/she CAn Tell Us if The Dev don't want the game on here I highly doubt it though since Publicity will DO the Dev good

Just my 2 cents
Thought I'd throw my two cents in for the sake of argument, as I imagine the blog post that's linked to in Wayne's post deals with our sentiments on the Backer stuff here, but I'd like to address a few of these arguments for the sake of it. Supporting someone on patreon does not give you the legal and/or moral authority to share the link of something exclusive to patreon backers in of itself. If you invite some friends over to try it out or see it that's one thing, but they're ultimately getting a limited experience of something that you own, putting it out publicly available however would infringe on the copyright holder's right to control the distribution of the software in question (as now it goes from something that you own to something many people besides yourself own despite only you having reached the agreement needed to 'own' it). Supporting the developer may come with certain perks that you gain, but you do not own the company, IP, or work that you're supporting, which you really shouldn't otherwise someone could donate $5 once and then raise all sorts of copy-right issues against other fans because they feel those fans are not representing an IP that they 'own' correctly. Perhaps it's just me, but this argument seems no different than saying that someone who goes in and buys one copy of a game is legally allowed to make a bunch of copies of that game and then sell those in their own store, taking the full share of the profit, since they did originally buy the game and support the developers.

I at least don't like the thought of the game being leaked (and in response to your argument of publicity, this thread was still getting a fair amount of activity before any leaks were made and it generally stays on top of offering the latest public release a lot better than I've been able to in more recent times), but I also recognize that it's a relatively futile effort to try to force no leaks at all. Tester leaks however can be a very sore subject for both me and NoMoshing as even the public releases tend to be rather buggy as another user recently pointed out, tester releases however are MASSIVELY worse and we don't like the thought of someone's first experience with the game being a nigh-unplayable version of the game (instead of the usual mostly playable public releases). The existence of the bugs does get to us, and we feel especially bad when we know that we've subjected players to deal with our many oversights.

In regards to backer releases being leaked more specifically though, since F95 is a pirate community as yet another user pointed out, I'm not going to view it as a good investment of my time and effort to try to stop people who do it, but it's not something that I appreciate in any case. The best that I could hope for is that people who enjoy the game enough to jump when they see a leaked version consider becoming patreons if that's financially viable to them, as every bit does help speed up the game progress in general. I hope that clarifies my position on the matter at the very least.
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