Mar 19, 2018
Errr ... what made you think I'm not a native English speaker? Lol, even in my comments replying to you, I don't think I'm incoherent at all, or give off the impression that I'm not one. In fact, I feel like I'm rather concise with my words, at least compared to other posters (honestly, your own [lack of] punctuation in the above quote makes me question your own grasp of English, and I don't mean to offend you there).

As for your words, I disagree that this isn't a "decent translation". And as far as your comment about people "complaining that the translation isn't good", I think there were maybe ... (out of the hundreds who have downloaded this translation), 1-2 people who might've even hinted at that, and one of them (who just commented), admitted that there's something lost between Japanese and English, which is true for literally ALL translations, given that words or ideas between languages cannot be perfectly expressed.

"Everyone here keeps complaining that the translation is not that good": Again, I think that's ... you and maybe one other person.

I know you're trying to help (or at least I think you are), but you're also coming off as a bit rude. Go ahead and try retranslating, since as Mattn915 said, nobody is stopping you; just give me credit for the original translation. But it's not as easy as you think, especially because some of the questions you're posing make me think you're going to break something or ruin the current translation badly, especially because you're absolutely a newbie to translating. For example, in YOUR example:
"Oh, if it isn't \N[2] (Monica)?" --> "Oh? If It Isn't Monica? Did you know know what happened to us?"

1.) The \N[2] is a crucial variable. It is a placeholder for actual game content. If you used the actual "Monica" text and removed the \N[2], the human player would actually see "Monica" instead of whatever they named their female character.

2.) Just because you THINK there should be additional text there doesn't mean it's correct. Sometimes I didn't add information because the Japanese didn't have any there. Or (and this is the bigger issue), in this particular game, the same text is used in multiple areas, which means that if you actually added that extra sentence in the example, it might be displayed in EVERYWHERE that preceding text is used. Therefore, if "Oh? If it isn't Monica?" is used as a constant greeting or something in the game, the "Did you know what happened to us?" would make absolutely NO sense in other contexts. And yeah, that would be universal.

3.) You're adding text not to improve readability but to add superfluous information. While this isn't a "problem" like the above two examples, it's also unnecessary. If THAT'S the extent of how you're trying to improve my translation, I'd compare that to installing a bush in front of a completed Empire State Building.

Also, I'm ending dialogue between you and myself because I don't think it's conducive to neither healthy discourse nor auspicious production.
Well Since you were bothered by saying all of this why didn't you try to atleast make the translation better? I mean yeah you can follow the game's story but atleast as a translator that's what they do right?
And That's why I said If you want I'll just download the japanese one and translate it in a better way well not just me yeah I'm a newbie but that's why I'm asking him Asking for other people's opinion is better than making it worse Like i said It's not just me I'm asking for other translators too on what they're opinion on the dialogues lol besides If other people ask for this translation that I'm doing I'm gonna share of course but I'm just doing this to make the game readable for me


Aug 29, 2018
anyone knows where blank book 6 is?
In the magic shop in snow village.
If you enter the magic shop on the right side of the house (directly below the mirror there) is secret passage to the room behind the counter.
There is a chest with a fragment of desire and a glowing bookshelf.
The glowing bookshelf gives you blank book 6.

Arashi Blitz

Nov 16, 2016
View attachment 501922
I got pretty much stuck. Landed airboat there and I could walk no problem. Went inside the city and now I can't get on the airboat... Is there any way of moving my character's position via either editing save or using a cheat?
Still having trouble with this, and I can't even use any Cheat Menu since F8 is binded to something like map screenshot


New Member
Mar 21, 2018
I have like 15+ Fragments of Desire yet I still have yet to trigger any H scenes in the Inn. I got to the point I had sex with all the girls in the hot spring and I still haven't found a use for the fragments


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2017
I have like 15+ Fragments of Desire yet I still have yet to trigger any H scenes in the Inn. I got to the point I had sex with all the girls in the hot spring and I still haven't found a use for the fragments
This has been answered quite a bit already in the thread.
Have you gone back to the cave (where you first started, near Topa) and defeated the monster in there?


Jun 16, 2017
i have beaten the game just a few minutes ago and for those that have said the translation is shite well...i gotta disagree with ya the translation is fine, its just that the dialogue is dumb and silly on purpose and some jokes and phrasing might be lost when translated to english but eh thats entirelly normal (have you guys played apostle ?, that got a official translation and the dialogue still sounds as dumb in this one) only very minor complaint i have is that sometimes the text escapes out of the dialogue box and that makes it a lil hard to understand what a character is sayin but dats fine.

overall i enjoyed it alot, the dungeons arent overly long like in apostle and there some depth to character custumization given the class changing (not as deep as monster girl quest paradox if i gonna compare it with another rpg maker eroge rpg but its still pretty fun)

oh yeah just a question at the end here before i forget, is there a way to unlock all of the cgs/scenes withoud having to beat the game again ?
the code from the chest at the end only unlocks some lame items and inputting it on the gallery doesnt unlock the hcgs

EDIT: was just reading the Walkthrough someone posted here, it says in very broken english "if load clear save, go up click stone to hidden area if defeat hidden final boss can all CG hscene on"
i gonna assume that means i can get a "clear save" after beating the game ?
except i didnt, the game just made me go back to the title screen after i beaten the emperor
is that a bug ?
just to clarify i got the good ending and it didnt involved any of the girls ( i didnt knew i had to pick a girl with the right amount of points when the bombshell elf gets sick so my character never started a romantic relationship with any of the main heroines)
Last edited:


Aug 14, 2018
WTF inbalance game?? strong enemies, every one step enemies, the armor is just display, always using stuns or same aoe skills WTF??????


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2017
oh yeah just a question at the end here before i forget, is there a way to unlock all of the cgs/scenes withoud having to beat the game again ?
the code from the chest at the end only unlocks some lame items and inputting it on the gallery doesnt unlock the hcgs

EDIT: was just reading the Walkthrough someone posted here, it says in very broken english "if load clear save, go up click stone to hidden area if defeat hidden final boss can all CG hscene on"
i gonna assume that means i can get a "clear save" after beating the game ?
except i didnt, the game just made me go back to the title screen after i beaten the emperor
is that a bug ?
just to clarify i got the good ending and it didnt involved any of the girls ( i didnt knew i had to pick a girl with the right amount of points when the bombshell elf gets sick so my character never started a romantic relationship with any of the main heroines)
Thanks for understanding. Yeah, this is something I shared with another poster - the story and dialogue simply aren't good. If I translate differently, I'd be veering drastically off course to the original Japanese plot or dialogue, and if I didn't, it just sounds bad or corny in English. It's a problem, I feel, with all JRPGs that are translated to English accurately (to varying degrees) due to how Japanese and their H-games view humor, as well as the difficulty in conveying those ideas to English.

Also, here's a response to your question. Etigoya (the writer of the walkthrough), I think, isn't an English speaker. Therefore even I had a hard time following his guide when translating/finishing the game.

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Jun 16, 2017
After you go to the title screen, click continue off of that same saved game (I believe you should either have gotten a "save game" prompt after beating the emperor, or if not, the game should've saved for you in that last slot.
except it doesnt, just tried beating him again, no prompt to save the game after it and the last autosave is from before entering the final dungeon, really dont think this is how its suppose to go.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2017
except it doesnt, just tried beating him again, no prompt to save the game after it and the last autosave is from before entering the final dungeon, really dont think this is how its suppose to go.
Can you post your save here? I haven't heard of this problem yet and people have already beaten the game the second time, so I don't think it's the translation.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2018

So let's see... nine girls who's tits take up 75% of their total bodyweight and one obvious loli.

Because Japan, that's why.


Jan 2, 2018
In the magic shop in snow village.
If you enter the magic shop on the right side of the house (directly below the mirror there) is secret passage to the room behind the counter.
There is a chest with a fragment of desire and a glowing bookshelf.
The glowing bookshelf gives you blank book 6.
Holy Shit!!
Thanks man


New Member
Jan 4, 2020
I stuck in this island after i defeat the boss, " get to the harbor", i tried but still can't find my boat. Help me!!


Active Member
Feb 7, 2018
any way to when use the map out ,its not look good screen , i mean can we clear the map trensparent?


New Member
Aug 8, 2017
How do I save the second girl on the airship? I know you're supposed to give a passcode but there doesn't seem to be anywhere to do so. The computer asks for the year, the two characters make their comments, then that's it. No prompt to enter anything.


Jun 14, 2018
Hi guys, need help really bad, I can't beat the final Boss to unclock all Gallery, i tried many times but still can't defeat, plz help me, thanks


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2017
here it is, maybe you can make sense out of it
Tested it out a few times. You're right. I can't save or New Game + on your save (I had to manually edit Gatamekira's stats to one-shot him since it takes about 5 minutes of spamming attacks on him with your save).

However, I don't think it's my translation's fault - I removed my patch and the unedited Japanese version, using your save, still has the same results. And as you can see with some of the comments (like the one I'm quoting below), others have been able to use my translation and make their way to the final (final) boss.

Can I ask if you've accessed the harem scenes with your teammates (e.g. unlocked their threesome scenes at the bath and whatnot)? I'm able to do a New Game + on my own save, but I chose a girl. I'm wondering if maybe choosing the "solo" route WITHOUT accessing your harem doesn't give you the extra ending, and if it's intended by the devs for story purposes.

Hi guys, need help really bad, I can't beat the final Boss to unclock all Gallery, i tried many times but still can't defeat, plz help me, thanks
I'd have recommended using the cheat chest on the second floor of the Topa inn to quickly grind levels.
Since you've progressed too far to do that, I'd use Saveditonline or some save editor to manually edit your stats.

Other than that, use RPGMaker to edit the Boss stats (if you know what you're doing, that is, since you can really mess things up in there). Or ... well, since it's an RPG, grind your way to victory. The final boss is INTENDED to be extremely difficult - I was able to BARELY defeat him after like, 10-20 minutes of back-and-forth. Other forum users (e.g. ULMF) complain about how impossible he is, but he's not invulnerable. Again, remember that he's the final, final boss of an extremely long RPG and he guards the gallery, which is basically a game-ending final reward, so don't expect it to be a cakewalk.
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