I don't understand what you mean when you say "freeing the elves stuff". Do you mean Nia's storyline? She doesn't free slaves, she gives them to better masters. Or are you talking about Lin's storyline? No elves have been freed there either. It's actually not very possible with how the systems work.
A story does not need to actually successfully free elves to be about freeing the elves.
Especially if the story is not yet complete.
And all the storylines seem to converge into the elf liberation movement
You should try replaying your own game from the beginning. There is drastic tonal shift that occurred over the years of development, and towards the end all you seem to be doing with all the characters is pursuing Social Justice. Game also got a lot darker
It is even lampshaded by some of the characters explicitly pointing out how Lin did a 180 from her "go away and stop bothering me, I love being a slave to Master" to "must join the fight to end slavery"
So of the 8 main girls, 5 got their story taken over by elf liberation