Oddly enough I find Ashley one of the more understandable characters. Admittedly, I have a certificate proving my sanity (it's written in crayon but it counts!) and have been around others with similar "quirky behaviour" so that arc makes most sense to me. Overcompensating when feeling threatened, latching on to those that offer any form of support? All sounds very familiar. A person can only take so much abuse before their first response to even a sideways look ends up as "go for the throat". Or any other vulnerable bits you can actually reach...While I agree with some points, you do realize Ashley went through some pretty fucked up shit to get to where she was at the start of the game, right? I'm not saying this excuses her, at all (I REALLY fucking hate that kind of justification for shit behavior), but it does explain it. And she gets a LOT better as a person when she realizes not everyone is her enemy. Before she literally felt like it was her against the world but as her arc progresses it becomes clear she's actually a really nice caring girl with a horrible fear of rejection and being alone again.
While I agree that taking a sterner approach to her could be cool, that kind of thing would basically be an entire path of character development that would have to be written out and it would change her entire character so you'd essentially have Ashley 1 and Ashley 2. Like the love-route / slave-route for the elves, except, you know, she's a main character so that's a fuckton of work.
I just did a quick run through in my head of how many story points that would need to be changed for a dual path - I can see quite a few so I can appreciate why Runey hasn't done so as then you have the renders to add in as well. Yes, I map out decision trees in my head. It's the only way I can get timelines right. Curse this meatspace limitation of 3D only!
My immediate thought on reading what you responded to was "Heresy!" as Lin is adorable as is. While I can appreciate a nice handful I dislike the prevalence of humungous gazongas in most creations of this ilk. Not that I'm a member of the itty bitty titty comittee but there's nowt wrong with varietyAs per your review, I'm sorry you think Lin is plain and ugly. I have no plans to ever change her.
It seems like you prefer women with big tits, and this seems to be a big source of your dislike of the game. Specifically that you're forced to interact with characters you don't prefer. Making more things optional is still something I would like to add.