Corvus Belli

Nov 25, 2017
A question:
Are there any mechanics or other things you think could be improved about HH?
The Lust mechanic. I think the actual content is great, but the mechanc is counter-intuitive. As it currently stands, if I use every possible opportunity to have sex with Lin, then she eventually gets frustrated that she acts out in a bratty manner, or Ashley jumps your bones after tying you up because she's been pushed to the edge. Why? In order to trigger the Lust events, you need to have had sex with the girls three time per Lust Level, so between Lust Event 2 and Lust Event 3, the player would have had sex with the girls three times. Why are they still pent up?
Surely it should be the opposite; for every full day that goes by WITHOUT the player having some sexual content with the girls, their Lust Level should tick up.

When you've finished remaking earlier scenes you don't feel are up to your current standard of quality, I'd like to see some of the Dungeon content get a rework.

I like the new UI changes in the Stats screen, except for the font you chose for the girls name; a very minor thing.
I'd also like if the traits on the right side of the screen were in a standardised order; again, very minor, and really just because I like things in order.

Any suggestions for this content? Something that can explain the world (Like an interaction with a police droid, or seeing construction mechs, or maybe an elf being abused and an option to save her), and some ways to earn extra money?
Have him visit/walk past some places that you originally introduced in some of the girls events. Walk past the exterior of the restaurant you take the girls to on their dates, for example (and think to yourself it looks like a very expensive establishment, so that when Kali first takes you there, the player has an idea of how seriously she's taking it). Or stop for a coffee at Hazel's Coffee Shop (it would be nice to have a friendly first interaction with Hazel, which is then soured if you take girls to the cafe for Exhibitionism events).

I also have another question for you all.
I'm trying to understand why some players feel the game is being too preachy, or includes too much exposition, or having too much lore. Have you ever felt this? Where does this happen?
I've never felt that way, but I think I can answer the first part of the question, about it being "too preachy".
I think it's because you're writing a story which deals with various forms of oppression, and opposing that oppression, and there's a not-particularly-small portion of the population who HATE everything to do with that, because it reminds them of efforts to oppose real-world oppression. It's why so many people seem to hate Vanessa, despite the fact that she's objectively right in her anger towards, y'know... the concept of owning sapient individuals as if they were property.
When people complain about being "lectured about Elven history", some of those people mean that as not-particularly-subtle code for "I'm sick of being lectured about Black history/queer history/whatever else they don't want to be told about". Some of them, however, mean exactly what they said, and assumed they'd be penalised if they didn't agree to listen to it, and quickly grew bored/discontent.
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Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
Well, for starters, I would like a button to go straight to the kitchen, like we have for the bar, so maybe a better navigation setup. One of my few complaints about this game is trying to do something (especially when I load an old save), and having events trigger on me, not letting me go where I want to go.
I concur about a readily available kitchen button, pausing or temporarily skipping autostart events could be gudd too...
Though, this would had a problem with the side girls, but most could be done by going to them or having a button in the lobby/front door to trigger the ones who don't live there? IDK..
Wrecked the bar, now he wants to clutter what's left of the lobby. :rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2020
A question:
Are there any mechanics or other things you think could be improved about HH?
Tips for newer players on how to level the stats of the girls. Some are very specific and have to be stumbled on - Want Lin footjobs? you must ask her to wear her apron in the kitchen and only then will you get the option. Want titty wanked by Autumn? sure, visit her on specifically Sunday Morning in the shower and so on.

Also feel it would be ideal to have a shortcut to the Elf House - its the one place that required as many clicks as it does to access. A shortcut would be ideal like say the Bar has vs having to go to lobby then selecting the front door and then selecting to go there. Speaking of the elves is there any tangible difference to bothering with the mechanics there? Like say giving them cheap food and denying them tv rights?


Active Member
Mar 20, 2018
Its depends on kink. People who like domination or slavery kink don't like to be lectured about it .
I don't see the game as lecturing you about the kink. I mean, there's a dungeon where you can take everyone but Autumn, and she's going there eventually. Even Vanessa, the loudest anti-slavery voice behind Nia, has a pretty serious interest in BDSM judging by her tan lines. The slave plot line really has no connection to kinks at all. There's no consensual non-consent or pet play or anything vaguely BDSM. The plot line is barely even sexual outside of that one bit with the contest/tournament. It's actual chattel slavery with most elves doing manual labor, not kinky sex slave stuff. If Runey really wanted to criticize the sex slave kink or lecture you about it, Lin almost certainly would have been raped as part of her backstory, Ms Ren would have been Ashley's father's sex slave who was sold for money or a 'newer model', and we would have seen some sort of slave brothel by now.


Jul 17, 2020
C'mon man. Not even you have believe this part. This is a pirating forum for porn games. Let's not act like it's anything but a tiny minority that comes to this site for the unbelievable, mediocre at best story telling that porn games have. I think the popularity of your game is due to the large porn content and not because of the tired fantasy trope of enslaved elves.

I know that you're protective of your work after several years of successfully developing the game and maintaining an interest from the audience but this whole essay long argument chain over 1 review is pretty unnecessary when you have overwhelming praise. You just wasted your time.
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I hate it when people like this manage to get on just the right nerve to bring me out of lurking. I was all set not to say another word so as to keep from initiating another unwanted exchange (those exchanges are just a part of who I am, the only way to avoid them is to not speak at all, so that is what I did).

Runey Here's the thing, and I am going to be honest, I do see some of it in myself, I just have a reality/fiction disconnect that allows me to ignore any potential real world parallels in fiction. There are two distinct groups I am seeing here that are complaining, not necessarily mutually exclusive between each other.

Some people don't like to be lectured on LGBT/race issues in their fiction and this Elven slavery portion does draw some parallels to the slavery of black people from the 1800s and before in the real world, not to mention the still problematic cases of illegal real world slavery. Then there's the parallels to the LGBT rights issue in some of the other plot lines. For me personally, I could see myself getting annoyed with it if I didn't maintain a disconnect between reality and fiction, but this is only because I already see A LOT of it in the real world because the media keeps beating both topics over the head in my country ad infinitum as if nothing else is going on in the world. Even as someone who is LGBT, I have had enough of hearing about it in the real world to the point that I am almost entirely opposed to my own community, just open a dialogue with the people in power and pass some laws to give exactly the same rights as everyone else and be done with it. I come to fiction to escape that, so to bring those real life issues into the fiction I chose to escape with is the problem there. However, I personally don't see those real world issues, I see Elven slavery and Android (or whatever) rights, which are not the same due to my disconnect. This was just the part I could see in myself that seems to be an issue with the negative reviews and complaints.

Then there is a prevalence on F95 of people looking for a quick fap, that has been a major thing since AT LEAST my first day here. It is so bad that entire wars break out over the 'no sexual content' tag. It is second in severity only to the great NTR wars the site sees on occasion. Having a long story is a problem to people like this because it gets in the way of what they see as the main focus, the sex. They would be more than happy with the entire story stripped out of the game, leaving just enough to make sense of the sex part.

I'm going to be blunt, these people, in both of the above groups, are not going to be of help to you. They will only serve to annoy you, to cause you stress, and eventually to cause you to burn out in a way that kills the game. You are better off ignoring them.

I don't see the game as lecturing you about the kink. I mean, there's a dungeon where you can take everyone but Autumn, and she's going there eventually. Even Vanessa, the loudest anti-slavery voice behind Nia, has a pretty serious interest in BDSM judging by her tan lines. The slave plot line really has no connection to kinks at all. There's no consensual non-consent or pet play or anything vaguely BDSM. The plot line is barely even sexual outside of that one bit with the contest/tournament. It's actual chattel slavery with most elves doing manual labor, not kinky sex slave stuff. If Runey really wanted to criticize the sex slave kink or lecture you about it, Lin almost certainly would have been raped as part of her backstory, Ms Ren would have been Ashley's father's sex slave who was sold for money or a 'newer model', and we would have seen some sort of slave brothel by now.
The connection isn't in the game, it's in the tags. People who see the slave tag, for example, expect to be the slaver, not to fight against said slavers. So, when the game says slavery is bad, they may see that as a kink lecture about how the kink is bad, not about how actual slavery is bad like the game is telling us. This is coming from someone who likes that kink myself and was drawn to this game because of that tag, one of my favorite game types is slave training, but my reaction to the game was positive despite the opposition of slavery instead of being the slaver.
Jul 9, 2021
I think you're doing great with the lore and the storytelling Runey. I for one am starting to get a little excited to see the upcoming elf revolution where MC ends up becoming a reluctant general, just thrown right into the thick of it having a "holy shit" panic the entire time. I also am anxiously awaiting Maria's well-deserved redemption but I know that sort of thing is a looooooooooong way off.

Hint-wise, I think the in game system works pretty well (but I usually use the WT mod).

As for content, maybe just some small things here and there to liven things up a bit. Like some sort of actual use for the ice cream vending machine, using the washer in the laundry room as a prison for rogue faries, dance battles in the bar or maybe even karaoke.

Personally I can kinda see MC and some of the girls (especially Maria) trying to liven up the darker parts of the story with some light-hearted pranks on the others. Maybe someone hides the remote from Sylvia, or switches the color in Ashley's hair dye, or puts glitter in Lyn's feather duster.

I know, goofy shit that doesn't contribute much but I was just having a brain dump.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Okay. Maybe I'll test it next time
Sorry if this is a repost, I ran into some issues, and can't see it, so thinking it didn't get posted...
It is random, most of the time it gives you an extra 50sils a week, but there is a chance of it being less or more.
I don't see the game as lecturing you about the kink. I mean, there's a dungeon where you can take everyone but Autumn, and she's going there eventually. Even Vanessa, the loudest anti-slavery voice behind Nia, has a pretty serious interest in BDSM judging by her tan lines. The slave plot line really has no connection to kinks at all. There's no consensual non-consent or pet play or anything vaguely BDSM. The plot line is barely even sexual outside of that one bit with the contest/tournament. It's actual chattel slavery with most elves doing manual labor, not kinky sex slave stuff. If Runey really wanted to criticize the sex slave kink or lecture you about it, Lin almost certainly would have been raped as part of her backstory, Ms Ren would have been Ashley's father's sex slave who was sold for money or a 'newer model', and we would have seen some sort of slave brothel by now.
We also had those pictures of Vanessa in that one event, with Android. :devilish: I can't wait for more of that with her.

We are getting a little pet play (wish there was more), and the dungeon stuff, but it is all pretty mild, consensual, and optional. You kind of need to do a bit with Lin, or used to, but even that isn't really required, it just changes the scene some.

Ren did get raped by Ashley's dad, but she hid it from her as much as she could. This was before the 'protection' laws. But again, that was in the past and they don't go into that, it is alluded to, not shown directly.

Oh well, point is, almost all sex stuff is optional, and even when there is drama, we know there will be a happy ending. It will all be okay. There is nothing to worry about, just sit back and enjoy the roller-coaster. :ROFLMAO:


New Member
Oct 30, 2021
A question:
Are there any mechanics or other things you think could be improved about HH?
It would be nice to see some smaller interactions when running into the girls around the hotel that aren't either them just standing around or furiously masturbating. Some random day-to-day smaller interactions like a short conversation about food, weather, video games or similar. Maybe a passing peck on the cheek to/from someone just coming into or leaving the room you're in, small conversations between the girls and things like that.

I know these things are not exactly easy to do, but it would add some more life to the hotel and make it feel more like a group of people genuinely enjoying each other's company rather than a set of people that only exist if they're in the same room as the MC.

I'd also like to see the story events be more part of the day-to-day as well. Have the girls talk about the thing you did in a short interaction that doesn't pass the time ingame. Bigger events on a personal level should also have more consequence. For instance, after "the big reveal" in Maria's storyline, she's back working in the bar as if nothing happened once you go through the next part of her story. Given her new status as a slave, I feel there should be another few bits of exposition here to explain how and why she's back so soon. Maybe have a hard conversation with her to put on a slave collar whilst working in the bar, or be risky and go without.

I really do appreciate your work, Runey. Keep it up!


Forum Fanatic
Sep 3, 2017
C'mon man. Not even you have believe this part. This is a pirating forum for porn games. Let's not act like it's anything but a tiny minority that comes to this site for the unbelievable, mediocre at best story telling that porn games have. I think the popularity of your game is due to the large porn content and not because of the tired fantasy trope of enslaved elves.

I know that you're protective of your work after several years of successfully developing the game and maintaining an interest from the audience but this whole essay long argument chain over 1 review is pretty unnecessary when you have overwhelming praise. You just wasted your time.
Runey doesn't need me defending him or explaining his actions, but from my point of view Harem Hotel has an amazing story and plot. Dude literally built a world, and it's honestly superior to a lot of what you'd call "professional" AAA games (although that's not as difficult as it used to be these days). He has obvious put a LOT of himself into the game, so it's perfectly understandable for him to defend it or justify things as much as possible if someone decides to shit all over his work. That kind of thing can feel pretty personal sometimes.

And for the record I'm here for both the plot AND the porn. Mmmm....Lin, Kali, and Ashley...


Aug 24, 2018
Runey doesn't need me defending him or explaining his actions, but from my point of view Harem Hotel has an amazing story and plot. Dude literally built a world, and it's honestly superior to a lot of what you'd call "professional" AAA games (although that's not as difficult as it used to be these days). He has obvious put a LOT of himself into the game, so it's perfectly understandable for him to defend it or justify things as much as possible if someone decides to shit all over his work. That kind of thing can feel pretty personal sometimes.

And for the record I'm here for both the plot AND the porn. Mmmm....Lin, Kali, and Ashley...
Idk what you're rambling on about. I just told the dev that people play porn games for porn and that arguing on this website is just a battle as to who has any braincells left afterwards. You must have confused me with the reviewer that Runey was arguing with because my position is I quite frankly dont care if there is a or is not a story/lore so long as the renders/scenes remain with the standards I've come to expect from Runey. You could even see some of this clarification if you just looked in the next page where i talked to Runey.


New Member
Jun 11, 2017
It would be nice to see some smaller interactions when running into the girls around the hotel that aren't either them just standing around or furiously masturbating. Some random day-to-day smaller interactions like a short conversation about food, weather, video games or similar. Maybe a passing peck on the cheek to/from someone just coming into or leaving the room you're in, small conversations between the girls and things like that.
Its the biggest opportunity for improvement. Dressing up around the hotel should be a very intimate thing between the girl and the MC, even if their true motivation is selfish. There should always be some acknowledgement between the character and the MC that they're wearing something different in public.
Perhaps the easiest place to put that text would be during the clothing-change conversation in their room. They could talk about 'how you see me' and 'what I feel when I wear this.' And then there would be a clarification text, that repeats the same idea when you talk to them outside their room.
Nudity in the hotel always felt like a premature escalation (a little joke) of their situation, since it affects all the girls. It should be something they all discuss together once everyone has a partial exhibition training, and everyone can express, with their own personality, about what they feel about various types of clothes around the hotel.
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