I have a few questions regarding actual gameplay. I don't know if it would be better for a dev to answer or someone who has played the game extensively.
First is simple, Is there a written guide somewhere?
Second, I have put a small amount of time into the game but it seems that certain scenes/events are pass/fail stat checks?
Third are certain events only available IF a certain characters stats are to a certain point before x day? Are they time gated in that fashion?
And fourth, is there any plans for future updates timelined via patreon or overall release timing/schedule?
Hello and thanks for playing!
1) There is no written guide, but we have hints: you can find hints for events if you click on girls' doors and hints for repeatable stuff are in stat menu that you can open by clicking the "heart" button
2) Yeah, there are some pass/fail stat checks, but we're trying not to make them frustrating, or in other words we're trying not to create situations where you miss some check you couldn't possibly know about. So we've put some additional hints for the one time when something "interesting" was locked behind one such check
3) We have nothing you can miss because too much time has past
4) In general we make a new version of a game every 2-3 months. Next one is planned for somewhere around late March. We usually post updates on the development on our Patreon