UI is incredibly awkward i.e. I finish in the cabin and go out, I click on another cabin and a message pops up it's coming in a future update, I am then immediately taken back to the main menu, making me at first believe that is it for content.
I rollback to cabin and explore, literally... The map needs a list of locations or something. I don't think it's just me that's tired of the hidden location markers that appear when hovering over.
Also after dinner scene I get a message that 'that' is the end of content for now and to enjoy free roam, again making me think there is no more to see... Is there?
Art is... Not my cup of tea, I think I'd have preferredthe images before PS and AI filters but idk.
Writing is... passable. Annika does not strike me as anything other than a stereotypical american girl and I've not seen much of the other characters to form an opinion.
Sound/Music... It's there
Story... We'll see I guess.
Not a great first playthrough for me imho. Having "dead ends" that take me back to the menu for clicking on works in progress instead of rolling back automatically just tricks me into thinking that the game has no content.
I don't want to use more time on it tbh, to see if there is more content like the changelog says there is.