Again, that is your opinion (re ugly). I find her a lot better looking than most porn actors.mmmmm the game is ok but there is no real adult material here. Even the mc is fairly ugly. Its a real shame. Feels like catfishing but in a game lol.
Again, that is your opinion (re ugly). I find her a lot better looking than most porn actors.mmmmm the game is ok but there is no real adult material here. Even the mc is fairly ugly. Its a real shame. Feels like catfishing but in a game lol.
Neither Haydee nor Killing Antidote is a hentai game, The point is if the MC is a male, or considers them as a normal game, how good of them is it?While I dont want to turn this thread into something its not I cant let this TKA slander go un-challenged. The only downside to TKA is the fact it is a chinese dev, with the mentioned issues that causes. It's a good resident evil clone with good movement and shooting. Guns feel different and have real impact unlike haydee. Solid chapter one with a story that left me invested. Collectible mix and match outfits and clothes that all looked good and have excellent physics interactions with jodies body and the rest of the outfit. Some of the puzzles require higher brain function. Its got a decent modding scene adding in things like outfits and nudity that works as if it was intended base game. Difficulty settings alow you to play it depending on your tastes, limited ammo conserving your shots on stronger zombies or one shot pop everythings head with as much ammo as you want. There are a bunch of minigames that add for more replayability and avenues for outfit collection. You have a unified stash so you can bring gear fron the minigames or another playthrough into eachother that gives you more options to play how you want. The game does what it sets out to do.
Steam cmd and workshop dl have worked for me for 1 and 2 but 3 isn't on the list yet.Anybody know how to get workshop mods?
I mean, you could apply that logic to any other game.Neither Haydee nor Killing Antidote is a hentai game, The point is if the MC is a male, or considers them as a normal game, how good of them is it?
If Killing Antidote is a male MC, I really think it will be lost among thousands of zombie games. Nothing of that game really shines. A resident evil-esque game among other action games and that is it.
If Haydee 2 or Haydee 3 is a male MC, the game is still somewhat unique and OK-ish, with a somewhat unique dystopian lore. The story in Haydee really uncovers a mystery piece by piece and you know you are the sole survivor in the current known universe. There really is no otherbody to rely on.
In Killing Antidote, it is just another zombie apocalypse just like any other zombie apocalypse. And there are still other people surrounding, you know, the worst case is you die and others will come in and solve this problem for you.
Just like I play VR games. if the only thing different is I used to view it on a flat monitor and I can now view it in VR, then that's not a good VR game. If the only sexy part is a girl MC and can undress the MC, then we have nexus with vortex. What dress can I not make Jill or Ada wear? Killing Antidote really is just like any other action game. At least that's what I feel when the MC girl can turn into a zombie or enter hyper mode when captured by another guy, and I decide to not continue when I realize I will fight "alive people" and the vibe is all gone.
you know you're lore is "great" when all the fucking information on it is all explained directly to you by the dev rather than actually learned about in the game which you paid for. the lore doesn't do jack shit to anything fuck its not even a shitty post-it-note on the side of an item description. its all just images of this shitty model with her troll doll face doing cosplay as lara croft.Honestly, the lore is pretty irrelevant here and feels like grasping at straws after the dev got backlash for revealing the fugly face. The issue is that the series started with a hot, faceless main character that had mystery and appeal and then got an apocalyptic downgrade by revealing her face that ended up being less appealing than a smooth, featureless surface. It doesn't really matter that there's a "lore reason" for it.
Edit: got the mods to work. How does one remove the stupid censors?I want to highlight that Haydee 3 is not really a hentai game per se but a story-driven puzzle game with great lore.
It does not have nudity for the main heroine or any enemies.
(It's possible to download mods from the Steam Workshop to add nudity, this feature is not included in the base game. PS: one user share lots of mods )
Whilst it does have some nude in the medical room or breeding room, but the nudity is not the focus of the game.
View attachment 4664461 View attachment 4664463 View attachment 4664464
Consequently, since there is no MC nudity in the game, there are also no sexual actions or scenes.
Only show some posters with mild nudity. I have a file with every nudity poster/prop in the game.
Also, this game is exceptionally challenging as a puzzle game. with frequent jump scares. It's very easy to die, even in softcore mode. Without the "save from anywhere" mod, I probably wouldn’t consider playing it at all. If you don’t already have a guide or the "Save From Anywhere" mod, it can take you at least 30 to 40 hours to complete.
That said, Here are two mods that you might actually need.
Press F5 to save anywhere
Enable prone by pressing ctrl multiple times.
Put the file into the games' Mods folder.
As for why Hadee is not a machine robot but with a human face, it relates to the story.
I don't really get your point. The entire point of character design is for them to attract an audience. If they had put a man in the original Tomb Raider game, it wouldn't be the successful franchise it is. The argument of, oh, I can just mod a Resident Evil game to get the lewd outfits doesn't work with The Killing Antidote either, because unlocking clothes is a core feature of the game itself. There's TONS of clothes built into the game all for free, and it gives it replay value. Also, TKA is an early access game, and isn't complete like Haydee 1-3 are. So the "lore advantage" doesn't even matter at this point in time.Neither Haydee nor Killing Antidote is a hentai game, The point is if the MC is a male, or considers them as a normal game, how good of them is it?
If Killing Antidote is a male MC, I really think it will be lost among thousands of zombie games. Nothing of that game really shines. A resident evil-esque game among other action games and that is it.
If Haydee 2 or Haydee 3 is a male MC, the game is still somewhat unique and OK-ish, with a somewhat unique dystopian lore. The story in Haydee really uncovers a mystery piece by piece and you know you are the sole survivor in the current known universe. There really is no otherbody to rely on.
In Killing Antidote, it is just another zombie apocalypse just like any other zombie apocalypse. And there are still other people surrounding, you know, the worst case is you die and others will come in and solve this problem for you.
Just like I play VR games. if the only thing different is I used to view it on a flat monitor and I can now view it in VR, then that's not a good VR game. If the only sexy part is a girl MC and can undress the MC, then we have nexus with vortex. What dress can I not make Jill or Ada wear? Killing Antidote really is just like any other action game. At least that's what I feel when the MC girl can turn into a zombie or enter hyper mode when captured by another guy, and I decide to not continue when I realize I will fight "alive people" and the vibe is all gone.
Okay, I agree you say female MC attracts players. But it wasn't just a female MC that made Haydee work, you see other identical-looking dead Haydee lying around and they're naked and posing funny poses. Funny horny posters, You see the production facility and turn the abducted woman into a sex doll little by little. The lore is more lewd than just some virus that turns humans into zombies. It is akin to TKA only affecting thicc females and they only attack you because they crave sex then I would agree that TKA is on a better footing than 95% of the competitors.I don't really get your point. The entire point of character design is for them to attract an audience. If they had put a man in the original Tomb Raider game, it wouldn't be the successful franchise it is. The argument of, oh, I can just mod a Resident Evil game to get the lewd outfits doesn't work with The Killing Antidote either, because unlocking clothes is a core feature of the game itself. There's TONS of clothes built into the game all for free, and it gives it replay value. Also, TKA is an early access game, and isn't complete like Haydee 1-3 are. So the "lore advantage" doesn't even matter at this point in time.
The fact is, anyone who has played TKA knows it's a super well made game, and I feel like anyone saying otherwise is being dishonest. The gameplay itself is on par, and better in some ways than any 3rd person modern RE game. Also, if I am understanding what you typed correctly, you're complaining that TKA has "alive people" you have to kill, but also complained the game is just another "zombie apocalypse", and it lacks "lore". So the devs put a section where you kill "alive people" for world building reasons, and it's apparently a bad thing.Not to mention that section only lasts maybe 5 minutes or less total lol
I wouldn't say there was only 5 human enemies to kill, possibly 8-10 total, but it's a very easy part once you stealth kill a few with the bow, and then get the assault rifle to pick off the rest. I get that the world building in Haydee is more interesting to you, I'm just saying TKA is still early access, so it might get more interesting in the future. Even if it doesn't, the gameplay, and the various modes are fun enough for me to keep playing it with each new content update. I just hope the game gets to 1.0 when all is said and done.Okay, I agree you say female MC attracts players. But it wasn't just a female MC that made Haydee work, you see other identical-looking dead Haydee lying around and they're naked and posing funny poses. Funny horny posters, You see the production facility and turn the abducted woman into a sex doll little by little. The lore is more lewd than just some virus that turns humans into zombies. It is akin to TKA only affecting thicc females and they only attack you because they crave sex then I would agree that TKA is on a better footing than 95% of the competitors.
For TKA Truth be told, I did not know if there were only 5 people you had to kill, I never finished TKA. If that 5 are the only ones to kill, I apologize for the blunt statement. But by that moment, gives me a feeling similar to "do I really need to play another flight simulator to just play Cessna172" ? TKA is just not distinct enough to be remembered other than replacing a zombie game's male MC into a female.