RPGM - Completed - Headpats & Handholding [v1.05 FINAL] [Insomnimaniac Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few porn games I played where I genuinely enjoyed the experience. Skills remind me of Persona or Pokemon where you have limited slots for skills, so deciding what to use is a choice. Humor was both low-brow and top notch, couldn't ask for anything better. And of course the porn is great. Hot futa protag with hot gf, and able to bed other women, AND it's not NTR? Hell yeah

    Only personal gripes is I wish Lily was a little stronger in terms of damage later game, but her versatility makes up for it. Fetish wise, with how much cum Ali floods into the ladies, I'm surprised there isn't more of a belly bulge, and I do wish the milk would flow but hey whatyagonado
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a wholesome Futa game. There's no NTR and nothing is forced. That alone is already a rarity in the genre, but then you also get a great story with all the elements you want from a wholesome game. It's hard to go into details without spoiling the whole thing and for once I believe you gotta experience it for yourself and draw your conclusions.

    For the scenes: they are tied to main and side quest completion, not battle (so no need to lose to get a scene). They are all divided into chapters due to the game's release schedule, but they follow a natural progression with each character. They are all Koikatsu scenes, the best ones of that kind I've encountered in a game so far. They are repeatable and there are frankly a lot of them.

    For the combat and gameplay: The gameplay tends to get out of the way. There are a few puzzles, but you shouldn't get stuck into any of them. The combat is the turn based RPGM style, but there's a lot of build customization in the non-standard equipment system. You can make most things work and overall you shouldn't have much issue with most fights, anything that's harder gives you a warning before hand. Those are mainly story bosses, if you get caught off guard for a hard fight, that's fully on you. Now that the game is complete you can beeline the main story but, not only will you miss out on a bunch of scenes from the side quests, you'll also miss valuable gear those quests award.

    I absolutely love this game, as evidenced by the fact that I felt the need to come back here and post a review. Give the game a try, I guarantee it will be worth your time.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty mediocre game. Story is meh to ok, personally i found it boring.
    I didnt finish it because i forgot to save after a hard fight which took me 7 tries and for some reason there's no autosave feature in this game resulting in losing 30mins of progress...
    The porn scenes follow the same queue with ALL the characters which is also boring going from handjob>boob>blow>whatever is next. Why do all the characters have to follow the same queue? Thats lame.
    The animations are ok, models are standard anime characters nothing new, combat is RPGM standard.
    Overrall a mid to low game. If you wanna try it remember to save often.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The models looks like riped from Artificial Academy, the old one. The movement of the characters during the sex scenes seems like they are with lag. The narrative is very poor, the dev need to work a bit more on it. The only good thing about this are the characters, the girls/futa are likeable. It was to be 1, but I'll give 2 to encourage the dev to improve even more for his next game.
    2 Stars!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The dev should be congratulated on making a character who is two parts sexy, one party beautiful and one part handsome. Also, joke is on you, I like *that* song; I wouldn't have nuked the poor lad out of the game for it.

    The plot, such as it is, features the two Main Characters you see in the first page and their world-saving journey/adventure thingy. It's not that short of a game, so take your time and do side quests and stuff -> primarily for the scenes. Furthermore, it's got plenty of well written characters and a whole host of them completely evade the "one-and-done" thing.

    If you're like me, infinitely impatient and unwilling to play most RPGM games (nowadays; I wasn't always like this), you can give yourself a ton of exp and boost your stats immediately. There is NO "supposed to lose fight" that keeps popping up in these games. (It's quite the annoying trope.) There is an in-game setting to turn off random encounters so all you have to do is the mandatory fights which isn't too bad.

    As such, I can't comment on the combat but I did appreciate the whole "equip skills" system as it was unique.

    Do recommend if you're into what the game blatantly tells you it has -> and if you wanna avoid some stuff, the game will give you a clear warning - or two - on what is to come -> so you can avoid it.

    One more thing: I did appreciate the fourth wall breaking.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a real Gem, it has a lot going for it and is overall an excellent game with just a few knocks against it but in my opinion is one of the better games out there (and completed!)

    So firstly this is a very cute and fluffy game, which is very rare to find in the futa genre and I appreciate that so much. At the end of the day when you strip down all the layers, this is a story about a couple who love each other and their adventures both sexually and to save the world. The main couple genuinely love and care for each other and the story never makes you doubt that for even a second.

    The overall story has some intriguing parts to it for sure, it felt like the dev was doing some basic world building here and I assume we'll see some of this present in their next game.

    The general flow of the game is good too, I appreciate that I pretty much was never lost and wasn't scrambling around trying to figure out what to do.

    Finally I felt there was a good variety of characters, a girl for every taste and a male partner as well. I would have liked to see maybe an additional male partner or two, but I understand that is really a preference thing and others probably feel differently.

    The renders in general are beautiful, the characters are visually wonderful and really there isn't anyone who is 'unlikeable' in this game and I think thats quite a feat

    My only real issue or negative for this game is the dialogue, it just...it feels rough at times. I do like the casual speak that a lot of the characters use, and I feel like in sex scenes it flows really well. i think maybe some of the humorous moments just feel a little too on the nose. I kind of think this sort of game doesn't need to try and be funny, if something funny happens that thats great or the characters being oblivious to it being funny is maybe a better route. But i don't want to get into the weeds on this too much, overall it's a solid experience even with this criticism.

    All in all this is a real gem, one of my favorite games and I think when the dev makes their next game it's probably going to blow this one out of the water, and this game will still be a favorite to come back too.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I highly recommend this one. A great story, great characters, lots of love and lovin'. No NTR but plenty of sharing and threesomes between consenting adults. Only gripe I have is that the last quest says "Check the quest board for epilogue content" but all the epilogue content available was an enjoyable extra sex scene. Pretty sure that means I need to wait for another update.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The history, the game has a good mechanic, skills, equips and magics combinations. the battle have some challenge, but it nos too hard. The missions are quick.

    The sex scenes are good, good animation, good history, but there are kinda quick, but there are plenty of them.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Love the game's animations.
    I'm not a fan of RPG games - since I don't like the mechanics and the need to think at least a bit while playing this kind of game -, however, I like this one, since it's rather difficult to find wholesome games with futa protagonists.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    There's a way to go about writing wholesome and loving shit without it being entirely embarrassing to read (and not in a good way).

    The dialogue makes me cringe without warming my heart like good fluff-shit does, the humor falls flat every time, what I assume is meant to be cheeky writing on behalf of the developer just comes across as abrasive and gets under my skin, and the 4th wall-breaks just irk me. You don't have to show me how witty you are in your porn game, dude. I literally have my penis in my hand.

    However, I like the renders, so good job on that!

    Edit: I've edited this like 3 times because I keep thinking of stuff that annoyed me, and I think I've uncovered the real reason: the dialogue reads almost like a Marvel movie. Overly self-aware tripe with lines no better than "erm, that just happened!" Impossible to take seriously when the game itself refuses to, much less jerk off to.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I avoided this game for some time because I am not a big fan of futa protagonist games but now having finally played it I can say it's a great game.
    This is one of the RPGM games that is easy to navigate unlike most games where you need a guide. The sex scenes are also very hot. I am glad to see such a good game is being developed well.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is sweet, syrupy sweet. It really leans into the wholesome couple having a loving and sexual relationship. Even in the less vanilla scenes, it's because the LI has a (relatively tame) kink that she wants you to fulfill.

    It's also funny (subjective) and I appreciate the one-liners and meta humor throughout, the game doesn't take itself too seriously.

    Scenes are decent enough. Personally I like my characters with more exaggerated proportions but it's not like they're stick figures, so it still works for me.

    Personally I just play on the game's built in easy mode which does make fights easy (guaranteed wins in a couple hits essentially) so I can't really comment on the combat's balancing but the equipment system is definitely interesting. Otherwise it's standard turn based JRPG fare.

    Sometimes, if you've been on this site a long time and played a load of games, you need a palette cleanser, and this game does just that for me. It makes me feel better than most other games on here, even if it's not strictly the sexiest.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This game and its story makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

    Or maybe that's just the futa cock?!

    Really fun little experience with plenty of interesting characters and sex scenes. Very cumfy!

    The main thing I think could be improved is the lack of sound during the sex scenes, there are quite a few animations so I understand why sound hasn't been added but it would certainly be a boon to the atmosphere of those moments.

    The humour tickles me in all the right places and has made me laugh out loud more than once and the romance between the main characters is very warm and wholesome, I can't wait to see more!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    "Cosmic law can suck my dick. Ain't nothing stopping me from saving my favorite girl."

    This is a fun but also a bit heavy rom-com romp with a lot of sex along the way, although for such a sexually open premise we wait a long time to actually have sex.

    Still, the writing is fun and the story is good. This is well worth a play, especially if you go for futa-on-female.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Very generic RPGMAKER game, does not feel good to play imo. The background, maps and character are all generic. It tries to be a comedic game, but it's terribly average in that apartment.
    If it does not cost any money, then sure go for it, but dudes have a patreon so....
    It's like everything in this game a very average to the bones game. But man, at least make it funny.
    Its not a 1/5, but damn I could not give it more then 2/5.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    A fair amount of VN struggle with showing "positive" growth (beyond the MCs magic dick fixing any problem), to the point that it is common for most games to ignore it entirely. Headpats and Handholding however, claims to be (mostly?) focused on that, which is where this earns its below-average rating.

    The models are fine (I have seen much better and much worse). The biggest issue on the render side of things is the placement of characters during scenes? If that makes any sense. Having played a handful of games of similar ilk, I felt a weird sense of deja vu, which I can only attribute to the models being in the same (default?) position. This might not be an issue for some but it happened enough that I felt "something". that being said, the backgrounds themselves did not have the same effect, which is a positive.

    My main issue with the game, however, is that it still largely fails to be more "wholesome" and, in my opinion, just comes off as "not as sociopathic as 99.99% of MCs," which once again would not be an issue if not for the fact that the "wholesome" aspect is both the titular pull and heavily emphasized in the synopsis. There can absolutely be a good amount of sex in a game while still having wholesome moments (both in sex scenes and in the story), but this lens heavily on the latter while the title, synopsis, and even the developer's signature imply it is the other way.

    As a porn game, this is more or less average; it won't be your best game, it won't be your worst game, and you won't want to erase it from your memory or replay it asap. However, if you are a sick degenerate that prefers wholesome stuff, there is enough out there to make this below average even if you were to narrow down the field you compared it against.
  17. 5.00 star(s)



    I like RPGM games because they are the correct mix of Story + Game play + Lewd scenes.
    This game does all 3 pretty well.

    The main highlights of this game is the star couple and their interactions with the other girls. A cute SOL story with dark undertones.

    But my real reason for playing this game is @Insomnimaniac Games Quoted Vince.

    MASTA PIECE in the making 11/10.
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6838420

    1) VTuber like overly simplified models not really look good in porn games, in my opinion.

    2) Most of the map and character tiles generic that already used hundreds of times by other RPGM creators.

    3) And the thing that triggered me, this game claims gray haired 20 years old look lady as "granny".

    4) In the story part, the game both try to be funny, emotional, and "epic". But in the end, it fails both.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game became one of my favorites on going projects in just this short period since it started
    I just really like the characters and their interactions, I also love their model. The way the combat system works is also actually fun, I just like to experiment with different equipment and build in each character, so I hope we get more additions.
    With that being said, I think my only complaint with the game is that the dialog can be a little too tacky sometimes. Sometimes is a joke that goes a little too long, other times is how there's way too much over-exposure on the characters' dialogs. Like, I get that the two girls love each other already, I don't think we need they to say it at every quest.

    Those are my overall thoughts on the game. In general is really worth to play, and even the complaints I had are pretty minor when compared to the whole game
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is for version 0.02. There is a surprising amount of content for this early on, and the content that is there is excellent. There's a very nice mix of humorous and emotional dialogue, and for a game with such a degenerate title, it actually tackles a serious issue of self-acceptance. Honestly my only real complaint about the game is that the H-scenes are a little short, and that's more a personal preference thing than any real critique of the game. As for the combat, while I did do a little grinding, I never felt like I HAD to. All of the combat was doable, and the customization options from the equipment system looks like it will add a lot of depth to the game.