
Oct 21, 2017
I hope everyone is having nice holidays. I haven't replied to any posts in a while so I've cherry-picked a few that tell me how great of a game creatologist I am and how everything is great. I do appreciate your interest in the game (or story or tits or green cock) because otherwise what would be the point of making this? And I'm very grateful to my supporters and I'm thankful for everyone who offers constructive criticism.

I know Healslut is a mess. It's got a little of everything and not enough of anything. The ship voyage is so out of pace with the rest of the story that it feels like a fever dream. And now I've gone and fucked the character sprites up by trying to unfuck them. Anyway, that's all I have to say.

Not really. None of this is set in stone. I've made fixes on fixes on fixes. I've spliced timelines and warped branches. I sound like a god. A pitiful god. I push pixels around and make them talk. I can't sit in the clouds because I'm afraid of heights so I sit in the dirt. But the point is that I'm still working on it. I know a lot of you are waiting for particular routes or kinks or just some fucking 'fucking' content and I'm sorry for the wait but I am working on it. Anyway, that's all I have to say.

Not really. I really do hope you're having nice holidays and if you like Healslut (even a little), then thank you. I honestly do need validation.

The first time I played through the Underwell part I remember thinking "Huh, too bad we don't get the option for Sparkle to go through with the blowjob, because this would be the perfect setup for an interesting scene". Then later I realised this is just what this game does, it often teases the possibility of a sex scene without actually giving us one. This doesn't happen all the time of course as there are obviously quite a few sex scenes, but there have been many times where the game made me think something interesting was about to happen (or could happen), only for it to then fizzle out and nothing ends up happening.

Going back and adding scenes to those points in the game sounds like a great idea to me, in theory at least. But why bother when you're just gonna go for the absolute bare minimum? Two renders, that's it..? Well really only one but viewed from two angles, only for it to get interrupted before it gets interesting anyway.

Maybe it sounds like I'm nitpicking, but I feel like that's the perfect example of time that would've been worth more if spent elsewhere. This just serves as more empty teasing to someone like me who decided to replay the game, reaches the Underwell, thinks "oh nice, he added a scene here", only to then be disappointed after clicking past the second image..
Okay so yes you are correct, most of the teases in the game are intended to be full sex scenes in the future. And I know the Underwell one sucks (hardy har). I was having a couple of bad writing days and thought "fuck it I'll update one of the teases" but my flow came back and I ended up just putting in what I had. It was a bad decision because I know how weirdly hot that scene could be. I'm waiting until the story is complete so that I can focus on things like this instead of half-assing them -- and I will get that scene fixed so that it's weirdly hot.

Kinda want an option for dominating strong Sparkle to embrace her nudism without being forced into it. Being naked and owning it.
I'm all for that and it won't take much to implement so I've put this on my short list.

Is the replay menu supposed to be a gallery? If yes, does anyone have a full save?
The gallery/replay feature has been neglected because it takes a long time to set it up with all the various variations. I will get this fixed eventually -- not that I expect that eases the wait. You can go directly into the /gallery/ folder and view whatever images you like for now though, if that helps.

...I just played the latest update. and man...does the story goes hard. I thought I was playing a porn game, not an actual game that would make me want to cry for these characters :cry:
Thanks for saying this. I put a lot into the story and characters.

Also, there's still hope for a brighter ending depending on Sparkle's choices.

what happened to this game, why did he just completely stop updating roopah path?
In short, yes. And I'm sorry for that. Roopah's character arc has a pivotal moment on the ship voyage but I haven't addressed it, so the content going forward from there is missing a trick. I really do have to fix this because it has been waiting and deserves some attention.

I know how you feel. Sparkle's harem path has been stuck in the bandit camp doing nothing for several updates now as well.
I know. I'm behind on a lot and it really sucks.

I never said anything else o_O
Sparkle can fail to get Leigh back into the group and he will still end up in the slaver's hands as long as Sparkle doesn't sign the (let's be honest ridiculous) contract that he offers.

Why isn't the femboy thing available early on or from the get-go?
I can probably move it to earlier without making a huge mess. I've put it in my notes to check. And I wouldn't mind making some transformations available near or even at the start of the game but that has to go on the long list.

V.085..still nothing. Utilize the fucking furry assets, otherwise what's the damn point putting it in. :rolleyes:

You got Wejit a male goblin, and the rest are human content. Some of us enjoy anthro on monster/human.
I know. And I know I keep talking about my lists but this is on my list. The furry stuff was only a request at first but I've gotten plenty of messages. I didn't mean for it to be a tease and I do plan to build that out to at least a few scenes in the story.

I'll always love this game but the lack of progress in the last year or so has been a real bummer. Finally got out of the bandit camp after being stuck there forever but no big lewd scenes and the orgy scene is still unfinished.

It just feels like the game has branched too much with all the character variants, paths, and meaningless outfits and drifted from the core of the game which imo is free use and/or romance with the main gang members like Roopah, Panki, Lel, etc.
Man, I'm really trying. I let myself take too many requests in the middle of development and that's no one's blame but my own. I'm not doing requests now so hopefully things will pick up pace from your perspective.

I'd think the game could go on longer, lots of routes don't have much content. I guess it's time to stop this madness of too many variations with a story barely advancing in years
Thankfully we're near endgame. The story will be complete soon!

Then I'll pick one route and fix it. Then another one. And one day, I'll be done.

That's what I tell myself to stay sane.

Is this game a romantic comedy? I've seen a few people say that they enjoy Lel being a dom over sparkle, but maybe I'm playing a different game cause everything seems like its a joke. I don't have an issue with the game if that's what it is, but the only thing that stood out to me of Lel being a dom was when she forced sparkle to wear a gag. Other than that maybe I'm missing out on something.
Well there's a scene where Sparkle is put on one of those bondage X things but yes, that's about it for actual/hardcore BDSM content for now.

OMG!!! Finally a letter upgrade. Hopefully more Big updates in 2024. Love your game EXTREMELY dev, bless years ahead.
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Active Member
Mar 10, 2018
Is this game a romantic comedy? I've seen a few people say that they enjoy Lel being a dom over sparkle, but maybe I'm playing a different game cause everything seems like its a joke. I don't have an issue with the game if that's what it is, but the only thing that stood out to me of Lel being a dom was when she forced sparkle to wear a gag. Other than that maybe I'm missing out on something.
This game doesn't know what it is.


Mar 11, 2019
Just stopping in to say a few words after I played this game for the first time in years on a whim. I believe last time was pre-2020, very early days in development and I didn't leave with a very strong impression at the time (I remembered Roopah, that was about it), however I have now found myself enjoying it quite a bit - the story abruptly took a rather dark turn in my route after I left the "western" themed town, but I am definitely looking forward to seeing how it all pans out with the gang someday, as the story surrounding the "game" itself is rather intriguing.

Couple things that stood out - Love the TF potion/bimbofication stuff with Lel, the early game is really fleshed out now (last time I played I think the game ended before even leaving the first town) but of course later routes do throw up some dead ends. Won't spoil it much here but the scenes gained via the "mindfuck" ability are surprisingly affecting, while I still don't find myself sympathizing with Kayden, Lel's scene was rather poignant for me.

Having easily played hundreds of H-games in various styles, (I'm awesome, I know :cool:) I feel qualified to say that this is a pretty damn solid example of the branching VN style overall, with at least a full multi-hour marathon session or three worth of content so far per path and multiple (wildly) different styles of playthroughs available. Needs a few more years of love to get this game somewhere looking "finished" I suspect, as is the bane of all branching-path format adventures, but I was pleasantly surprised to see how much development has taken place on this one compared to some other games I follow.

The last few years have *not* been particularly kind to our little corner of game development as a whole, between the many we lost to the mental attrition sometime around the pandemic, and Patreon continuing to be... difficult. Glad to see this one is still chugging along despite it all!


New Member
May 19, 2017
I hope everyone is having nice holidays. I haven't replied to any posts in a while so I've cherry-picked a few that tell me how great of a game creatologist I am and how everything is great. I do appreciate your interest in the game (or story or tits or green cock) because otherwise what would be the point of making this? And I'm very grateful to my supporters and I'm thankful for everyone who offers constructive criticism.

I know Healslut is a mess. It's got a little of everything and not enough of anything. The ship voyage is so out of pace with the rest of the story that it feels like a fever dream. And now I've gone and fucked the character sprites up by trying to unfuck them. Anyway, that's all I have to say.

Not really. None of this is set in stone. I've made fixes on fixes on fixes. I've spliced timelines and warped branches. I sound like a god. A pitiful god. I push pixels around and make them talk. I can't sit in the clouds because I'm afraid of heights so I sit in the dirt. But the point is that I'm still working on it. I know a lot of you are waiting for particular routes or kinks or just some fucking 'fucking' content and I'm sorry for the wait but I am working on it. Anyway, that's all I have to say.

Not really. I really do hope you're having nice holidays and if you like Healslut (even a little), then thank you. I honestly do need validation.

Okay so yes you are correct, most of the teases in the game are intended to be full sex scenes in the future. And I know the Underwell one sucks (hardy har). I was having a couple of bad writing days and thought "fuck it I'll update one of the teases" but my flow came back and I ended up just putting in what I had. It was a bad decision because I know how weirdly hot that scene could be. I'm waiting until the story is complete so that I can focus on things like this instead of half-assing them -- and I will get that scene fixed so that it's weirdly hot.

I'm all for that and it won't take much to implement so I've put this on my short list.

The gallery/replay feature has been neglected because it takes a long time to set it up with all the various variations. I will get this fixed eventually -- not that I expect that eases the wait. You can go directly into the /gallery/ folder and view whatever images you like for now though, if that helps.

Thanks for saying this. I put a lot into the story and characters.

Also, there's still hope for a brighter ending depending on Sparkle's choices.

In short, yes. And I'm sorry for that. Roopah's character arc has a pivotal moment on the ship voyage but I haven't addressed it, so the content going forward from there is missing a trick. I really do have to fix this because it has been waiting and deserves some attention.

I know. I'm behind on a lot and it really sucks.

Sparkle can fail to get Leigh back into the group and he will still end up in the slaver's hands as long as Sparkle doesn't sign the (let's be honest ridiculous) contract that he offers.

I can probably move it to earlier without making a huge mess. I've put it in my notes to check. And I wouldn't mind making some transformations available near or even at the start of the game but that has to go on the long list.

I know. And I know I keep talking about my lists but this is on my list. The furry stuff was only a request at first but I've gotten plenty of messages. I didn't mean for it to be a tease and I do plan to build that out to at least a few scenes in the story.

Man, I'm really trying. I let myself take too many requests in the middle of development and that's no one's blame but my own. I'm not doing requests now so hopefully things will pick up pace from your perspective.

Thankfully we're near endgame. The story will be complete soon!

Then I'll pick one route and fix it. Then another one. And one day, I'll be done.

That's what I tell myself to stay sane.

Well there's a scene where Sparkle is put on one of those bondage X things but yes, that's about it for actual/hardcore BDSM content for now.


I don't post much but your very human post seeking validation for your art spoke to me. I have enjoyed every iteration of your game that I have played to date. I have started over countless times and enjoyed every aspect of your creation. Sparkle is fantastic! There aren't any characters that I dislike; I have a great time everytime I check in to see where it's going. Even if you stop now, you made something unique and outstanding.

I used to get paid to do something artistic that I loved. As I progressed it was challenging for me to balance what I wanted to do with my art and what people expected from my art. In the end, I gave up my art and was miserable for 20 years. I found something that makes me happy now, but were I to do it again.....I would tell everyone to get fucked and make my art.

I hope you find a balance that brings you joy and money.


Engaged Member
Feb 22, 2019
I can probably move it to earlier without making a huge mess. I've put it in my notes to check. And I wouldn't mind making some transformations available near or even at the start of the game but that has to go on the long list.
I meant as a gender choice for the Healslut class.


Oct 26, 2017
If you need validation daviezwei know that I'm your self-proclaimed number 1 fan. While branching out too much always seems like a bad idea, there's no other developer that comes close to your skills, believe me when I say you've done a terrific job at making it work. The combination of your skills at writing, world-building, spicy sexy fun and visuals are a gift truly.

The game is flawed, but the most beautiful things are made of imperfect pieces. A little something to remember

Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Some french dude.


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2017
My 5 cents.
I play this game since the initial release here. The idea of playing a protagonist playing a game was crazy enough to lure me in. It was funny enough to keep playing and after meeting lel and panki i set my hopes on a lesbian route...which didnt fail (rare thing, most devs ruin their games with unavoidable hetero sex or mess up their routes so it gets mentioned you had something with the guys...this game had just an unavoidable green stalker, but hey, you could even change it later). Storywise it became more interesting and stayed funny. However, not being a native english speaker made panki hard to understand at times, especially since online translators dont help in her case. But i managed and the story got me hooked anyways, so no way out anymore. But then, at some point the devlopment stopped from my point of view. All i wanted was play on, see more of the story and more of my girls, especially now with skylark joining in...but most development happens in the past and to be honest i dont care about all the stuff that got added there. I'm not into futa, sub/dom or ffa stuff, if one of those were the main route i would be gone long ago, no story could hook me if thats the prize to go forward, i wouldnt even play those routes if you were to pay me for it. Sadly the development is focused on adding and changing more of this stuff, not even on the way so i could at least enjoy some story development, but in the past. Think about it, being a gamer, wanting to enjoy jour picked girls and following the story...but for months all the updates dont give you a single step forward, some only corrupt your latest savegames but nothing goes forward. Its only natural to be bored, pissed and disappointed when all you want is leaving the ship (months later) leaving the miners camp (months later) leaving the bandit camp (still waiting)...


Oct 9, 2018
Something witty and clever about appreciating the game's content and waiting patiently for more updates.

Honestly kind of excited to hear its almost finished, I wonder what they'll work on next?


Apr 21, 2018
Something witty and clever about appreciating the game's content and waiting patiently for more updates.

Honestly kind of excited to hear its almost finished, I wonder what they'll work on next?
There will be a good few updates yet. Davie has plans to flesh out and add to the existing content some of which will be a tad more extreme than is in the game at the moment. If you join his Discord there is also a discussion as to ideas for his next game. Here is a link for anyone interested.


Oct 9, 2018
There will be a good few updates yet. Davie has plans to flesh out and add to the existing content some of which will be a tad more extreme than is in the game at the moment. If you join his Discord there is also a discussion as to ideas for his next game. Here is a link for anyone interested.
Nice, I prefer to just wait and see than make suggestions, but I'm hyped to hear about the extreme content.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2019
Nice, I prefer to just wait and see than make suggestions, but I'm hyped to hear about the extreme content.
Yes I am too. I hope many fetishes might be plopped in there with possible options to tun off (EDIT Or avoid) for those with make the game like I like it behavior's.

I personally can deal with most any extreme fetish, if done well, and fitting the story line properly.
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Aug 20, 2017
this game is missing so many tags. holy shit, its really good though
[BDSM, Rape, sissification, slave] just to name a few <3

on a side note; anyone know when the new tagging system is supposed to come out? submissive protagonist and femboy protagonist really needs to be a thing
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