I’m not trying to be a dick here but you’re either purposefully ignoring the truth/the opinions of others or heavily delusional
Q: Several people have repeatedly and I’m willing to bet their comments have either been removed, you’ve blocked them, or you’re just straight-up ignoring them.
A: I don't moderate nor manage this thread - so how can I delete comments? I've not removed a single message on this thread.
Q: 1st of all sexual extortion is a form of rape.
A: She's not being sexually extorted. They formed a mutual agreement. A mutually beneficial one at that.
Q: And since she’s an LI; that’s NTR.
A: She's not a love interest. The main character currently does not have any love interests, nor share any romantic feelings with any of the characters.
Q: She doesn’t have to be physically held down for it to be rape. She’d either suffer/starve or die if she didn’t agree to have sex with him.
A: No, she wouldn't. After they made their initial deal she was free to go and leave as she pleased. I explained that, several times which you'd know if you actually read any of the things I said. Even if she left, she wouldn't have "starved", for her it's just a matter of absorbing some energy from the atmosphere. She wanted to utilize that area because it was rich with energy. In other words as you said " There are other ways for her to get energy." Heirgo, she chose to stay in that area for the benefits it bought. Other than sex, Vagrah never bothered her and she was able to freely move as she pleased which is how she meets the main character to begin with, further expanding on the "no NTR" point.
As for some of the other stuff you mentioned technically, if you want 100% honesty -- other developers actually suggest I ignore conversing with people like yourself
altogether. I'm starting to see the wisdom behind their suggestions.
Do you always just make assumptions that feed into whatever narrative you want to push?

Seems like this isn't really about whether those elements actually exist in game, but whether you (or others) are just wrong or right.
I can "unconfuse" this for you -
In the realm of opinion, everyone is correct. Your opinion has absolutely no more worth than my own. Which means if you perceive a thing incorrectly, that doesn't make you right - it just means you misunderstood a thing. As for my own perceptions, I can only explain them to you. The deal breaker is reality.
Fortunately, things like fact and reality exist. Even with the definitions of rape or NTR, nothing in my game matches either of those.
The truth is NTR doesn't exist in the project - nor do any rape scenes.
It is what it is. Whether you're willing to accept that or not really isn't my problem.