Some thoughts about the characters: which are "good" people and which are not.
Chris: She ticks boxes on both sides. Good: She's genuinely concerned about her crew, and will do anything to protect them. Not so good: She knows her husband is cheating on her, but instead of divorce she just plays around and does everything she can to make his life hell.
Sarah: Good. She's goofy, and has a warped sense of humor to go along with her intellect that seems to be geared toward everything except what she really wants to do: be a pilot. Her pranks are harmless (princess prank, for instance) and she really just wants someone to spend some time with her. Oh, you don't like VR games? What about table-top role-playing games?
Annie: Mostly good. She's prone to go a little far in her pranks, but will stick her neck out (or Eric's I should say) to protect her crew mates. Her drinking is likely problematic, but that doesn't make her a bad person, just human.
Marcus: Not a good person. He talks down to his wife and treats her like shit. His ego takes over every conversation. He's up to something, and it's likely not kosher. How did he know about the power buses? (I'll talk about the freezer later.)
Trisha: Not a good person. She wants the MC for what she can get out of it. When white MC doesn't give her what she wants, she strips and gets him arrested for rape. Not the actions of a good person. I get the feeling that if you survive getting her diamonds without the creature behind the blast doors killing you, she just might kill you herself to keep them all.
Mike: Maybe not a good person. He wants to be seen as a good person, (his reason for staying on Ophion, for example,) but something's not right. The thing with Marcus at the freezer is entirely sus. He changed out the power buses with fake ones. Even a software guy should've been able to tell that they weren't right. And what about the recorded operating system changes when you look at the station in the water system?
Amanda: Undecided. In her mind, she's a good person, I'm sure. She thinks whatever it is she's doing is for the right reasons. It's still too early to tell whether those reasons are for an actual good or not.
Kelly: MC's sister...what can we say? She's acting hostile which seems to be against character (based on MC's reaction to her hostility.) Is she Thea? Is she brainwashed by Amanda, who she calls a visionary? Is she mind controlled by Marcus' pills? Something's off here and it remains to be seen.
These are my opinions based on my playthroughs. If your opinion is different, it doesn't mean it's better or worse. I have a feeling that everyone who reads carefully through the game will get something different out of it.