VN - Ren'Py - Henry's Adventures [v0.9 Alpha] [Lenovic]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The story badly needs some padding as things jump from to the other with almost zero extras like the MC becoming super devoted to random women he ran into basically over night.

    The choices are badly done, with the character ones if you don't say yes every single time then the rest of the "choices" for that character are grayed out ending there story line(feels like each woman is constantly asking if the MC really likes them rather than a choice) and so far no story ones seemed to do anything.

    The sex scenes while short are still good.

    The game itself still needs work as the change of name stops working after awhile and they revert to calling the MC Henry.

    On the plus side you have a strong MC who takes what he wants but not in a bad way and the characters for what you see of them are pretty good as well.

    Also props for the coolest looking slime ever.

    Story 2/5 (good start but way too simple)
    Sex 2/5 (average)
    Characters 3/5 (simple but good)
    Art 2/5 (ok)
    Choices 1/5 (poor)
    Kinks 2/5 (some but minor so far)
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    VERSION: 0.9 Alpha
    SUMMARY: Interesting enough story, but lazy writing, renders and overall effort makes me feel the game was thrown together over the weekend. e.g., "its already getting dark, we better get back soon before it gets dark." <--- *blink blink huh?
    RATINGS: (out of 5):
    1. Models: 3
    2. Animations: 4
    3. General Visuals: 3
    4. Characters: 3
    5. Story: 3
    6. Writing: 1
    7. Pacing: 4
    8. Content (amount): X
    9. UI & Sounds: 2
    10. Fetish & kinks: X
    Average: X of 50 possible points giving a X% rating i.e. X stars.

    1. MC models looks semi decent even if its straight out of Age of Conan (with mods) but he sure as hell is not 18, more like 28
    2. Story is semi interesting (at least up until where I have played)
    3. Animations (sexual) are actually pretty good, not great but pretty good and stands out over all other aspects of the game IMO.
    4. On the lewd, sexual, H scene side of things, the MC gets his "rod road" early on, but not in any significant or meaningful way, leading me to believe this game will have more nonsensical sexual scenes that targets the brain dead fappers only.
    1. Dialogue is so bad that I think it deserves a reward. Dialogue does not read properly and this is due to grammatical, spelling and perhaps translation errors.
    2. Lazy renders, e.g., MC walking with croc on shoulder like its a stuffed doll. Why not have him drag it then if you gonna be lazy? Skin the thing, get a cart, make it at least realistic. Lord of the rings is fantasy but they still have gravity! Apart from that, scenes are done really poorly, the way the character supposedly moves in a fight makes no sense, it feels and looks clunky despite our MC supposedly being a good fighter.
    3. Adding to dialogue issues, lazy script and research in what is clearly suppose to be some medieval setting. News flash, using words like "cool" is not COOL! Try at least to create dialogue that is appropriate for the time/setting. A "shopping area" is like what you have in a mall today, a market street however is more apt for the game setting...*looks @developer...
    4. Additionally, even clothing looks like it comes from several different eras, like some amalgamation of clothing from ancient, middle to modern eras...pick one and stick to it dev....
    5. The dialogue is really stupid, not only does the MC look like something out of Age of Conan, he speaks like Conan. The MC doesnt know the 2 first sisters he meets but immediately designates himself as their protector and guardian. Yet has no clue where he is or when he is in the world not to mention many other things that any sane and logical person would think of. But hey, at least he has a hunters license now...
    6. I think I heard one sound during the sexual scenes where the MC gets off and it sounds like someone chugging syrup...again lazy.
    7. Too few tags and kinks, clearly sex are a thing this dev is going for due to amount of sex going on so why not push more kinks and spice it up from vanilla stuff? I mean if you not pushing for quality on writing but your animations are decent, why not focus on kinks and fetishes?
    • The developer clearly does not have much knowledge of any particular time period, because they are picking clothes, speech, customs and whot not from so many places to create ultimately this "game", it looks and feels cheap when done this way. Like little effort was put in it apart from vomiting some "creative" content for fap and ultimately financial support.
    • Regarding kinks, I believe the game has too few for it being almost only for the fapoholic part of the community. That being said things like pregnancy should be a thing in this game, breeding etc, its practically in the game already but should be something that is emphasized simply because most females are craving the MCs baby batter most of the time, creampies are most of the time and the MC being some weird breed of humanoid that is as rare as chicken teeth, it all stands to reason breeding and pregnancy should take a strong centre stage.
    • And purely on a practical side, some of the LI or "hook-ups" the MC gets do make me worry about him loosing his junk due to the sharpness of the LI fangs. In some cases I could swear that blood would be drawn, our MC is either beyond sense horny or this is again just as case of mindless fap content...(at least good for most I am guessing)
    • I would like to give the dev the benefit of the doubt as say that English is not nearly their native language and recommend they source someone to rewrite ALL the dialogue.
    Likes: marp
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Enjoying it so far, like some of the character interactions, and good that he seems to be not worried who he does it with Looking forward to the next release. keep up the great work. I would give it a 5, but I will wait and see how it goes.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Currently as of this review, the game version is 0.8A. The content is lacking but we're early in the releases. I'd expect a little bit more content in 1 year of releases but I'll give it another year. We're currently at around 1-2 hours of content.

    The setting and the girls make me want to give this a 5. I'm not really into the orc girl, even though I do like strong women, I'm not really into the orc aesthetic. Nevertheless, the renders are good and the girls are hot. The redhead is probably my favorite but you kind of get many flavors here. If you like flatchested women or big curvy milfs or those in between, you'll like this game.

    All in all, I'll give the game a 4/5 and reserve a star for the completed product, if the game sours or is abandoned I'd probably remove a star for an incomplete experience.
    Likes: marp
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Why do I give it four stars?

    I’ll begin with the story.

    The story isn’t the best, but it’s functional. It’s evident that the developer put effort into it (I’m not a psychic, so I can’t say for sure if he worked hard or not), but it’s clear that there was work done on it.

    So, now let’s talk about the characters. They are quite diverse, and honestly, it’s fascinating to see. I won’t share my personal preferences, but I can assure you that you’ll likely find a character that resonates with you.

    Now for the rendering, we actually notice some artifacts here and there. However, I’ve also worked on those kinds of renders, and depending on the hardware the dev has, it would significantly increase the development time to achieve better quality. Nevertheless, it’s sufficient to ensure the game is playable without any noticeable issues.

    So, if I resume it, it’s an interesting game. Give it a try to see if you like it or not.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Vampire story so cool.

    Decent art.

    Story will maybe go somewhere or give you the wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am you want.

    English translation is very poor.

    might eventually drop or see if editing the translation myself is worth anything.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Story - 4/5
    I don't know why some people expect Tolkien levels of storytelling in their porn games but so far it's fine in my opinion, just a few inconsistencies and stereotipes here and there, for example: The fact that Henry gets all the ladies horny is most likely related to his specific race which at first made sense(vampires-check, goblins-check, slime-check) but then he meets human women and they have the same reaction?! How did this guy not fuck his entire village then? I know it's mentioned he's avoided but no contact at all with a single woman from that place for his entire life?

    It's still to early to judge since the story is not complete and there are a lot of loose ends but so far I think it's a light and comfortable read.

    Text(Writing) - 3/5
    The writing is a bit simple and repetitive but I guess it comes with the territory when you get to humping so fast with the women that you find out their name afterwards. You don't really have enough time to understand the traits and personalities of the women that don't really have much screen time. The vampire ladies, since they are the main party at the moment, tend to have their own persona since you interact a bit more with them but even they seem a bit repetitive, especially in their way of aproaching Henry for his mighty dick.

    The grammar was already pointed out a lot of times and yes, it does get annoying, especially the he/she him/her mixup. You sometimes think it's about Hentry but then it's not and vice versa.

    Art(Visuals) - 3/5
    Well... this is obviously down to prefference so I won't get much into the visual aspect even though I find the models overall great and with enough diversity. If I were to judge by looks alone it would be a 4/5 from me.

    What I will criticize is the attention to detail and then the physics of the art. An example of attention to detail is for example when Henry enters the castle with the vampires, if you look at the characters in the background they all have the stock position with their hands weirdly floating and not touching their bodies. Yes, time saved but at what cost?

    As for the physics of the art... that chair sex scene for example...gravity has left the building. I honestly don't get all the whining about animated scenes these days from people and why they are so popular and requested but if you do want to put them in at least don't make it anything complicated that breaks any logic and makes you lose the immersion in that world.

    Gameplay - 2/5
    The illusion of choice...

    I know it's a VN but bear with me here. I'm not yet mad(I think) and I'll explain soon why I'm rating the Gameplay in a VN. There are 2 situations in which the player is required for anything other than going to the next page, the first one is pretty simple and can be summarized as "Want some fuck?"

    The second one is usually when there are battles involved and this is where the "illusion of choice" comes in, it doesn't matter... Whatever you choose doesn't matter as you will eventually end up at the exact same conclusion.

    Why have these options at all? Yes, I will always want some fuck and if my choice of battle has no meaning what is the point? I'm rating the gameplay so low because of the wasted potential rather than what is actually in it. You could have a bad end route where you lose and your partner is fucked and please the NTR croud. People who hate NTR with a passion like me would make NASA engineers look like preschool retards to avoid it.

    You could have moments where you choose to not kill some opponents and actually have branching storylines based on the choice you made. If you really want to go deep you could also add some stats to Henry that would change based on these battle choices to give the reader/player some sort of achievement feeling.

    Maybe it's just my "illusion of choice" hatred talking here but I just don't see the point of the choice system the way it is right now.

    Final thoughts: In the short term, I think the two things this game would benefit from the most is to first get a proofreader, and second to ditch the "Alpha" tag. Don't get fooled by this tag, I know people don't bother when they see "Alpha" since they think there will be too many bugs/no content. The VN is about 1 year old from what I understand and there is plenty of content to enjoy and story to read if you can look past the bad pronouns that make you think Henry went woke in the middle of a fight for some reason.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    User Interface:.....3/10
    User Experience:....7/10
    Avg:.............4.0/10 [2.0/5]

    I have played at least one release of this game. What I remember about it is not great. They establish MC, that's the biggest and strongest of everything, already annoying, but he's afraid of everyone in his village like a gentle giant type thing, also annoying. Then, ALL of that pretense is gone because MC just gets flung somewhere else in time(?) to meet other characters and have nothing to do with the intro. Then, beyond that, MC walks into a room and a woman wants to have sex with him because...? Uh... I couldn't tell you. Because he has edgelord glowy eyes? Maybe? I don't remember the dialogue being particularly awful, but then again I don't remember much about the game at all, so who knows. What I do remember most of all is that all the sex happens for NO REASON. They just do it to do it. And, while it's fine to have throwaway sex to appease the gooners, what I'm assuming are major characters just throw their clits at MC out of nowhere. I think there was ONE character that had a reason to but even then I think they wanted to push her as a slow burn so fuck you I guess? The English starts out subpar as well so it has a giant uphill battle. MC is built like a "hero" from one of those raunchy romance novels for 45 year old women. He's like 240lbs, a giant sleeve tattoo, and glowing eyes. More than likely He's either a god or the child of an angel and demon because it's edgy and nothing matters.

    As always, this opens to MC on some random day narrating his canned backstory to himself for no good reason. "I'm an orphan and no one likes me because I'm too edgy. I hate this town, it's so washed up." Just a bunch of faux pop-punk nothings. He says he's 18 but looks 32, has 25inch biceps, and all your typical porn tropey baloney. Then someone runs up screaming saying there was a bear. She was scared of MC because that's what the story demands, but after he says he'll take care of the bear she says "Hmm maybe he's not so bad." You, the player get a fake choice of throwing an axe and no matter what it kills the bear. Then MC sees a piece of metal, gets no-clipped out of existence and I guess travels through time. As far as I remember, they never return to or try to explain what happens. It just does. Great. And MC just wanders around then finds an unconscious woman on the ground. Later on, you find out people are obviously trying to kill her, but instead of killing her, they just left her there? Okay. And when MC finally finds a place to stay, it looks exactly like the village he left... Right. And, for some reason, it never dawned on me until now, but why is it called Henry's Adventures, but no one's NOT gonna rename the MC? It's just a dumb thing I didn't even think about. Anyway, after that, MC peeks on her in the bath with a choice you make, and somehow makes fried drumsticks for them. Isabella, the vampire chick he rescued, goes to talk to him then suddenly has to bite him for unknown reasons. And you also get a choice to stop her or not. If you choose to let her keep biting, for some reason, she switches sides and they fall over in a way that shouldn't be physically possible. He falls forward ONTO HIS BACK and she flips over his shoulder, straddling him? How? Were we, the players, not privy to what was supposed to happen? Cause it just didn't make sense. And before you can get any dialogue, the people hunting Isabella suddenly, randomly find and attack them. Isabella tries to shield MC but he shows up with another fake choice of weapon. Essentially it's a *holds up spork* type moment. Like "Haha, he's gonna fight with THAT?" But because he's Gary-Stu he wins anyway. And Isabella falls in love right away.

    After the fight that ends in three hits, and Isabella awkwardly stabbing the Elf's tits, she lore dumps that she's a vampire princess and the greedy uncle takes his brother's power. Instead of learning all this in flashbacks or it happening in the present, you get three angles of her face with her just telling you all this political intrigue. A vampire kingdom with a brother that has a decade long plan to take over sounds more interesting than whatever is not currently happening in the game. And when MC invites himself along with her, there's a line misattributed to MC that should be from her. There's even an image of her talking so that needs to be fixed. Soon after, they kill a weird alligator, and when MC stabs it he falls and gets hurt? I think? It's just a weird nothing scene where he stabs it, the screen shakes, and then he's doubled over as if he's injured for no reason, I honestly don't know why it's in the game. They then continue on the road, MC is carrying the giant 400lb alligator on his shoulder cause he's the coolest guy ever. MC rehashes his backstory to Isabella, which means the opening, when he narrated his life to the reader, was USELESS. And she affirms his looks by saying his eyes are cool. Then, when they get to the blacksmith, Lana the goblin stares at MC like she's drunk and in love the whole time. The DAZ libraries do no favors here, her teeth look rubber, no good posing was done to her face, head or body, and she needlessly shifts he position in the scene constantly. And you get your first actual choice in talking to her, but there's no talking. MC just says "join me. You're pretty" and she jumps his dick because... Goblin? Maybe? I honestly don't know.(future Jnx here to say, no, she just does it because sex game) And MC acts like some ladies man, but he's been ostracized his whole life so he'd be a turbo virgin. You're already contradicting your character with a sex scene. Great writing.

    So they leave, and you meet Lily. What bothers me with this scene is they go into the house to talk about MC, but MC is a Gary-Stu that can hear everything, BUT THEY DON'T TALK. Isabella says "I'll explain later" then ushers MC in anyway? What was the point of hearing a conversation that says NOTHING? And when MC finally gets to talk to Lily about learning things, it's basic dumb video game logic. To the point it might as well be doing the same thing as EVERY isekai ever of "You must join the guild, rank up, do quests. The ranks are E-A but there's a special S class that's only a legend." You know? Dialogue we've already heard thousands of times. And to make Lily seem valuable, two minotaurs try to rape her and you get another fake choice to defend her and MC kills them in two hits because he's big and strong and awesome. And Lily, having known MC for a total of 3 hours, suddenly jumps his bone as well for no reason, again. "He smells good" is all we get. There's also this PRICELESS line "I had no doubt his dick was big, given how big it is" I am dead. I have ceased. And she apparently sucks his dick too fervently so he shoves his finger in her ass like a rabid dog. I cannot take this, it's hilarious. There is also yet another line here of Lily apparently saying "Congatulations Lily, you managed to hug my entire cock." Never mind how awful and unsexy that dialogue is, but glad she said it to herself lol. So after MC manages to shove his baseball bat penis inside a frail girl, he's attacked by other vampire girls as a test. I guess? MC even narrates what he's gonna do in his head INSTEAD OF JUST SHOWING THE FIGHT?! He also thinks getting attacked out of nowhere is fun, because we can't have interpersonal conflict in a porn game. He was shunned his whole life he should be feeling something other than "Wow this is an alright time." Like he's always stoned or something. And they say "The plan is to go to my moms house then we'll tell you the rest of the plan." But why? Why can't we know more of the plan and why are they leaving a house they own for no discernable reason?

    After they calm down, MC asks why their eyes are so different, but the player can only see that they all have red glowing eyes. So what difference there is? No one but the writer knows. (After completeing the game MAYBE they have slitted eyes, but I still can't tell because you never see anyone but Lily up close.) They spit some lore about vampires "awakening" whatever that is, then move on. The scene hard cuts to all five of them doing the same weird, floaty T-Pose in front of a castle. All I can really say is this is not a good looking render. The next scene? All of them in the same default pose inside the castle. Generally you only wanna use this pose if you're not showing them or they're not the focus of the image. But no, bro's out here full hog "look at the default standing pose for all 5 of them." Now let me get this straight, MC is now going to defend an entire castle because he's "so strong?" When was this a thing? He said he'd help out but now he's like hero for the people for some reason. Then Thalia FINALLY says some words and immediately starts rubbing him down because when she jumped at him he caught her? That is it. And MC, never having conversed with real women before three days ago, pops an insta-boner that she just eats right up. MC even pretends he's asleep? She's already been said to be like 170 years old or something WHY ARE THEY ACTING LIKE MIDDLE SCHOOLERS? This is awful. Then she strips him down in his sleep because she thinks he's too hot? I'm all for having some LI wake up MC with sexual stuff, but she met this guy 20 minutes ago and is ripping his pants off to see his dick. What the hell? And when she's interrupted, Lily calls her Thara, so the writer doesn't even know the names of his own characters. Nice. But don't worry, MC can't get blueballs, Lily's here to save the day... This is aggressively bad writing. She doesn't even go to dinner because he put so much cum in her stomach. Are you kidding me? And when they finally give their big plan? Attack the diamond mines because it will take a month for them to know someone took it over. What? Do you know how many holes are in that plan? I do.

    After the "planning session", that isn't a plan, Isabella drapes over MC and kisses him like she's direly in love. She says things like you have to come back unhurt. But why is she like this? Yes, he saved her, but they just met. I will say, she has the biggest reason and most time to like MC, but not enough for her to say that MC can't leave her life by dying, in a poorly constructed plan to assault a diamond mine. And so far, MC has only been hurt by the scene of the alligator that fell over when he stabbed it. So he can only hurt himself. As far as she should be able to tell, he's invincible. And the conversation after, with Thalia, is completely disjointed. When she tells MC her father died, he interjects with "Wow, I believe your father was someone very strong" What? Not only did she already infer that, but why would he blurt that and a question she was already going to answer? All this non-dialogue is so taxing to read. And the "romance" equates to a girl thinking he smells good and has pretty eyes so he takes off his shirt because sex. Really? Is this what does it for you? She even cums from getting kissed. This is absurdist, it has to be. And when they get to the camp or whatever, MC just tweens over to the vampires, stabs once and wins. If your fighting scenes are this bad, don't include them. Make them sneak up and stab them or not have MC do any of this yet. But this actually makes the game feel worse because of how bad some of this is. I could even excuse having a fight scene that looks bad if the rest of the game looks fine, or better yet good. But this is the 6th fight scene and they never get better. I get you want him to be big and strong and super saiyan or whatever. But this just looks like action figures smashing together in a toy box. Only to end them killing a bunch of vampires with MC saying he wants to jump in a lake for him to get naked in a possibly dangerous situation. Why? They have a job to do and it hasn't been long since the last sex scene. What does this do but show how dumb they are?

    When they return to the castle, MC gets accosted by Isabella and Lily right away. And when they hug him, you, the player, have to listen to his atomically cringe levels of horndog dialogue in his head. I did not need to hear about how grabbable someone's ass is. It's a sex game with the same DAZ models I see everywhere, I know full well they're supposed to be sexy. When I'm TOLD they're sexy it's just so weird to hear. I also have to remind you that at this point, Isabella, the only valid love interest, still has no sex scene. I mean, she has no romance either, but she's the only one with any reason, a hero complex, to have a sex scene. MC finally waddles away to find a hunter that forgot how to stab things. She was sitting there, staring at two boars that were doing nothing and forgot how to stab them. But gotta make MC seem like a hero. It's astonishing how much they use the same default pose for almost every scene. It's like they're afraid to move a character's shoulders or something. And it genuinely looks like they make MC more buff all the time. And every choice is either a yes or no question, or a yes or yes question. They also make MC out to be some great fighter now, giving advice to Erika, but all he's done, that we know of, is hunt bears with an axe in the woods. Where does all this come from? It's pitiful. And a person with 18 years of solitude knows how to give a massage? Come on man. You can do so much better than this. When he leaves the wagon that he took to get to the next town over, to go back the way they came on foot, he says "I don't need a map I recorded the way in my mind" I lost my gourd. You can't be serious with this guy. I mean really. He's too much and the sex animation loop assets aren't even that new or original so it's not like this is some novel experience. Circling back to him leaving, it took them a day and night by wagon to get to the town, now he has to walk back. Meaning it's been at least a day an a half, if not two, since he left. He had to be back in three days and if he gets back in time, I'mma scream.

    Somehow, MC helps and fucks a pair of goblins and tames a slime and rescues Edora and Lana, (that were somehow on his way back?) all before sundown. He even had to dry his clothes off. So he has all of a day to get back from, again, a trip that took a day and a half to travel. I'd like to interject here with why is Lana a goblin and not like the two he finds later? Build a consistent world. But the thieves that attack Edora are default males with default poses, so they're no threat to MC with his muscle sliders to max. Another charmingly horrifically translated line here "Older brother, he is beating his younger brother. Only I can beat his younger brother." If ANYONE can tell me what the hell this means, please do. I also like how Lana's hair looks like that stuff you fill easter egg baskets with. Now Edora is going to make MC a new axe in one day. This is so obviously inspired by a certain story about a Grandma, I can't take it. When MC makes it back, within the three days mind you, Lily is going through her change so they changed her character model to have long hair and bigger boobs. I guess that's what vampires do here. When he gives Lily his blood, it makes him weak and has a dream about when he was a baby. Because now he's so smart he can remember things no one could actually remember. Every single time he boasts about how strong he is I want a meteor to end us all, it's so insufferable. For everyone to gush at him about him makes me gag and looking at his edgelord face I can't physically roll my eyes harder without them falling out of my head, it's ridiculous. And Lily's awakening made her look and act more like a child, so they evolve backwards? Lily was not like this before, she wasn't some little kid that clings to MC. Isabella and MC didn't act like parents to her before now. But don't think about it, we're gonna train with Meredith. During the fight, MC's super powers activate and he trips her, but somehow he slides under he legs and her crotch lands on his face? I get it, you want an anime thing to happen, but ONE you already did it, and TWO both times they PHYSICALLY couldn't have happend. All to end (at end of current content) on MC having sex with the slime that suddenly became transparent.

    All in all, I've gotten all I think I could stomach from this. It's your typical coddle fest that has women bending over backward for an MC that simply exists in their presence. Every fight he's in it's posed in a way that makes it look like the characters actually try to fall on his sword, and the dialogue is mind numbing on top of it. Do better. The English is not good. Yeah, I've seen a lot worse, but it's consistently bad with misgendering characters, missing words, poor grammar. The works. The UI/UX is stock and untouched. Minus the awful blood drip font you've never used for anything ever. The art, while the lighting, models, and environments aren't terrible they have default poses and if not they're moved in a way that makes them look like they're afraid to move their shoulders. The only time it doesn't look that way is when they use a sex animation they, hopefully, purchased. The dialogue and story are nothing. The dialogue is, as I said, every character telling MC how amazing he is if not him telling them how amazing he is. The story is "Some guy with funky tattoos is teleported through time and he meets a vampire princess. Nothing happens." None of this has anything to do with MC, he's just along to get laid. I guess I can understand why this is rated higher, as there's more sex than average, but if your story's trash and the sex isn't even doing it for me, please try to improve. That's all I ask. Take a class on posing and animating, maybe watch some videos on storytelling. Because this is just not it my guy.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The Dev doesn’t speak English, or at least it’s not his primary language. There are most certainly big props for trying, but they aren’t doing a good job at the moment. They need to hire a proofreader/editor. The problem isn’t that there are some mistakes, but that almost every sentence has mistakes. It gets really old after awhile. Since the game has been out for almost a year those should have been cleaned up.
    How old are you? … I have eighteen.

    Should I clean to see her?

    Get Lily! Take all! (yelled during sex)

    The storytelling isn’t very good and also suffers from some typical issues of some first time devs such as instant sex, poor animations, and lack of flow for the story.

    The first time the MC meets a girl, he tells her she’s beautiful. She says, I hope he’s telling the truth, takes her clothes off, gets in the bath with him, and then has sex. (The mc literally just says 1 or 2 lines to her and she strips)

    Next he meets the shy sister of his traveling companion. She has trust issues so doesn’t jump into bed with the mc until that evening.

    The artwork and images are basic, but perfectly suited for Henry’s Adventures. The darker images were a bit too dark on my system so it was more like a black screen with some outlines...almost.. The animations are short and mainly just a few images looped. They aren’t very good so far.

    Since the writing was so-so and the instant sex with everyone was so silly I went ahead and just deleted the game. It’s been out for a year so I’m not sure how much it has improved but hopefully it will get better in the future.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed playing this game, MC is badass and the girls all look fine, story is fun and engaging too, few grammar mistakes here and there but it wasn't a problem at all, I can't wait for more updates in the near future.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Had a hard time to figure out if this is a 3 or 4 since it does alot of things right but also alot of issues so i couldent really justify giving more then 3 due to that.
    Alot of people just trows around 5 stars reviews on games that really is no where near 5 stars and then they get mad at people making real reviews.. its a bit idiotic but it is what it is, ill keep my review honest.

    I would still recommend to try this one out, its not bad but it is an average game.

    Story 3/5
    I liked the story which is about MC either getting teleported or captured in a artifact for 100s of years? not really sure since its not really made clear in the story so far, MC dosent even know what hes own race is and apprently no one else does either.

    In any case MC starts hanging out with vamps and helping them even though he dosent know anything about anyone but is still totaly fine trusting the first people he meets and start killing for them so it is a bit weird or maybe just rushed, it does seem to lack in backstory.
    MC then has to make somoe money and meets diffrent people/races with the option to pretty much fuck whoever he wants to.

    So you can play this as a fuckfest but more importently you can say no to anyone i belive, so nothing is forced well other then anal you cant say no or pick what MC does in sex scenes.

    As for the sex scenes they are a bit to childish and reads like a b-porn movie in dialogs, its all "you want my huge dick in your tiny pussy" and "i feel so full, cum in me fill me up" thats pretty much it for sex scenes so quite bland and boring.
    As for virgin scenes theres no deflowering, no blood, no pain and for some its just extremly weird that they are even virgins like a 151 year old vamp? i mean come on....

    Overall quality in renders are lacking and some scenes are to dark and theres quite a few spelling issues that makes you stop thinking wtf did they just say, first one i noticed was when someone asks MC how old he is and he replys something like "i have eighteen" which makes ya wonder what does he have 18 of? :) so yeah nothing serious and still readable but its still happens quite often.

    Girls 3/5
    They did a pretty good job trying to make something for everyone, theres anything from big tits, saggy tits down to smols, still low quality hurts it a bit, i did find most of them pretty ugly and some stright up weird like Slime girl, but thats fine aslong as there is something to like as well.

    Animations 3/5
    They are pretty average, ok to enjoy but some feel very stiff like girl riding MC and arms not moving an inch.

    Music 0/5
    Its a silent game which is never good.

    Choices 4/5
    Most choices if not all is a yes/no to fuck someone and thats about it, to me that is the most importen choice in any game though.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Henry's Adventures [v0.5] is an incredibly amateurish project. The writing is bland at it's best and stupid at it's worst. The visuals are decent but dated. The story is intensely boring. There is nothing about this project that I can point to and go "this is great". I guess that the grammar is almost good?
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    There are a few spelling/grammer mistakes and the writing is fairly simple, however the premise of the story and variation of the characters is very good, I've not had an issue with any of the characters.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    review for v0.5.

    was pretty fun, loved the mc, one of ma fav mc's in a while.
    girls are cute, gobbo was best.
    scenes a bit short, but good.
    writing is a bit scuffed, needs some proofreading.
    really lookin forward to see where this goes.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game with an interesting story. the visuals are not the best out there but it's good enough. the characters are likable, and the writing is decent. There is not much playtime now, but it's updated fairly quickly. A 5/5 game at least give it a try
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Games of this genre can only be carried or considered top tier with their plot and story, so I would suggest dev to improve as a writer and definitely this game can be a big one. As for animations and graphics, it's pretty good. Not that top tier.
    Overall liked the premise, the MC seems to be a bit too much of a Giga Chad but it's okay. This is Dev's first work so I won't judge much. But will ask the dev to play other games of this genre and pick what's missing because the writing seems a bit Meh in this AVN.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    I like the plot.

    I don't like the story... or more specifically, I dislike how the story is told. there's a huge difference between illustrating a memory with a few scenes of backstory, standard exposition through relating that memory verbally, and what's done in this VN, which is a half-sentence summary of what happened. so, I don't get to experience the story, I don't get to hear the story, I just have to accept in short, broken English that the story happened when the main character wasn't around to see it.

    the characters are mostly great, including the MC.

    the renders are good. the posing is not.

    I'm hoping to see more of how the plot develops, but honestly, the storytelling needs to improve to even meet "porn game; little to no story" standards. if the next release improves there, I'm probably in for the long haul to see where it goes. if it doesn't, as good as the renders are (with terrible posing), I won't need to play the game to experience decent renders. there are better mediums in which to do so.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I like it, although it is too early to know for sure, it is on a very good path, not much is known about the story yet so they must have a lot of work ahead of them, I like the genre, so I want to continue seeing it in the future. Good job.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Digital Pimp

    Not much by way of plot so far, and it still feels like we're in the "set-up stage". But I like the character dynamics, the overall feel of the game world and general premise. In the right hands, this story can both soar and shine. I'm cautiously optimistic.