Others - Hentai High School+ [v1.11.1.0] [HHS+]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A lot of work was put into this which is admirable but its just kinda meh, the h content is really simple and lacking, the management seems super surface level and the gameplay itself is just tedious and awkward. Its a really fun idea but its just very crusty.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is good with massive issues that can be fixed easily. I have to appreciate how much work went in to making this world feel big. [V1.10.6]

    • Lots of scenes to find
    • World does feel like its a small city with the number of people
    • They try to incorporate a lot of fetishes
    • Modding community- Great mod options which are simple enough to understand how to use
    • Super grindy- takes hours to get some good scenes. Maybe include brothels or something to get some poeple invested right away and also tune the progression to be a bit faster
    • The random npcs have very limited interation options. To raise their relationship level has very few options and adds to the long grind which should be reduced
    • Theres no easy clear goals to follow- you dont know which quests you are on and their next steps easily enough
    • Some locations do need an extra level of interactivity. For example the beach- you just stand there but theres no option to swim, you just have to hope you get a good cutscene when you arrive.
    • Biggest con is this - after the hours of grinding to get a scene, its usually just a still image that looks like they got from a fan website and its never consistent with your character and the one you are supposed to be having the scene with.
    While the technical aspects of building a big town is great, I think it is hard to recommend this game to someone new to make them waste hours of their life for so little in return
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best simulation game I saw. Another one is free city, full of roguelike.
    And yes, all the game are open-source and keep developing for nearly 12 years, thanks for the dev team. We trust you for giving such a promising game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Death Panda

    Excellent game for turbo-autists who love highly customizable simulators and have no problem reading the manual.

    Terrible game for retard zoomers who expect to be taught every single game mechanic seamlessly and will ragequit if they see so much as a single tooltip.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a great management game with some life sim mechanics. It isn't exactly the most horny game by itself, but the base mechanics can be really fun after you figure them out.

    The only real negative is how little content gets added. If it was updated more often I'd say it's a perfect game, given it's niche.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    It's supposedly a sandbox, yet it is unplayable without constantly referring to the walkthrough. Every single thing is bound to very specific steps combined with RNG rolls.

    Merely starting to interact with a generic NPC requires some 12-step protocol which is identical across all of them, but has to be repeated with the exact same tedium and without any guarantees.

    Storylines or custom scenes need to be triggered by pretty much aligning the stars, and that is just to trigger the roll for them to be *maybe* triggered. And even after unlocking one part of some storyline, there is no way to tell what is supposed to come next. And what is supposed to come next is usually very specific, usually locked behind some cooldown but sometimes there is a time limit to it on top of the cooldown and often some of the most ridiculous gotchas that have you fail it altogether. And of course, subject to RNG when you align your next set of stars if you somehow manage one step. And your reward from all this -- some generic image from the top image search results for some generic hentai scene.

    Again, you need to constantly refer to the walkthrough or you have no idea what is going on. And honestly, the game does not have nearly enough meat to demand the time and effort it does.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Don't. Just don't.

    If you really want a game with this exact premise but a million times more enjoyable, there's another game who's name starts with "Hentai" followed by a place of education that I'd recommend a thousand times over.

    Jesus, where do I start with this one?

    First and foremost, the idea is a solid one. You are the principal of a moderately sized school, with a pretty hefty amount of students for you to influence in any way you want. Whether that's actually doing your job properly and being a decent human being or, more realistically, corrupting as many as you feel like, it's all up to you. Add that with the fairly large roster of NPCs in the surrounding town for you to also play with and there's definitely some strong ideas in here.

    Unfortunately, that's where they end — as ideas.

    In practice, though, the game is, to put it bluntly, more akin to working a genuine office job than anything resembling a 'game', especially one meant presumably for any sort of pleasure for the player.

    Let's start with the (in my opinion), most important part: the h-content itself. Or in this game's case, the lack thereof. Don't get me wrong, there's actually a pretty large amount of things in this game, but VERY little of it will actually do anything for most people, unless you're turned on by early 2000's style nondescript hentai, or models from a game I played back in middle school that I don't even remember the name of anymore.

    Again, I can't fault the developer for that, as actually commissioning or producing art for the sheer amount of characters there are would be both unreasonably expensive and impossible considering the randomly generated aspect, but that doesn't change the fact that it's not going to do anything for most people.

    There's an extreme amount of disappointment to be had in spending all your time on a certain character you've become fond of just for their "sex scene" to be a single still image of "anime girl #347" and some text talking about how great the sex is.

    On that note, the grind.

    This is, without exaggeration, the single grindiest game I've ever played, and that's including gachas, MMO's, and even EVE Online for fucks sake.

    To put it in perspective, most stats, as far as I can tell anyways, cap out somewhere around 100. This applies to both the player character and NPCs. In order to access most content, NPCs have multiple stats (Corruption, Lust, Inhibition, their Friendliness towards the player, their Relationship with the player, etc.) that have to be raised before any real content for them can be experienced.

    For most NPCs this isn't a problem, as each scene with them can raise or lower their stats by a pretty moderate amount (5 - 10 in most cases) and it comes down to a time investment. That's already one thing, but the kicker is that for important NPCs, like the members of the PTA who you have to corrupt in order to access ANY of the major content for the school, raise their stats in DECIMALS AT A TIME. And I mean numbers such as 0.23, 0.5, 0.12, etc.. How anyone could see that and think it was anything short of a disgrace is beyond me.

    For the sake of honesty, I will say that I used the game's built in debug menu to simply cheat my own stats as high as I could and play from there, and multiple HOURS in I'm still no more closer to actually corrupting my school as I started. This is because, and I swear this isn't exaggeration, the game does everything in it's power to fuck you at any point it can. You thought the important NPCs having 1% the stat gain of everyone else was bad? Try some of them just being outright immune to hypnosis or drugs. Or, even better, try your own hypnosis having a chance to fail no matter what (unless you cheat it not to) and raising your own stats at a quarter of a percent per interaction.

    It's agonizing and feels more like the world's most drawn out CBT session than something a person made for the enjoyment of other people.

    Lastly, as the blinding rage I that compelled me to write all this is finally wearing off, it's just. . . boring. Even once I found a few NPCs I liked enough to spend time corrupting (which took AGES even with a maxed out hypnosis skill, which you wouldn't have until late game and was only as effective as it was because I had the "Hypnosis never fails" and "No hypnosis cooldown" [oh yeah, it has a multi-day cooldown lol]), the best you ever got was them just showing up around town in less and less clothes, occasionally wearing fetish wear, and, if you actually spent time building a relationship with you, being open to fucking wherever/whenever, which would've been genuinely hot if not for the aforementioned static royalty free stock images used for h-scenes.

    There is not a hint of malice in my voice when I say that there is not a single redeeming trait about this 'game', and I'm more capable of using my own imagination to jerk off than this.

    Play HU instead :]
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Cool game, but little h-stuff.

    -Story, Originality
    You are in school and do what you want.

    Simple 2D "paper dolls". And for h-scenes there are hentai pictures.

    Don't remember any sounds.

    Played it 3 times, cheat every time and liked to see the mechanics.

    Works okay.

    Didn't see any.

    Remember only still images.

    -Voice Acting
    No voices.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    A lot to do, a lot to see, but you have to spend too much time.

    I like the mechanics of this game, but it needs some more pictures for h-events.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    i enjoyed this game so much for a lot of reason.
    Fisrt of all you really have the feeling you can gradually change theentire setting by getting slowly but steadily the entire town horny.
    Yourcharacter can also evolve and progress and all of your students too !
    there are some good story quest for some of your student and council member.
    I would love to see more future update
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    The UnHolyOne

    good idea, could be fun. however, seems regardless of ages between characters, you could interact with someone thats 18. and someones that 30. and the images would be indentical during scenes. i feel image organisation is important to portray the scene accurately. theres forced stuff here? i dont see that other than hypnosis. the foundation of this game is good, but the execution is just bad
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer : I didn't went very far in the game.

    In a few words : Too confusing. Even with the explanations, i have a hard time following what i have to do.
    Is this a skill issue ? Yeah, most likely.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Donwloaded this game three times in order to give it a try. And ended up deleting it three times in annoyed frustration after an hour or so of 'gameplay'.
    Don't know if I'm the one doing something wrong, but for me the game was not enjoyable.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    I really like the idea of steadily practicing and improving mind control ability in a densely populated world, but I hate that the sex scenes are just random hentai pictures with no connection to the person you're fucking. I don't see why those "paper doll" style procedurally generated characters couldn't be expanded to include sexual positions (not that even really like how the paper dolls look all that much, but it's better than something that's completely unrelated).
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Good sandbox with bunch of fetishes,
    But, there always a but. Small one, nonconsistent exsist only in story quests. There no game mechanics for it. And a big one, 90% of game locked behind the story quests, and they need too much grind and ingame time to complete.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Reviewing these kinds of games always feels a bit like kicking a puppy as a lot of games on this site are half-arsed and abandoned almost immediately while this game has a dedicated community behind it who have stuck with this project for years.

    Hentai High School + is kind of three games in one:

    - Firstly, it is school management game in that you're put in charge of a school and you have to hire teachers, manage intake, balance budgets, plan schedules, and expand the curriculum in a way that keeps parents happy. If parents are happy, you get money, more money means more teachers and investment etc. It's a bit like football manager.

    - Secondly, it's a game of political intrigue as aside from managing the school, you are also in the business of trying to debauch the students and this is done by implementing policies like sex-ed classes, shorter uniforms, allowing dating and un-monitored internet access. While good grades and happy pupils may get you part of the way, you also need to win over the school's PTA association and in order to do that, you have to seduce, blackmail, or otherwise coerce them into supporting you in key votes.

    - Thirdly, it's a sandbox porn game and while the game automatically generates hundreds of people who can all theoretically be seduced, a lot of these people also have quest-chains that you can stumble into.

    The boundaries between the three games all blur into one another but in order to get anywhere with this game you really need to engage with all three.

    For me, this game fails as a result of one solitary design choice. It's a choice that other games have made and which would, in theory, be easy to reverse, but the sheer scale of this game makes it really evident and really oppressive.

    The problem is that this is one of those games where you manage your life and grind away at a variety of tasks in order to get your stats up and improve your relationships. This is howe sandbox games work and I kind of enjoy the way the grind turns my brain to pudding for extended periods of time. The problem is that in addition to grinding for hours and hours, the game hides its content not only behind time-and-place specific triggers but also behind percentage chances. In other words, you can spend hours getting both yourself and an NPC to the point where you can hook up, you can even be in the right place at the right time to make that hook up happen, but because the designers have decided that the event only triggers in 30% of cases, you have to keep coming back to that precise spot over and over again until the event triggers.

    That shit is simply maddening especially when you consider that a lot of these quest-chains are incomplete or buggy so there is literally no way of telling whether you failed to trigger an event because a) you're supposed to fail 70% of the time, b) because your stats aren't right, or c) because that content doesn't actually exist.

    This means that it's pretty much impossible to engage with any of the quest-chains without a walkthrough and a lot of the walkthroughs are incomplete, outdated, flat-out wrong, and further complicated by the fact that the percentage trigger system makes it impossible to distinguish between failing to trigger an event because a) you're supposed to fail 70% of the time, b) because the walkthrough is wrong, or c) because that content is inaccessible due to bugs or re-writes.

    If the devs were to remove the percentage trigger mechanic this game would become 100 times better in an instant.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Update: So I felt pretty bad about reviewing this game after only barely interacting with it so I tried to do a full playthrough. Remember when i said this game felt a bit grindy? Turns out it is not a bit grindy, it's outrageously grindy. Like top 1% of grind of all games on this site, yes, even the Russian ones. So many stats go up like 0.6% every time you repeat an action, and one mistake drops them 25%. And of course there are literally a thousand people in town to grind up.

    So anyway I did the questlines for each teacher to finally get some movement from the PTA--a necessary requirement to access 90% of the content in the game but was constantly cockblocked by the gym teacher. For some reason I was completely unable to get his questline to trigger which meant he would veto every even slightly interesting policy change. Having the PTA run like the UN where every single member can veto any vote is an interesting but annoying choice. Eventually I cried uncle and opened up the helpfully provided debug menu to max out his corruption stat so I could finish the review. Even at the end I had never managed to get his quest to go, and even in sleep and with my stats maxed out he seemed completely immune to hypnotism and drugs.

    As you may have noticed I did not change the star rating on this review. Even after so many hours and finally unlocking the sex content it was just more of the same. The reputation stat started to become a major issue since things like winning the swim meet no longer increased reputation (because my students were caught fucking afterwards) and even when the town started becoming corrupt they would still be utterly scandalized if my character popped a boner in public underneath his highly concealing tailored suit.

    But I need to talk about the grind again because I really didn't explain just how often the game will be like "repeat this scene 16(!!) times to advance to the next stage, where you need to repeat the next scene another 16 times. The scene is only available during certain time periods on the weekends in a specific place, don't forget. And then of course you're getting calls from people you seduced early on demanding a date today or you will lose your progress with them. There is a mad scientist questline that not only requires a ton of money but has a high chance of failure at every step and multi-day delays after failures. You do eventually get better at seducing and can unlock the generic sex scenes pretty quickly with most characters, not that you need or what to at that point. The class management system still requires you to make a spreadsheet to plan it out, although once you've finally unlocked absolutely everything it does finally fit neatly into the schedule, but it is a bewildering level of complexity for a porno game. Unlocking everything requires dozens of hours of play. I'm not exaggerating here. Multiple dozens of hours. Oh, and the saves may not carry forward between versions, apparently the game is a bit buggy in this regard. Why is it always the grindiest games that don't have good save compatibility?!?

    So you are probably thinking "If this game is so big it must have a ton of content behind all of these systems", but that's really not the case. So many times you will grind and grind and grind to unlock some feature only to discover that it has between zero and one associated scenes. For example, there is a BDSM club that has no scenes. A "student models" option for biology classes with no scenes. A MAID club with a single picture. A music club that has nothing. A "playing doctor" club that has only two scenes. A student trip on the sex train that happens only once. The devs seem far more interested in adding complexity and grind instead of reward.

    Full disclosure, I used the cheats twice. Once to corrupt the gym teacher, and another time to add reputation because I wanted to see the hospital content and there was no chance of getting it up that high naturally. The guide I had said there were a lot of scenes in the hospital, but it seemed pretty thin to me.

    Version Reviewed: v1.10.4.2

    Overview: Turn to page 37, column 5, subsection 4.2 of your non-enrolled student relationship matrix...

    Story: You are a recently fired teacher who is suddenly hired on as the principal of a failing high school. Your job is to turn the school around, or maybe just to date every single other person in the game.

    Gameplay: In a word: Overwhelming. The game starts off by generating literally hundreds of other people to inhabit the world. All of which you can interact with using a somewhat clunky menu system, none of which will have any content for a very very long time. The game has an internal timer, and many actions only take 5 minutes or so so enjoy clicking through literally 75 students on the first week going through the same motions over and over again. Your very first action is to hire teachers and assign them classes and then plan out an entire week's class schedule. By hand. I'm pretty sure I did this right as the grades stat was going up every day, but the feedback was pretty vague. All of the kids though the school was doing horribly when I asked, but as that is the starting state it might just mean I didn't wait long enough.

    After spinning my wheels for a few hours I went back to see if there is a Wiki and lo and behold there is one. It has dozens of events that require you to be in a very specific place at a specific time and the game has exactly 0 hints as to what those times may be. The only hint I got was about the PTA meeting on the first day of school, everything else has to be either stumbled upon randomly (good luck, the game has over 100 locations and time runs by the minute) or open up the walkthrough on a second screen and follow it to the letter. Everything is a monstrous grind. After 4 hours I had barely scratched the surface, none of the girls were more than slightly friendly to me and it wasn't clear what I could do except flirt with them every few days, assuming you can even track them down again among the sea of people the game keeps updating. I kept thinking I must be overlooking a hint system somewhere, because otherwise how the hell are you supposed to be able to play this game? Maybe the hint system is hidden behind a random event with a 5% chance to fire if you happen to be in exactly the right place at the right time?

    Graphics: The characters are paper dolls with a decent amount of variety. There is no chance you'll remember any of them, but thankfully the game keeps notes for you on some aspects of the characters, but not all of them. For example, if you flirt by talking about sports once and it goes well, if you come back 3 days later and try to flirt with sports talk again she'll tell you off for being so unoriginal. The fact that you previously flirted with a girl is recoded, but not what path you chose. Also, as every girl has their own randomly generated personality, only some kinds of flirting work and you have to work out on your own what they might be.

    As for the H content, there are what appear to be low rez stolen art with a few lines of text describing the picture.

    Conclusion: This game seems to have a ton of content, but you practically need to rent an excavator to dig it out of the game. Even when you finally do get it free the payoff seems underwhelming. Games that are unplayable without a walkthrough automatically lose a star in my book. The mind numbing grind is also a rating killer. Having about two orders of magnitude too many characters to keep track of is another major sin. When a game has this many characters you can rest assured that the vast majority of them are going to have copy/pasted content if anything at all. Sure one might be blond and like computers, and another might be a brunette and like music, but all of the interactions are basically the same and the sex scenes are identical. The final sin is that the game engine has no rollback feature, so if you accidentally click twice on a dialog you'll never know what you misssed.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    A game that doesn't lack in ambition, I'll give it that. This is a finished game that's still being updated, but it has been going on for somewhere about 6 years now.

    - Unique. There's really not many H games that goes this far, with as much dedication. Its like a management simulator in an open world, with time mechanics.
    - Fairly deep interaction/relationship gameplay. There's so many stats, mathematics that goes behind the scenes its insane. Lots of things you can do with just one partner, let alone an entire town. This is not a game where you can go from stranger to lover within 1 hour.
    - Legit game. H games has always been somewhat utilitarian in their pursue of male erections. The end result is often 4-5 hours of arse slapping that leaves much being wanted. The game however, can legitimately be a game in of itself, which might be what some people are looking for in their H games.

    - There's no other way to put it. If I must describe this game with one word it'll be 'frustration'. Dumping 6 hours of my life into this game, and I can't really describe what the hell was it that I've done. Haven't even so much as banged a girl, or even gone close. And that's with me scouring every wiki/guide available. Can't even imagine any person doing the so-called questlines without a guide, because chances are good you dont even know it exists.
    - Tedious gameplay when it comes down to it. You're playing as a principal in a game where your presence in the school is not mandatory. 90% of your daily routine would be hypnotizing citizens, and no not for sexual favors unless a kissing pic turns you on. The other 10% is doing various things like reading books, picking locks, and hacking before eventually sleeping and complete the cycle.
    - Perhaps you're asking why aren't you spending time attracting ladies? Well here's the thing. You only have 2 options to boost relationships. Ask them about hobbies, or help them (usually get them stuff, at your expense). After this, the cooldown is about 3 in game days before you can help them again. And you have to actually hunt that girl down too, she's not going to be standing at the same place day by day. Spent like an hour chasing after a specific girl and after that I simply refuse to give further shits.
    - Lots of RNG in this game. Events have only a chance to proct, so you'll likely be in-and-out off the ladies loo trying to trigger that shitting prompt to install a spy cam...for legitimate safety reasons the MC is quick to reason. And that's only the beginning.
    - Complexity that defies all reason and sense. I'll flat out say this. This game needs a wiki, and cannot be played without a decently updated guide. Lockpicking is a fairly early skill that you'll need to complete events with. So where is it locked in? Well.

    First, go downtown to a restaurant that only opens from 8am -> order a meal -> decide to steal a newspaper after your meal -> read said newspaper -> Go to a park in the morning -> get an event from a shady idiot where you have to ask for tips of the trade -> learn lockpicking.

    Now, imagine yourself as a new player in an open world. Since hunger is not a mechanic of this game, in what world will you follow this chain of events naturally? And this one is supposedly the least complex of it all.
    - Substandard H gameplay. Each of these scenes features one pic. Yes. That's your reward for going through those very long chains. No animation, no dragging, not even clicking. Its just a pic each time you decide to do anything H.
    - Did I mention this game needs a guide? Hour one into this game and you're asked to manage the school. Its like being asked to do calculus. Can't lie, if I didn't find a guide in this website I'd given up within 5 minutes.

    A game that's very ambitious, but in its frothing zeal for complexity created something that can only appeal to guys with tons of patience and time. It pays well to remember, that at the end of the day, this game will be played by people seeking to have fun, who aren't going to stick around for 10 hours waiting for this flower to blossom. That's why usually every game of this sort features an easy win at the start, otherwise no one will bother playing it long enough to enjoy its content.

    I can't help but be lukewarm on this game. It might actually get legit good at the end when you get to bang ladies left right and center, but Im not waiting up 20 hours to do so, especially when the H gameplay is but a small droplet in this ocean of tedium. I can finish most management games no problem, this game however is something else.

    Recommended only for tryhards. Because if you're not one then chances are good you would have given up 2 hours into this game. Hell, make it through the 'manage school' screen and you've gone further than most.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I want to like this game, it has a lot of elements that specifically appeal to me like the management aspect and the slow burn corruption. The flexible paper doll character model system is also very nice.

    There is a lot of potential in here that I don't think will ever be realized. The code base is too complex to either be fully utilized or scaled back instead. I hate to say it but this game deserves to die. It should have died years ago.

    The time increments are far too small. There isn't enough fine grain content to justify that. Coupled with the RNG this means a player quickly acquires the habit of repeatedly clicking in and out of a location to trigger a specific event or any event whatsoever. That's just far too much clicking for sensible enjoyable gameplay. I don't see a reason to have the time increments any smaller than an hour, with travel time completely ignored as it adds nothing to the experience. And there isn't a reason why several events can't trigger one after another within that one hour increment.

    The quest design is ridiculously obscure and opaque. There are several things working against it: the progression requirements being too specific and restrictive, the RNG for them being restrictive and unreliable, and the ingame guidance for them leaving out critical information including the existence of cooldown timers or whether the event triggers at arriving in a location or you have to go into a character menu or a location menu. If only two of those three were changed then there would be no need for those extensive walkthroughs that you can't really play the game without.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    I tried to enjoy this game but I just can't. I can't feel any immersion as they're using photos from different sources, anime and games that it ruins the game. Just try to imagine where everything has different art, characters that you know shows up and etc.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    I can't even play this.

    Some of the worst UI I have ever seen.
    The text box is eating 1/3 of the screen when it's not all the screen (hiding the characters)
    The text is extremely small, I had to switch the Window display to 125% and then the text box eats even more of the screen.


    Reading dialogues is a chore. Every situation is greeting us with a wall of text as I have rarely seen. Combine this with the bad UI and small font and it's simply torture to even read 4 lines of dialogue. Ah nope dialogue, I mean characters telling you the story of their life while one or two sentences to give the information you need in a concise manner would be enough.

    I can't even rate the gameplay because the introduction was enough to give me an headache.

    The backgrounds are stretched.
    The characters models are simply ugly.

    Maybe the gameplay might be good.
    But the presentation of the game certainly not make me want to find out.