By the way, could you share the pool where it says that Lyly is a cat XD, no way! XD
Proof of Life #264: Lily's a cat - confirmed! Also, testing, testing, and more testing!
March 17
Hello to you all, boys and girls, as well as our lizards overlords, how’s it going in this fine morning/afternoon/evening? Not good? Well, I posted a funny cat picture, so you cannot not get better after that.
For me, I’m in a not-so-interesting phase of development which entails a lot of testing for the new update. Due to some animations coming a little later than expected for the first spicy scene of the update, I had to delay testing and instead focused on making new content for the past few weeks. That means I have now reached the last part of the update and I’m not even sure if stuff works properly^^
Since this update is smaller than the previous ones, I’m almost done with the main content. I’m currently halfway through the last scene, then I have the extra scene right after that, a tiny bit of story content, and I’ll be done with it. Then, some more testing, adding the freeroam events and TT opponents (and maybe some side stories), and I can publish the new update.
It’s hard to give an accurate date for the new release, but I’d say around early April sounds easily doable. Maybe earlier? Then again, this could always be subject to change if I suddenly drop dead, in which case I’ll update you from beyond the grave (jk, I’m quite healthy).
That’s it for this week! Not a whole lot to say, but that’s probably a good thing. I’ll see you next Monday~
Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful week!