VN - Ren'Py - Her Last Piece [Act 2 v1.1.0] [SpiceMerchants]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this game, I'm a big fan of the cliche of "Evil and Misunderstood" Love Interest stories. I Immediately fell in love with the characters. I noticed Arvenia has two sides her"Romantic Side" is extremely cute and wholesome, you definitely get that warm fuzzy feeling while playing. Her other side her "Yandere Side" came out in a few scenes I'm interested to see how the dynamic between the two sides play out in the story.

    I'm my opinion the Main Character is likeable as well the game gives you pretty much a blank character. Depending on choices though not Major choices it does give you a feel of choosing certain backstories to mold your character.

    I also love the darken concept of the game, more of a goth feel if you will. The art design is beautiful as well the vibrant colors are soothing to me. Pacing of the story doesn't feel rushed, I like when games uses a smaller scope on a handful of characters to focus more on the story without having all those outside interferences (A lot of side characters, excessive dialogue, etc.)

    Only bad thing for me is that it was over to soon, I got so engrossed into the story and characters i was sad to see it go. All in all great game so far can't wait to see what happens next. Best of wishes to the Dev team.(y)
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Joey's Conscience

    Review for [2024-09-10]

    Incredible start to a project

    You play the role of a poor man caught stealing, who was forced into trying to kill the Dark Queen. As you reach her castle you are captured, and forced into her servitude.

    The game does a great job at making the queen's character feel likable, but at the same time manipulative and highly dangerous. The game invites you to ponder if she legitimaly craves affection after centuries of isolation, or to doubt everything she says, as she might have more sinister plans in mind.

    There's a surprising amount of worldbuilding as well. The kingdom you come from, which is painted as hell on earth, blames the war with the queen for the misfortune of its citizens. As you learn her perspective, it's clear things aren't so black and white.

    There are 2 paths you can follow depending on your choices: the "yandere" and "romance" paths. They work on a point based system, but you only get to see your points at the end of the chapter. Currently, only 1 lewd scene varies between the two, with the yandere version naturally being more femdom focused.

    The presentation is fantastic, with great art, smooth Live2D animations and a fully voice acted queen. Good use of sound effects also enhance the experience.

    The one issue this game has right now is a bug where it sometimes kicks you back to the gallery screen. Seems it's tied to the skip function. You can work around it and reach the end of the game, but if you don't want to bother, you might want to wait for the patch. It's being worked on, so I'll assume this will get fixed soon and won't deduct any points from the rating.

    Overall great start, best of luck to the devs.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Excellent game for its first chapter!

    - Nice animations and art style.
    - A bit of freedom when it comes to choices and resisting.
    - Excellent voice acting.

    Things id like to see:
    - CnC femdom

    Im looking forward to the next chapter!