RPGM - Completed - Heroic Princess Millia [Final] [Fairy Flower]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    most of the game scenes are counts inflated from the number of costume options. Unique H scenes is about 20 for the busty body
    The reverted size options are extremely reduced for scenes. About 10 scenes. Most losses with the reverted body do not have any scenes "Not interested in your body"
    Lots of pee scenes. I think there are as many pee scenes as there are human human sex scenes without pee.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    gonna says, this game is good. If you like the premise you should try the game. The H-Scene for me quite basic, nothing special. And yeah, this game really push you to corrupt the girl. Because yes, you can get the V ending buttt. Shes an asshole :b so why should you save her ass?
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I couldn't really get off to this porn game. The art is good but...something about the whole scenario put me off. It feels like playing a fetch-quest where you have to search for one item, get told you can't enter a certain area without some key or other item, search for that item, return and get other item, and then search for the next item in the fetch-quest. It's really tedious. Playing as a complete douchebag (Milia) doesn't help either. I get that you're supposed to understand where the ghost MC comes from when he takes revenge on her, but it's just not hot. I can't stand the drug content either. Disgusting. I got the empire/demon lord ending, but it felt unsatisfying. All that running around and it didn't feel worth the time.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful game, with a charming main character. There are a lot of h-scenes, and, when most are pretty vanilla, you get some surprise kinks here and there. The game is pretty long in itself, and a good experience overall
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is quite unique in what it seeks, to make the protagonist weaker, for this you are going to take certain actions that will take away levels, blessings, weapons, etc. The more you weaken it, the more you can corrupt it.
    The art is pretty good and so are the scenes, except for the loli content.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Mostly downloaded this for the loli content. Believed it was a game where you could always choose when to go into a scene as an adult or a loli, but that wasn't exactly correct. A lot of scenes are locked to only adult or only loli. Which I guess makes sense, some characters have a preference for curvy women and don't want anything to do with a loli, which is respectable, but to me it was a mild inconvenience. Loved the humiliation and suggestive hypnotism. Once I reached the end, I didn't want to finish it because that would mean it was all over. Which is definitely a good thing, means I thoroughly enjoyed the game enough to fear it would come to a conclusion. Wish there was more loli content, but the game did what it needed to. I loved it. Oh, and pregnancy is a lie. Though for those who just like pregnancy bumps and not birth, it's enough. The implication is there. And for anyone who reduced the rating just because of that is absolutely stupid.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is alright, scenes and everything else is fine, great even, but the gameplay is....meh?

    Its lacking in the combat department, especially since it does have some form of combat in it....but its lacking compared to the rest of the games content?

    It might be just me, but if the dev wanted the game to be this way, thats fine by me, just if you were gonna make a non-combat game, dont bother putting said feature in there.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The Steam version's translation that is now available is much better.
    The game is fun and simple, and the art style is cute. There are several dozens of different scenes available, and the dialogues are mildly amusing.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR - Art is good, story is...passible, combat practically doesn't exist, tags (aside from pregnancy) are adequately represented.
    Only play if it hits multiple of your kinks

    (MC --> the girl; PC --> player character, a ghost)

    Story: PC is a prince, closet lolicon, and The Chosen™. MC is a loli who ends up as a princess somehow idk. MC does the le funny "accuse PC of sexual assault and get him executed" and steals his position as Chosen™. PC turns ghost out of sheer anger. The Obligatory Demon Lord™ gives PC mind control powers to get rid of MC. That's pretty much the entire plot.
    As you might guess, MC is an utter scumbag and I have no clue why anyone would want to go virgin route with her. While corrupting her is pretty satisfying, she doesn't really have anything bad happen to her outside, easily avoidable bad ends.

    Gameplay: "Walk around, talk with charcters obviously marked as having H-scenes, lose to some enemies." Every area with enemies explicitly states which clothes have different CGs, how much corruption you need to get a willing version, e.t.c." On one hand, some may consider this annoying handholding, but I actually think this is great, since for a game so shallow being able to navigate around it efficiently is nice.
    Combat is either "kill everything in one hit" (in adult form) or "die from anything in one hit" (in loli form).
    There is a big focus on a level-drain mechanic, but it's IMO utterly redundant, since you'd only need it to see the unwilling scenes for adult character, and half the enemies only have scenes for the loli form (if any at all).
    Also, the pregnancy is entirely cosmetic, as mentioned in other reviews.

    The scenes - are actually pretty good! MC has a wide range of displayed emotions, art is good, there's decent variety and I honestly can't think of an issue with them.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Very nice new concepts . The girl start as a powerful lvl 100 hero and you slowly lowering it. There is also a transformation system to switch between loli and normal that add different interactions and sex scenes.

    The art is okay and there is a lot of art reuse.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is a bit entertaining, but they did recycle the art too much. Most of scenes are a just variations from each other. It also lacks basic scenes handjobs, blowjobs and so, If I remember correctly, there is just one kind of blowjob scene and the art is poor.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Let me see... This translation was not so bad, it is understandable, and for me it is enough to play a game. The general concept seems interesting, the mechanisms are something new and original, and the story is not so bad.

    The biggest problem with this one: Pregnancy here is a scam. There is no real content of pregnancy, except a pair of dialogues, there is no birth, no post-pregnancy interactions, there is nothing. Just a belly and a couple of phrases, but the pregnancy practically does not exist, there is no weight in the game and the history. I think this is one of the classic cases where the dev adds a very superficial pregnancy content to the game just to say: "Look guys, there is a pregnancy here!".

    I played this one with high expectations about the pregnancy, but my hopes were shattered... So, I feel that I can only give a star for the development effort. I do not recommend it at all, it is a total waste of time.

    I am very disappointed with this one.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good game overall, better than "princess knight claris" in everything.
    Lot's of H scenes with somes variations (clothes/lewd stat/drug addict/loli/nonloli)...
    The loli/nonloli transformation is a really good new feature that add scenes variation.
    The CG ares really good and there is very little sensor.
    The drug system need a bit more work imo like 2/3 stages of dependence and more effects based on the differents drugs.
    the MTL is not the worst, you can understand what is going on and that's all.
    Pregnancy is the biggest deception for me since it's just a belly that u can "purify"...
    I recommend playing if you are into corruption,drugs etc...
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Haven't played the other games by developer; but seems pretty good?
    Translation is kinda MTL but the concept is unique enough.
    The scenes seemed to have gone for variability over depth, which means if you are in it for the pictures you're really only gonna see 10 or so different cg. The text (And in some pics minor things like clothes and eyes) change based off of the 'debuffs' or stats you have.

    The concept of actively trying to ruin a character's progress by forcing them to do bad things is kind of cool, lowering levels, getting them addicted to drugs and getting them unfavored by the goddess etc is something I hadn't seen before. I do think some more cgs would have gone a long way though. Overall, translation aside a better than decent game imo.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    played the jap version
    really nice game

    good graphics,
    lots of fetish,
    fem protag
    technically no grinding
    lots of clothings
    loli mode and bishoujo mode

    confusing with mtl

    several bad end and
    actually some interesting good ending ( true end )

    btw weird rating by twitedcat8
    i guess someone who haven't play these kind of level down games before, no idea how can he be pushed to play the virgin route rofl
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    First off translation is not super great, It works but pretty much for pointing you in the directions you should be going, other than that the actual plot/dialogue/etc is a mess imo; though it doesn't seem you are missing much. Douchebag pervert got killed now wants revenge by fucking over his sister that apparently killed him.

    Actual gameplay is just boring since the game is actively pushing you for the Virgin route and your first go, because unless you fuck up badly or are actively lowering your stats, you will not be beaten in combat unless you are a loli who is not leveled up; which means you wont be raped. It is possible to start a sex scene mistake plenty of times by just bashing through the dialogue sometimes so save pretty regularly because if you are actively going for the Virgin route it can be annoying. Side note any anal Sex counts as you losing your virginity so stay away from those scenes.

    Pregnancy content is next to non existent, in you get the belly and some flavour text and that is it.

    All in all this game is just not worth the time and effort which is a shame, some of the ideas and concepts are cool, but the way the game actively punishes you for even think of doing sexual acts in a porn game on your first playthrough is not worth the effort playing through more than once.

    Once you beat the final boss you get an item that unlocks all the scenes you don't have in the recollection room.

    Total playtime for me was probably around 4 hours max. But I was fucking around with different save states seeing some of the scenes before reloading my normal "virgin" route. I say "Virgin" because it seems you have to not lower any of your stars by getting the cursed items to get that ending, I lost 2 stars and apparently it threw me into a different ending. Actual playthrough time is probably closer to 1 hour if you are going for Virgin route.

    I strongly recommend you not play this game. There isn't much there and what is there is a disappointment imo.