I know right, all these excuses that the devs make, it's so damn easy to come up with original writing, artwork, code, programming, the costs behind development, hiring, etc, covid totally doesn't put a strain on people's finances, people were totally not losing jobs or coming under heavy stress under the real possibilities of losing jobs and income, or not making the next rent, the fact that you claim the pandemic is a bad excuse for possible affects on someone's circumstance, clearly shows you come from a place of privilege and ignorance.
I mean, the dev is just drowning in money, almost on par with the budget of subverse.

Please, oh superior one, continue to enlighten us with your knowledge, and feel free to link me to your game masterpieces, I'd like to check them out.
Also, psst... Peter didn't review his own game into 5 stars, you should cry to the users who did, not the dev.