Rewriting this a 3rd time, as I ignored all the grind frustration trying to get to the good part as so many reviews point to, which was a mixed feeling bag.
As a message to the dev, do not take this personally, your game has some really nice parts, some really awful parts some mediocre parts, it is not a bad experience e but not a wow experience either, just take my review and other reviews with a pinch of salt and improve.
For the game itself, I will just grade things, based on my experience with it:
Renders : 4.5 /5
they are nice, they are in my top 10.
Animations: 2.5 /5
not that many, and the ones that were animated looked kinda awkward, maybe 1 or 2 were quite nice but the rest were laggy and the fact that you needed to click a button to "animate" ... why can't people make a damn loop that stops on click or by continue button really that hard ?
Girl Characters: 5/5
The moment I really feel being annoyed by the girlfriend and actually wanted to kick her out it means the character felt real, so thumbs up for that, same thing with Grace and Izumi, they felt real, dialog wise they were pretty flat but they felt real.
Guy Characters: 2 /5
What is the purpose of that guy in risk management I think

) pretty useless dude, wasted wing-man material, and the boss just felt flat, like someone watched Woolf of Wall Street and Margin Call, felt generic as hell.
Story / Conversation: 3 /5
Some conversation were nice, some started to get boring and repetitive and at times especially with Izumi just felt like a boner killer, also at times the story felt disjointed, as quite a few times, i was reading about something that already happened as it never happened, or at some point I had 2 different events at home can't quite remember Alice was there girlfriend got pissed when that cut-scene ended girlfriend arrived with her sister from the airport, that thing triggered quite random and disjointed.
On-boarding / new player experience: 1 /5
In sandbox games , when you have a convoluted UI, with a lot of grind, skill trees, help / info / hints / quest tracking is imperative. Really easy to miss the damn text when you mention that you need to leave for work by 8:30 which gives you enough time for a shower and forced breakfast.
A quest tracker would be a breath of fresh air, have a look at "Cure my addiction" a really smart way of doing a quest list, heck you can even lock it for easy mode if some players want to be hard core, most players are casuals.
And I want to say, what the hell is with that "Opportunities" tab, was that supposed to help in any way, I found myself searching on the forums to see why some thing was not updating just to see that it was just a placeholder until you trigger some new event and than it updates... really ? really ? could you not just say completed and just move on to the next step, anything would be nice... wasted opportunity, take a hint from the cheat mod they even put a FAQ which was quite helpful.
Either way keep the work on this, but if you want it to be a success, find a way to make new players feel more welcomed in the game, you can do better.