4.20 star(s) 290 Votes


Jul 14, 2020
Just for the record i won't quote anyone, because i don't want to have a "fight" with people here...

But please don't talk about things like "How people should act or how weired their brains work."

Because i know from personal experience in my life, how hard PTSD can affect you.

I am now a full grown man, 50 years old ( Haha Mark Takagi i am even older than you), some sort of construction worker (wich means i can say i am not the weakest one), i trained in my youth some Martial Arts (as Sport, not to beat someone up) and i had to serve the Military for 12 month in my Country.

But during this time in the Miltary, i was under the Command from the UNHCR, bc there was a civil war going in Ex-Yugoslavia and a whole City was surrounded.
My Job was to pack food, clothes and stuff in our Military Plane, so nothing serious.....until the day this stuff was given to the people on a market place and an artillery strike happened with alot of dead and badly wounded people...
And my Brain went nuts, bc i felt responsible what happened, even if i didn't pulled the trigger...i started thinking if i was faster or slower during packing the stuff in the plane, or even if i did some silly jokes during it this wouldn't have happened...

Yeah this is how a Brain could work...

But the worst part was, a few days later there were some emergency flights, to rescue as much wounded people as possible, and we normal soldiers helped the medics to bring them to a spot on the airport.
And there were some doctors seperating them into "they could made it" and "no chance, tey'll die and we couldn't help them"
And a helped to carry a Girl near my age then, and she was really beautiful, eben in her condition, bc she was full on morphine and she lost both her legs, bc of the artillery strike.
And the doc said to me "left side".....the bad side.
So i was sitting there and i was holding her until she died and it still haunts me and giving me Nightmares from time to time.

And a few years ago, i made a mistake and didn't locked up my house properly...and in the middle of the night there was a thief in my house and i kicked him out with a fake katana (Martial Arts training remember?).
Happy Ending??
No..couldn't sleep a single night longer than 3 or 4 hours for 2 or 3 years, every noise waked me up and i checked everything with a 9mm gun loaded with pepper spray (extremely difficult in my country to get a real one...unless you have connections to the black market).
Well i reached a point, that i lost my sense in humor, was constantly stressed out and two times i was about to commit suicide, standing in the middle of the night on the railway nearby.
And still i tried to put on a "brave face" for the "World outside" and tried to not show how i really felt.
Until i finally searched for professional help, and (for me more important) i found someone in my life and she helped me more than once in my darker moments.

So yeah people this is how a brain could work and yes with my experience i can say (i know it is just a story, i am not insane...well not that much), the storyline around Charlotte is well written from dB and it is relatebale.



Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
I don't care about the argument, but saying you have to know all 7 billion people to question a character's motives is such a terrible take.

That is not the point. I criticize Emma as she clearly looks younger. The thing tht critique was "no human act like that". That assumes you know every single human being. Can you really anyone claim they are not inconsistent and irrational?

It usually means 'without hyperbole'. I averred that her character and relationship with the PC is literally that of a puppy. Since I was talking about the characters to begin with (not anatomy), that was implied.

Anyway I think the reason you and some others are so pissed at me is because I'm saying that a thing you like is not what you want to imagine it as being, so that you don't have to feel weird or bad about enjoying it. And pointing that out ruins the immersion I guess. So if that is in fact what's happening here I apologise, it wasn't my intention. I was frustrated with the game and wanted to vent, didn't mean to harsh anyone's mellow. Cheers.
First, I do apologize if I was harsh. Your response suggest you are actually reasonable and I tend to be a douche for fun sometimes. My bad.

Now, having said that, let me comment on your response. Inside spoilers to avoid another wall of text

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Active Member
Sep 26, 2020
I thought I was pretty much done responding to any comments about
  • I don't understand why she doesn't have a team of bodyguards.
  • Emma's clearly 4 years old (hyperbole, but that's how silly the claims sound.)
  • Why no sex? blue balls are deadly and you're killing me (because there are no other games on this site featuring sex with which I can alter the colour of my balls!)
but I just can't resist laying it all out one more time.

This is fiction and will take some liberties with reality. About 99.99% of non-historical fiction does this (and probably a lot of historical fiction also.) This is probably one of the least unrealistic games here, and is no less realistic than the majority of popular entertainment. Something very important to consider when evaluating whether the level of realism is good or bad is the in-world context. Given the world that has been set up, does something make sense, even if in the real world it might not?

Anyone who expects Charlotte to behave rationally after the trauma she's experienced obviously has no understanding of trauma. Within the context of the story, her actions make sense to her and therefore they make sense. Beyond that, of course part of the story is going to be sculpted to fit. If she didn't hire the MC, no story.

Emma: some people seem unable to understand different levels of maturity cannot be so closely correlated with age. The story says she's 18; she looks old enough to be 18; she acts younger but that's explained by the context of the story - she's been sheltered and she's shy and practically friendless; she has a major (something not offered at high schools.) The graphics of the college may be incongruous (or not - e.g., a brief search brings up people who go/went to colleges that have student lockers) but that is in conflict with more compelling evidence that she is 18, and proves nothing. So in context of the story, she can be 18 and act the way she does. It doesn't need to be a ploy to get around platform rules.

(This one is particularly odd to me because what do people get out of proving she's younger? What's the prize? If it was a necessity due to platform rules, what do you win by proving that?)

We already covered the blue balls but let me emphasise again: if your balls are blue that's nobody's fault but yours. Just a couple of nights ago I enjoyed a VN that had sex in it. I'll be doing that again soon after I finish this update. Hillside is very clear about what is on offer and that it will be some time before this changes. The complaints are like someone going to a chicken takeout joint and complaining there's no sushi or pasta.

Of course, none of this will in any way affect the number of people making these faulty criticisms. But hey, what can you do?
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Turki 10

Active Member
Oct 17, 2020
I don't know why people don't read the previous comments instead of opening the same topic again. This talk has been repeated more than once and I hope it will be the last
Charlotte is a character who wants to lead a completely normal life, cooks at home and does the laundry, she never thought of hiring a bodyguard even after she was hit because the person who hit her is often gone after a short time She does not want any kind of discomfort in her home, especially since she does not trust men (and by the way, most models take a male bodyguard and it seems that men always have the advantage in this area)Charlotte hired a bodyguard only when she felt her daughter was under threat, and until the last moment in the sauna she thought she should fire Mc. Everything about Charlotte is precisely written, the story is absolutely compelling.Until now, Emma does not know the real reason for the presence of a bodyguard in her house. How can Charlotte bring in another bodyguard? Charlotte is also afraid that any of this will affect Emma's dream of becoming a famous designer. I don't see anything wrong with the story, it's one of the best stories I've ever played.But I see that the problem of some is the fact that there are no sexual scenes, and I tell them that there are many other games that will suit you, of course, but this game will not suit you, perhaps after four or five updates, but now you will not like it, of course
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Active Member
Jul 18, 2019
Copied and pasted straight from my rating:

"Charlotte feels well overprotective and holds an established distrust of men in general given her past experiences, both of which are well warranted given Emma is studying in the same industry and at a rather naive age. This has led to Emma living a sheltered life, unaware of the bullying that can run rampant in society. Charlotte struggles with knowing that she needs to have a stronger sense of safety for her and Emma while knowing that she likely needs to have someone watch over them, even if it goes against every bone in her body.

All of this also plays into the very solemn truth that this shit does get pulled quite often irl but just doesnt get documented and I'm sure a situation of this relevance has occurred before on some scale. "


I don't know why so many people see this as irrational and keep bitching about how there is no sexual content. You hold the type of position she does with as much sexual harassment/assault as she's endured and it doesn't become all that hard to grasp why she's overly cautious when it comes to any man, let alone have sexual relations with one. Charlotte was forced by her sister to hire the MC...what makes you think hiring a team would help assuage her own fears of being assaulted by any one of them? She's lived a life of isolation since then - what makes it so surprising that Emma would have the same lifestyle when aspiring to be in the same industry?

If you don't like the game, don't play it. This is not a game meant to fill your sexual fantasies. It's a plot driven game meant to tell stories and shed a light on a serious occurrence that happens behind the curtains. If it's not your cup of tea, move on :)

Deleted member 1371216

Mother shelters Emma from the dangers of the high society life, not in a motherly way but in a zoo keeper-ly way so all those years Emma's pretty much a caged person meanwhile she keeps making money even though she doesn't need it and should gtfo asap instead of making her kid suffer the consequences. Every LI in this game is either stalked, assaulted, threatened or raped. When you add no sexual content (although it would have been suitable with the story to have it with the aunt and Kaylah) to the bad plot it's understandable why some aren't liking the game. What's not understandable is the people who want to silence any criticism to the game. One minor point that becomes a headache is putting MC in older sis' bedroom instead of the guestroom. If I'm remembering it right the reason why MC wasn't put on the spare room was that there were boxes lol so instead of moving around boxes you get more drama with the other sis. Although she's as unreasonable as her mom so that would've happened either way imo.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
Après avoir joué à la version française pour plus de facilités à la compréhension des textes, je dois avouer que je suis bluffé. Les dialogues et les réactions des personnes sont extrêmement justes et la trame est vraiment prenante. J'adore ce jeu et pourtant, je ne suis qu'à la version 0.9. J'espère qu'il continuera car maintenant, j'ai hâte de connaître la suite, autant dans l'intrigue que dans l'évolution des liens entre les personnes.
Je pourrais critiquer le manque de scènes plus sexuelles mais au final, l'attente et les belles images rendront l'aboutissement comme une véritable conquête. Je suis marié depuis plus de 10 ans et je dois avouer que je ne peux pas réagir positivement à ce que vit le personnage de l'histoire.
Je souhaite de tout coeur continuer le plus vite possible à découvrir cette romance mémorable.
Encore merci, c'est de l'excellent travail!
J'espère aussi que les images offriront plus de sexe mais pas au détriment de l'histoire car il ne faudrait pas la gâcher.
Les modèles sont d'une grande beauté, dans des genres différents mais tout à fait réalistes, ce qui ne gâche absolument rien.
Grand merci et au plaisir de poursuivre!!!!

Turki 10

Active Member
Oct 17, 2020
Mother shelters Emma from the dangers of the high society life, not in a motherly way but in a zoo keeper-ly way so all those years Emma's pretty much a caged person meanwhile she keeps making money even though she doesn't need it and should gtfo asap instead of making her kid suffer the consequences. Every LI in this game is either stalked, assaulted, threatened or raped. When you add no sexual content (although it would have been suitable with the story to have it with the aunt and Kaylah) to the bad plot it's understandable why some aren't liking the game. What's not understandable is the people who want to silence any criticism to the game. One minor point that becomes a headache is putting MC in older sis' bedroom instead of the guestroom. If I'm remembering it right the reason why MC wasn't put on the spare room was that there were boxes lol so instead of moving around boxes you get more drama with the other sis. Although she's as unreasonable as her mom so that would've happened either way imo.
Charlotte is afraid of making Mc share the bathroom with Emma. There are only two rooms in the house with an en suite bathroom, Charlotte's and Suzi, so it was only natural to give him Suzi room.


Jul 14, 2020
Mother shelters Emma from the dangers of the high society life, not in a motherly way but in a zoo keeper-ly way so all those years Emma's pretty much a caged person meanwhile she keeps making money even though she doesn't need it and should gtfo asap instead of making her kid suffer the consequences. Every LI in this game is either stalked, assaulted, threatened or raped. When you add no sexual content (although it would have been suitable with the story to have it with the aunt and Kaylah) to the bad plot it's understandable why some aren't liking the game. What's not understandable is the people who want to silence any criticism to the game. One minor point that becomes a headache is putting MC in older sis' bedroom instead of the guestroom. If I'm remembering it right the reason why MC wasn't put on the spare room was that there were boxes lol so instead of moving around boxes you get more drama with the other sis. Although she's as unreasonable as her mom so that would've happened either way imo.

There are only three Bathrooms aviable...

The one in Charlottes room, the one for everyone (but most the time only Emma is using it) and the one in Suzies room.

And please do me a favor read it slow and carefully:


Fucking Hell, does really so many people don't invest more than 2 seconds on the Text on the pictures.....

Deleted member 1371216

There are only three Bathrooms aviable...

The one in Charlottes room, the one for everyone (but most the time only Emma is using it) and the one in Suzies room.

And please do me a favor read it slow and carefully:


Fucking Hell, does really so many people don't invest more than 2 seconds on the Text on the pictures.....
I clearly wrote it was a minor detail and may misremember it, I played that part months ago so don't sass me.


Jul 14, 2020
I clearly wrote it was a minor detail and may misremember it, I played that part months ago so don't sass me.

Well, we are saying in my country:

"Talking is silver, staying quiet is Gold"

wich means, if you are not 100% sure about smth, it is better to say nothing, so you don't give ammo for a counterargument.

It would have cost (with skipping) just a few minutes to see this scene and than you have propably thought "Well it was better to check it, instead to post a mistake (even a minor one)."
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Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
Well, there's a dialogue in 0.9 that's bugging me.

This is what Detective Carter tells Charlotte in 0.9:


He's talking about the fucking asshole who almost killed her.

BUT he told MC that someone "wiped out" the investigation and that Charlotte didn't press charges against her offender, so he isn't able to tell him who the bastard is. I guess Carter doesn't want to tell him who Charlotte's offender is, although he does know MC quite well.

Detective Carter knows what happened to MC 2 years ago.
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
Well, there's a dialogue in 0.9 that's bugging me.

This is what Detective Carter tells Charlotte in 0.9:

View attachment 1261967

He's talking about the fucking asshole who almost killed her.

BUT he told MC that someone "wiped out" the investigation and that Charlotte didn't press charges against her offender, so he isn't able to tell him who the bastard is. I guess Carter doesn't want to tell him who Charlotte's offender is, although he does know MC quite well.

Detective Carter knows what happened to MC 2 years ago.
Oh well, if he is involved I am killing him too.

When I am done in Hillside it is going to be a very empty city.
4.20 star(s) 290 Votes