VN Others Completed Hilzartov Fairy: Size Doesn't Matter [v1.1.0] [Hilzartov / Mformental]

3.20 star(s) 13 Votes
Oct 21, 2020
ok...from various sources: appearently I need python, anaconda and a windows service pack to decompile an exe to mfa, but i dont think that will work because of sub applications been used in the fairy game...the clickteam forums are having a lot of mentions of "the" decompiler and references to clickteam fusion dev edition instead of free edition
Maybe I need to "accidentally find" that version of fusion on my hard drive...Otherwise ill try the python/anaconda method.

BTW I dont know much coding rlly I just like to Google stuff and find out stuff and just doing this for fun. It's going to be 50-50 of either learning the code or getting bored...Just posting this in case an actual coder feels helped/inspired and steps in hehe. Ill keep you up to date what I find

Edit: persiflage02 sure ill be cheecky and give em a go. writing an e-mail isnt that hard after all:) thx

edit2: just to store the link for safekeeping
its funny how a search query on google for "decompress .ccn file -cnn" only has 3 pages of results though. I dont think im supposed to decompress ccn files but indeed decompile the exe or just use a dev version. So: 90% sure there is no decompressing .ccn into mfa so I can use the free version.

Thats about it for today, 2 hours of googling and testing programs that I have, was fun but work tomorrow
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Oct 21, 2020
oh recieved a quick reply:

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> Lol they even made a typo typing my first name making that response...

So uhm...even if I can fix it (maybe), I would not be allowed to post on this site due to that statement? I mean at this point with the dev being MIA how do abandonware rules work?

my request below in attachment.
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Deleted member 2651761

Vesperr theoneaboveall Yupiel stoped Cat Boy Barg0 bongon Imperz takeshi1 Alex Yao Imperz Heat Miser Ruslan1 EliteForever21 aedirn ssj782 magatsuizanagi Yandere Lover Mirewen lagartha TripleZ Quare the_ominae blackzs Eryzell Abnur_tharn Dudesxx Halversen Hirshum23 falafelswoop Bobveela cavjustica Saraf Yakjzak zib Tonttuvain MadDany hiddenstone JioInzagi JayXLS NiGHTS4life cooperdk jaimyishacking vgaswitcher masterdragonson justanotherone22 xMalakh77x

Here is the Game Developer's email, which he had posted on a public website. He is active. I mean he replied to me after all. If you all contact him about this resolution problem, maybe it will pressure him into actually fixing this game's resolution problem:
[email protected]

As a reward for your help with contacting the game developer, I will suggest two more fairy games that you might like - Faphole Fairy Teetia and Little Life. Please don't accept this reward and try these other fairy games until you have actually contacted the game developer of this game. Thank you. SimplyDex bongon (these people asked for more fairy games. there were a lot of other people who asked for more fairy game suggestions, but I'm too lazy to @ all of them right now.)

PS - There were another half a dozen people complaining on this thread, but I didn't @ them because they decided to just increase their desktop resolution or lower their scaling. So I figured I'd leave them out of it. I also didn't @ BlueKnight because I don't like bothering uploaders, donors, staff, etc. plus he will probably see this anyway. Also, countless other people on other websites complained about this including one of the websites the game developer used to advertise this game - hentai-foundry.

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Oct 21, 2020
hehe ok falafelswoop . added a spoilerwall just to make it less googlable I guess.

Weekend began so upped the drunk today. started immediatly at 5 since jay corona, work at home. Not going to be productive on the python stuff tonight probably...

Aw thx persiflage02. Yeah Ill just try a cheecky e-mail again but then to dev, would save me the python bs. And yes i checked little life and Faphole Fairy Teetia alrdy hehe. Faphole Fairy Teetia is in jap but not a problem:main menu, 2nd option is gallery, then use the arrows on the right to progress scene...who need japanese haha. And little life...Sadly i cannot run any unity games, laptop to old. Thats basically why everyone here who has complains need a fix right? I dont have the nvidea option in my config screen to change dsr (dynamic super resolution) settings and add a higher res to select in display settings, thats how old my graphic card is haha.

Anyways for people who are in the intermediate oldness: AMD and nivdea have dynamic resolution settings where you can up the native resolution up to 4x the regular size:

Deleted member 2651761

Another idea that I had, which I tried many weeks to make work, is to use a program called DxWnd. But I haven't had any luck on it at all. Normally DxWnd is my life savior on all 32-bit games. But I couldn't even get it to fix this mess of a game.

EDIT: I think that I may eventually (when I'm not feeling lazy) contact the DxWnd developer and ask him to see if he can get it to work with this game. Maybe he can work a miracle. He is the creator after all.

EDIT: I sent DxWnd creator a private message asking for his help. If anyone can figure out a fix for this game, it might be him.
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Deleted member 2651761

Thank you for the confirmation - was hoping as the .exe was a newer version.
Twistty TheBlueKnight - I think that we should remove the Might have fixed the 1920 resolution: Here link from the download section because it is misleading, confusing, gives false hope, will waste people's time, and I think we can agree that it doesn't fix the 1920 resolution problem?

PS - I think several people are trying different things to get this game fixed, such as contacting the game developer, trying to modify the files, and I am doing a last ditch effort of contacting the DXWnd developer to see if he can get his program to make this game display properly. I am awaiting his response and hopefully he agrees to try and help (he has been very helpful in the past so maybe he will) and hopefully he does find a solution.
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Deleted member 2651761

The MEGA link is broken now because the uploader had his account banned.
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Oct 21, 2020
In the tool section you can download Ultimate Fullscreen object 1.1 specifically designed to show whatever in proper Fullscreen in Clickteam Fusion games. But you have to recompile the game with it, it not standalone.

So the fix is ready to go, just need to decompile with python/anaconda now and see if my clickteam version works for recompiling, else find a better one somewhere.

Deleted member 2651761

Cool, hope you figure it out justanotherone22. I'm trying a different approach. I contacted the DXWnd developer to see if he could create a DXWnd profile to make the game scenes display correctly on any desktop resolution. He downloaded the game around 19 hours ago, but I haven't heard back from him since. I hope that he didn't die from shock. LOL.

EDIT: Your fix would be better, of course. Because then it wouldn't require additional third party programs to remedy the situation. I really hope you are able to fix it and recompile it.
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Oct 21, 2020
persiflage02 I tried DXWnd myself in trying various programs, thats how I ended up with earlier link hehe. In my case the screen gets stuck on DXWnd logo and only when clicking fullscreen or alt + enter I see a small part of the game. It appears the game reparses stuff each time window changes size. I tried some options with rechecking DXWnd settings for each window change but didnt help. But sure if the DXWnd dev is willing to help thats great (did you get the Japanese guy that originally dev-ed it or the guy who posted it and continues on it?).

I got python 2.7.18 and anaconda and the windows c++ compiler for python 2.7, next to the newest python, anaconda and visual 2019 service pack. Managed to find out the exe to mfa is a special anaconda build someone made that includes mmf parser. The problem I am now stuck on is a zlib error stating incorrect header in the files. Appearently i have to add a way for zlib to detect compression But sadly it didnt work when editing file
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I get invalid syntax error when running with the wbits part in it. I dont think wbits is defined yet...? Also I read something about decompression being less "working properly" in the python 3.x series and I may have to conda to 2.7 in anaconda first. Some leads to go on for sure.

Thats all the research for today hehe. Maybe I need to add the wbits part somewhere else...I donno was a lot of downloading, installing, removing, installing different version and most of all: find a working bimbam anaconda standalone setup with the mmfparser files. The one I had only had a trojan in the win32 standalone to remove. Fortunatly the win64 is fine and just copying mmfparser folder into main anaconda program I downloaded earlier works as well. So just rlly had to extract and mmfparser folder (after the build_all.bat command) rlly... good progress from never having touched python to executing and troubleshooting I think. Most enjoyable
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Deleted member 2651761

justanotherone22 - That's all way completely over my head. I'm a bit of a tech nerd, but I don't know the slightest thing about computer programming and compiling, decompiling, all those programs and tools, etc. And you don't seem to be talking out of your arse. You seem to actually be making progress, I hope. I can't say for certain, but i think it is the later dev. He has helped me off and on for the last several years. I don't think that he is Japanese. So um, yeah.
Oct 21, 2020
persiflage02 Well I am not talking out of my arse if its my thoughts and stuff I am doing....But if we are talking my actual knowledge then lol yeah I am limited. But I just google a lot to come to a deeper understanding. I sure hope I dont have to trace all references from one .py to another to fully traceback all commands and fully rebuild the anacaonda decompiler. But I am methodical and if you break down a problem step by step using the almighty source of the internet eventually only time and boredom are the limit.

As i said stuff i am trying atm is prolly easy for an actual coder but if they all remain silent....I am enjoying "Da hunt for da solution".

Edit: if anyone wants i can post mmfparser and here, or just the github link that includes the complete anaconda build and thus also the trojan in the win32 standalone launcher.
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Oct 21, 2020
Ok, I found the proper location to change wbit settings (zconf.h) but it doesnt change things. I has to be ccn compression that clickteam came up with to make decompiling harder. And then I find:


"opening ccn with vitalize":
"You can open .ccn files as a sub app in another program with vitalize!"


edit: damn I'm running behind...but catching up. Found something:

the downloaded files had a readme:

"CExtract\ Clickteam Extractor
A tool that allows you to extract KnP's .mus and .snd-files and TGF's gam-/CnC's cca-files.
It also has an Image viewer and a Level Viewer."

So now I got those....

"The main program was intended to extract MIDIs and WAVEs from KnP and TGF games"

I knew the .ccn where rlly just .wav's! haha

right...all sillyness behind..Got a CTFreader as well that says it can dump gamedata and exe...
(why is it all linked to FNAF..? because the dev is willing to share mfa...?)
I wonder once i extract data i can bimbam it with proper headers...I prolly have 20 coders laughing at me right now lol but hey gimme a break. And as always: just posting this so anyone who knows more can pick up from there, or its just for safekeeping since I rlly dont trust my HD to live much longer this laptop has been dying for years now...

srry busy with work as well. but at least the clickteam fusion reader is an update to the old anaconda decompiler. Im just hoping more ppl google and find these terms and then post their fix for decompiling somewhere else by inspiration and then I find it. For instance: Last update on "some forum" i've seen is from 19 days ago saying nobody has of yet cracked the new CTF exe compressions so this may be a bit bigger then i thought.

edit2: mental red just asks me if I bought the newer game version (the april 2020 version) from Notaku and if no he wont help me with the resolution error. He says he wasnt aware of any of such errors. I guess its his filter to reduce the number of complaints since I see countless of people buying the game still having same issue...We will see I replied honestly saying I got an updated "free" edition.

This is starting to be a novel of its own. Now I just need to fuck some fairies to find the mfa and we are golden.
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Deleted member 2651761

The developer of DxWnd got back and he had tried different things, but nothing worked. Maybe the developer of this game did fix the resolution problem and everyone else all over the internet has an outdated or pirated version. I don't know. But I don't trust him. And I would feel bad for anyone who spent $10 in good faith, because I have a feeling that they will end up disappointed. I mean if he fixed it, he should have said as much in a changelog and changed the version number to 1.1.1 or 1.2 or something. His whole attitude makes me feel like he was aware of the problem, made a false promise to fix it, never fixed it, stopped caring, was reminded of the problem last week, decided that he still didn't care, wanted to trick people into buying his game anyway, wanted to play mind games, and then wasted all that time doing nothing when all he has to do is take two minutes to open up his latest game, change the desktop resolution to 1600x900, open up the SEX 2 scene, and then see if the controls show up. And if they do, he can say confidently "I just checked, it's fixed. Your version is outdated. You should probably purchase the game." And if it is not fixed, then well he should f'ng fix it.

Deleted member 2651761

Oh, so by the way. I never played this game. Because of the resolution problems and the fact that I did not want to change desktop resolutions just to play it. But yesterday or the day before, I finally caved in and changed my desktop resolution to give it a look. And it sucked. I hated the voice acting. I had it turned down real low and it still bothered me. The art and sexual animations were bland. I could easily just record the sex scenes with a program like Bandicam and then just watch the videos on loop. But I wouldn't do that with this game because there is nothing interesting to watch. I wish that I hadn't wasted so much time with this game trying to figure out a fix and contacting the developer and talking to DxWnd developers. I'm going to unwatch this thread and delete the game now. Total waste of time.
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Oct 21, 2020
Haha understandable. I've seen the loops as a recording and they're not that great yeah. Im just continueing the hunt for the tech challenge aspect of it, have a different kind of fun with the game. had a busy week but this weekend got some time to test new theories.
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