Out of these which type of main character do you preffer (this is a poll just out of curiosity)

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Game Developer
Jan 21, 2022
interesting game. here are my thoughts so far.
  • add an exit game button
  • needs mini tutorial, to learn the controls
  • better sex control than mouse buttons, maybe arrow keys or even mouse itself?
  • using the hotkeys to change window size makes the cum change floors
Ill add ESC as an exit game button next update
I guess sex minigame could have a mouse prompt for it
Huh never considered just mouse itself to control the bar, i think thats a good change tho ill test it.

And yea thats mostly a bug with how im doing cum in floors, the way it works in a nutshell is that there is a tiny canvas per room in which i can draw whatever i want
whenever i want cum on the canvas i draw a tiny cum splatter, the benefit of doing it this way is that a cum filled room takes the same resources as a clean room, the drawback is that if you resize the window
the cum canvas gets shifted or something its more of an engine quirk.

For the time being, if you keep the window size consistant it won't happen, i think i know how to fix it but the solution is a real hassle (save cum canvas in hard drive before resizing, resize, load cum canvas after resize)
A quick patch fix would be to just clean the cum canvas whenever you resize which i suppose would be less inmersion breaking than having cum shifted arround.

Thanks for playing


Jul 5, 2017
Unsure what you mean with reset, i assume you mean open and closing, the game autosaves whenever a day ends/map screen appears, i suppose i could make that clearer
To be more specific, when you exit the game and open it again "drill up" and "rocket thruster" go back to base starting level. All the resources and tile movement upgrades are still working and visually there but for some reason you can purchase the upgrades again.
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Game Developer
Jan 21, 2022
To be more specific, when you exit the game and open it again "drill up" and "rocket thruster" go back to base starting level. All the resources and tile movement upgrades are still working and visually there but for some reason you can purchase the upgrades again.
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Ahhh i get it, noted.


Super Moderator
Aug 15, 2017
Unsure what you mean with reset, i assume you mean open and closing, the game autosaves whenever a day ends/map screen appears, i suppose i could make that clearer
Ah sorry i didnt explain it well.
After closing and reopening the game i am able to re-purchase upgrades in the shop.(spiky wheels for example)
Even tho visually i already have them and they still work.

"Rocket thrusts" and "Drill+" does fully reset tho.

One of the items i had in mind for later on is a humanization fruit, you give it to a girl and their furry head gets turned into a monster girl/more anime style furry girl
a bit of a cheap way to add more variety to the game and please people who may not like furry
Oh? that would be nice, and yeah it would increase verity.
Id suggest maybe also changing the torso to skin if possible, keeping the furry arms/legs to really sell the monstergirl style? tho im unsure if that fits your art style.

Sex upgrades does sound good, you could do all sorts with that mini-game like changing the "hotspot" size or the safezone size for example/ Not forgetting numbers like you mentioned.

Otherwise, Im genuinely interested to see more.
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Game Developer
Jan 21, 2022
Ah sorry i didnt explain it well.
After closing and reopening the game i am able to re-purchase upgrades in the shop.(spiky wheels for example)
Even tho visually i already have them and they still work.

"Rocket thrusts" and "Drill+" does fully reset tho.

Oh? that would be nice, and yeah it would increase verity.
Id suggest maybe also changing the torso to skin if possible, keeping the furry arms/legs to really sell the monstergirl style? tho im unsure if that fits your art style.

Sex upgrades does sound good, you could do all sorts with that mini-game like changing the "hotspot" size or the safezone size for example/ Not forgetting numbers like you mentioned.

Otherwise, Im genuinely interested to see more.
Ahh yea someone else already reported the bug, its on my todo list thanks.

And yea i suppose changing the skin color if they get humanized would be a thing, ill have to see.


Oct 3, 2019
Very cute so far. Would be cool to have more control over how your character looked/gender/whatever. At the moment is it just the bunny girl?


Game Developer
Jan 21, 2022
Very cute so far. Would be cool to have more control over how your character looked/gender/whatever. At the moment is it just the bunny girl?
Atm yea its the bunny girl, wolf girl is almost done, ive had to tweak a couple of things on the animations but she is almost there.

A bit of MC customization could come in a update later
Ill list a couple of ideas ive had for it from, least hard, to "hardest" to implement

One of the items i have in mind is just fruits that change girl color palettes, like characters on a fighting game, i think the MC could consume them and change skin color or whatever.

Another item would be a furryfication? fruit, if the MC consumes it it gives it furry stuff, like a snout, ears maybe a knot.

And finally a body copy fruit, if you eat it you turn into the last girl you fucked with a penis.

Thanks for playing.


New Member
Sep 2, 2021
I thought the bunny girl looked like an alpaca until the comments said it was a bunny girl. Sure. Also, FUCK YEAH GRINDING THAT FUCKING SKILL AND MAKING SOME GODDAMN MATERIALS LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO


Jul 30, 2018
Game looks promising, nice work! As others have said, I like how you're handling the cum system especially. In excess and persistent ;)
Besides the caravan upgrades, I think it'd be fun if some of the shop upgrades were sex related too.
And some sort of internal view cutaway off to the side would fit the art style well.


Jan 31, 2018
Sex minigame takes kinda too long, making the grind annoying to do.

Progress with the character is grindy(huge hopes for some lore) and could use some minor scenes like hj, hug before kiss etc.

Would be fun to find some kind of settlement for quests and with another characters inside those.

Some type of enemy would be good to, like rock monster that you have to drill through for a quest or to unlock hidden character inside of it (rock pussy sounds really weird)

i am a gamer, if something autosaves i hate it, let me save the game 50 times before closing it :< (add save button just for the sake of it)

a bit of advice in case you make some scenes not repeatable, make the scenes in a way that in future if you want to add gallery into the game so that you wont scream while having to remake few parts of the game

Another character can have different minigame to make it more playable in future(same minigame for all can make you scream if you know what i mean)

2 routes may be fun, love/slave route like rape or love stuff

i am enshully games fun so you can ignore most this because i like my playthrough 50h+ xD
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Naga Shark

Dec 23, 2018
So I want to give this a try so bad but every single way to download this game I keep getting this notification when I try to play. Even running it as Admin I still get it.

Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.


Game Developer
Jan 21, 2022
Sex minigame takes kinda too long, making the grind annoying to do.

Progress with the character is grindy(huge hopes for some lore) and could use some minor scenes like hj, hug before kiss etc.

Would be fun to find some kind of settlement for quests and with another characters inside those.

Some type of enemy would be good to, like rock monster that you have to drill through for a quest or to unlock hidden character inside of it (rock pussy sounds really weird)

i am a gamer, if something autosaves i hate it, let me save the game 50 times before closing it :< (add save button just for the sake of it)

a bit of advice in case you make some scenes not repeatable, make the scenes in a way that in future if you want to add gallery into the game so that you wont scream while having to remake few parts of the game

Another character can have different minigame to make it more playable in future(same minigame for all can make you scream if you know what i mean)

2 routes may be fun, love/slave route like rape or love stuff

i am enshully games fun so you can ignore most this because i like my playthrough 50h+ xD
Yea i can see how you may not like autosave, id say manual saves will come in later
once the save system gets settled in, meanwhile ill have cheat code in the game that just gives you a lot of materials
if you don't want to grind

Id say i would first get most variety i can from the current minigame before introducing a new one
even if i introduced a new one i think they wouldn't get that much complex

If you want lore or more unique interactions i think the next girl has a few scenes that will make you happy

Thanks for playing


Aug 30, 2020
Pretty interesting game so far, i like the art and the animations are neat.
That being said, have you thought about adding some kind of item that could grant you more love/heart tokens next time you have sex with the girl? Like an aphrodisiac or something, that way you could cut down on some of the grinding for said tokens.

Also, maybe you could leave a girl in charge of a drill, then said drill could passively gather resources and give them to you next time you visit that tile, but if you just leave the girl there their love decreasesover time or something


Game Developer
Jan 21, 2022
Hey everyone here is how my todolist for the next patch is lookingTODO
Wolf girl dialogue
Kiss dialogue
Cheat code
Sex hp up item
Save girls by looping through array rather than array directly
Tweak ingame bunny sprite

Changelog #3
Wolf girl added
Special sex dialogue for girls if you have both

Game can now be closed by pressing "escape"
Added the ability to move the camera with WASD/Arrows
Having sex no longer locks camera zoom
You can cum earlier by holding space while having sex
You can advance time by pressing space if you are on the "wagon idle" screen (aka not map/sex/shop)
Added a "Saving" text whenever the game saves

Shop stock doesn't save
Fixed bug where if you kiss a girl on the last time segment the map screen doesn't show up

Tweaked bunny portrait
Day over screen added

Also a sample of the wolf girl range of expressions

wolf_sample (1).png


Game Developer
Jan 21, 2022
Pretty interesting game so far, i like the art and the animations are neat.
That being said, have you thought about adding some kind of item that could grant you more love/heart tokens next time you have sex with the girl? Like an aphrodisiac or something, that way you could cut down on some of the grinding for said tokens.

Also, maybe you could leave a girl in charge of a drill, then said drill could passively gather resources and give them to you next time you visit that tile, but if you just leave the girl there their love decreasesover time or something
The heat stat is going to be used for that, i think if you get a girl to high heat they would be faster when having sex and just have sex with you on the spot
so an item that just increases the heat stat should do the job.

I think leaving girls on maps feels like just be a bit too much micro managing
i think the way it works currently where you can increase your collect range with an item is fine

It is extremelly grindy on the current build because, you are not really supposed to get it in the current build
later builds will have more balanced out prices
On the final build of the game i would hope to have atleast 2 girls per biome maybe 3 on the starting ones so 18'ish girls in total
that plus all of the customistation items id like to have would make it so you get a whole lot more variety throught the experience.

Thanks for playing.


Apr 7, 2017
Hey sorry to bother you about this, notice this bug? not sure but whenever your doing a kissing or sex action and the time rolls over to the next day it auto skips your "movement" turn so if that is your last action of the day you can't go grathering resources.

Not sure if this is already reported or not. just adding my two cents and hoping that thus gets more development. :)
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