Puppet Master

Active Member
Aug 21, 2018
Yvette needs to have a lust of 85 but can be in either outfit at reception to get the event at midnight. However, she has a cool down period of 3 days -- meaning that after she does it once, even if her lust is above 85, you have to wait 3 days before she'll do it again.

I added
name.receptionwear = (0-1)
to my FAQ.
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Jan 1, 2019
I'm a lazy hacker.

When setting the MC's lust, I use player.lust = 99 instead of player.lust = 100 because the "1" and "0" are so far away from each other :)
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Puppet Master

Active Member
Aug 21, 2018

I added these to my FAQ:

12) How do I start the quest to find out about Eva's breasts? How do I finish it?
First you need to talk to Eva about her breasts. She needs to be in her skimpy bikini, then take a closer look at her on the beach. She will tell you that she always wanted to have big breasts and had operations to make that happen. This can also happen in the elevator when she puts on a show for you. After that, let her win the Butt or T-shirt contest and meet her in your room. You will then be bold enough to talk to her about how her breasts got so big. She will tell you that her former boyfriend's rich father paid for the operations, but it was Joy who fixed everything so that her breasts are actually natural. Then you can talk to reception to find out when Joy comes to the island again. Joy will meet with you in her office to give you the technical details of what she did for Eva.

14) How do I get Yvette to flash me at reception? How do I fuck Yvette at reception?
If her lust is high enough, Yvette will flash you at reception in either outfit when you choose flash from her intimate actions. However, to get the achievement, she needs to be in her sexy reception outfit, then ask her for help by clicking on her. She will tell you about her outfit and ask if you want to see her topless. Say yes, and tell her you like big boobs to get the whole scene.
To fuck Yvette, she needs to be working evening shift at reception. Her lust needs to be 85 or above, and she can be in either outfit. You need to visit her at midnight exactly. If she has moved to the nightbar, ring the bell to call her, then move to the bar and back. The scene will start with her turning down the lights, compliment her, then you if your endurance is high, you will get the option to cum all over her while you both masturbate or stop and have sex with her. Both scenes are hot and have achievements. Do which ever one you like or need.


Nov 9, 2017
How many days into the game should i expect to be moved into the new room? I am 28 days into the game with new room change.

Puppet Master

Active Member
Aug 21, 2018
Added to my FAQ:

30) How do I unlock the player's new room?
A message will be slipped under your door saying that a new room is available. Go to reception and ask for help by clicking on the girl at work there. She will tell you to come back between 8 and 10pm when Jennifer is not working (Sun. or Wed.). When you arrive at reception at the stated time, Jennifer will be summoned to give you a tour of the new room. After taking the tour, ask at reception again, and the receptionist will tell you to return tomorrow after Joy has been consulted. The next day, the receptionist will tell you to check with Jennifer. She will tell you Jennifer's room number if you don't have it already. When you visit Jennifer by clicking on the visit icon, she will tell you to collect 30 sperm samples for her. She will tally them up as you drop them off. When you get to 30 samples, she will tell you that the room is available. Go to reception to get the new key. Also, you can get your three special picture frames for 150 credits each, so you'll want to get 450 credits as quickly as you can.
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